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物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Introduction to ∫T(dXs)2 = t

The basis of traditional Itô calculus is the isometry property $\int_{\mathrm{T}}\left(d X_{s}\right)^{2}=t$. For this to be valid for Brownian motion $X=X_{\mathbf{T}}=\left(X_{s}: 0<s \leq t\right)$, and if an appropriate meaning or interpretation can be given to the “integral” expression of the isometry property, then the statement $\int_{T}\left(d x_{s}\right)^{2}=t$ must in some sense be valid for “typical” Brownian sample paths $x=x_{\mathbf{T}}=\left(x_{s}\right)$.

Traditional Itô calculus provides such an interpretation. The following discussion aims to provide a sense of what is involved.

In Example 24, every sample path $(x(s))$ satisfies $\int_{\mathrm{T}} d x_{s}=x_{t}$ provided the Stieltjes-complete definition of $\int_{T}$ is used. Examples in section $8.4$ of [MTRV] (pages 398-399) show that this approach does not work for $\int_{\mathbf{T}}\left(d x_{s}\right)^{2}$.

If $\int_{T}\left(d x_{s}\right)^{2}$ has some meaning as an integral then it is not unreasonable to seek to approximate it by means of some kind of Riemann sum expression of the form
(N) $\sum\left(x_{s^{\prime}}-x_{s}\right)^{2},=\sum_{j=1}^{n}\left(x_{j}-x_{j-1}\right)^{2}$, where $N=\left{s_{1}, \ldots, s_{n-1}, s_{n}\right}$
is a partition of $\mathbf{T}=] 0, t]$ with $s=s_{j-1}<s_{j}=s^{\prime}, j=1, \ldots, n ; 0=s_{0}, s_{n}=t$.
Such “typical” sample paths $\left(x_{s}\right)$ have unbounded variation (so the Lebesgue-style $\int_{0}^{t}\left|d x_{s}\right|$ typically diverges to $\left.+\infty\right)$. But ” $d x_{s}^{2}$ ” is typically less than $”\left|d x_{s}\right|$ “, so an aggregation of the form $\int_{0}^{t} d x_{s}^{2}$ may turn out to have a finite value. The expression $\sum_{j=1}^{n}\left(x_{j}-x_{j-1}\right)^{2}$ is a sample occurrence of a stochastic sum $f_{\mathrm{T}}^{g_{2}}\left(X_{\mathrm{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)$ where the summand $g_{2}$ is
\left.\left.\left.\left.g_{2}\left(z_{s}\right)=\left(x\left(s^{\prime}\right)-x(s)\right)^{2} \text { for } \imath_{s}=\right] s, s^{\prime}\right], \quad x_{j}=\right] s_{j-1}, s_{j}\right], \quad x_{s_{j}}=x\left(s_{j}\right)=x_{j} .
For all partitions $N$ we have
X_{t}=\sum_{j=1}^{n}\left(X_{j}-X_{j-1}\right)=f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{1}}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)
as in Example 24, and
\mathrm{E}\left[X_{t}\right]=\mathrm{E}\left[f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{1}}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)\right]=\mathrm{E}\left[\sum_{j=1}^{n}\left(X_{j}-X_{j-1}\right)\right]=\sum_{j=1}^{n} \mathrm{E}\left[\left(X_{j}-X_{j-1}\right)\right]=0
$$ with $\mathrm{E}\left[\left(X_{j}-X_{j-1}\right)\right]=0$ for each $j$ since the increments of standard Brownian motion have mean 0. Again, according to the theory of Brownian motion the increments $X_{j}-X_{k}$ are independent for all choices of $j, k$, including $k=0$ and $j=n$, with variance $t_{j}-t_{k}$ in each case. Recall that, for any random variable $Y$, the variance $\operatorname{Var}[Y]$ is $\mathrm{E}\left[(Y-\mathrm{E}[Y])^{2}\right]$.

物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Isometry Preliminaries

Some properties of finite-dimensional Gaussian integrals can be used to establish a version of the isometry property of Brownian motion.

P1 Assume $c<0$. Consider the one-dimensional integral $h(I)=\int_{u}^{v} y^{2} e^{c y^{2}} d y$ with $I$ a cell such as ] $u, v]$. In [MTRV] (page 263) integration by parts is applied, giving
\int_{u}^{v} y^{2} e^{c y^{2}} d y &=\frac{1}{2 c} \int_{u}^{v} y\left(e^{c y^{2}} 2 c y\right) d y \
&=\frac{1}{2 c}\left[y e^{c y^{2}}-\int e^{c y^{2}} d y\right]{u}^{v} \ &=\frac{1}{2 c}\left(v e^{c v^{2}}-u e^{c u^{2}}-\int{u}^{v} e^{c y^{2}} d y\right)

