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数学代写|概率论代写Probability theory代考|STAT4528

数学代写|概率论代写Probability theory代考|Parametric Identification

Consider a linear or nonlinear relationship (model class $C$ ) to describe the quantity of concern $y:$
y=y\left(\mathbf{x} ; \theta_{\mathrm{m}}, C\right)
where $\theta_{m}$ is the uncertain parameters contained in the model $C ; \mathbf{x}$ is the measured variable vector. Use $Y$ to denote the measurement of $y$ and it is assumed that the difference can be adequately modeled as Gaussian random variable:
where $\varepsilon$ is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance $\sigma_{\varepsilon}^{2}$ referred hereafter as prediction-error variance, and it is adopted to represent the measurement noise and modeling error. The uncertain parameter vector $\theta=\left[\theta_{\mathrm{m}}^{T}, \sigma_{\varepsilon}^{2}\right]^{T}$ includes the model parameter vector $\theta_{\mathrm{m}}$ and the prediction-error variance $\sigma_{\varepsilon}^{2}$. Their uncertainties can be represented by using the posterior PDFs, and the probability expression of posterior PDF given the data $D$ is written as:
p(\boldsymbol{\theta} \mid D, C)=c_{0} p(\boldsymbol{\theta} \mid C) p(D \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}, C)
where $c_{0}=1 / p(D \mid C)$ is a normalizing constant; $p(D \mid C)$ is the evidence of model class $C ; p(\theta \mid C)$ is the prior PDF of the uncertain parameters in $\theta$, which is based on the previous knowledge or user’s judgment; $p(D \mid \theta, C)$ is the likelihood function expressing the level of data fitting. If the prediction errors in different measured data are statistically independent, the likelihood function can be computed by:
p(D \mid \theta, C)=\left(2 \pi \sigma_{\varepsilon}^{2}\right)^{-\frac{N}{2}} \exp \left[-\frac{N}{2 \sigma_{\varepsilon}^{2}} J_{g}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{m}} ; D, C\right)\right]
where $N$ is the number of measured data; $J_{g}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{m}} ; D, C\right)$ is the goodness-of-fit function, and is given by:
J_{g}\left(\theta_{\mathrm{m}} ; D, C\right)=\frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^{N}[Y(n)-y(n)]^{2}

数学代写|概率论代写Probability theory代考|Model Class Selection

The probability/plausibility of a model class conditional on a database $D$ can be obtained by using the Bayes’ theorem as follows [41]:
P\left(C_{j} \mid D\right)=\frac{p\left(D \mid C_{j}\right) \cdot P\left(C_{j}\right)}{p(D)}, j=1,2, \ldots, N_{c}

where $N_{C}$ is the number of model classes to be considered; $p(D)=$ $\sum_{j=1}^{N_{c}} p\left(D \mid C_{j}\right) P\left(C_{j}\right)$ is a normalizing constant and $P\left(C_{j}\right)$ expresses the user’s judgment on the initial plausibility of the model classes with $\sum_{j=1}^{N_{c}} P\left(C_{j}\right)=1$. In general, uniform prior plausibility can be assumed, that is, $P\left(C_{j}\right)=1 / N_{c}$. The evidence of the model class $C_{j} p\left(D \mid C_{j}\right)$ can be obtained using the theorem of total probability:
p\left(D \mid C_{j}\right)=\int_{\Theta} p\left(D \mid \theta, C_{j}\right) p\left(\theta \mid C_{j}\right) d \theta, j=1,2, \ldots, N_{c}
where the parameter vector $\theta$ belongs to the parameter space $\Theta_{j} \subset \Re^{N_{j}}$ and it is defined in each model class $\left(C_{j}\right)$. In general, Eq. $(1.10)$ involves a high-dimensional integral and it is computationally expensive for direct computation. In the globally identifiable cases, the posterior PDF given large volume of data can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution, so the evidence $p\left(D \mid C_{j}\right)$ can be approximated by using Laplace’s method for asymptotic expansion [42]:
p\left(D \mid C_{j}\right) \approx p\left(D \mid \theta^{}, C_{j}\right) p\left(\theta^{} \mid C_{j}\right)(2 \pi)^{\frac{x_{j}}{2}}\left|\mathbf{H}{j}\left(\theta^{}\right)\right|^{-\frac{1}{2}}, j=1,2, \ldots, N{c}
where $N_{j}$ is the number of uncertain parameters for model class $C_{j}, \boldsymbol{\theta}^{}$ is the optimal parameter vector that maximizes $p\left(\theta \mid D, C_{j}\right)$. The maximum likelihood value $p\left(D \mid \theta^{}, C_{j}\right)$ is larger for the model class that can better fit the data. Thus, the model class with more uncertain parameters is more likely to have greater maximum likelihood value. The remaining terms in Eq. (1.11) are called Ockham factor [43]: $$ O_{j}=p\left(\theta^{} \mid C_{j}\right)(2 \pi)^{\frac{N_{j}}{2}}\left|\mathbf{H}_{j}\left(\theta^{*}\right)\right|^{-\frac{1}{2}}
The Ockham factor provides a measurement for the robustness of the model class and its value decreases exponentially with the number of uncertain parameters in the model class.

