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经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECON3400

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Debt risks accumulated to pin down industrial operation

Local debt risk remains high. During economic deceleration, the fiscal revenue growth will slow down and the expenditure will rise moderately under the influence of economic fundamentals, enlarging the scale of deficit and debt. Furthermore, the fact that local governments may execute debt financing on various financing platforms to maintain goals of local economic and social development and to accelerate infrastructure construction will initiate a new mode to stimulate economic growth by governments’ leveraging investment. When the government no long provides any guarantee for these debts, some of the debts will be transferred by financing platforms to debts payable by the government; as a result, the debts payable by the local government will increase. According to the results of national debt audit at the end of 2015, RMB $1.9$ trillion debts payable by the government fell due in 2015 . Excessive debt ratio of the local government will put local government under heavy pressure to discharge debts and will also easily lead to crisis of local government debts; in addition, due to different rates of local economic growth and different debt burden of provinces, it is likely to incur local debt crisis. Excessive local government debts may also lead to risk of local government’s bankruptcy and place strict restrictions on local government’s further financing and on continuous investment in infrastructure construction and thus compromise the growth of industrial economics.

Potential risk in industrial sectors remains high. In May 2016, the debt-to-asset ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size was $56.8 \%, 0.6$ percentage point higher than December 2015 , and the leverage ratio reached up to $131 \%$, which increased the operating risk of industrial sectors. It is noted that the excessively high leverage ratio of Chinese enterprises was questioned as the leverage ratio of foreign enterprises maintained at around $70 \%$. In effect, the leverage ratio of Chinese enterprises has been extremely high for many years, for it was closely related to Chinese economic reality: (i) high saving rate that means relatively adequate supply of capitals in China, and (ii) high leverage that results from two realistic bases – relatively lagging development of China’s capital market and credit financing used as the main financing channel by China’s industrial sectors. However, these two bases are slowly collapsing as the consumer savings declines and the capital market expands and plays more financing functions. In recent years, the de-leverage ratio of industrial enterprises has paced up, reducing from $178 \%$ at the beginning of 1998 to $128 \%$ at the end of December 2015 . The current uptrend of leverage has no realistic base. Furthermore, the local government’s debt risks are constantly discharged. China as a whole suffers a very high debt ratio, so the increasing leverage will intensify the risk pressure.

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Prediction of Industrial Growth Trend

HP filtering method adopted in this report separates the growth trend of industrial value added year on year from cyclical factors to analyze roles of different factors in industrial value added. According to the results, the growth rate of industrial economics has slowed down since the year of 2010 ; the slowing growth rate has continued in the first half of 2016 but the decreasing amplitude was narrowing; and it is predicted that the industrial growth will highly likely hit the bottom in the second half of 2016
(1) Data source and interpolation of missing values
In this report, the value added year-on-year growth data of industries above designated size are used as observing indicators of industrial growth, with the samples ranging between January 2008 and June 2016 . Data are sourced from National Bureau of Statistics website. The industrial value added year-on-year growth rate is: (i) calculated by comparable prices, independent of price factors and free from price adjustment, and (ii) value added growth data of industries above designated size with January growth data missed, which needs interpolation. The traceability method is adopted in this report to interpolate data. Specific steps are as follows.
Firstly, the monthly year-on-year growth rate data and the monthly accumulative growth rate data of industrial value added as well as the monthly actual data in 2005 of industrial value added ${ }^{2}$ are obtained from National Bureau of Statistics website. Secondly, the monthly industrial value actually added in 2005 is used to figure out the monthly accumulative growth rates of industrial value added in 2005 . Thirdly, the monthly accumulative industrial value added in 2005 and the monthly accumulative growth rates of industrial value added in 2006 are used to calculate the monthly accumulative industrial value added in 2006 , and by analogy get the monthly accumulative industrial value added from 2007 to 2016 with January data missed. Fourthly, the monthly industrial value actually added in 2005 and the monthly year-on-year growth rates of industrial value added in 2006 are used to figure out the monthly industrial value actually added in 2006 , and by analogy get the monthly industrial value actually added from 2007 to 2016 with January data missed. Fifthly, the industrial values actually added in January from 2006 to 2013 are obtained by the accumulative number in February of industrial value added from 2006 to 2016 with January data missed minus the actual industrial value added in February from 2006 to 2016 . Finally, all monthly data calculated above are used to directly get the missing January data about the monthly year-on-year growth rates of industrial value added (Fig. 2.5).

