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统计代写|多元统计分析代写Multivariate Statistical Analysis代考|Multiple Linear Model

统计代写|多元统计分析代写Multivariate Statistical Analysis代考|Multiple Linear Model

The simple linear model and the analysis of variance model can be viewed as a particular case of a more general linear model where the variations of one variable $y$ are explained by $p$ explanatory variables $x$ respectively. Let $y(n \times 1)$ and $\mathcal{X}(n \times p)$ be a vector of observations on the response variable and a data matrix on the $p$ explanatory variables. An important application of the developed theory is the least squares fitting. The idea is to approximate $y$ by a linear combination $\hat{y}$ of columns of $\mathcal{X}$, i.e. $\hat{y} \in C(\mathcal{X})$. The problem is to find $\hat{\beta} \in \mathbb{R}^{p}$ such that $\hat{y}=\mathcal{X} \hat{\beta}$ is the best fit of $y$ in the least-squares sense. The linear model can be written as
y=X \beta+\varepsilon
where $\varepsilon$ are the errors. The least squares solution is given by $\hat{\beta}$ :
\hat{\beta}=\arg \min {\beta}(y-\mathcal{X} \beta)^{\top}(y-\mathcal{X} \beta)=\arg \min {\beta} \varepsilon^{\top} \varepsilon

Suppose that $\left(\mathcal{X}^{\top} \mathcal{X}\right)$ is of full rank and thus invertible. Minimising the expression (3.51) with respect to $\beta$ yields:
\hat{\beta}=\left(\mathcal{X}^{\top} \mathcal{X}\right)^{-1} \mathcal{X}^{\top} y
The fitted value $\hat{y}=\mathcal{X} \hat{\beta}=\mathcal{X}\left(\mathcal{X}^{\top} \mathcal{X}^{-1} \mathcal{X}^{\top} y=\mathcal{P} y\right.$ is the projection of $y$ onto $C(\mathcal{X})$ as computed in (2.47).
The least squares residuals are
e=y-\hat{y}=y-\mathcal{X} \hat{\beta}=\mathcal{Q} y=\left(\mathcal{I}{n}-\mathcal{P}\right) y $$ The vector $e$ is the projection of $y$ onto the orthogonal complement of $C(\mathcal{X})$. Remark $3.5$ A linear model with an intercept $\alpha$ can also be written in this framework. The approximating equation is: $$ y{i}=\alpha+\beta_{1} x_{i 1}+\cdots+\beta_{p} x_{i p}+\varepsilon_{i} ; i=1, \ldots, n .
This can be written as:
y=\mathcal{X}^{} \beta^{}+\varepsilon
where $\mathcal{X}^{}=\left(1_{n} \mathcal{X}\right)$ (we add a column of ones to the data). We have by (3.52): $$ \hat{\beta}^{}=\left(\begin{array}{l}
\hat{\alpha} \
\end{array}\right)=\left(\mathcal{X}^{* \top} \mathcal{X}^{}\right)^{-1} \mathcal{X}^{ \top} y
Example $3.15$ Let us come back to the “classic blue” pullovers example. In Example 3.11, we considered the regression fit of the sales $X_{1}$ on the price $X_{2}$ and concluded that there was only a small influence of sales by changing the prices. A linear model incorporating all three variables allows us to approximate sales as a linear function of price $\left(X_{2}\right)$, advertisement $\left(X_{3}\right)$ and presence of sales assistants ( $X_{4}$ ) simultaneously. Adding a column of ones to the data (in order to estimate the intercept $\alpha$ ) leads to
\hat{\alpha}=65.670 \text { and } \widehat{\beta}{1}=-0.216, \widehat{\beta}{2}=0.485, \widehat{\beta}{3}=0.844 $$ The coefficient of determination is computed as before in ( $3.40)$ and is: $$ r^{2}=1-\frac{e^{\top} e}{\sum\left(y{i}-\bar{y}\right)^{2}}=0.907 .
We conclude that the variation of $X_{1}$ is well approximated by the linear relation.