On the other hand, the exact expression for $p\left(D \mid C_{j}\right)$ can be obtained based on the Bayes’ theorem:
p\left(D \mid C_{j}\right)=\frac{p\left(D \mid \theta^{}, C_{j}\right) p\left(\theta^{} \mid C_{j}\right)}{p\left(\theta^{*} \mid D, C_{j}\right)}

数学代写|概率论代写Probability theory代考|Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

The Metropolis algorithm [44] is the first sampling method for iterative simulations, and it can be conducted through simple steps called the proposal-and-decision steps. Starting with the initial point, the algorithm proceeds by transferring the current state to the new state generated from a symmetric proposal distribution with a probability value. This algorithm was later generalized by Hastings [45] and the asymmetric proposal distribution is allowed to be used in generating the new state. This generalized algorithm is called the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm. In the MH method, the simulated Markov chain samples tend to follow the target PDF as the sample number approaches to infinite. With respect to the problem involved in Bayesian approach, the posterior PDF in Eq. (1.3) is the target PDF, and it is expressed as the product of a constant and a function, that is, $p(\theta \mid D, C)=c_{0} q(\theta)$.
(1) Select an appropriate proposal PDF $T(\xi \mid \theta)$, which is a PDF for $\xi$ that depends on $\theta$;
(2) At stage $k=1$, choose an arbitrary point to be the initial sample $\theta_{1}$;
(3) At the stage $k$ ( $k$ starts from 2), a new point $\theta_{c}$ randomly generates from the proposal distribution $T\left(\theta_{c} \mid \theta_{k-1}\right)$, and compute the ratio of densities $r$ :
r=\frac{q\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}{c}\right) T\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}{k-1} \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}{c}\right)}{q\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}{k-1}\right) T\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}{c} \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}{k-1}\right)}
(4) Generate a random number $u$ from a uniform distribution $U(0,1)$;
(5) Determine whether $\theta_{c}$ is acceptable with the following acceptance rule: if $u \leq r$, $\theta_{c}$ is accepted and set $\theta_{k}=\theta_{c}$; otherwise, $\operatorname{set} \theta_{k}=\theta_{k-1}$. Then go back to step (3);

(6) Repeat steps (3)-(5) until the target number of samples $(N)$ is reached, and a group of Markov chain samples $\left[\theta_{k}: k=1,2, \ldots, N\right]$ can be obtained. Under the assumption of ergodicity, the Markov chain will converge to the stationary state as the sample number reaches to infinite, that is, the sample tends to $p(\theta \mid D, C)$. Before the Markov chain reaches the stationary state, the generated samples as burn-in samples should be discarded. However, when the sample size is limited, the ergodicity of Markov chain is still an issue.

In the MH algorithm, the proposal PDF plays an important role, and its determination has significant influence on the efficiency of algorithm. In particular, it is not easy to conduct MH algorithm efficiently for these two cases: (a) If the scale of proposal PDF is too large, most of the candidate samples will be rejected and the accepted ratio of sample will be very low. The Markov chain will contain many repeated samples, and the correlation among samples will be large. (b) If its scale is too small, the accepted ratio will be very high and the Markov chain needs longer time to run over important regions of the posterior PDF. The Markov chain samples will be highly dependent. In order to enhance the efficiency of $\mathrm{MH}$ algorithm, the guidelines of the proposal PDF, which control the accepted ratio in a certain range $(20-40 \%)$, were suggested [46]. However, the MH algorithm still may not be efficient in many cases, for example, the posterior PDF is very peaked, high-dimensional or multimodal, and so on [47]. Thus, it is not feasible to simulate samples according to the updated PDF directly using the MH algorithm.