P2 Suppose $x \in \mathbf{R}, f(x)=x^{2}$, and, for cells $\left.\left.I=\right] u, v\right]$ in $\mathbf{R}$, the cell function $g(I)$ is $\int_{I} e^{c y^{2}} d y$. For associated $(x, I)$ in $\mathbf{R}$, consider integrand $f(x) g(I)$ in domain $\mathbf{R}$. It is easy to show that $f(x) g(I)$ is variationally equivalent ${ }^{5}$ to $h_{0}(I)=\int_{u}^{v} y^{2} e^{c y^{2}} d y$. Since the latter is an additive cell function, it is the indefinite integral ${ }^{6}$ of the integrand $f(x) g(I)$; and, by the preceding calculation, the indefinite integral of $f(x) g(I)$ can be expressed as the additive cell function
h_{0}(I)=\frac{1}{2 c}\left(v e^{c v^{2}}-u e^{c u^{2}}-\int_{u}^{v} e^{c y^{2}} d y\right)
The purpose of presenting the indefinite integral of integrand $x^{2} \int_{I} e^{c y^{2}} d y$ in the form $(6.8)$ is to establish the isometry property of Brownian motion.
P3 Next, consider finite-dimensional domain $\mathbf{R}^{m}$ with points and cells
x=\left(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{m-1}, x_{m}\right), \quad I=I_{1} \times \cdots \times I_{m-1} \times I_{m},
respectively. Let $h_{1}(I)=$
=\int_{I}\left(y_{1}^{2}+\cdots+y_{m-1}^{2}+y_{m}^{2}\right) e^{\left(c_{1} y_{1}^{2}+\cdots+c_{m-1} y_{m-1}^{2}+c_{m} y_{m}^{2}\right)} d y_{1} \ldots d y_{m-1} d y_{m}
if the integral exists. Assume $c_{j}<0$ for $j=1 \ldots, m$. Regarding existence, for any $k(1 \leq k \leq m)$, with $\left.\left.I_{k}=\right] u_{k}, v_{k}\right],(6.8)$ implies
& \int_{I}\left(y_{k}^{2} e^{\sum_{j=1}^{m} c_{j} y_{j}^{2}}\right) d y_{1} \ldots d y_{m}=\
=& \int_{I_{k}} y_{k}^{2} e^{c_{k} y_{k}^{2}} d y_{k} \prod\left(\int_{I_{j}} e^{c_{j} y_{j}^{2}} d y_{j}: j=1,2, \ldots, m, j \neq k\right) \
=& \frac{1}{2 c_{k}}\left(v_{k} e^{c_{k} v_{k}^{2}}-u_{k} e^{c_{k} u_{k}^{2}}-\int_{I_{k}} e^{c_{k} y^{2}} d y_{k}\right) \prod_{j \neq k}\left(\int_{I_{j}} e^{c_{j} y_{j}^{2}} d y_{j}\right)
so the first integral $\int_{I} \cdots$ exists. Thus $h_{1}(I)=$
=\sum_{k=1}^{m}\left(\frac{1}{2 c_{k}}\left(v_{k} e^{c_{k} v_{k}^{2}}-u_{k} e^{c_{k} u_{k}^{2}}-\int_{I_{k}} e^{c_{k} y_{k}^{2}} d y_{k}\right) \prod_{j \neq k}\left(\int_{I_{j}} e^{c_{j} y_{j}^{2}} d y_{j}\right)\right)
and $h_{1}(I)$ is finitely additive on disjoint cells $I$. This ensures that $h_{1}(I)$ is integrable on $\mathbf{R}^{m}$. Now define $h(I):=$
:=h_{1}(I) \prod_{j=1}^{m}\left(\frac{\pi}{-c_{j}}\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}}=\int_{I_{1} \times \cdots \times I_{m}}\left(\sum_{j=1}^{m} y_{j}^{2} e^{\sum_{j=1}^{m} c_{j} y_{j}^{2}}\right) \frac{d y_{1}}{\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{-c_{1}}}} \cdots \frac{d y_{m}}{\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{-c_{m}}}}

(where $\int_{\mathbf{R}} e^{c_{j} y_{j}^{2}} \frac{d y_{j}}{\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{-c_{j}}}}=1$ for each $j$ by theorem 133, [MTRV] page 261). Note that each of $v_{k} e^{c_{k} v_{k}^{2}}$ and $u_{k} e^{c_{k} u_{k}^{2}}$ tends to zero as $\left|v_{k}\right|,\left|u_{k}\right|$ tend to infinity. Therefore, using the -complete integral construction on $\mathbf{R}$ ([MTRV] pages 69-78, corresponding to improper Riemann integration),
\int_{\mathbf{R}^{m}} h(I)=h\left(\mathbf{R}^{m}\right)=\sum_{k=1}^{m} \frac{-1}{2 c_{k}} .

