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A novel numerical method and its convergence for nonlinear delay Volterra  integro‐differential equations - Mahmoudi - 2020 - Mathematical Methods in  the Applied Sciences - Wiley Online Library
数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考| Integral Equations

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Integral Equations

Integral equations contain integrals with unknown functions in their integrands. This textbook uses the following types of the integral equations:

  • Volterra integral equation of the first kind with respect to the unknown function $x(t)$ of the one-dimensional independent variable $t \in[a, b]$ :
    \int_{a}^{t} K(t, \tau) x(\tau) \mathrm{d} \tau=f(t), \quad t \in[a, b]
    where the function $f(t)$ and the kernel $K(t, \tau)$ are given functions.
  • Volterra integral equation of the second kind
    x(t)=\int_{a}^{t} K(t, \tau) x(\tau) \mathrm{d} \tau+f(t), \quad t \in[a, b],
    is more common as compared to (1.30) of the first kind.
    Equations $(1.30)$ and (1.31) are named after Vito Volterra (1860-1940), a famous Italian mathematician and physicist, who introduced them and developed their theory and applications. The Volterra integral equations are widely used in population biology, physics, engineering, economics, and demography [3].

These equations are well suited for the description of dynamic processes. Indeed, if the variable $t$ is time, then the current state of a dynamic system (process) depends on the past states and cannot depend on the future. Hence, $K(t, \tau) \equiv 0$ at $\tau>t$ for dynamic systems, which is reflected in the integrals in (1.30) and (1.31).

Another major type of the linear integral equations is the Fredholm integral equations, which are described by the same expressions (1.31) and (1.31) where the upper integration limit $t$ is replaced with $b$. This small change causes significant differences in the qualitative dynamics of their solutions.

Despite the similarity of the Fredholm and Volterra integral equations, their properties are quite different. The Volterra integral equations (1.30) and (1.31) generalize the initial value problems for differential equations considered in Sect. 1.3.3, whereas the Fredholm integral equations correspond to boundary problems (not considered in this textbook).

Linear integral equations have well-developed theories. There is a variety of theorems about the existence and uniqueness of solutions for these equations [2]. The theorems differ in smoothness requirements and forms of the equation. In particular, the Volterra integral equation of the second kind has a unique solution under natural assumptions. A classic existence result is as follows:

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for Volterra Integral

If $K(t, \tau)$ is measurable on $[a, b] \otimes[a, b]$ and $f(t)$ is continuous on $[a, b]$, then a unique continuous solution $x(t)$ of the Volterra integral equation (1.31) of the second kind exists on $[a, b]$ and can be determined as
x(t)=\int_{a}^{t} R(t, \tau) f(\tau) d \tau+f(t)
where the resolvent kernel $R(t, \tau), \tau \in[a, b], t \in[a, b]$, is a solution of the following linear Volterra integral equation:
R(t, \tau)=\int_{\tau}^{t} R(t, u) K(u, \tau) \mathrm{d} u+K(t, \tau) .
In particular, if $K(t, \tau)=K=$ const, then
R(t, \tau)=K \mathrm{e}^{K(t-\tau)}
After discretization by the variable $t$, the linear integral equations (1.30) and (1.31) are reduced to systems of linear algebraic equations (1.4). The analogy between continuous integral models and their discrete analogues (1.4) is useful for better understanding and interpretation of the linear integral equations.

However, theory of linear continuous models is much more complex as compared to linear discrete models. In particular, a significant difference exists between the integral equations of the first and the second kind.
Nonlinear Volterra integral equation of the second kind
x(t)=\int_{a}^{t} F(t, \tau, x(\tau)) \mathrm{d} \tau+f(t), \quad t \in[a, b],
is the generalization of the linear integral equation (1.31) with the integrand $K(t, \tau) x$ replaced with a nonlinear function $F(t, \tau, x)$ of $x$.

Hammerstein-Volterra integral equation is the special case of the nonlinear equation (1.35) with the nonlinearity $F(t, \tau, x)=K(t, \tau) G(x)$ :
x(t)=\int_{a}^{t} K(t, \tau) G(x(\tau)) \mathrm{d} \tau+f(t), \quad t \in[a, b] .
A key condition for the existence and uniqueness of the solution $x$ to the nonlinear integral equation (1.35) is the Lipschitz condition for the function $F(t, s, x)$ with respect to $x:|F(t, s, x)-F(t, s, y)| \leq L(t, s)|x-y|$. If it holds, then (1.35) possesses a unique solution $x$, at least, for continuous $f$ and $L$.

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Volterra Integral Equations with Variable Delay

The classic integral equations ( $1.30),(1.31),(1.35)$ take into account the distributed delay (after-effect, hereditary effects) on the interval $[a, t]$. The distributed delay means that a continuous sequence of the past states of a dynamical system affects the future evolution of the system. The integral equations with variable delay occur if the distributed delay exists at the initial time $t=a$ as well. Specifically, the linear integral equation with variable delay
x(t)=\int_{a(t)}^{t} K(t, \tau) x(\tau) \mathrm{d} \tau+f(t), \quad t \in\left[t_{0}, T\right]
with the initial condition
x(\tau)=x_{0}(\tau), \quad \tau \in\left[\tau_{0}, \quad t_{0}\right]
means that the solution $x$ depends on its known behavior $x_{0}$ over a certain prehistory interval $\left[\tau_{0}, t_{0}\right]$. The lower integration limit $a(t)$ in $(1.37)$ is a given function such as $\tau_{0} \leq a(t)<t .$

