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5.4: The Exponential Distribution - Statistics LibreTexts
统计代写|统计模型作业代写Statistical Modelling代考|What Is an Exponential Family

统计代写|统计模型作业代写Statistical Modelling代考|Exponential family

A parametric statistical model for a data set $y$ is an exponential family (or is of exponential type), with canonical parameter vector $\theta=\left(\theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{k}\right)$ and canonical statistic $\boldsymbol{t}(\boldsymbol{y})=\left(t_{1}(\boldsymbol{y}), \ldots, t_{k}(\boldsymbol{y})\right)$, if $f$ has the structure
f(\boldsymbol{y} ; \boldsymbol{\theta})=a(\boldsymbol{\theta}) h(\boldsymbol{y}) e^{\theta^{\tau} t(\boldsymbol{y})}
where $\boldsymbol{\theta}^{T} \boldsymbol{t}$ is the scalar product of the $k$-dimensional parameter vector and a $k$-dimensional statistic $\boldsymbol{t}$, that is,
\boldsymbol{\theta}^{T} \boldsymbol{t}=\sum_{j=1}^{k} \theta_{j} t_{j}(y)
and $a$ and $h$ are two functions, of which $h$ should (of course) be measurable.
It follows immediately that $1 / a(\boldsymbol{\theta})$, to be denoted $C(\boldsymbol{\theta})$, can be interpreted as a normalizing constant, that makes the density integrate to 1 ,
C(\boldsymbol{\theta})=\int h(y) e^{\theta^{\tau} t(y)} \mathrm{d} y
or the analogous sum over all possible outcomes in the discrete case. Of course $C(\boldsymbol{\theta})$ or $a(\boldsymbol{\theta})$ are well-defined only up to a constant factor, which can be borrowed from or lent to $h(y)$.

In some literature, mostly older, the canonical parameterization is called the natural parameterization. This is not a good term, however, because the canonical parameters are not necessarily the intuitively natural ones, see for example the Gaussian distribution above.

We think of the vector $t$ and parameter space $\boldsymbol{\Theta}$ as in effect $k$-dimensional (not $<k$ ). This demand will later be shown to imply that $t$ is minimal sufficient for $\theta$. That $t$ is really $k$-dimensional means that none of its components $t_{j}$ can be written as a linear expression in the others. Unless otherwise explicitly told, $\boldsymbol{\Theta}$ is taken to be maximal, that is, comprising all $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ for which the integral (1.6) or the corresponding sum is finite. This maximal parameter space $\boldsymbol{\Theta}$ is called the canonical parameter space. In Section $3.1$ we will be more precise about regularity conditions.

Before we go to many more examples in Chapter 2, we look at some simple consequences of the definition. Consider first a sample, that is, a set of independent and identically distributed (iid) observations from a distribution of exponential type.

统计代写|统计模型作业代写Statistical Modelling代考|The structure function for repeated Bernoulli trials

If the sequence $y=\left(y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n}\right)$ is the realization of $n$ Bernoulli trials, with common success probability $\pi_{0}$, with $y_{i}=1$ representing success, the probability function for the sequence $y$ represents an exponential family,
f\left(y ; \pi_{0}\right)=\pi_{0}^{t}\left(1-\pi_{0}\right)^{n-t}=\left(1-\pi_{0}\right)^{n} e^{t \log \frac{x_{0}}{1-\pi_{0}}}
where $t=t(y)=\sum y_{i}$ is the number of ones. The structure function $g(t)$ is found by summing over all the equally probable outcome sequences having $t$ ones and $n-t$ zeros. The well-known number of such sequences is $g(t)=$ $\left(\begin{array}{l}n \ t\end{array}\right)$, cf. the binomial example (1.3) above. The distribution for the statistic $t$, induced by the Bernoulli distribution, is the binomial, $\operatorname{Bin}\left(n ; \pi_{0}\right)$. $\Delta$
The distribution for $t$ in the Gaussian example requires more difficult calculations, involving $n$-dimensional geometry and left aside here.

The conditional density for data $y$, given the statistic $t=t(y)$, is obtained by dividing $f(y ; \theta)$ by the marginal density $f(t ; \theta)$. We see from ( $1.5)$ and (1.8) that the parameter $\theta$ cancels, so $f(y \mid t)$ is free from $\theta$. This is the general definition of $\boldsymbol{t}$ being a sufficient statistic for $\theta$, with the interpretation that there is no information about $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ in primary data $\boldsymbol{y}$ that is not already in the statistic $\boldsymbol{t}$. This is formalized in the Sufficiency Principle of statistical inference: Provided we trust the model for data, all possible outcomes $y$ with the same value of a sufficient statistic $t$ must lead to the same conclusions about $\boldsymbol{\theta}$.

A sufficient statistic should not be of unnecessarily high dimension, so the reduction of data to a sufficient statistic should aim at a minimal sufficient statistic. Typically, the canonical statistic is minimal sufficient, see

Proposition 3.3, where the mild additional regularity condition for this is specified.

In statistical modelling we can go a reverse way, stressed in Chapter $6 .$ We reduce the data set $\boldsymbol{y}$ to a small-dimensional statistic $\boldsymbol{t}(\boldsymbol{y})$ that will take the role of canonical statistic in an exponential family, and thus is all we need to know from data for the inference about the parameter $\theta$.

