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统计代写|回归分析作业代写Regression Analysis代考| Estimating an ESF as an OLS problem

统计代写|回归分析作业代写Regression Analysis代考|An illustrative linear regression example

A pure SA analysis ignores covariates and estimates the SA latent in an attribute variable map pattern. This type of analysis is pertinent to, for example, the construction of histograms for georeferenced RVs or the calculation of Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for pairs of georeferenced RVs, among other things. The MESF linear regression equation, which assumes normally distributed residuals, is the following nonconstant mean-only specification:
\mathbf{Y}=\mathbf{1} \boldsymbol{\beta}{0}+\mathrm{E}{\mathrm{K}} \boldsymbol{\beta}_{\mathrm{E}}+\boldsymbol{\xi} .
One traditional specification error concern here pertains to how closely the response variable Y conforms to a normal distribution. Analysts frequently subject a nonnormal set of attribute values to a $B o x-\operatorname{Cox} /$ Manly transformation to normality (see Griffith, 2013).

Consider the 2010 population density (PD) across the 254 counties of Texas (see Fig. 3.1A); urban areas are conspicuous in this map pattern, revealing geographic heterogeneity. Raw PD values do not conform closely to a bell-shaped curve (Fig. 3.2A), whereas Box-Cox transformed values LN $(\mathrm{PD}-0.08)$ do (Fig. 3.2B), where LN denotes natural logarithm.

统计代写|回归分析作业代写Regression Analysis代考|The selection of eigenvectors to construct an ESF

The first step in constructing an ESF for the 2010 Texas PD by county is to extract the 254 eigenvectors from the modified SWM $\left(\mathbf{I}-11^{\mathrm{T}} / 254\right) \times$ $\mathbf{C}\left(\mathbf{I}-11^{\mathrm{T}} / 254\right)$, where $0-1$ matrix $\mathrm{C}$ denotes the Texas county SWM, based upon the rook definition of adjacency (see Preface, Fig. P1). Because this PD exhibits PSA, determining an appropriate candidate set of eigenvectors for stepwise regression can begin by setting aside the $149 \mathrm{NSA}$ eigenvectors plus the single eigenvector having a zero eigenvalue (corresponding to the eigenvector proportional to the vector 1 ), which a regression equation already includes for its intercept term. The next step is to determine how many of the 104 PSA eigenvectors to include, counting this number from the largest eigenvalue (i.e., the maximum possible PSA). Chun et al. (2016, p. 75) furnish the following equation to help with this decision:
1+\exp \left{2.1480-\frac{6.1808\left(\mathrm{z}{\mathrm{MC}}+0.6\right)^{0.1742}}{\mathrm{n}{\text {pos }}^{0.1298}}+\frac{3.3534}{\left(\mathrm{z}{\mathrm{MC}}+0.6\right)^{0.1742}}\right} $$ with $\mathrm{n}{\mathrm{Pos}}=104$ (the number of PSA eigenvectors), and $\mathrm{z}{\mathrm{MC}}=13.52$ (the linear regression residuals $z$-score measure of SA) here. This expression indicates that the candidate set should contain the 78 eigenvectors with the largest eigenvalues. Spatial regression analysis using eigenvector spatial filtering One useful criterion for eigenvector selection from the candidate set is the level of significance for each eigenvector’s regression coefficient, which essentially maximizes the linear regression $\mathrm{R}^{2}$ value; other selection criteria could be utilized (see Griffith, 2004). In addition, a stepwise procedure that combines both forward selection and backward elimination supports the construction of a parsimonious ESF. Because the eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal and uncorrelated, the primary factor in eigenvector selection during any given step is the marginal error sum of squares for that step. Of the 78 candidate eigenvectors, 26 were selected using a significance level criterion of $0.10$, accounting for roughly $62.5 \%$ of the variation in logtransformed PD across the counties of Texas (Fig. 3.1B), highlighting the Dallas, Houston, and Austin-San Antonio metropolitan regions and indicating that $\mathrm{SA}$ introduces variance inflation by more than doubling the underlying IID variance. Table $3.1$ summarizes the stepwise selection results, revealing that global (e.g., $\mathbf{E}{2}$ ), regional (e.g., $\mathbf{E}{19}$ ), and local (e.g., $\mathbf{E}{77}$ ) map pattern ${ }^{1}$ components account for the $\mathrm{SA}$ under study and that the Aegree of SA does not determine the selection sequence.

统计代写|回归分析作业代写Regression Analysis代考|Selected criteria for assessing regression models

Once an ESF is constructed, model dingnostics should be performed. The predicted residual error sum of squares (PRESS) statistic is a useful global diagnostic to calculate because it relates to a cross-validation assessment, with the set of covariates being held constant. Values of the ratio PRESS/ESS close to 1, where ESS denotes error sum of squares, indicate good model performance in this context because the corresponding estimated model fitting and prediction error essentially are the same (i.e., the estimated trend line also describes new observations well). Here this values is $376.737 / 355.645=1.059$, implying a very respectable model performance with regard to the cross-validation criterion.

Three features of the linear regression residuals merit assessment. The first concerns normality (Fig. 3.3A); here the Shapiro-Wilk statistic for the linear regrension residuals is $0.98030(p=0.0014)$; the frequency distribution for these residuals differs statistically, but not substantively, from a bell-shaped curve. The second concerns residual SA. The expected value
‘The grouping into global, regional, and local map patterns is subjective. These terms, respectively, refer to $\mathrm{MC} / \mathrm{MC}_{\max }$ (i-e., the maximum $\mathrm{MC}$ ) values in the ranges $0.9-1,0.7-0.9$, and $0.25-0.7$. The maximum MC value here is $1.09798$, which should be used to standardize $\mathrm{MC}$ values to make them comparable across geoggraphic handscapes.

