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经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECON3400

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Evolution of socioeconomic systems

In the Brisbane Club model, socioeconomic systems are formed by the behaviour of individuals acting on the basis of their psychology and socioeconomic environment enabled by technology as we have seen. Their structure, however, is incomplete as Jason Potts $(2000)$ argued, which Earl and Wakeley $(2010)$ argued is the natural outcome of the capability, cognitive, and psychological constraints imposed by the psychological process, so there is scope for their evolution. Socioeconomic connections are formed as a result of individual behaviour changing in response to the socioeconomic environment. So when an individual begins to interact with someone they had hitherto not interacted with, a new connection is created as a result of the changed behaviour – either completely or as a result of the transfer of an existing connection. If you are the logistics manager for a manufacturer and you change your choice of suppliers, you will transfer your existing connections to the new supplier and cause the economic system to evolve. If you are an entrepreneur and get your first customer for your startup, you will cause a new connection to come into existence and cause the economic system to evolve and grow.

There are various points in the psychological process at which factors in the environment and the mind itself may cause behaviour to change and thus cause behaviour to change. The study of these points in the psychological process has been the particular project of one of the present authors (Markey-Towler, 2017, $2018 \mathrm{a}, 2018 \mathrm{~b}, 2018 \mathrm{c}$ ), drawing substantially on the work of Peter Earl (2017), in particular studying the evolution of behaviour in complex socioeconomic systems.

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Substitutes and complements: incentives and technology

Traditionally, economic theory has studied behaviour as governed by what technologies are available to extend the range of human capability (Lawson, 2010), thus the “feasible set” (Becker, 1962) and the rival incentive structures available as a result of that capability (Friedman, 1962; Marshall, 1890). These traditional dynamics in behavioural change are preserved in the present theory, as they ought to be. Incentives and technology gain their force over behaviour through the phenomena of substitutability and complementarity in particular.

A state of substitutability exists if we can find a particular incentive structure associated with a given course of action such that it obtains equivalent preferability with another. To put it in different terms, a state of substitutability exists when we could take one action, substitute another for it, and obtain expected outcomes of roughly equivalent preferability. If a state of substitutability exists, then we may observe a change of behaviour as long as the incentives associated with a nonselected course of action improve to a point where they cause the implications of that action to become more preferable than those associated with the currently adopted behaviour. Obviously such behaviour change will be observed most commonly when incentive structures are changing as a result of prices (Friedman, 1962). Typically, if the price of some new product is lowered to a point below that associated with the state of substitutability then we will observe a change of behaviour whereby the now relatively inexpensive new product is substituted for the old. We may, alternatively, observe such a change of behaviour when incentive structures are changing as a result of product attributes (Ironmonger, 1972; Lancaster, $1966 a, 1966 b$ ), so that as the attributes of some new product – for instance, an internet browser – improve to a point beyond that associated with the state of substitutability, we will observe a change of behaviour. Substitution is not limited to transferring connections, though; it may be the case that new connections are brought into existence when the incentive structures associated with some new good or service exceed the point at which they create a state of substitutability between doing nothing and obtaining that good or service, thereby creating a new connection.

A state of substitutability might not exist, however, at which point we need to consider other means by which behavioural change might be brought about. The existence of a state of substitutability can be undermined for a number of reasons,most obviously by the existence of needs as distinct from wants. Ironmonger (1972) provided a model which showed how until needs can be met by some course of action, it cannot be considered as a viable course of action to be engaged in. As Blatt (1979) put it somewhat dramatically to make a point, it is rather difficult to imagine that any conceivable state of substitutability could exist between some course of action in everyday life and one with a degree of certainty to lead to being hanged on the gallows. But the operation of simple cognitive rules in our psyche may also undermine the existence of a state of substitutability insofar as they impose requirements which must be met by any given course of action before it can even be considered as a viable course of action to be engaged in. If this is the case, we may need technology to improve the outcomes which may be associated with a given course of action before it can be considered as a viable course of action. For instance, a state of substitutability between an airline with a poor safety record and one with a good safety record can only exist in the minds of so many consumers until its organisational and physical technology improves sufficiently to establish its preferability. Technology plays a “facilitating” role here in making the existence of a state of substitutability more feasible, but it can also play an “expansionary” role in the way it may interact with the set of capabilities and the realisation of complementarities.