统计代写|多元统计分析代写Multivariate Statistical Analysis代考|The ANOVA Model in Matrix Notation

The simple ANOVA problem (Sect. 3.5) may also be rewritten in matrix terms. Recall the definition of a vector of ones from $(2.1)$ and define a vector of zeros as $0_{n}$. Then construct the following $(n \times p)$ matrix (here $p=3$ ),
1_{m} & 0_{m} & 0_{m} \
0_{m} & 1_{m} & 0_{m} \
0_{m} & 0_{m} & 1_{m}
where $m=10$. Equation (3.41) then reads as follows.
The parameter vector is $\beta=\left(\mu_{1}, \mu_{2}, \mu_{3}\right)^{\top}$. The data set from Example $3.14$ can therefore be written as a linear model $y=\mathcal{X} \beta+\varepsilon$ where $y \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$ with $n=m \cdot p$ is the stacked vector of the columns of Table 3.1. The projection into the column space $C(\mathcal{X})$ of (3.54) yields the least-squares estimator $\hat{\beta}=\left(\mathcal{X}^{\top} \mathcal{X}^{-1} \mathcal{X}^{\top} y\right.$. Note that $\left(\mathcal{X}^{\top} \mathcal{X}\right)^{-1}=(1 / 10) \mathcal{I}{3}$ and that $\mathcal{X}^{\top} y=(106,124,151)^{\top}$ is the sum $\sum{k=1}^{m} y_{k j}$ for each factor, i.e. the three column sums of Table 3.1. The least squares estimator is therefore the vector $\hat{\beta}{H{1}}=\left(\hat{\mu}{1}, \hat{\mu}{2}, \hat{\mu}{3}\right)=(10.6,12.4,15.1)^{\top}$ of sample means for each factor level $j=1,2,3$. Under the null hypothesis of equal mean values $\mu{1}=\mu_{2}=\mu_{3}=\mu$, we estimate the parameters under the same constraints. This can be put into the form of a linear constraint:
&-\mu_{1}+\mu_{2}=0 \
This can be written as $\mathcal{A} \beta=a$, where
0 \
$$ and
-1 & 1 & 0 \
-1 & 0 & 1

统计代写|多元统计分析代写Multivariate Statistical Analysis代考|Multivariate Distributions

The preceding chapter showed that by using the two first moments of a multivariate distribution (the mean and the covariance matrix), a lot of information on the relationship between the variables can be made available. Only basic statistical theory was used to derive tests of independence or of linear relationships. In this chapter we give an introduction to the basic probability tools useful in statistical multivariate analysis.

Means and covariances share many interesting and useful properties, but they represent only part of the information on a multivariate distribution. Section $4.1$ presents the basic probability tools used to describe a multivariate random variable, including marginal and conditional distributions and the concept of independence. In Sect. 4.2, basic properties on means and covariances (marginal and conditional ones) are derived.

Since many statistical procedures rely on transformations of a multivariate random variable, Sect. $4.3$ proposes the basic techniques needed to derive the distribution of transformations with a special emphasis on linear transforms. As an important example of a multivariate random variable, Sect. $4.4$ defines the multinormal distribution. It will be analysed in more detail in Chap. 5 along with most of its “companion” distributions that are useful in making multivariate statistical inferences.

The normal distribution plays a central role in statistics because it can be viewed as an approximation and limit of many other distributions. The basic justification relies on the central limit theorem presented in Sect. 4.5. We present this central theorem in the framework of sampling theory. A useful extension of this theorem is also given: it is an approximate distribution to transformations of asymptotically normal variables. The increasing power of computers today makes it possible to consider alternative approximate sampling distributions. These are based on resampling techniques and are suitable for many general situations. Section $4.8$ gives an introduction to the ideas behind bootstrap approximations.

