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统计代写|复杂网络代写complex networks代考| Patterns of Link Structure

统计代写|复杂网络代写complex networks代考|Patterns of Link Structure

The above discussion has shown the importance of investigating the link structure in real world networks. One can view this problem as a kind of pattern detection. Patterns are generally viewed as expressions of some kind of regularity. What such a regularity may be, however, remains often a vague concept. It might be sensible to define everything as regular which is not random.
The structure this monograph is concerned with is a particular type of non-random structure in complex networks which is closely related to the aforementioned correlations. The section about correlations has shown that if the different types of nodes in a network are known, the link structure of the network may show a particular signature. In the majority of cases, however, the presence of different types of nodes is only hypothesized and the type of each node is unknown. The purpose of this work is to develop methods to detect the presence of different types of nodes in networks and to find the putative type of each node. A number of possible applications from various fields shall motivate the problem again.

Suppose we are given a communication network of an enterprise. Nodes are employees and links represent communication, e.g., via e-mail, between them. We may then search for “communities of practice” – employees who are particularly well connected among each other, i.e., with highly enriched in-group communication. It is then possible to compare these communities of practice to the organizational structure of the enterprise and possibly use the results in the assembly of teams for future projects. A study in this direction has been performed by Tyler et al. [26].

Novel experimental techniques from biology allow the automatic extraction of all proteins produced by an organism. Proteins are the central building blocks of biological function, but generally, proteins do not function alone but bind to one another to form complexes which in turn are capable of performing a particular function, such as initiating the transcription of a particular piece of DNA. It is now possible to study the pairwise binding interactions of a large number of proteins in an automated way $[27]$. The result of such a study is a protein interaction network in which the links represent pairwise interactions between proteins. Protein function should be mirrored in such a network. For instance, proteins forming part of a complex should now be detectable as densely interlinked groups of nodes in such a network [28]. An analysis of the structure of a protein interaction or other biological network

created by automated experiments hence presents a first step in planning future experiments [29].

The collection of scientific articles represent a strongly fragmented repository of scientific knowledge $[30,31]$. Online databases make it possible to study these in an automated way, e.g., in form of co-authorship networks or citation networks. In the former, nodes are researchers while links represent co-authorship of one or more articles. Analysis of the structure of this network may give valuable information about the cooperation between various scientists and aid in the evaluation of funding policy or influence future funding decisions. In the latter, nodes in the network are scientific articles and links denote the citation of one from the other. Analysis of the structure of this network may yield insight into the different research areas of a particular field of science.

统计代写|复杂网络代写complex networks代考|Positions, Roles and Equivalences

By investigating data from a wide range of sources encompassing the life sciences, ecology, information and social sciences as well as economics, researchers have shown that an intimate relation between the topology of a network and the function of the nodes in that network indeed exists [1-9]. A central idea is that nodes with a similar pattern of connectivity will perform a similar function. Understanding the topology of a network will be a first step in understanding the function of individual nodes and eventually the dynamics of any network.

As before, we can base our analysis on the work done in the social sciences. In the context of social networks, the idea that the pattern of connectivity is related to the function of an agent in the network is known as playing a “role” or assuming a “position” $[10,11]$. Here, we will endorse this idea.

The nodes in a network may be grouped into equivalence classes according to the role they play. Two basic concepts have been developed to formalize the assignments of roles individuals play in social networks: structural and regular equivalence. Both are illustrated in Fig. 2.1. Two nodes are called structurally equivalent if they have the exact same neighbors [12]. This means that in the adjacency matrix of the network, the rows and columns of the corresponding nodes are exactly equal. The idea behind this type of equivalence is that two nodes which have the exact same interaction partners can only perform the exact same function in the network. In Fig. 2.1, only nodes $A$ and $B$ are structurally equivalent while all other nodes are structurally equivalent only to themselves.

To relax this very strict criterion, regular equivalence was introduced [13, 14]. Two nodes are regularly equivalent if they are connected in the same way to equivalent others. Clearly, all nodes which are structurally equivalent must also be regularly equivalent, but not vice versa. The seemingly circular definition of regular equivalence is most easily understood in the following way: Every class of regularly equivalent nodes is represented by a single node in an “image graph”. The nodes in the image graph are connected (disconnected), if connections between nodes in the respective classes exist (are absent) in the original network. In Fig. $2.1$, nodes $A$ and $B, C$ and $D$ as well as $E$ and $F$ form three classes of regular equivalence. If the network in Fig. $2.1$ represents the trade interactions on a market, we may interpret these three classes as producers, retailers and consumers, respectively. Producers sell to retailers, while retailers may sell to other retailers and consumers, which in turn only buy from retailers. The image graph (also “block” or “role model”) hence gives a bird’s-eye view of the network by concentrating on the roles, i.e., the functions, only. Note that no two nodes in the image graph may be structurally equivalent, otherwise the image graph is redundant.