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Creativity, experimentation, play, and narratives in mental evolution

At the most basic level, before some new behaviour can be realised, the knowledge of how and why to engage in it must be contained within mental networks in order for the individual to engage in it. If it were not contained therein there would be no basis for analysis which includes the implications of that action. This is especially important in the context of understanding technology as technology will often make things possible which had not even been thought of before. So if a change of behaviour is to emerge and cause the socioeconomic system to evolve, it may often be necessary for the knowledge of how and why to engage in it to be incorporated into the mind first (Markey-Towler, 2018c).

It is well known that our minds are not a “blank slate” – we are born with certain innate structures in our mental networks (Pinker, 2002). However, we are not limited to this innate structure; our minds can grow by the incorporation of new connections into the mind, a process we call “development,” whereby schema for classifying, categorising, and understanding the world grow (Piaget, 1923). The origins of such connections are three. In the first instance, we must recognise the possibility that such connections may be created ex nihilio as a result of deep creativity, forming a “bisociation,” which Arthur Koestler (1964) famously called “the act of creation.” However, apparent connections between objects and events in the environment may also present themselves to the senses and thereby be perceived. Broadly speaking, there are two particularly important means, aside from simple interpersonal communication, by which such connections may present themselves to the senses: experimentation and play. By experimentation we mean conscious actions which cause new information to be present in the environment which presents new connections to the individual. John Dewey (1910), among others, identified this as a source of new connections which might be incorporated into the mind in the process of learning. By play we mean those activities which are engaged in for the sake of it which happen to cause new information to be presented to the senses – which Piaget (1923), among others, identified as a particularly important source of new connections especially in childhood.

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经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Evolution of socioeconomic systems

正如我们所见,在布里斯班俱乐部模型中,社会经济系统是由个人的行为形成的,这些行为基于他们的心理和技术支持的社会经济环境。然而,他们的结构并不像 Jason Potts 那样不完整(2000)争论,伯爵和韦克利(2010)认为是心理过程施加的能力、认知和心理约束的自然结果,因此它们有进化的空间。社会经济联系是个人行为随社会经济环境而变化的结果。因此,当一个人开始与他们迄今未与之互动的人互动时,由于行为改变而创建了一个新的连接——无论是完全的还是作为现有连接的转移的结果。如果您是一家制造商的物流经理,并且您改变了对供应商的选择,您将把现有的联系转移到新的供应商,并导致经济系统发展。如果您是一名企业家并为您的创业公司获得第一个客户,

在心理过程中,环境和思想本身的因素可能会导致行为发生变化,从而导致行为发生变化。对心理过程中这些点的研究是本作者之一的特殊项目(Markey-Towler,2017,2018一个,2018 b,2018C),主要借鉴了 Peter Earl (2017) 的工作,特别是研究复杂社会经济系统中行为的演变。

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Substitutes and complements: incentives and technology

传统上,经济理论研究的行为取决于哪些技术可用于扩展人类能力范围(Lawson,2010),因此“可行集”(Becker,1962)和由于该能力而可用的竞争激励结构(弗里德曼,1962 年;马歇尔,1890 年)。这些行为变化的传统动力在当前理论中得到了保留,因为它们应该是。特别是通过可替代性和互补性现象,激励和技术对行为产生了影响。

如果我们可以找到与给定行动方案相关的特定激励结构,从而使其获得与另一个行动方案同等的偏好,则存在一种可替代性状态。换句话说,当我们可以采取一种行动,用另一种行动代替它,并获得大致等效的可取性的预期结果时,就存在一种可替代性状态。如果存在可替代性状态,那么只要与非选定行动方案相关的激励措施改善到使该行动的影响变得比与当前采用的行动相关的更可取的程度,我们就可以观察到行为的变化行为。显然,当激励结构因价格而发生变化时,这种行为变化最常见(弗里德曼,1962 年)。通常,如果某些新产品的价格降低到低于与可替代状态相关的价格,那么我们将观察到行为的变化,即现在相对便宜的新产品被旧产品替代。或者,当激励结构由于产品属性而发生变化时,我们可能会观察到这种行为变化(Ironmonger,1972;Lancaster,1966一个,1966b),因此当一些新产品的属性——例如,互联网浏览器——改进到超出与可替代性状态相关的程度时,我们将观察到行为的变化。但是,替代不仅限于转移连接;当与某些新商品或服务相关的激励结构超过了它们在无所作为和获得该商品或服务之间形成可替代状态的点时,可能会产生新的联系,从而建立新的联系。

