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数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|MTH2141

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|Integral closure of ideals

The subject was originally approached by H. Prüfer, later taken up by several authors, including Krull. One important source of problems is the theory of complete ideals in 2-dimensional regular local rings developed by O. Zariski in [169, Appendix 5], while a full update is in the book [150], parts of which were used in its essence in the following brief account.

Definition 2.2.12. Let $R$ be a ring and $I \subset R$ an ideal. An element $a \in R$ is said to integral over $I$ if it satisfies a polynomial $f(x) \in R[x]$ of the form
x^{m}+a_{m-1} x^{m-1}+\cdots+a_{1} x+a_{0}
for some $a_{i} \in I^{i}$, for all $i$.
The following is an analogue of Proposition 2.2.1.
Proposition 2.2.13. Let $R$ be a ring and $I \subset R$ an ideal. Given $a \in R$, the following are equivalent:
(i) $a \in \tilde{I}$.
(ii) There exists a finitely generated $R$-module $M$ such that $a \in I M:{R} M$ and such that $0:{R} M \subset \sqrt{0}:_{R} a$

Proof. (i) $\Rightarrow$ (ii) Since an equation of integral dependence of $a$ involves finitely many elements of $I$, it is clear that there exists a finitely generated subideal $J \subset I$ such that $a$ is still integral over it. But an equation of integral dependence of $a$ of degree $n$ implies that $a^{n} \in\left(J^{n}, J^{n-1}, \ldots, J a^{n-1}\right)=J(J, a)^{n-1}$. From this follows that $(J, a)^{n} \subset J(J, a)^{n-1}$,

a(J, a)^{n-1} \subset(J, a)^{n} \subset J(J, a)^{n-1} \subset I(J, a)^{n-1}
Setting $M:=(J, a)^{n-1}$ is a solution of the problem, since if $b \in R$ kills $M$ then in particular it kills $a^{n-1}$, hence $b \in \sqrt{0}:_{R} a$.
(ii) $\Rightarrow$ (i) Apply the same method as in the proof of Proposition 2.2.1, (iii) $\Rightarrow$ (i), to a finite set of generators of $M$, using the hypothesis $a M \subset I M$, obtaining a certain square matrix $\mathcal{A}$. Then use the idea in Remark $2.2 .2$ to $\operatorname{derive} \operatorname{det}(\mathcal{A}) M=0$ and then apply the remaining hypothesis to get an equation of integral dependence of the form $(a \operatorname{det}(\mathcal{A}))^{l}=0$ for some $l$.

The set of all elements of $R$ integral over $I$ is called the integral closure (in $R$ ) of $I$, here denoted $\tilde{I}$. By extension, any intermediate ideal $I \subset J \subset \tilde{I}$ will be said to be integral over $I$.

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|Krull dimension and Noether normalization

The basic element of this part is a finite chain of prime ideals
P_{0} \subsetneq P_{1} \subsetneq \cdots \subsetneq P_{n}
The length of the chain ( is the integer $n$. The next definition mimics somewhat the version of the dimension of a vector space by means of chains of subspaces. Yet, its impact is far greater allowing for introducing new invariants not found in the case of vector spaces.

Definition 2.3.1. The height of a prime ideal $P \subset R$ is the maximum of the lengths of chains of prime ideals whose top is $P$ :
P_{0} \subsetneq P_{1} \subsetneq \cdots \subsetneq P_{n}-P
One denotes this maximum by ht $(P)$ or ht $P$. A chain of primes as above is said to be saturated if no prime ideal can be properly inserted in the chain so as to increase its length. There is no offthand reason for ht $(P)$ to be actually a (finite) number. There are two types of obstruction: first, in principle a given chain may not be extended to a (finite) saturated one; second, there may be saturated chains of ever increasing length. Later one will show that for certain rings-Noetherian rings $-\mathrm{ht}(P)<\infty$ for any prime, but this is by no means a trivial result.

An alternative terminology is often used: the codimension of $P(\operatorname{denoted} \operatorname{cod} P)$. This is a slight abuse inherited from the special case where ht $P$ is a true codimension in the ambient ring $R$ and will mainly be used in those cases.
By a similar token, one can introduce the following notion.
Definition 2.3.2. The (Krull) dimension of the ring $R$ is the maximum of the heights of its prime ideals.

The dimension of $R$ will be denoted $\operatorname{dim} R$. Like for height, there is even less chance that an arbitrary ring have finite Krull dimension, as prime ideals might turn out to admit ever increasing heights. There are even examples of Noetherian rings with infinite Krull dimension (see Example 2.5.9).
This notion can be extended to an arbitrary ideal $I \subset R$ by setting
\text { ht } I:=\min {h t P \mid P \supset I \text { a prime ideal }} .
Clearly, one may restrict to the minimal prime overideals of $I$ in $R$-when $R$ is Noetherian, these will be finitely many (Proposition 2.5.20).

