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物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Varieties of Stochastic Integral

This section provides a summary and overview of stochastic integrals. The notation for stochastic integrals in a Riemann setting is set out in section $8.2$ (pages $386-390$ ) of [MTRV]. The family of cells or intervals in a domain $\Omega$ is denoted by $\mathcal{I}(\Omega)$. So if $\Omega$ is, respectively, a real interval such as $] 0, t]$, a finitedimensional domain $\mathbf{R}^{M}$, or an infinite-dimensional domain $\mathbf{R}^{] 0, t]}$, then $\mathcal{I}(\Omega)$ consists of cells which are denoted, respectively, by
\text { 2, } I(M), \quad I[N],
where $M$ and $N$ are finite sets. For ease of reference, relevant content of section $8.2$ of [MTRV] is repeated here.

Suppose $\left.\mathbf{T}=] \tau^{\prime}, \tau\right]$ (closed on the right) and suppose $F_{X},=F_{X_{T}}$, is a distribution defined on $\mathcal{I}\left(\mathbf{R}^{\mathrm{T}}\right)$; so $X \simeq x\left[\mathbf{R}^{\mathrm{T}}, F_{X}\right]$ is a joint-basic observable.

Suppose $\left.\left.2,=i_{s},=\right] s, s^{\prime}\right] \in \mathcal{I}(\mathbf{T})$ and $f\left(x,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right)=x\left(s^{\prime}\right)-x(s)=\mathbf{x}\left(\imath_{s}\right)$. We then have a contingent joint observable
f\left(X,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right) \simeq f\left(x,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right)\left[\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}, F_{X}\right], \quad \text { or } \quad \mathbf{X}\left(\imath_{s}\right) \simeq \mathbf{x}\left(\imath_{s}\right)\left[\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}, F_{X}\right] .
Suppose $g$ is a function of the elements $\mathbf{x}(\imath)$ for $\imath \in \mathcal{I}(\mathbf{T})$. For instance, $g(\mathbf{x}(\imath))$ could be the function
g(\mathbf{x}(2)),=g\left(\mathbf{x}\left(z_{s}\right)\right),=\mathbf{x}\left(z_{s}\right)^{2}=\left(x\left(s^{\prime}\right)-x(s)\right)^{2} .
The family of finite subsets of $\mathbf{T}$ is denoted by $\mathcal{N}(\mathrm{T})$. If $N=\left{t_{1}, t_{2}, \ldots, t_{n}\right} \in$ $\mathcal{N}(\mathrm{T})$ with $t_{0}=\tau^{\prime}$ and $t_{n}=\tau$, we $\operatorname{can}^{13}$ write $\left.\left.\imath_{j}=\right] t_{j-1}, t_{j}\right]$. Thus the cells $\left{\imath_{j}\right}$ form a partition of the domain $\mathbf{T}$. For simplicity, let the symbol $N$ denote:

  • partition points $\left{t_{j}\right}$, or
  • partition $\left{z_{j}\right}$, or
  • division $\left.\left.\left{(\bar{s},] t_{j-1}, t_{j}\right]\right)\right$,$} , with associated points (or tag points) \bar{s}=t_{j-1}$ or $\bar{s}=t_{j} \cdot$

物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Stochastic Sums

In Chapter 1 the classical or standard concept of stochastic integral, including Itô’s integral, is outlined. The mathematical need or motive for some concept of stochastic integration has been illustrated in preceding chapters by means of various examples. It is illustrated in particular by the manifestation, in the form of a stochastic integral, of the value at any time $t$ of a shareholding (or portfolio) of a quantity $g(s)$ of shares whose value at time $s(0 \leq s \leq t)$ is $x(s)$ :
\int_{0}^{t} g(s) d x(s),
where $g(s)$ is a deterministic or random function of time $s(0 \leq s \leq t)$ and $x(s)$ $(0<s \leq t)$ is a sample path of a process $X=\left(X_{s}\right)_{0<s \leq t^{*}}$

The latter expression $\mathcal{S}{\mathrm{T}}^{g}(X)$ corresponds to the classical $\int{0}^{t} g(s) d X(s)$ (which is the Itô integral if $\left(X_{s}\right)$ is a Brownian motion). The other three expressions are innovations. They are introduced in MTRV, which includes discussion of $\mathbf{s}{\mathrm{T}}^{g}(X)$ and $\mathbf{S}{\mathrm{T}}^{g}(X)$, along with a brief outline of the first one, $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{T}}^{g}(X, N)$.