统计代写|复杂网络代写complex networks代考|Block Modeling

Let us consider the larger example from Fig. 2.2. The network consists of 18 nodes in 4 designed roles. Nodes of type A connect to other nodes of type $A$ and to nodes of type $B$. Those of type $B$ connect to nodes of type $A$ and $C$, Fig. 2.2. An example network and two possible block models. The nodes in this network can be grouped into four classes of regular equivalence ( $A, B, C$ and D). Ordering the rows and columns of the adjacency matrix according to the four classes of regular equivalence makes a block structure apparent (there are 16 blocks from the 4 classes), which is efficiently represented by an image graph.

acting as a kind of intermediary. Nodes of type C have connections to nodes of type $B$, others of type $C$ and of type $D$. Finally, nodes of type $D$ form a kind of periphery to nodes of type C. An ordering of rows and columns according to the types of nodes makes a block structure in the adjacency matrix apparent. Hence the name “block model”. The image graph effectively represents the 4 roles present in the original network and the 16 blocks in the adjacency matrix. Every edge present in the network is represented by an edge in the image graph and all edges absent in the image graph are also absent in the original network.

Regular equivalence, though a looser concept than structural equivalence, is still very strict as it requires the nodes to play their roles exactly, i.e., each node must have at least one of the connections required and may not have any connection forbidden by the role model. In Fig. 2.2, a link between two nodes of type A may be removed without changing the image graph, but an additional link from a node of type $A$ to a node of type $C$ would change the role model completely. Clearly, this is unsatisfactory in situations where the data are noisy or only approximate role models are desired for a very large data set.

统计代写|复杂网络代写complex networks代考| Patterns of Link Structure


统计代写|复杂网络代写complex networks代考|Patterns of Link Structure


假设我们有一个企业的通信网络。节点是雇员,链接表示它们之间的通信,例如通过电子邮件。然后,我们可能会寻找“实践社区”——彼此之间联系特别紧密的员工,即具有高度丰富的群体内交流。然后可以将这些实践社区与企业的组织结构进行比较,并可能将结果用于未来项目的团队组装。Tyler 等人已经在这个方向进行了研究。[26]。

来自生物学的新实验技术允许自动提取生物体产生的所有蛋白质。蛋白质是生物功能的核心组成部分,但通常,蛋白质不会单独发挥作用,而是相互结合形成复合物,这些复合物又能够执行特定功能,例如启动特定 DNA 片段的转录。现在可以以自动化的方式研究大量蛋白质的成对结合相互作用[27]. 这种研究的结果是一个蛋白质相互作用网络,其中的链接代表蛋白质之间的成对相互作用。蛋白质功能应该反映在这样的网络中。例如,构成复合物一部分的蛋白质现在应该可以作为此类网络中密集互连的节点组进行检测 [28]。分析蛋白质相互作用或其他生物网络的结构

因此,由自动化实验创建是规划未来实验的第一步 [29]。

科学文章的集合代表了一个高度分散的科学知识库[30,31]. 在线数据库使得以自动方式研究这些成为可能,例如以共同作者网络或引文网络的形式。在前者中,节点是研究人员,而链接代表一篇或多篇文章的共同作者。对该网络结构的分析可能会提供有关不同科学家之间合作的宝贵信息,并有助于评估资助政策或影响未来的资助决策。在后者中,网络中的节点是科学文章,链接表示对另一个的引用。分析这个网络的结构可能会深入了解特定科学领域的不同研究领域。

统计代写|复杂网络代写complex networks代考|Positions, Roles and Equivalences

通过调查来自包括生命科学、生态学、信息和社会科学以及经济学在内的广泛来源的数据,研究人员表明,网络拓扑与该网络中节点的功能之间确实存在密切关系[ 1-9]。一个中心思想是具有相似连接模式的节点将执行相似的功能。了解网络的拓扑结构将是了解单个节点功能以及最终了解任何网络动态的第一步。