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Trend components

In order to separate the long-term trend factors from the cyclical (irregular) factors of industrial growth and obtain estimation of unobservable potential factors, either the moving average method or the frequency domain estimation method may be used for the original data of single time sequence; the filtering method has a unique advantage, i.e. simple, intuitive and easy for implementation, and can also avoid the problem caused by production function method, i.e. whether the product function can be stable in the economic transition period, and the problem caused by variable structure decomposition method, i.e. whether there exists the Phillips curve of conventional form in China. Therefore, the HP filtering method is adopted in this section to predict the growth trend of industrial economics.

The HP filtering de-trending method may regard economic operation as a certain combination of potential growth and short-term fluctuations and use metrological technology to decompose the actually output sequence into trend components and cyclical components; the former means potential output while the latter means output gap or fluctuation. For growth rate of industrial operation, the time sequence $y_{t}$ consists of industrial operation trend $g_{t}$ and industrial operation fluctuation $c_{t}$, namely:
y_{t}=g_{t}+c_{t} \quad t=1, \ldots T
Hodrick and Prescott $(1980,1997)^{3}$ designed HP filter by following the logarithm data moving average method. The filter can obtain a smooth sequence $g_{t}$ from the time sequence $y_{t}$, i.e. trend component, and $g_{t}$ is the solution to the formula below:
\operatorname{Min}\left{\sum_{t=1}^{T}\left(y_{t}-g_{t}\right)^{2}+\lambda \sum_{t=1}^{T}\left[\left(g_{t}-g_{t-1}\right)\left(g_{t}-g_{t-2}\right)\right]\right}
where, $\sum_{t=1}^{T}\left(y_{t}-g_{t}\right)^{2}$ represents fluctuations, $\sum_{t=1}^{T}\left[\left(g_{t}-g_{t-1}\right)\left(g_{t}-g_{t-2}\right)\right]$ represents trend, and $\lambda$ is smooth parameter with a positive value used to adjust proportions of fluctuation and trend. Selection of the smooth parameter $\lambda$ is an important problem in the HP filtering method. Different smooth parameters mean different filters that determine different fluctuating modes and smoothness. According to Hodrick and Prescott $(1980,1997)$, the value of smooth parameter is taken as 100 in processing annual data, as 1600 in processing quarterly data and as 14,400 in processing monthly data. According to Ravn and Uhlig (2002), ${ }^{4}$ the smooth parameter should be 4th power of the observed data frequency, i.e. $6.25$ for annual data, 1600 for quarterly data and 129,600 for monthly data. In this report, the data used are growth rates of industrial value added from January 2010 to September 2015, sourced from National Bureau of Statistics website. It is important to note that the missing data on growth rates of industrial value added in January on National Bureau of Statistics website are supplemented by point linear interpolation in this report. Above two types of filters are selected for use in this report: $\lambda=14,400$ and $\lambda=129,600$.

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECON3400


经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Debt risks accumulated to pin down industrial operation

地方债务风险仍然很高。经济减速期间,受经济基本面影响,财政收入增速放缓,支出适度增加,赤字和债务规模扩大。此外,地方政府为了维护地方经济社会发展目标,加快基础设施建设,可以通过各种融资平台进行债务融资,这将开启政府杠杆投资拉动经济增长的新模式。当政府不再为这些债务提供任何担保时,部分债务将通过融资平台转移为政府应付的债务;这样一来,地方政府应付的债务就会增加。根据 2015 年末国债审计结果,人民币1.92015年政府应付的万亿债务到期。地方政府负债率过高,将给地方政府带来沉重的债务清偿压力,也容易引发地方政府债务危机;此外,由于地方经济增速不同,各省债务负担不同,很可能引发地方债务危机。过多的地方政府债务还可能导致地方政府破产风险,对地方政府进一步融资和基础设施建设持续投资造成严格限制,从而影响产业经济增长。

