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Perspectives on the Current Data Visualization Landscape
统计代写|数据可视化代写data visualization代考|Inventorizing data visualization resources

统计代写|数据可视化代写data visualization代考|Inventorizing data visualization resources

As a first step in our social semiotic approach, we must therefore begin by inventorizing the semiotic resources that are typical of data visualization across media and contexts. As van Leeuwen (2005) explains, ‘[t]o make an inventory we first need a collection’ (p. 6 ). In other words, we must identify and catalogue resources that are representative of data visualization as a whole. This is a particularly challenging task, both because uses of data visualization cut across a vast range of social spheres, and because the existing empirical base to systematically describe key data visualization resources is still thin.
To begin building an inventory of data visualization resources and their possible combinations, we can draw from existing social semiotic and multimodal studies of data visualization and of related semiotic objects. In the study led by Helen Kennedy mentioned earlier, we identify four key data visualization conventions, namely two-dimensional viewpoints, clean layouts, geometric shapes and lines, and the inclusion of data sources (Kennedy et al., 2016). By the same token, in their recent book on visual analysis, Ledin and Machin (2018) examine different types of ‘data presentation’ through a social semiotic lens, including lists, bullet points, line graphs, bar charts, and flow charts. In this analysis, they identify a set of semiotic resources, namely paradigms, spatialization, vertical and horizontal orientation, graphic shapes and icons, temporality, and causality. Similar analyses of related semiotic objects like diagrams, infographics, and PowerPoint can also be useful in building an inventory of data visualization resources. This is not only because some of these are used in data visualization (e.g. diagrams) or are, at times, confused with data visualizations (e.g. infographics), but also because these analyses offer a discussion of findings and concepts that are useful for a social semiotic analysis of data visualization. What diagrams, infographics and PowerPoint have in common with data visualization is that they are all often used to relay ‘hard’ facts and key strategic points, usually with the aim to maximize an organization’s outputs and increase its competitiveness.

统计代写|数据可视化代写data visualization代考|Situating data visualization resources

Precisely for this reason, the next step of our social semiotic framework entails an attempt to situate data visualization resources in their social and cultural contexts. As Jewitt et al. (2016) explain, one of the main aims of social semiotics is ‘to understand the social dimensions of meaning, its production, interpretation and circulation, and its implications’ (p. 58 ). Both historical and ethnographic methods are often invoked as key to a social semiotic understanding of meaning-making. Cultural and social histories of a variety of resources-like, for example, colour-are used productively to locate their origins, understand the material, cultural, and political forces that shaped them, and trace their changes over time (see, for example, the history of the colour blue by Michel Pastoureau, 2001). However, fieldwork, and ethnographic research in particular, has often remained an ideal among social semioticians. One exception is my own work, in which

I have adopted a multi-sited ethnographic approach to investigate the practices, motivations, and outputs of image-makers like photographers and graphic designers (Aiello, 2012a, 2012b). As Marcus (1995) writes, when the object of ethnographic investigation is in the realm of discourse and modes of thought, then the circulation of signs, symbols, and metaphors guides the design of ethnography’ (p. 108). Because of this focus on the social lives of signs, rather than of particular sites or communities, a social semiotic approach will entail a focus on data visualization as it is produced and used across different social and geographical locales.

This said, there is also much to be learned from existing and ongoing ethnographic studies of particular sites and settings in which data visualization is produced, used, or consumed. Alongside Helen Kennedy’s collaborative work on designers’ intentions and ordinary people’s responses with regard to data visualization, there is also a growing body of work on the production and uses of data visualizations in newsrooms (see Engebretsen et al., 2018). In this regard, a social semiotic approach to data visualization can also benefit from sociological research on digital and data journalism, in that it offers detailed accounts of the material resources, skills, and tools that are available to those who make decisions about data visualizations across news media (Fink \& Anderson, 2015). This said, when interviewing participants, it is important that researchers ask questions not so much about the intentions, motivations, feelings, and overall actions of participants in relation to data visualization, but more specifically about how they use or interpret particular semiotic resources. This can be done through elicitation or reconstructive methods, where participants are asked to comment on particular texts (in this case, specific visualizations) that the researcher shares with them or asks them to share during the interview. Ultimately, asking questions about ‘the set of semiotic choices that typify a given context’ (van Leeuwen, 2005, p. 14) contributes both to understanding the context itself and the reasons why specific semiotic resources come to be the way they are. In situating visualization resources in their contexts, particularly through ethnographic fieldwork, researchers will often also come across ‘new’ resources, which will thus go to enrich and extend their initial inventory.