统计代写|回归分析作业代写Regression Analysis代考| Estimating an ESF as an OLS problem


统计代写|回归分析作业代写Regression Analysis代考|An illustrative linear regression example

纯 SA 分析忽略协变量并估计属性变量映射模式中的潜在 SA。例如,这种类型的分析与地理参考 RV 直方图的构建或地理参考 RV 对的 Pearson 积矩相关系数的计算等有关。假设正态分布残差的 MESF 线性回归方程是以下非常量仅均值规范:
\mathbf{Y}=\mathbf{1} \boldsymbol{\beta} {0}+\mathrm{E} { \mathrm{K}} \boldsymbol{\beta}_{\mathrm{E}}+\boldsymbol{\xi} 。
这里一个传统的规范误差关注点与响应变量 Y 与正态分布的符合程度有关。分析师经常将一组非正态属性值置于乙这X−考克斯⁡/向常态的男子气概转变(参见 Griffith,2013 年)。

考虑 2010 年德克萨斯州 254 个县的人口密度(PD)(见图 3.1A);城市地区在该地图图案中非常显眼,显示出地理异质性。原始 PD 值不符合钟形曲线(图 3.2A),而 Box-Cox 转换值 LN(磷D−0.08)do(图 3.2B),其中 LN 表示自然对数。

统计代写|回归分析作业代写Regression Analysis代考|The selection of eigenvectors to construct an ESF

按县为 2010 年德克萨斯州 PD 构建 ESF 的第一步是从修改后的 SWM 中提取 254 个特征向量(一世−11吨/254)× C(一世−11吨/254), 在哪里0−1矩阵C表示得克萨斯县 SWM,基于邻接的 rook 定义(参见前言,图 P1)。由于此 PD 表现出 PSA,因此可以先将149ñ小号一种特征向量加上具有零特征值的单个特征向量(对应于与向量 1 成比例的特征向量),回归方程已经包括其截距项。下一步是确定要包括多少 104 个 PSA 特征向量,从最大特征值(即最大可能的 PSA)开始计算这个数字。春等人。(2016, p. 75) 提供以下等式来帮助做出这一决定:
1+\exp \left{2.1480-\frac{6.1808\left(\mathrm{z}{\mathrm{MC}}+0.6\right)^{0.1742}}{\mathrm{n}{\text {pos } }^{0.1298}}+\frac{3.3534}{\left(\mathrm{z}{\mathrm{MC}}+0.6\right)^{0.1742}}\right}1+\exp \left{2.1480-\frac{6.1808\left(\mathrm{z}{\mathrm{MC}}+0.6\right)^{0.1742}}{\mathrm{n}{\text {pos } }^{0.1298}}+\frac{3.3534}{\left(\mathrm{z}{\mathrm{MC}}+0.6\right)^{0.1742}}\right}和n磷这s=104(PSA特征向量的数量),和和米C=13.52(线性回归残差和-SA 的得分度量)在这里。这个表达式表明候选集应该包含 78 个特征向量的最大特征值。使用特征向量空间滤波的空间回归分析 从候选集中选择特征向量的一个有用标准是每个特征向量的回归系数的显着性水平,它基本上使线性回归最大化R2价值; 可以使用其他选择标准(参见 Griffith,2004 年)。此外,结合前向选择和后向消除的逐步过程支持简约 ESF 的构建。因为特征向量是相互正交且不相关的,所以在任何给定步骤中选择特征向量的主要因素是该步骤的边际误差平方和。在 78 个候选特征向量中,使用显着性水平标准选择了 26 个0.10, 大致占62.5%得克萨斯州各县的对数转换 PD 的变化(图 3.1B),突出显示达拉斯、休斯顿和奥斯汀-圣安东尼奥大都市区,并表明小号一种通过将基础 IID 方差增加一倍以上来引入方差膨胀。桌子3.1总结了逐步选择的结果,揭示了全局(例如,和2), 地区性的 (例如,和19)和本地(例如,和77) 地图图案1组件占小号一种正在研究中,并且 SA 的 Aegree 不能确定选择顺序。

统计代写|回归分析作业代写Regression Analysis代考|Selected criteria for assessing regression models

构建 ESF 后,应执行模型诊断。预测残差平方和 (PRESS) 统计量是一种有用的全局诊断计算,因为它与交叉验证评估相关,协变量集保持不变。PRESS/ESS 比值接近 1,其中 ESS 表示误差平方和,表明在这种情况下模型性能良好,因为相应的估计模型拟合和预测误差基本相同(即,估计的趋势线也描述了新的观察结果好)。这里的值是376.737/355.645=1.059,这意味着关于交叉验证标准的模型性能非常可观。

线性回归残差的三个特征值得评估。第一个涉及常态(图 3.3A);这里线性回归残差的 Shapiro-Wilk 统计量是0.98030(p=0.0014); 这些残差的频率分布在统计上与钟形曲线不同,但没有实质性差异。第二个涉及剩余 SA。期望值
‘对全球、区域和本地地图模式的分组是主观的。这些术语分别指米C/米C最大限度(即,最大米C) 范围内的值0.9−1,0.7−0.9, 和0.25−0.7. 这里的最大 MC 值为1.09798, 这应该用于标准化米C值以使它们在地理景观中具有可比性。

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在概率论概念中,随机过程随机变量的集合。 若一随机系统的样本点是随机函数,则称此函数为样本函数,这一随机系统全部样本函数的集合是一个随机过程。 实际应用中,样本函数的一般定义在时间域或者空间域。 随机过程的实例如股票和汇率的波动、语音信号、视频信号、体温的变化,随机运动如布朗运动、随机徘徊等等。


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数学公式的角度分为: 因变量与自变量


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