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统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代考|STAT3023

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代考|Further exercises

  1. Consider a probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathrm{P})$ and events $A, B, C \in \mathcal{F}$.
    (a) If $\mathrm{P}(A)=\frac{3}{4}$ and $\mathrm{P}(B)=\frac{1}{3}$, show that $\frac{1}{12} \leq \mathrm{P}(A \cap B) \leq \frac{1}{3}$. When do the two equalities hold?
    (b) Is it possible to find events for which the following four conditions hold: $A \cap B \subset C^{c}, \mathrm{P}(A)>0.5, \mathrm{P}(B)>0.5$, and $\mathrm{P}(C)>0.5$ ?
    (c) If $A \cap B \subset C^{c}, \mathrm{P}(A)=0.5$, and $\mathrm{P}(B)=0.5$, what is the largest possible value for $\mathrm{P}(C)$ ?
  2. Consider a probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathrm{P})$ and events $A, B, C \in \mathcal{F}$. Starting from the definition of probability measure, show that
    (a) $\mathrm{P}\left((A \cup B) \cap\left(A^{c} \cup B^{c}\right)\right)=\mathrm{P}(A)+\mathrm{P}(B)-2 \mathrm{P}(A \cap B)$.
    (b) $\mathrm{P}(A \cup B \cup C)=\mathrm{P}(A)+\mathrm{P}(B)+\mathrm{P}(C)-\mathrm{P}(A \cap B)-\mathrm{P}(A \cap C)-\mathrm{P}(B \cap C)+\mathrm{P}(A \cap B \cap C)$.
    3.(a) In 1995 an account on the LSE network came with a three letter (all uppercase Roman letter) password. Suppose a malicious hacker could check one password every millisecond. Assuming the hacker knows a username and the format of passwords, what is the maximum time that it would take to break into an account?
    (b) In a bid to improve security, IT services propose to either double the number of letters available (by including lowercase letters) or double the length (from three to six). Which of these options would you recommend? Is there a fundamental principle here that could be applied in other situations?
    (c) Suppose that, to be on the safe side, IT services double the number of letters, include numbers, and increase the password length to twelve. You have forgotten your password. You remember that it contains the characters ${t, t, t, S, s, s, I, i, i, c, a, 3}$. If you can check passwords at the same rate as a hacker, how long will it take you to get into your account?
  3. $A$ and $B$ are events of positive probability. Supply a proof for each of the following.
    (a) If $A$ and $B$ are independent, $A$ and $B^{c}$ are independent.
    (b) If $A$ and $B$ are independent, $\mathrm{P}\left(A^{c} \mid B^{c}\right)+\mathrm{P}(A \mid B)=1$.
    (c) If $\mathrm{P}(A \mid B)<\mathrm{P}(A)$, then $\mathrm{P}(B \mid A)<\mathrm{P}(B)$.
    (d) If $\mathrm{P}(B \mid A)=\mathrm{P}\left(B \mid A^{c}\right)$ then $A$ and $B$ are independent.
  4. A fair coin is independently tossed twice. Consider the following events:
    $A=$ “The first toss is heads”
    $B=$ “The second toss is heads”
    $C=$ “First and second toss show the same side”
    Show that $A, B, C$ are pairwise independent events, but not independent events.
  5. Show that, if $A, B$, and $C$ are independent events with $\mathrm{P}(A)=\mathrm{P}(B)=\mathrm{P}(C)$, then the probability that exactly one of $A, B$, and $C$ occurs is less than or equal to $4 / 9$.
  6. Consider a probability space $(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathrm{P})$ and events $A, B, C_{1}, C_{2} \in \mathcal{F}$. Suppose, in addition, that $C_{1} \cap C_{2}=\varnothing$ and $C_{1} \cup C_{2}=B$. Show that
    \mathrm{P}(A \mid B)=\mathrm{P}\left(A \mid C_{1}\right) \mathrm{P}\left(C_{1} \mid B\right)+\mathrm{P}\left(A \mid C_{2}\right) \mathrm{P}\left(C_{2} \mid B\right) .