In mathematical discussion of integration, including stochastic integration, it is customary to use a notation with three components
${$ integral symbol $}{$ point integrand $}{$ differential $}$ or $\left(\int\right)(f(y))(d y)$.
In the -complete integration of [MTRV], this is expressed as $\int f(y) k(I)$, where $k(I)=|I|$ corresponds to the traditional differential symbol $d y$.

Traditionally, a stochastic integral may take the form $\int f(X) d X$ where $X$ is a stochastic process. But [MTRV] breaks with this notation. Instead of $\int$ we have symbols s, $\mathbf{S}$, and $\mathcal{S}$; each used in particular contexts (see section 8.2, [MTRV] pages $386-390)$. Integrand elements such as $f(X) d X$ are denoted by some expression $g$ which is attached to the relevant integration symbol as a superscript, giving
\mathbf{s}^{g}, \quad \mathbf{S}^{g}, \quad \mathcal{S}^{g} .
[MTRV] also introduces another such functional, $\mathcal{R}^{g}$, which is a Riemann sum rather than an integral, and which is now to be written $f^{g}$.

As well as integration, these procedures have a functional aspect, in the sense that the final result depends on the choice of sample path $x_{T}$. The innovations in notation are intended to emphasize the functional rather than the integration aspect. So with the integrand $g$ safely relegated to superscript position, the functional dependence on $x_{\mathbf{T}}$ is denoted by
\mathbf{s}^{g}\left(x_{\mathbf{T}}\right), \quad \mathbf{S}^{g}\left(x_{\mathrm{T}}\right), \quad \mathcal{S}^{g}\left(x_{\mathrm{T}}\right)
and, whenever needed for clarity, the domain $\mathbf{T}$ is placed as subscript,
\mathbf{s}{\mathbf{T}}^{g}\left(x{\mathbf{T}}\right), \quad \mathbf{S}{\mathbf{T}}^{g}\left(x{\mathrm{T}}\right), \quad \mathcal{S}{\mathbf{T}}^{g}\left(x{\mathbf{T}}\right),
just as it is in $\int_{T}$. The same general idea is in the stochastic sum notation
\mathcal{R}{\mathbf{T}}^{g}\left(x{\mathbf{T}}\right), \quad \mathcal{f}{\mathbf{T}}^{g}\left(x{\mathbf{T}}\right)
These two symbols are equivalent, but the latter symbol is given precedence because of the suggestion it contains of “sum replacing integral”.

The aim of this chapter is to amplify and extend the ideas behind $\mathcal{R}{T}^{g}(X)-$ or $\mathcal{R}{\mathrm{T}}^{g}(X, \mathcal{N})$, or $\xi_{\mathbf{T}}^{g}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)$-as a simpler and more comprehensive way of dealing with stochastic integration; so that the single formulation $f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)$ replaces each of $\mathbf{s}{\mathbf{T}}^{g}(X), \mathbf{S}{\mathbf{T}}^{g}(X), \mathcal{S}{\mathbf{T}}^{g}(X)$, and $\int{\mathbf{T}} f(X) d X$.

物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Review of Random Variability

To set the scene for this, here is an overview of the -complete approach to random variability, with emphasis on those aspects which reinforce and validate the replacement of stochastic integrals by stochastic sums.