统计代写|数据可视化代写data visualization代考|Transforming data visualization resources

The knowledge generated through the descriptive and interpretive stages of the social semiotic approach to data visualization leads to an understanding of visualization resources as part of broader cultural processes and

power relations. A third and final stage in this framework focuses both on the politics and potentials of data visualization. Major semiotic resources and their combinations can be transformed to break away from dominant ‘visual sensibilities’ and therefore also promote particular forms of social action and social change. As I highlighted earlier in the chapter, the goal of social semiotics is to interrogate as well as redefine sign-making. This is not considered to be a neutral process, but rather as having both power-laden origins and powerful implications.

It can therefore be useful to combine both critical and creative ends to understand how data visualization may be both part of what Fairclough (1995) has termed the ‘technologization of discourse’ and what van Leeuwen (2008) more recently defined as ‘the new writing’, or the new dominant language of multimodal communication. On the one hand, data visualization may be seen as part of a powerful impetus towards the standardization of semiotic resources for ‘the engineering of social change’ (Fairclough, 1995, p. 3). In other words, broader shifts in discursive practices are often aimed at changing the ways in which given institutions-e.g. news media, universities, and governments-and publics think and act in relation to particular issues. For example, Fairclough $(1992,1996)$ focused extensively on how language was used to promote and normalize both marketization and managerialism in public institutions like schools, universities, and hospitals. Through an analysis of how data visualization resources may be increasingly codified within and across institutions, and how such processes of semiotic codification may be tied to broader structures of power, we can begin to provide an evidence-based, sustained critique of the politics of data visualization. In this regard, for example, Ledin and Machin (2016a, 2016b, 2018) are currently building a body of work on how the discourses of performance management and marketized steering are recontextualized into increasingly ubiquitous ‘strategic diagrams’. These are used to translate values like competitiveness and accountability ‘into graphic shapes’ with ‘a clear logic of cause and effect’ (Ledin \& Machin, 2016a, p. 323).

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统计代写|数据可视化代写data visualization代考|Inventorizing data visualization resources


统计代写|数据可视化代写data visualization代考|Inventorizing data visualization resources

因此,作为我们社会符号学方法的第一步,我们必须从盘点符号资源开始,这些资源是跨媒体和上下文数据可视化的典型代表。正如 van Leeuwen (2005) 解释的那样,“要制作库存,我们首先需要收藏”(第 6 页)。换句话说,我们必须识别和分类代表整个数据可视化的资源。这是一项特别具有挑战性的任务,因为数据可视化的使用跨越了广泛的社会领域,并且因为现有的系统描述关键数据可视化资源的经验基础仍然很薄弱。
为了开始建立数据可视化资源及其可能组合的清单,我们可以借鉴现有的社会符号学和数据可视化和相关符号学对象的多模态研究。在前面提到的 Helen Kennedy 领导的研究中,我们确定了四个关键的数据可视化约定,即二维视点、干净的布局、几何形状和线条,以及包含数据源(Kennedy et al., 2016)。出于同样的原因,Ledin 和 Machin(2018 年)在他们最近关于视觉分析的书中,通过社会符号学的视角审视了不同类型的“数据呈现”,包括列表、项目符号点、折线图、条形图和流程图。在此分析中,他们确定了一组符号资源,即范式、空间化、垂直和水平方向、图形形状和图标、时间性和因果性。对相关符号对象(如图表、信息图表和 PowerPoint)的类似分析也可用于构建数据可视化资源清单。这不仅是因为其中一些用于数据可视化(例如图表)或有时与数据可视化(例如信息图表)混淆,还因为这些分析提供了对社会有用的发现和概念的讨论数据可视化的符号学分析。图表、信息图表和 PowerPoint 与数据可视化的共同点是,它们都经常用于传达“硬”事实和关键战略点,通常旨在最大限度地提高组织的产出并提高其竞争力。PowerPoint 也可用于构建数据可视化资源清单。这不仅是因为其中一些用于数据可视化(例如图表)或有时与数据可视化(例如信息图表)混淆,还因为这些分析提供了对社会有用的发现和概念的讨论数据可视化的符号学分析。图表、信息图表和 PowerPoint 与数据可视化的共同点是,它们都经常用于传达“硬”事实和关键战略点,通常旨在最大限度地提高组织的产出并提高其竞争力。PowerPoint 也可用于构建数据可视化资源清单。这不仅是因为其中一些用于数据可视化(例如图表)或有时与数据可视化(例如信息图表)混淆,还因为这些分析提供了对社会有用的发现和概念的讨论数据可视化的符号学分析。图表、信息图表和 PowerPoint 与数据可视化的共同点是,它们都经常用于传达“硬”事实和关键战略点,通常旨在最大限度地提高组织的产出并提高其竞争力。与数据可视化(例如信息图表)相混淆,还因为这些分析提供了对数据可视化的社会符号学分析有用的发现和概念的讨论。图表、信息图表和 PowerPoint 与数据可视化的共同点是,它们都经常用于传达“硬”事实和关键战略点,通常旨在最大限度地提高组织的产出并提高其竞争力。与数据可视化(例如信息图表)相混淆,还因为这些分析提供了对数据可视化的社会符号学分析有用的发现和概念的讨论。图表、信息图表和 PowerPoint 与数据可视化的共同点是,它们都经常用于传达“硬”事实和关键战略点,通常旨在最大限度地提高组织的产出并提高其竞争力。