和以前一样,我们可以将我们的分析建立在社会科学领域所做的工作上。在社交网络的背景下,连接模式与网络中代理的功能相关的想法被称为扮演“角色”或假设“位置”[10,11]. 在这里,我们将赞同这个想法。

网络中的节点可以根据它们所扮演的角色分为等价类。已经开发了两个基本概念来正式确定个人在社会网络中所扮演角色的分配:结构对等和常规对等。两者都如图 2.1 所示。如果两个节点具有完全相同的邻居,则称它们为结构等效的 [12]。这意味着在网络的邻接矩阵中,对应节点的行和列是完全相等的。这种等效性背后的想法是,具有完全相同交互伙伴的两个节点只能在网络中执行完全相同的功能。在图 2.1 中,只有节点一种和乙在结构上等价,而所有其他节点仅在结构上与其自身等价。

为了放宽这个非常严格的标准,引入了正则等价[13, 14]。如果两个节点以相同的方式连接到等价的其他节点,则它们通常是等价的。显然,所有结构等价的节点也必须定期等价,但反之则不然。正则等价看似循环的定义最容易理解为:每类正则等价节点都由“图像图”中的单个节点表示。如果原始网络中各个类中的节点之间存在(不存在)连接,则图像图中的节点是连接的(断开的)。在图。2.1, 节点一种和乙,C和D也和和F形成三类正则等价。如果网络如图2.1代表市场上的贸易互动,我们可以将这三类分别解释为生产者、零售商和消费者。生产者向零售商销售产品,而零售商可能向其他零售商和消费者销售产品,而消费者又只从零售商那里购买。因此,图像图(也称为“块”或“角色模型”)通过仅关注角色(即功能)来提供网络的鸟瞰图。请注意,图像图中没有两个节点在结构上可能是等效的,否则图像图是冗余的。

统计代写|复杂网络代写complex networks代考|Block Modeling

让我们考虑图 2.2 中更大的例子。该网络由 4 个设计角色的 18 个节点组成。类型 A 的节点连接到其他类型的节点一种和类型的节点乙. 那些类型乙连接到类型的节点一种和C,图 2.2。一个示例网络和两个可能的块模型。该网络中的节点可以分为四类正则等价(一种,乙,C和 D)。根据四类正则等价对邻接矩阵的行和列进行排序,使得块结构明显(4 类中有 16 个块),它可以通过图像图有效地表示。

作为一种中介。类型 C 的节点与类型的节点有连接乙, 其他类型C和类型D. 最后,节点类型D对类型 C 的节点形成一种外围。根据节点类型对行和列的排序使得邻接矩阵中的块结构变得明显。因此得名“块模型”。图像图有效地表示了原始网络中存在的 4 个角色和邻接矩阵中的 16 个块。网络中存在的每条边都由图像图中的一条边表示,并且图像图中不存在的所有边在原始网络中也不存在。

正则等价虽然是一个比结构等价更宽松的概念,但仍然非常严格,因为它要求节点准确地发挥自己的作用,即每个节点必须至少有一个所需的连接,并且不能有任何角色模型禁止的连接. 在图 2.2 中,可以在不改变图像图的情况下删除两个 A 类型节点之间的链接,但是可以从类型 A 的节点中删除一个附加链接一种到类型的节点C将彻底改变榜样。显然,这在数据嘈杂或对于非常大的数据集只需要近似角色模型的情况下是不能令人满意的。

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在概率论概念中,随机过程随机变量的集合。 若一随机系统的样本点是随机函数,则称此函数为样本函数,这一随机系统全部样本函数的集合是一个随机过程。 实际应用中,样本函数的一般定义在时间域或者空间域。 随机过程的实例如股票和汇率的波动、语音信号、视频信号、体温的变化,随机运动如布朗运动、随机徘徊等等。


贝叶斯统计概念及数据分析表示使用概率陈述回答有关未知参数的研究问题以及统计范式。后验分布包括关于参数的先验分布,和基于观测数据提供关于参数的信息似然模型。根据选择的先验分布和似然模型,后验分布可以解析或近似,例如,马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗 (MCMC) 方法之一。贝叶斯统计概念及数据分析使用后验分布来形成模型参数的各种摘要,包括点估计,如后验平均值、中位数、百分位数和称为可信区间的区间估计。此外,所有关于模型参数的统计检验都可以表示为基于估计后验分布的概率报表。





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基础数据: $N$ 个样本, $P$ 个变量数的单样本,组成的横列的数据表
变量定性: 分类和顺序;变量定量:数值
数学公式的角度分为: 因变量与自变量


随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


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