物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Isometry Property for Stochastic Sums

The second integrand/summand in the lists $(5.31)$ and $(5.32)$ is the function $g_{2}$. By adding more detail to Section $6.5$ the formulation $\int_{0}^{t} d X_{s}^{2}=t$ can now be brought into a framework of stochastic sums.

In $(6.7)$ the partition points $\tau_{j}$ of $M$ are taken to be fixed times for the purpose of calculating the expected value $\mathrm{E}\left[\sum_{j=1}^{m}\left(X_{j}-X_{j-1}\right)^{2}\right]$ in a finitedimensional sample space $\mathbf{R}^{M}$, with $M=\left{\tau_{1}, \ldots, \tau_{m-1}, \tau_{m}\right}$. In contrast, Sections $6.3$ and $6.4$ have provided expressions such as $\sum_{j=1}^{n}\left(X_{j}-X_{j-1}\right)^{2}$ in equation (6.7) with an enhanced meaning as a new kind of observable or random

f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{2}}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)=\sum_{j=1}^{n}\left(X_{j}-X_{j-1}\right)^{2} .
Here, $f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{2}}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)$ is an observable in sample space $\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}$ with distribution function $G(I[N])$ for times $N \subset \mathbf{T}$ :
\mathscr{f}{\mathbf{T}}^{g{2}}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right) \simeq \mathscr{f}{\mathbf{T}}^{g{2}}\left(x_{\mathbf{T}}, N\right)\left[\mathbf{R}^{\mathrm{T}}, G\right]
in which $N$ is variable, so sample values $f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{2}}\left(x_{\mathbf{T}}, N\right)$ are constructed from samples of times $s_{j} \in N \subset \mathbf{T}$, with corresponding sample values $x_{j},=x\left(s_{j}\right)$ of the random variables $X_{j},=X\left(s_{j}\right)$, of the process $X_{\mathbf{T}}$.

If observable $f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{2}^{2}}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)$ has expected value it is a random variable. And, in that case, it is an absolute random variable (and therefore measurable) since its sample values are non-negative. (See theorems 76 and 250 , [MTRV] pages 193 and 494.) Example 25 below confirms these properties, with
\mathrm{E}\left[f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{2}}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right)\right]=\int_{\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}}\left(f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{2}}\left(x_{\mathrm{T}}, N\right)\right) G(I[N])=t
f_{\mathbf{T}}^{g_{2}}\left(X_{\mathbf{T}}, \mathcal{N}\right), \quad=\sum_{s_{j} \in N}\left(X\left(s_{j}\right)-X\left(s_{j-1}\right)\right)^{2} \text { with variable } N \in \mathcal{N},
is the meaning we ascribe to $\int_{\mathrm{T}} d X_{s}^{2}$, validating the latter as a random variable contingent on the Brownian process $X_{\mathbf{T}}$, so
\mathrm{E}\left[\int_{\mathbf{T}} d X_{s}^{2}\right]=\int_{\mathbf{R}^{\mathbf{T}}}\left(\int_{\mathrm{T}} d x_{s}^{2}\right) G(I[N])=t .
In this way, Example 25 supports the traditional Itô calculus interpretation of ” $\int_{\mathrm{T}} d X_{s}^{2} “$ as a weak integral which converges “in the mean” to value $t$.



物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Introduction to ∫T(dXs)2 = t

传统伊藤微积分的基础是等距性质∫吨(dXs)2=吨. 这对布朗运动有效X=X吨=(Xs:0<s≤吨),并且如果可以对等距性质的“积分”表达式赋予适当的含义或解释,则该陈述∫吨(dXs)2=吨必须在某种意义上对“典型”布朗样本路径有效X=X吨=(Xs).


在示例 24 中,每个样本路径(X(s))满足∫吨dXs=X吨提供了 Stieltjes 的完整定义∫吨用来。节中的示例8.4[MTRV](第 398-399 页)表明这种方法不适用于∫吨(dXs)2.

(N)∑(Xs′−Xs)2,=∑j=1n(Xj−Xj−1)2, 在哪里N=\left{s_{1}, \ldots, s_{n-1}, s_{n}\right}N=\left{s_{1}, \ldots, s_{n-1}, s_{n}\right}
这样的“典型”样本路径(Xs)有无限的变化(所以勒贝格风格∫0吨|dXs|通常发散到+∞). 但 ”dXs2” 通常小于”|dXs|“,所以形式的聚合∫0吨dXs2可能会变成有限值。表达方式∑j=1n(Xj−Xj−1)2是随机和的样本出现F吨G2(X吨,ñ)总和G2是

G2(和s)=(X(s′)−X(s))2 为了 我s=]s,s′],Xj=]sj−1,sj],Xsj=X(sj)=Xj.