Random variability is associated with observation or measurement of some quantity whose precise value is not known, but for which estimated values $x$ can be given. Suppose that, even though the precise or true value is not known, there is some method of assessing the accuracy of estimated values $x$. Suppose, in fact, that the degree or level of accuracy of the estimate $x$ can itself be estimated by means of a distribution function $F$ or $F_{X}$ defined on intervals $I$ of possible values of $x$ in domain $\Omega$ (called the sample space). Then the term observable is applied to the notion of measurement or estimate $X$, with possible values $x$ in sample space $\Omega$, equipped with accuracy function (or likelihood distribution function) $F_{X}$.
X \simeq x\left[\Omega, F_{X}\right] .
The measured value (or occurrence, or datum) $x$ can be a number (usually real), so $\Omega=\mathbf{R}$. Or $x$ can consist of jointly measured values $x=\left(x_{s}\right)$ where $s \in \mathbf{T}$; so if $\mathbf{T}$ is a finite set of cardinality $n$, then $\Omega=\mathbf{R}^{n}$ and $x=\left(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{n}\right)$. In that case, $X \simeq x\left[\mathbf{R}^{n}, F_{X}\right]$ is a joint-basic observable, with distribution function $F_{X}$ defined on cells
I=I_{1} \times \cdots \times I_{\mathrm{n}} \subset \mathbf{R}^{n}, \quad x_{j} \in I_{j}, \quad j=1, \ldots n .
If the measurement is a real value $f(x)$ formed by means of a deterministic function $f$ of the basic observable $x$, then $f(X)$ is a contingent observable
f(X) \simeq f(x)\left[\Omega, F_{X}\right] .
An event is a set of occurrences. An observable $f(X)$ is a random variable (or is an $F_{X}$-random variable) if its expected value $\mathrm{E}[f(X)]$ exists:
\mathrm{E}[f(X)]=\int_{\Omega} f(x) F_{X}(I) .



物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Varieties of Stochastic Integral

本节提供随机积分的摘要和概述。黎曼设置中随机积分的符号在章节中列出8.2(页386−390) 的 [地铁]。域中的单元族或区间Ω表示为我(Ω). 因此,如果Ω分别是一个实数区间,例如]0,吨], 一个有限维域R米, 或无限维域R]0,吨], 然后我(Ω)由分别表示为的单元格组成

 2, 我(米),我[ñ],
在哪里米和ñ是有限集。为方便参考,部分相关内容8.2[MTRV] 在这里重复。

认为吨=]τ′,τ](在右侧关闭)并假设FX,=FX吨, 是一个定义在我(R吨); 所以X≃X[R吨,FX]是一个联合基本可观察量。

认为2,=一世s,=]s,s′]∈我(吨)和f\left(x,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right)=x\left(s^{\prime}\right)-x(s)=\mathbf{x}\left (\imath_{s}\右)f\left(x,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right)=x\left(s^{\prime}\right)-x(s)=\mathbf{x}\left (\imath_{s}\右). 然后我们有一个偶然的联合可观察的

f\left(X,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right) \simeq f\left(x,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right)\left [\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}, F_{X}\right], \quad \text { 或 } \quad \mathbf{X}\left(\imath_{s}\right) \simeq \mathbf{x}\left(\imath_{s}\right)\left[\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}, F_{X}\right] 。f\left(X,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right) \simeq f\left(x,\left{s, s^{\prime}\right}\right)\left [\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}, F_{X}\right], \quad \text { 或 } \quad \mathbf{X}\left(\imath_{s}\right) \simeq \mathbf{x}\left(\imath_{s}\right)\left[\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}, F_{X}\right] 。
认为G是元素的函数X(我)为了我∈我(吨). 例如,G(X(我))可能是功能

的有限子集族吨表示为ñ(吨). 如果N=\left{t_{1}, t_{2}, \ldots, t_{n}\right} \inN=\left{t_{1}, t_{2}, \ldots, t_{n}\right} \in ñ(吨)和吨0=τ′和吨n=τ, 我们能够13写我j=]吨j−1,吨j]. 因此细胞\left{\imath_{j}\right}\left{\imath_{j}\right}形成域的分区吨. 为简单起见,让符号ñ表示:

  • 分割点\左{t_{j}\右}\左{t_{j}\右}, 或者
  • 分割\左{z_{j}\右}\左{z_{j}\右}, 或者
  • 分配\left.\left.\left{(\bar{s},] t_{j-1}, t_{j}\right]\right)\right$,$} ,带有关联点(或标记点)\酒吧{s}=t_{j-1}\left.\left.\left{(\bar{s},] t_{j-1}, t_{j}\right]\right)\right$,$} ,带有关联点(或标记点)\酒吧{s}=t_{j-1}或者s¯=吨j⋅

物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Stochastic Sums

第 1 章概述了随机积分的经典或标准概念,包括伊藤积分。在前面的章节中已经通过各种例子说明了随机积分的某些概念的数学需求或动机。特别是通过随机积分的形式体现在任何时候的价值吨一个数量的股权(或投资组合)G(s)股票的当时价值s(0≤s≤吨)是X(s) :

在哪里G(s)是时间的确定性或随机函数s(0≤s≤吨)和X(s) (0<s≤吨)是一个过程的样本路径X=(Xs)0<s≤吨∗

后一种表达小号吨G(X)对应古典∫0吨G(s)dX(s)(这是伊藤积分,如果(Xs)是布朗运动)。其他三个表达方式是创新。它们在 MTRV 中介绍,其中包括讨论s吨G(X)和小号吨G(X),以及第一个的简要概述,R吨G(X,ñ).

在[MTRV]的完全积分中,这表示为∫F(是)ķ(我), 在哪里ķ(我)=|我|对应于传统的差分符号d是.

传统上,随机积分可以采用以下形式∫F(X)dX在哪里X是一个随机过程。但是 [MTRV] 打破了这个符号。代替∫我们有符号s,小号, 和小号; 每个都在特定的上下文中使用(参见第 8.2 节,[MTRV] 页386−390). 积分元素,如F(X)dX用一些表达式表示G它作为上标附加到相关的积分符号上,给出

[MTRV] 还引入了另一个这样的功能,RG,这是黎曼和而不是积分,现在要写成FG.

除了集成之外,这些程序还具有功能方面,即最终结果取决于样品路径的选择X吨. 符号的创新旨在强调功能而非集成方面。所以用被积函数G安全地降级到上标位置,功能依赖于X吨表示为


就像它在∫吨. 相同的一般思想是在随机和符号中


本章的目的是放大和扩展背后的思想R吨G(X)−或者R吨G(X,ñ), 或者X吨G(X吨,ñ)- 作为处理随机积分的一种更简单、更全面的方法;使单一配方F吨G(X吨,ñ)替换每个s吨G(X),小号吨G(X),小号吨G(X), 和∫吨F(X)dX.

物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Review of Random Variability


随机变异性与某些量的观察或测量相关,这些量的精确值未知,但其估计值X可以给。假设,即使不知道精确值或真实值,也有一些方法可以评估估计值的准确性X. 事实上,假设估计的准确程度或水平X本身可以通过分布函数来估计F或者FX在间隔上定义我的可能值X在域中Ω(称为样本空间)。然后将可观察的术语应用于测量或估计的概念X, 有可能的值X在样本空间Ω,配备准确度函数(或似然分布函数)FX.

测量值(或事件,或基准)X可以是一个数字(通常是实数),所以Ω=R. 或者X可以由联合测量值组成X=(Xs)在哪里s∈吨; 因此,如果吨是一个有限的基数集n, 然后Ω=Rn和X=(X1,…,Xn). 在这种情况下,X≃X[Rn,FX]是一个联合基本可观测量,具有分布函数FX在单元格上定义

如果测量值是真实值F(X)由确定性函数形成F基本可观察的X, 然后F(X)是一个偶然的可观察的



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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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