The corresponding parameter-free distribution for $\boldsymbol{y}$ given $\boldsymbol{t}$ is used to check the model. Is the observed $\boldsymbol{y}$ a plausible outcome in this conditional distribution, or at least with respect to some aspect of it? An example is checking a normal linear model by use of studentized residuals (i.e. variance-normalized residuals), e.g. checking for constant variance, for absence of auto-correlation and time trend, for lack of curvature in the dependence of a linear regressor, or for underlying normality.

The statistical inference in this text about the parameter $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ is frequentistic in character, more precisely meaning that the inference is primarily based on the principle of repeated sampling, involving sampling distributions of parameter estimators (typically maximum likelihood), hypothesis testing via $p$-values, and confidence regions for parameters with prescribed degree of confidence. Appendix A contains a summary of inferential concepts and principles, intended to indicate what is a good background knowledge about frequentistic statistical inference for the present text.

统计代写|统计模型作业代写Statistical Modelling代考|Structure function for Poisson and exponential samples

Calculate these structure functions by utilizing well-known distributions for $t$, and characterize the conditional distribution of $y$ given $t$ :
(a) Sample of size $n$ from the Poisson $\operatorname{Po}(\lambda)$. Use the reproducibility property for the Poisson, that $\sum y_{i}$ is distributed as $\operatorname{Po}\left(\sum \lambda_{i}\right)$.
(b) Sample of size $n$ from the exponential with intensity $\lambda$. Use the fact that $t=\sum y_{i}$ is gamma distributed, with density
f(t ; \lambda)=\frac{\lambda^{n} t^{n-1}}{\Gamma(n)} e^{-\lambda t},
and $\Gamma(n)=(n-1)$ ! (Section B.2.2). See also Example $2.7$ below.
(c) Note that the conditional density for $y$ is constant on some set, $Y_{t}$ say. Characterize $Y_{t}$ for the Poisson and the exponential by specifying its form and its volume or cardinality (number of points).

The Exponential Distribution – Introductory Business Statistics
统计代写|统计模型作业代写Statistical Modelling代考|What Is an Exponential Family


统计代写|统计模型作业代写Statistical Modelling代考|Exponential family

数据集的参数统计模型是是指数族(或指数型),具有规范参数向量θ=(θ1,…,θķ)和典型统计吨(是)=(吨1(是),…,吨ķ(是)), 如果F有结构
在哪里θ吨吨是的标量积ķ维参数向量和ķ维统计吨, 那是,
紧接着就是1/一种(θ), 表示C(θ),可以解释为归一化常数,使密度积分为 1 ,


我们认为向量吨和参数空间θ实际上ķ维度(不是<ķ)。这个需求稍后将被证明意味着吨是最小的,足以θ. 那吨是真的ķ-维意味着没有它的组件吨j可以写成其他的线性表达式。除非另有明确说明,θ被认为是最大的,即包括所有θ其中积分 (1.6) 或相应的和是有限的。这个最大参数空间θ称为规范参数空间。在部分3.1我们将更精确地了解规律性条件。

在我们进入第 2 章的更多示例之前,我们先看看定义的一些简单结果。首先考虑一个样本,即来自指数型分布的一组独立且同分布 (iid) 的观测值。

统计代写|统计模型作业代写Statistical Modelling代考|The structure function for repeated Bernoulli trials

如果序列是=(是1,…,是n)是实现n伯努利试验,成功概率相同圆周率0, 和是一世=1表示成功,序列的概率函数是代表一个指数族,
在哪里吨=吨(是)=∑是一世是个数。结构函数G(吨)通过对所有具有相同概率的结果序列求和来找到吨一个和n−吨零。这种序列的众所周知的数量是G(吨)= (n 吨),参见。上面的二项式例子(1.3)。统计量分布吨,由伯努利分布诱导,是二项式,斌⁡(n;圆周率0). Δ

数据的条件密度是,给定统计量吨=吨(是), 通过除法得到F(是;θ)由边际密度F(吨;θ). 我们从(1.5)(1.8) 参数θ取消,所以F(是∣吨)没有θ. 这是一般的定义吨是一个充分的统计量θ, 解释为没有关于θ在原始数据中是尚未在统计中吨. 这在统计推断的充分性原则中被形式化:只要我们信任数据模型,所有可能的结果是具有相同的充分统计值吨必须得出相同的结论θ.


命题 3.3,其中指定了温和的附加正则条件。



本文中关于参数的统计推断θ具有频率特征,更准确地说,推理主要基于重复抽样的原则,涉及参数估计量的抽样分布(通常是最大似然),假设检验通过p-值,以及具有规定置信度的参数的置信区域。附录 A 包含推论概念和原则的总结,旨在说明关于本文的频率统计推论的良好背景知识。

统计代写|统计模型作业代写Statistical Modelling代考|Structure function for Poisson and exponential samples

(a) 样本大小n从泊松后⁡(λ). 使用泊松的再现性属性,即∑是一世分布为后⁡(∑λ一世).
(b) 大小样本n从指数强度λ. 利用这个事实吨=∑是一世是伽马分布的,有密度
和Γ(n)=(n−1)!(第 B.2.2 节)。另请参阅示例2.7以下。
(c) 注意条件密度是在某些集合上是恒定的,是吨说。表征是吨通过指定其形式及其体积或基数(点数)来计算泊松和指数。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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