统计代写|数据可视化代写data visualization代考|Situating data visualization resources

正是出于这个原因,我们社会符号学框架的下一步需要尝试将数据可视化资源置于其社会和文化背景中。正如 Jewitt 等人一样。(2016) 解释说,社会符号学的主要目标之一是“理解意义的社会维度、其产生、解释和流通及其含义”(第 58 页)。历史和民族志方法常常被认为是社会符号学理解意义建构的关键。各种资源(例如颜色)的文化和社会历史被有效地用于定位它们的起源,了解塑造它们的物质、文化和政治力量,并追踪它们随时间的变化(参见,例如,蓝色的历史,Michel Pastoureau,2001)。然而,实地考察,尤其是人种学研究,通常仍然是社会符号学家的理想。一个例外是我自己的作品,其中

我采用多点民族志方法来调查摄影师和平面设计师等图像制作者的实践、动机和产出(Aiello,2012a,2012b)。正如 Marcus (1995) 所写,当民族志研究的对象是话语和思维模式的领域时,符号、符号和隐喻的循环将指导民族志的设计”(第 108 页)。由于这种关注符号的社会生活,而不是特定地点或社区的社会生活,社会符号学方法将需要关注数据可视化,因为它在不同的社会和地理区域产生和使用。

这就是说,从现有和正在进行的对特定站点和环境的人种学研究中也可以学到很多东西,在这些站点和环境中,数据可视化是在其中产生、使用或消费的。除了海伦·肯尼迪 (Helen Kennedy) 就设计师的意图和普通人对数据可视化的反应开展的合作工作外,在新闻编辑室中数据可视化的生产和使用方面也有越来越多的工作(参见 Engebretsen 等人,2018 年)。在这方面,数据可视化的社会符号学方法也可以从对数字和数据新闻的社会学研究中受益,因为它提供了对那些对数据可视化做出决策的人可用的物质资源、技能和工具的详细说明。新闻媒体(Fink \& Anderson,2015)。这就是说,在采访参与者时,重要的是,研究人员所问的问题与其说是关于数据可视化的参与者的意图、动机、感受和整体行为,不如说是关于他们如何使用或解释特定符号资源的问题。这可以通过启发或重建方法来完成,其中要求参与者对研究人员与他们分享或要求他们在访谈期间分享的特定文本(在本例中为特定可视化)发表评论。最终,询问“代表给定语境的符号选择集”(van Leeuwen, 2005, p. 14)有助于理解语境本身以及特定符号学资源成为这种方式的原因。在将可视化资源置于其背景中时,特别是通过民族志实地考察,

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因此,结合批判性和创造性的目的来理解数据可视化如何成为 Fairclough (1995) 所称的“话语技术化”和 van Leeuwen (2008) 最近定义为“新写作”的一部分可能是有用的。 ‘,或多模式通信的新主导语言。一方面,数据可视化可被视为推动“社会变革工程”符号资源标准化的强大动力的一部分(Fairclough,1995,第 3 页)。换言之,话语实践的更广泛转变往往旨在改变特定机构(例如新闻媒体、大学和政府)和公众对特定问题的思考和行动方式。例如,费尔克劳(1992,1996)广泛关注语言如何被用于促进和规范学校、大学和医院等公共机构的市场化和管理主义。通过分析数据可视化资源如何在机构内部和机构之间越来越多地编纂,以及这种符号编纂过程如何与更广泛的权力结构联系起来,我们可以开始对数据政治提供基于证据的、持续的批评可视化。在这方面,例如,Ledin 和 Machin (2016a, 2016b, 2018) 目前正在构建一套关于绩效管理和市场化指导的话语如何重新语境化为越来越普遍的“战略图”的工作。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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