Equation (1.37) can be solved by reducing it to the standard Volterra integral equation

$1.3$ Review of Selected Mathematical Tools
x(t)=\int_{t_{0}}^{t} K(t, \tau) x(\tau) \mathrm{d} \tau+f_{1}(t), \quad t \in\left[t_{0}, t_{1}\right],
on some interval $\left[t_{0}, t_{1}\right]$ such that $a(t) \leq t_{0}, t \in\left[t_{0}, t_{1}\right]$. Then,
f_{1}(t)=\int_{a(t)}^{t_{0}} K(t, \tau) x_{0}(\tau) \mathrm{d} \tau+f(t)
is a given function on $\left[t_{0}, t_{1}\right]$. Next, this solution process is repeated on a new interval $\left[t_{1}, t_{2}\right]$ with the updated initial condition $x(\tau)=x_{0}(\tau), \tau \in\left[\tau_{0}, t_{1}\right]$, and so on.

The integral equations with variable delay are used for the modeling of economic development in Chaps. 4 and 5. Moreover, in some economic applications, the lower integration limit $a(t)$ can be an unknown control. Then, the model (1.39) leads to nonlinear integral equations with controllable delay (see Chap. 5).

A numerical scheme for the solution of neutral integro-differential  equations including variable delay | SpringerLink
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数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Integral Equations


  • 关于未知函数的第一类沃尔泰拉积分方程X(吨)一维自变量的吨∈[一种,b] :
  • 第二类沃尔泰拉积分方程
    方程(1.30)和 (1.31) 以意大利著名数学家和物理学家 Vito Volterra (1860-1940) 的名字命名,他介绍了它们并发展了它们的理论和应用。Volterra 积分方程广泛用于人口生物学、物理学、工程学、经济学和人口学 [3]。

这些方程非常适合描述动态过程。事实上,如果变量吨是时间,那么动态系统(过程)的当前状态依赖于过去的状态,而不能依赖于未来。因此,ķ(吨,τ)≡0在τ>吨对于动态系统,这反映在 (1.30) 和 (1.31) 中的积分中。

线性积分方程的另一种主要类型是 Fredholm 积分方程,它们由相同的表达式 (1.31) 和 (1.31) 描述,其中积分上限吨被替换为b. 这种微小的变化会导致其解决方案的定性动态存在显着差异。

尽管 Fredholm 和 Volterra 积分方程相似,但它们的性质却大不相同。Volterra 积分方程 (1.30) 和 (1.31) 概括了 Sect 中考虑的微分方程的初始值问题。1.3.3,而 Fredholm 积分方程对应于边界问题(本教科书未考虑)。

线性积分方程有完善的理论。关于这些方程的解的存在性和唯一性有多种定理 [2]。这些定理在平滑度要求和方程形式上有所不同。特别是第二类沃尔泰拉积分方程在自然假设下具有唯一解。一个经典的存在结果如下:

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for Volterra Integral

如果ķ(吨,τ)可测量[一种,b]⊗[一种,b]和F(吨)是连续的[一种,b], 那么一个唯一的连续解X(吨)第二类 Volterra 积分方程 (1.31) 存在于[一种,b]并且可以确定为
解析内核在哪里R(吨,τ),τ∈[一种,b],吨∈[一种,b], 是以下线性 Volterra 积分方程的解:

是线性积分方程 (1.31) 与被积函数的推广ķ(吨,τ)X用非线性函数代替F(吨,τ,X)的X.

Hammerstein-Volterra 积分方程是具有非线性的非线性方程 (1.35) 的特例F(吨,τ,X)=ķ(吨,τ)G(X) :
解存在性和唯一性的关键条件X到非线性积分方程 (1.35) 是函数的 Lipschitz 条件F(吨,s,X)关于X:|F(吨,s,X)−F(吨,s,是)|≤大号(吨,s)|X−是|. 如果成立,则 (1.35) 具有唯一解X,至少,对于连续F和大号.

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Volterra Integral Equations with Variable Delay

经典积分方程 (1.30),(1.31),(1.35)考虑间隔上的分布延迟(后效、遗传效应)[一种,吨]. 分布式延迟意味着动力系统过去状态的连续序列影响系统的未来演化。如果在初始时间存在分布延迟,则出现具有可变延迟的积分方程吨=一种也是。具体来说,具有可变延迟的线性积分方程
意味着解决方案X取决于其已知行为X0在一定的史前间隔内[τ0,吨0]. 积分下限一种(吨)在(1.37)是一个给定的函数,例如τ0≤一种(吨)<吨.


在某个时间间隔[吨0,吨1]这样一种(吨)≤吨0,吨∈[吨0,吨1]. 然后,
是一个给定的函数[吨0,吨1]. 接下来,在新的间隔上重复此求解过程[吨1,吨2]使用更新的初始条件X(τ)=X0(τ),τ∈[τ0,吨1], 等等。

具有可变延迟的积分方程用于 Chaps 中的经济发展建模。4 和 5. 此外,在某些经济应用中,集成下限一种(吨)可以是未知控件。然后,模型(1.39)导致具有可控延迟的非线性积分方程(见第 5 章)。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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