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|Noether normalization and the dimension theorem

The following result is due to E. Noether (see History $2.8 .3$ below).
Theorem 2.3.5 (Noether normalization). Let $R$ denote a finitely generated algebra over a field $k$. Then there exists a finite algebraically independent subset $\mathfrak{2}$ of $R$ such that $R$ is integral over the $k$-subalgebra $k[\mathfrak{A}]$.

Proof. The proof given here only works in the case where $k$ has an infinite number of elements $-$ the case where $k$ is a finite field will be left to the curious reader.

Write $R=k\left[x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right]$ and induct on $n$. If $n=0$, take $\mathfrak{A}=\emptyset$. Assume that $n \geq 1$. If the set $\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}$ is algebraically independent over $k$ (i. $e ., R$ is a polynomial ring over $k$, then one is done with $\mathfrak{A}=\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}$. Thus, assume that $\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}$ is algebraically dependent over $k$.

Take a nonzero polynomial $F$ in the polynomial ring $k\left[X_{1}, \ldots, X_{n}\right]$ (note the capital $X^{\prime}$ s) such that $F\left(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right)=0$. One may assume that the term in $X_{n}$ does not vanish.

Claim. Let $\mathrm{a}{i}=x{i}-c_{i} x_{n}$, for $i=1, \ldots, n-1$ and $c_{i} \in k$. Then, for suitable choice of the $c_{i}$ ‘s, $R$ is integral over its subalgebra $k\left[a_{1}, \ldots, a_{n-1}\right]$.

Note that, by the inductive assumption, the content of the claim is all that is needed. Thus, one proceeds to prove the claim. Note that $x_{i}=\mathfrak{a}{i}+c{i} x_{n}$, so substituting upon $F\left(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right)=0$ gives $F\left(a_{1}+c_{1} x_{n}, \ldots, a_{n-1}+c_{n-1} x_{n}, x_{n}\right)=0$. Let $f\left(X_{1}, \ldots, X_{n}\right)$ denote the term of $F$ of highest degree in $X_{n}$. Then, expanding the left-side as a polynomial in $x_{n}$, the term of highest degree has the form $x_{n}^{r} f\left(c_{1}, \ldots, c_{n-1}, 1\right)$, for some integer $r \geq 1$. Therefore, since $f\left(c_{1}, \ldots, c_{n-1}, 1\right) \in k$, provided this coefficient does not vanish, one gets an equation of integral dependence of $x_{n}$ over the subalgebra $k\left[a_{1}, \ldots, a_{n-1}\right]$, as required in the claim.

In order to make sure that $f\left(c_{1}, \ldots, c_{n-1}, 1\right) \neq 0$ for suitable choice of the $c_{j}$ ‘s is where the assumption that $k$ is infinite comes in. Indeed, suppose that $f\left(c_{1}, \ldots, c_{n-1}, 1\right)$ vanishes for any choice of $\left(c_{1}, \ldots, c_{n-1}\right) \in k^{n-1}$. Thus, one is saying that the nonzero polynomial $g=f\left(X_{1}, \ldots, X_{n-1}, 1\right)$ in $n-1$ variables vanishes for every $\left(c_{1}, \ldots, c_{n-1}\right) \in k^{n-1}$, an infinite vector space. From this, one can derive the existence of a nonzero polynomial in one variable over the same $k$ with an infinite set of roots, which is absurd.

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数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|Integral closure of ideals

该主题最初是由 H. Prüfer 提出的,后来被包括 Krull 在内的几位作者提出。问题的一个重要来源是 O. Zariski 在 [169, 附录 5] 中提出的二维规则局部环中的完全理想理论,而在书 [150] 中有完整的更新,其中部分内容在其在下面的简要说明中的本质。

定义 2.2.12。让R成为一个戒指和我⊂R一个理想。一个元素一个∈R据说积分超过我如果它满足多项式F(X)∈R[X]形式的

对于一些一个一世∈我一世, 对所有人一世.
以下是提案 2.2.1 的类似物。
提案 2.2.13。让R成为一个戒指和我⊂R一个理想。给定一个∈R, 以下是等价的:
(ii) 存在一个有限生成的R-模块米这样一个∈我米:R米并且这样0:R米⊂0:R一个

证明。(一世)⇒(ii) 由于积分相关的方程一个涉及有限的许多元素我, 显然存在一个有限生成的子理想Ĵ⊂我这样一个仍然是不可或缺的。但是一个积分依赖方程一个学位n暗示一个n∈(Ĵn,Ĵn−1,…,Ĵ一个n−1)=Ĵ(Ĵ,一个)n−1. 由此得出(Ĵ,一个)n⊂Ĵ(Ĵ,一个)n−1,


环境米:=(Ĵ,一个)n−1是问题的解决方案,因为如果b∈R杀死米然后特别是它会杀死一个n−1, 因此b∈0:R一个.
(二)⇒(i) 应用与证明 2.2.1 相同的方法,(iii)⇒(i), 到有限的一组生成器米, 使用假设一个米⊂我米,得到某个方阵一个. 然后使用 Remark 中的想法2.2.2至派生⁡这⁡(一个)米=0然后应用剩余的假设得到形式的积分依赖方程(一个这⁡(一个))l=0对于一些l.