如示例 24 所示,并且

和[X吨]=和[F吨G1(X吨,ñ)]=和[∑j=1n(Xj−Xj−1)]=∑j=1n和[(Xj−Xj−1)]=0和和[(Xj−Xj−1)]=0对于每个j因为标准布朗运动的增量均值为 0。同样,根据布朗运动的理论,增量Xj−Xķ是独立的所有选择j,ķ, 包含ķ=0和j=n, 有方差吨j−吨ķ在每种情况下。回想一下,对于任何随机变量是, 方差曾是⁡[是]是和[(是−和[是])2].

物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Isometry Preliminaries


P1 假设C<0. 考虑一维积分H(我)=∫在在是2和C是2d是和我像 ] 这样的单元格在,在]. 在 [MTRV](第 263 页)中,应用了按部分集成,给出

∫在在是2和C是2d是=12C∫在在是(和C是22C是)d是 =12C[是和C是2−∫和C是2d是]在在 =12C(在和C在2−在和C在2−∫在在和C是2d是)

P2 假设X∈R,F(X)=X2, 并且, 对于细胞我=]在,在]在R, 细胞函数G(我)是∫我和C是2d是. 对于关联(X,我)在R, 考虑被积函数F(X)G(我)在域中R. 很容易证明F(X)G(我)是变分等价的5至H0(我)=∫在在是2和C是2d是. 由于后者是一个加法单元函数,它是不定积分6被积函数的F(X)G(我); 并且,通过前面的计算,不定积分F(X)G(我)可以表示为加性细胞函数

P3 接下来,考虑有限维域R米带有点和单元格


如果积分存在。认为Cj<0为了j=1…,米. 关于存在,对于任何ķ(1≤ķ≤米), 和我ķ=]在ķ,在ķ],(6.8)暗示

∫我(是ķ2和∑j=1米Cj是j2)d是1…d是米= =∫我ķ是ķ2和Cķ是ķ2d是ķ∏(∫我j和Cj是j2d是j:j=1,2,…,米,j≠ķ) =12Cķ(在ķ和Cķ在ķ2−在ķ和Cķ在ķ2−∫我ķ和Cķ是2d是ķ)∏j≠ķ(∫我j和Cj是j2d是j)

和H1(我)在不相交的单元上是有限相加的我. 这确保了H1(我)可积在R米. 现在定义H(我):=


(在哪里∫R和Cj是j2d是j圆周率−Cj=1对于每个j由定理 133,[MTRV] 第 261 页)。请注意,每个在ķ和Cķ在ķ2和在ķ和Cķ在ķ2趋于零|在ķ|,|在ķ|趋于无穷大。因此,使用 -complete 积分构造R([MTRV] 第 69-78 页,对应于不正确的黎曼积分),


物理代写|电动力学代写electromagnetism代考|Isometry Property for Stochastic Sums

列表中的第二个被积函数/和数(5.31)和(5.32)是函数G2. 通过向部分添加更多细节6.5配方∫0吨dXs2=吨现在可以带入随机和的框架中。

在(6.7)分区点τj的米为计算期望值而取为固定时间和[∑j=1米(Xj−Xj−1)2]在有限维样本空间中R米, 和M=\left{\tau_{1}, \ldots, \tau_{m-1}, \tau_{m}\right}M=\left{\tau_{1}, \ldots, \tau_{m-1}, \tau_{m}\right}. 相比之下,节6.3和6.4提供了诸如∑j=1n(Xj−Xj−1)2在等式(6.7)中,作为一种新的可观察的或随机的


这里,F吨G2(X吨,ñ)是样本空间中的一个可观察的R吨具有分配功能G(我[ñ])好几次ñ⊂吨 :

其中ñ是可变的,所以样本值F吨G2(X吨,ñ)由时间样本构成sj∈ñ⊂吨, 对应的样本值Xj,=X(sj)随机变量Xj,=X(sj), 的过程X吨.

如果可以观察F吨G22(X吨,ñ)有期望值它是一个随机变量。而且,在这种情况下,它是一个绝对随机变量(因此是可测量的),因为它的样本值是非负的。(参见定理 76 和 250,[MTRV] 第 193 和 494 页。)下面的示例 25 证实了这些性质,其中


F吨G2(X吨,ñ),=∑sj∈ñ(X(sj)−X(sj−1))2 有变量 ñ∈ñ,
是我们赋予的意义∫吨dXs2,将后者验证为取决于布朗过程的随机变量X吨, 所以

这样,示例 25 支持了传统的伊藤微积分解释“∫吨dXs2“作为一个弱积分,它“平均”收敛到值吨.

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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