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代考|Mapping outcomes to real numbers

At an intuitive level, the definition of a random variable is straightforward; a random variable is a quantity whose value is determined by the outcome of the experiment. The value taken by a random variable is always real. The randomness of a random variable is a consequence of our uncertainty about the outcome of the experiment. Example 3.1.1 illustrates this intuitive thinking, using the setup described in Example 2.4.14 as a starting point.

In practice, the quantities we model using random variables may be the output of systems that cannot be viewed as experiments in the strict sense. What these systems have in common, however, is that they are stochastic, rather than deterministic. This is an important distinction; for a deterministic system, if we know the input, we can determine exactly what the output will be. This is not true for a stochastic model, as its output is (at least in part) determined by a random element. We will encounter again the distinction between stochastic and deterministic systems in Chapter 12 , in the context of random-number generation.
Example 3.1.1 (Coin flipping again)
Define a random variable $X$ to be the number of heads when we flip a coin three times. We assume that flips are independent and that the probability of a head at each flip is $p$. We know that $X$ can take one of four values, $0,1,2$, or 3 . For convenience,

we say that $X$ can take any real value, but the probability of it taking a value outside ${0,1,2,3}$ is zero. The probabilities evaluated in Example 2.4.14 can now be written as
P(X=x)= \begin{cases}(1-p)^{3}, & x=0 \ 3 p(1-p)^{2}, & x=1 \ 3 p^{2}(1-p), & x=2 \ p^{3}, & x=3 \ 0, & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代考|Cumulative distribution functions

As mentioned above, we are usually more interested in probabilities associated with a random variable than in a mapping from outcomes to real numbers. The probability associated with a random variable is completely characterised by its cumulative distribution function.

Definition 3.2.1 (Cumulative distribution function)
The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a random variable $X$ is the function $F_{X}: \mathbb{R} \longrightarrow[0,1]$ given by $F_{X}(x)=\mathrm{P}(X \leq x)$
A couple of points to note about cumulative distribution functions.

  1. We will use $F_{X}$ to denote the cumulative distribution function of the random variable $X, F_{Y}$ to denote the cumulative distribution function of the random variable $Y$, and so on.
  2. Be warned; some texts use the argument to identify different distribution functions. For example, you may see $F(x)$ and $F(y)$ used, not to denote the same function applied to different arguments, but to indicate a value of the cumulative distribution function of $X$ and a value of the cumulative distribution function of $Y$. This can be deeply confusing and we will try to avoid doing it.

In our discussion of the properties of cumulative distribution functions, the following definition is useful.
Definition 3.2.2 (Right continuity)
A function $g: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is right-continuous if $g(x+)=g(x)$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$, where $g(x+)=\lim _{h \downarrow 0} g(x+h)$

The notation $g(x+)$ is used for limit from the right. There is nothing complicated about this; it is just the limit of the values given by $g$ as we approach the point $x$ from the right-hand side. Right continuity says that we can approach any point from the right-hand side without encountering a jump in the value given by $g$. There is an analogous definition of left continuity in terms of the limit from the left; $g$ is left-continuous if $g(x-)=\lim {h \downarrow 0} g(x-h)=g(x)$ for all $x$. Somewhat confusingly, the notation $\lim {h \uparrow 0}$ is sometimes used. This is discussed as part of Exercise 3.2.
The elementary properties of cumulative distribution functions are inherited from their definition in terms of probability. It is true, but rather harder to show, that any function satisfying the three properties given in Proposition $3.2 .3$ is the distribution function of some random variable. We will only prove necessity of the three conditions.

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统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代考|Further exercises