统计代写|多元统计分析代写Multivariate Statistical Analysis代考|Multiple Linear Model


统计代写|多元统计分析代写Multivariate Statistical Analysis代考|Multiple Linear Model

简单线性模型和方差分析模型可以看作是一个更一般的线性模型的特例,其中一个变量的变化是被解释为p解释变量X分别。让是(n×1)和X(n×p)是响应变量的观测向量和数据矩阵p解释变量。发展理论的一个重要应用是最小二乘拟合。这个想法是近似是通过线性组合是^的列X, IE是^∈C(X). 问题是找到b^∈Rp这样是^=Xb^是最合适的是在最小二乘意义上。线性模型可以写为

在哪里e是错误。最小二乘解由下式给出b^ :


假设(X⊤X)是满秩的,因此是可逆的。最小化表达式 (3.51) 关于b产量:

拟合值是^=Xb^=X(X⊤X−1X⊤是=磷是是的投影是到C(X)如 (2.47) 中计算的那样。

和=是−是^=是−Xb^=问是=(我n−磷)是向量和是的投影是上的正交补C(X). 评论3.5具有截距的线性模型一个也可以写在这个框架里。近似方程为:



b^=(一个^ b^)=(X∗⊤X)−1X⊤是
例子3.15让我们回到“经典蓝色”套头衫的例子。在示例 3.11 中,我们考虑了销售额的回归拟合X1关于价格X2并得出结论,改变价格对销售的影响很小。包含所有三个变量的线性模型允许我们将销售额近似为价格的线性函数(X2), 广告(X3)和销售助理的存在(X4) 同时。向数据中添加一列(以估计截距一个) 导致

一个^=65.670 和 b^1=−0.216,b^2=0.485,b^3=0.844决定系数的计算方式如前所述 (3.40)并且是:


统计代写|多元统计分析代写Multivariate Statistical Analysis代考|The ANOVA Model in Matrix Notation

简单的 ANOVA 问题(第 3.5 节)也可以用矩阵项重写。回想一下向量的定义(2.1)并将零向量定义为0n. 然后构造如下(n×p)矩阵(这里p=3 ),

X=(1米0米0米 0米1米0米 0米0米1米)
在哪里米=10. 等式 (3.41) 如下所示。
参数向量为b=(μ1,μ2,μ3)⊤. Example 中的数据集3.14因此可以写成线性模型是=Xb+e在哪里是∈Rn和n=米⋅p是表 3.1 的列的堆叠向量。投影到列空间C(X)(3.54) 产生最小二乘估计量b^=(X⊤X−1X⊤是. 注意(X⊤X)−1=(1/10)我3然后X⊤是=(106,124,151)⊤是总和∑ķ=1米是ķj对于每个因素,即表 3.1 的三列总和。因此,最小二乘估计量是向量b^H1=(μ^1,μ^2,μ^3)=(10.6,12.4,15.1)⊤每个因子水平的样本均值j=1,2,3. 在均值相等的原假设下μ1=μ2=μ3=μ,我们在相同的约束条件下估计参数。这可以转化为线性约束的形式:

−μ1+μ2=0 −μ1+μ3=0
这可以写成一个b=一个, 在哪里

一个=(0 0)和

一个=(−110 −101)

统计代写|多元统计分析代写Multivariate Statistical Analysis代考|Multivariate Distributions



由于许多统计程序依赖于多元随机变量的转换,Sect。4.3提出了推导变换分布所需的基本技术,特别强调线性变换。作为多元随机变量的一个重要例子,Sect。4.4定义多正态分布。将在第 1 章中对其进行更详细的分析。5 以及它的大多数“伴侣”分布,这些分布在进行多元统计推断时很有用。

正态分布在统计中起着核心作用,因为它可以被视为许多其他分布的近似值和极限。基本理由依赖于 Sect 中提出的中心极限定理。4.5. 我们在抽样理论的框架中提出了这个中心定理。还给出了该定理的一个有用扩展:它是渐近正态变量变换的近似分布。今天计算机的强大功能使得考虑替代的近似抽样分布成为可能。这些基于重采样技术,适用于许多一般情况。部分4.8介绍了引导近似背后的思想。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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