然而,可替代性状态可能不存在,此时我们需要考虑可能带来行为改变的其他方式。可替代性状态的存在可能因多种原因而受到破坏,最明显的原因是存在与需要不同的需要。Ironmonger (1972) 提供了一个模型,该模型显示了在某些行动方案可以满足需求之前,它不能被视为可行的行动方案。正如 Blatt (1979) 所说的那样,它有点戏剧性地指出,很难想象在日常生活中的某些行动过程与一定程度的确定性导致被绞死的行动之间存在任何可以想象的可替代性状态。但是,我们心灵中简单认知规则的运作也可能破坏可替代性状态的存在,因为它们强加了任何给定行动方案必须满足的要求,然后才能将其视为可行的行动方案。如果是这种情况,我们可能需要技术来改善可能与给定行动方案相关的结果,然后才能将其视为可行的行动方案。例如,一家安全记录不佳的航空公司和安全记录良好的航空公司之间的可替代性状态只能存在于如此多的消费者心中,直到其组织和物理技术改进到足以确立其可取性为止。技术在这里起到了“促进”作用,使替代状态的存在更加可行,

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Creativity, experimentation, play, and narratives in mental evolution


众所周知,我们的思维不是“白板”——我们的思维网络天生就有某些结构(Pinker,2002)。然而,我们并不局限于这种先天结构;我们的心智可以通过将新的联系融入心智而成长,这个过程我们称之为“发展”,由此对世界进行分类、分类和理解的模式就会成长(Piaget,1923)。这种联系的起源是三个。首先,我们必须认识到这种联系可能是由于深度创造力而从零开始创建的,形成了一种“双联”,亚瑟·科斯特勒(Arthur Koestler,1964)将其称为“创造行为”。然而,环境中的物体和事件之间的明显联系也可能呈现给感官,从而被感知。从广义上讲,除了简单的人际交流外,还有两种特别重要的方式可以让这种联系呈现在感官上:实验和游戏。我们所说的实验是指有意识的行为,这些行为会导致新信息出现在环境中,从而与个人建立新的联系。约翰·杜威 (John Dewey, 1910) 等人认为这是新联系的来源,可能会在学习过程中融入大脑。我们所说的游戏是指那些为了游戏而进行的活动,这些活动恰好会导致新信息被呈现给感官——皮亚杰(1923)等人将其确定为新联系的特别重要来源,尤其是在童年时期。通过这种联系可以将自己呈现给感官:实验和游戏。我们所说的实验是指有意识的行为,这些行为会导致新信息出现在环境中,从而与个人建立新的联系。约翰·杜威 (John Dewey, 1910) 等人认为这是新联系的来源,可能会在学习过程中融入大脑。我们所说的游戏是指那些为了游戏而进行的活动,这些活动恰好会导致新信息被呈现给感官——皮亚杰(1923)等人将其确定为新联系的特别重要来源,尤其是在童年时期。通过这种联系可以将自己呈现给感官:实验和游戏。我们所说的实验是指有意识的行为,这些行为会导致新信息出现在环境中,从而与个人建立新的联系。约翰·杜威 (John Dewey, 1910) 等人认为这是新联系的来源,可能会在学习过程中融入大脑。我们所说的游戏是指那些为了游戏而进行的活动,这些活动恰好导致新信息被呈现给感官——皮亚杰(1923)等人认为,这是特别是在童年时期,新联系的一个特别重要的来源。我们所说的实验是指有意识的行为,这些行为会导致新信息出现在环境中,从而与个人建立新的联系。约翰·杜威 (John Dewey, 1910) 等人认为这是新联系的来源,可能会在学习过程中融入大脑。我们所说的游戏是指那些为了游戏而进行的活动,这些活动恰好会导致新信息被呈现给感官——皮亚杰(1923)等人将其确定为新联系的特别重要来源,尤其是在童年时期。我们所说的实验是指有意识的行为,这些行为会导致新信息出现在环境中,从而与个人建立新的联系。约翰·杜威 (John Dewey, 1910) 等人认为这是新联系的来源,可能会在学习过程中融入大脑。我们所说的游戏是指那些为了游戏而进行的活动,这些活动恰好会导致新信息被呈现给感官——皮亚杰(1923)等人将其确定为新联系的特别重要来源,尤其是在童年时期。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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