工业领域的潜在风险仍然很高。2016年5月,规模以上工业企业资产负债率为56.8%,0.6比 2015 年 12 月 高 1 个 百分点 , 杠杆 率 达到131%,增加了工业板块的经营风险。值得注意的是,中国企业的杠杆率过高被质疑为外国企业的杠杆率维持在70%. 实际上,中国企业的杠杆率多年来一直处于极高水平,因为它与中国经济现实密切相关:(i)高储蓄率意味着中国的资本供应相对充足,(ii)高杠杆率意味着这源于两个现实基础——中国资本市场发展相对滞后和中国工业部门以信贷融资为主要融资渠道。然而,随着消费者储蓄下降和资本市场扩大并发挥更多融资功能,这两个基础正在慢慢崩溃。近年来,工业企业去杠杆率有所上升,从178%1998 年初至128%2015 年 12 月末。目前的杠杆上升趋势没有现实基础。此外,地方政府的债务风险也在不断释放。中国整体负债率非常高,杠杆率上升将加剧风险压力。

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Prediction of Industrial Growth Trend

一是工业增加值月度同比增速数据和月度累计增速数据以及2005年工业增加值月度实际数据2数据来源于国家统计局网站。其次,用2005年工业增加值月度实际增加值计算2005年工业增加值月度累计增长率。第三,用2005年月累计工业增加值和2006年月累计工业增加值增长率计算2006年月累计工业增加值,以此类推得到2007年至2016年月累计工业增加值1 月份数据丢失。第四,用2005年月度工业实际增加值和2006年月度工业增加值同比增速计算2006年月度工业实际增加值,以此类推,得到 2007 年至 2016 年的月度工业实际增加值,而 1 月数据缺失。第五,2006-2013年1月工业实际增加值由2006-2016年1月工业增加值2月累计数减去2006-2016年2月工业实际增加值得出。最后,利用上面计算的所有月度数据,直接得到缺失的1月份工业增加值月度同比增速数据(图2.5)。

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Trend components

为了将工业增长的长期趋势因素与周期性(不规则)因素分开,得到对不可观察的潜在因素的估计,对于单一时间序列的原始数据,既可以采用移动平均法,也可以采用频域估计法。 ; 该滤波方法具有独特的优势,即简单、直观、易于实现,还可以避免生产函数法带来的问题,即产品函数在经济转型期能否稳定,以及可变结构带来的问题分解法,即中国是否存在常规形式的菲利普斯曲线。因此,本节采用HP滤波法来预测产业经济的增长趋势。



\operatorname{Min}\left{\sum_{t=1}^{T}\left(y_{t}-g_{t}\right)^{2}+\lambda \sum_{t=1}^{ T}\left[\left(g_{t}-g_{t-1}\right)\left(g_{t}-g_{t-2}\right)\right]\right}\operatorname{Min}\left{\sum_{t=1}^{T}\left(y_{t}-g_{t}\right)^{2}+\lambda \sum_{t=1}^{ T}\left[\left(g_{t}-g_{t-1}\right)\left(g_{t}-g_{t-2}\right)\right]\right}
在哪里,∑吨=1吨(是吨−G吨)2代表波动,∑吨=1吨[(G吨−G吨−1)(G吨−G吨−2)]代表趋势,并且λ是平滑参数,具有正值,用于调整波动和趋势的比例。平滑参数的选择λ是HP滤波方法中的一个重要问题。不同的平滑参数意味着不同的滤波器决定了不同的波动模式和平滑度。根据霍德里克和普雷斯科特(1980,1997),平滑参数的值在处理年度数据时取100,处理季度数据时取1600,处理月度数据时取14400。根据 Ravn 和 Uhlig (2002),4平滑参数应该是观测数据频率的 4 次方,即6.25年度数据,季度数据1600个,月度数据129,600个。本报告所用数据为2010年1月至2015年9月工业增加值增长率,数据来源于国家统计局网站。需要注意的是,本报告对国家统计局网站1月份工业增加值增长率缺失数据进行了点线性插值补充。本报告选择使用以上两种类型的过滤器:λ=14,400和λ=129,600.

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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