的所有元素的集合R积分超过我称为积分闭包(在R) 的我, 这里表示我~. 通过扩展,任何中间理想我⊂Ĵ⊂我~会说是积分超过我.

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|Krull dimension and Noether normalization


链的长度(是整数n. 下一个定义通过子空间链在一定程度上模仿了向量空间的维数。然而,它的影响要大得多,允许引入在向量空间中没有的新不变量。

定义 2.3.1。素数理想的高度磷⊂R是其顶部为的素理想链的长度的最大值磷 :

一个用 ht 表示这个最大值(磷)或 ht磷. 如果没有理想的素数可以适当地插入链中以增加其长度,则称上述素数链是饱和的。ht 没有临时的理由(磷)实际上是一个(有限的)数字。有两种类型的阻塞:第一,原则上给定的链可能不会延伸到(有限的)饱和链;其次,可能存在长度不断增加的饱和链。稍后将证明对于某些环——诺特环−H吨(磷)<∞对于任何素数,但这绝不是一个微不足道的结果。

经常使用另一种术语:codimension of磷(表示⁡鳕鱼⁡磷). 这是从 ht 的特殊情况继承的轻微滥用磷是环境环中的真实余维R并将主要用于这些情况。
定义 2.3.2。环的 (Krull) 维数R是其素理想高度的最大值。

的维度R将表示暗淡⁡R. 与高度一样,任意环具有有限克鲁尔维数的可能性更小,因为素数理想可能会承认高度不断增加。甚至还有无限克鲁尔维数的诺特环的例子(见例 2.5.9)。

 H T 我:=分钟H吨磷∣磷⊃我 一个首要理想 .
显然,可以限制为我在R-什么时候R是 Noetherian,这些将是有限多的(命题 2.5.20)。

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|Noether normalization and the dimension theorem

以下结果归功于 E. Noether(参见历史2.8.3以下)。
定理 2.3.5(Noether 归一化)。让R表示域上有限生成的代数ķ. 那么存在一个有限代数独立子集2的R这样R是积分的ķ-次代数ķ[一个].


写R=ķ[X1,…,Xn]并感应n. 如果n=0, 拿一个=∅. 假使,假设n≥1. 如果集\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}是代数独立的ķ(一世。和.,R是一个多项式环ķ,然后一个完成\mathfrak{A}=\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}\mathfrak{A}=\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}. 因此,假设\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}\left{x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right}在代数上依赖于ķ.

取一个非零多项式F在多项式环中ķ[X1,…,Xn](注意大写X′s) 使得F(X1,…,Xn)=0. 可以假设术语在Xn不会消失。

宣称。让一个一世=X一世−C一世Xn, 为了一世=1,…,n−1和C一世∈ķ. 然后,为了合适的选择C一世的,R是其子代数的积分ķ[一个1,…,一个n−1].

请注意,通过归纳假设,声明的内容就是所需要的。因此,人们继续证明这一主张。注意X一世=一个一世+C一世Xn, 所以代入F(X1,…,Xn)=0给F(一个1+C1Xn,…,一个n−1+Cn−1Xn,Xn)=0. 让F(X1,…,Xn)表示F最高学位的Xn. 然后,将左侧扩展为多项式Xn, 最高程度的项具有形式XnrF(C1,…,Cn−1,1), 对于某个整数r≥1. 因此,由于F(C1,…,Cn−1,1)∈ķ,如果该系数不消失,则得到一个积分依赖方程Xn在子代数上ķ[一个1,…,一个n−1],如索赔中所要求的那样。

为了确保F(C1,…,Cn−1,1)≠0对于合适的选择Cj是假设ķ是无限的。确实,假设F(C1,…,Cn−1,1)消失的任何选择(C1,…,Cn−1)∈ķn−1. 因此,有人说非零多项式G=F(X1,…,Xn−1,1)在n−1每个变量都会消失(C1,…,Cn−1)∈ķn−1,一个无限的向量空间。由此,可以推导出在一个变量中存在一个非零多项式ķ有无限的根,这是荒谬的。

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