  1. 考虑一个概率空间(Ω,F,磷)和事件一个,乙,C∈F.
    (a) 如果磷(一个)=34和磷(乙)=13, 显示112≤磷(一个∩乙)≤13. 这两个等式何时成立?
    (b) 是否有可能找到满足以下四个条件的事件:一个∩乙⊂CC,磷(一个)>0.5,磷(乙)>0.5, 和磷(C)>0.5?
    (c) 如果一个∩乙⊂CC,磷(一个)=0.5, 和磷(乙)=0.5, 的最大可能值是多少磷(C) ?
  2. 考虑一个概率空间(Ω,F,磷)和事件一个,乙,C∈F. 从概率测度的定义出发,证明
    3.(a) 1995 年,LSE 网络上的一个帐户带有三个字母(全为大写罗马字母)的密码。假设恶意黑客可以每毫秒检查一个密码。假设黑客知道用户名和密码格式,那么入侵帐户所需的最长时间是多少?
    (b) 为了提高安全性,IT 服务建议将可用字母的数量增加一倍(包括小写字母)或将长度增加一倍(从 3 个到 6 个)。您会推荐以下哪些选项?这里有一个基本原则可以应用于其他情况吗?
    (c) 假设为了安全起见,IT 服务将字母数量加倍,包括数字,并将密码长度增加到 12。您忘记了密码。你记得它包含字符吨,吨,吨,小号,s,s,我,一世,一世,C,一个,3. 如果您可以像黑客一样检查密码,您需要多长时间才能进入您的帐户?
  3. 一个和乙是正概率事件。为以下每一项提供证明。
    (a) 如果一个和乙是独立的,一个和乙C是独立的。
    (b) 如果一个和乙是独立的,磷(一个C∣乙C)+磷(一个∣乙)=1.
    (c) 如果磷(一个∣乙)<磷(一个), 然后磷(乙∣一个)<磷(乙).
    (d) 如果磷(乙∣一个)=磷(乙∣一个C)然后一个和乙是独立的。
  4. 一枚公平的硬币独立投掷两次。考虑以下事件:
  5. 证明,如果一个,乙, 和C是独立的事件磷(一个)=磷(乙)=磷(C),那么恰好其中之一的概率一个,乙, 和C发生小于或等于4/9.
  6. 考虑一个概率空间(Ω,F,磷)和事件一个,乙,C1,C2∈F. 此外,假设C1∩C2=∅和C1∪C2=乙. 显示

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代考|Mapping outcomes to real numbers

在直观的层面上,随机变量的定义很简单;随机变量是一个量,其值由实验结果决定。随机变量取的值总是实数。随机变量的随机性是我们对实验结果的不确定性的结果。示例 3.1.1 说明了这种直观的想法,使用示例 2.4.14 中描述的设置作为起点。

在实践中,我们使用随机变量建模的数量可能是系统的输出,不能被视为严格意义上的实验。然而,这些系统的共同点是它们是随机的,而不是确定的。这是一个重要的区别; 对于确定性系统,如果我们知道输入,我们就可以准确地确定输出将是什么。对于随机模型而言,情况并非如此,因为其输出(至少部分)由随机元素确定。在第 12 章中,我们将在随机数生成的背景下再次遇到随机系统和确定性系统之间的区别。
示例 3.1.1(再次抛硬币)
定义一个随机变量X是我们掷硬币 3 次时正面朝上的次数。我们假设翻转是独立的,并且每次翻转出现正面的概率是p. 我们知道X可以取四个值之一,0,1,2,或 3 。为了方便,

我们说X可以取任何实际值,但它取值的概率在外面0,1,2,3为零。示例 2.4.14 中评估的概率现在可以写为

磷(X=X)={(1−p)3,X=0 3p(1−p)2,X=1 3p2(1−p),X=2 p3,X=3 0, 否则 

统计代写|统计推断代写Statistical inference代考|Cumulative distribution functions


定义 3.2.1(累积分布函数)

  1. 我们将使用FX表示随机变量的累积分布函数X,F是表示随机变量的累积分布函数是, 等等。
  2. 被警告; 一些文本使用参数来识别不同的分布函数。例如,您可能会看到F(X)和F(是)使用,不是表示应用于不同参数的相同函数,而是表示累积分布函数的值X和累积分布函数的值是. 这可能会让人非常困惑,我们会尽量避免这样做。

定义 3.2.2(右连续性)
函数G:R→R是右连续的,如果G(X+)=G(X)对所有人X∈R, 在哪里G(X+)=林H↓0G(X+H)

符号G(X+)用于从右侧限制。这没有什么复杂的。这只是给出的值的限制G当我们接近重点时X从右侧。右连续性表示我们可以从右侧接近任何点,而不会遇到下式给出的值的跳跃G. 就左极限而言,左连续性有一个类似的定义;G是左连续的,如果G(X−)=林H↓0G(X−H)=G(X)对所有人X. 有点令人困惑的是,符号林H↑0有时使用。这将作为练习 3.2 的一部分进行讨论。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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