数学代写|概率论代写Probability theory代考|STAT4528


数学代写|概率论代写Probability theory代考|Parametric Identification

考虑线性或非线性关系(模型类C) 来描述关注的数量是:


在哪里e是一个均值和方差为零的高斯随机变量σe2以下称为预测误差方差,用于表示测量噪声和建模误差。不确定参数向量θ=[θ米吨,σe2]吨包括模型参数向量θ米和预测误差方差σe2. 它们的不确定性可以用后验概率密度函数来表示,给定数据的后验概率概率表达式D写成:

在哪里C0=1/p(D∣C)是归一化常数;p(D∣C)是模型类的证据C;p(θ∣C)是不确定参数的先验 PDFθ,这是基于先前的知识或用户的判断;p(D∣θ,C)是表示数据拟合水平的似然函数。如果不同测量数据中的预测误差在统计上是独立的,则似然函数可以通过下式计算:



数学代写|概率论代写Probability theory代考|Model Class Selection



在哪里ñC是要考虑的模型类的数量;p(D)= ∑j=1ñCp(D∣Cj)磷(Cj)是一个归一化常数,并且磷(Cj)表达用户对模型类的初始合理性的判断∑j=1ñC磷(Cj)=1. 一般来说,可以假设统一的先验合理性,即磷(Cj)=1/ñC. 模型类的证据Cjp(D∣Cj)可以使用总概率定理获得:

其中参数向量θ属于参数空间θj⊂ℜñj它在每个模型类中定义(Cj). 一般来说,方程式。(1.10)涉及高维积分,直接计算的计算成本很高。在全局可识别的情况下,给定大量数据的后验概率分布函数可以近似为高斯分布,因此证据p(D∣Cj)可以通过使用拉普拉斯的渐近扩展方法来近似 [42]:

在哪里ñj是模型类的不确定参数的数量Cj,θ是最大化的最优参数向量p(θ∣D,Cj). 最大似然值p(D∣θ,Cj)对于可以更好地拟合数据的模型类来说更大。因此,具有更多不确定参数的模型类更有可能具有更大的最大似然值。方程式中的其余项。(1.11)被称为奥卡姆因子[43]:




数学代写|概率论代写Probability theory代考|Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Metropolis 算法 [44] 是迭代模拟的第一个采样方法,它可以通过称为建议和决策步骤的简单步骤来进行。从初始点开始,算法通过将当前状态转移到具有概率值的对称提议分布生成的新状态来继续进行。该算法后来被 Hastings [45] 推广,并且允许使用非对称提议分布来生成新状态。这种广义算法称为 Metropolis-Hastings (MH) 算法。在 MH 方法中,随着样本数接近无穷大,模拟的马尔可夫链样本倾向于跟随目标 PDF。关于贝叶斯方法中涉及的问题,方程式中的后验概率密度函数。(1.3) 是目标 PDF,p(θ∣D,C)=C0q(θ).
(1) 选择合适的提案 PDF吨(X∣θ), 这是一个 PDFX这取决于θ;
(2) 阶段ķ=1,选择任意一个点作为初始样本θ1;
(3) 舞台上ķ ( ķ从 2) 开始,一个新的点θC从提案分布中随机生成吨(θC∣θķ−1),并计算密度比r :

(4) 产生一个随机数在从均匀分布在(0,1);
(5) 判断是否θC符合以下接受规则是可以接受的:如果在≤r, θC被接受并设置θķ=θC; 否则,放⁡θķ=θķ−1. 然后返回步骤(3);

(6)重复步骤(3)-(5),直到达到目标样本数(ñ)达到,一组马尔可夫链样本[θķ:ķ=1,2,…,ñ]可以获得。在遍历性假设下,随着样本数达到无穷大,马尔可夫链会收敛到平稳状态,即样本趋向于p(θ∣D,C). 在马尔可夫链达到静止状态之前,应丢弃生成的作为老化样本的样本。然而,当样本量有限时,马尔可夫链的遍历性仍然是一个问题。

在 MH 算法中,proposal PDF 起着重要的作用,它的确定对算法的效率有着重要的影响。特别是对于这两种情况,高效地执行MH算法并不容易: (a) 如果proposal PDF的规模太大,大部分候选样本会被拒绝,样本的接受率会很低。马尔可夫链会包含很多重复的样本,样本之间的相关性会很大。(b) 如果它的尺度太小,接受的比率会很高,马尔可夫链需要更长的时间来运行后验概率密度函数的重要区域。马尔可夫链样本将高度依赖。为了提高效率米H算法,提案PDF的指导方针,将接受率控制在一定范围内(20−40%), 被建议 [46]。然而,MH 算法在很多情况下仍然可能效率不高,例如,后验 PDF 非常峰化、高维或多模态等 [47]。因此,直接使用MH算法根据更新后的PDF模拟样本是不可行的。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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