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统计代写|商业分析作业代写Statistical Modelling for Business代考|Random Sampling, Three Case Studies

统计代写|商业分析作业代写Statistical Modelling for Business代考|Random sampling

If the information contained in a sample is to accurately reflect the population under study, the sample should be randomly selected from the population. To intuitively illustrate random sampling, suppose that a small company employs 15 people and wishes to randomly select two of them to attend a convention. To make the random selections, we number the employees from 1 to 15 , and we place in a hat 15 identical slips of paper numbered from 1 to 15 . We thoroughly mix the slips of paper in the hat and, blindfolded, choose one. The number on the chosen slip of paper identifies the first randomly selected employee. Then, still blindfolded, we choose another slip of paper from the hat. The number on the second slip identifies the second randomly selected employee.

Of course, when the population is large, it is not practical to randomly select slips of paper from a hat. For instance, experience has shown that thoroughly mixing slips of paper (or the like) can be difficult. Further, dealing with many identical slips of paper would be cumbersome and time-consuming. For these reasons, statisticians have developed more efficient and accurate methods for selecting a random sample. To discuss these methods we let $n$ denote the number of elements in a sample. We call $n$ the sample size. We now define a random sample of $n$ elements and explain how to select such a sample ${ }^{2}$.

In making random selections from a population, we can sample with or without replacement. If we sample with replacement, we place the element chosen on any particular selection back into the population. Thus, we give this element a chance to be chosen on any succeeding selection. If we sample without replacement, we do not place the element chosen on a particular selection back into the population. Thus, we do not give this element a chance to be chosen on any succeeding selection. It is best to sample without replacement. Intuitively, this is because choosing the sample without replacement guarantees that all of the elements in the sample will be different, and thus we will have the fullest possible look at the population.

We now introduce three case studies that illustrate (1) the need for a random (or approximately random) sample, (2) how to select the needed sample, and (3) the use of the sample in making statistical inferences.

统计代写|商业分析作业代写Statistical Modelling for Business代考|Selecting a Random Sample

Part 2: Selecting a Random Sample The first step in selecting a random sample is to obtain a numbered list of the population elements. This list is called a frame. Then we can use a random number table or computer-generated random numbers to make random selections from the numbered list. Therefore, in order to select a random sample of 100 employees from the population of 2,136 employees on 500 -minute-per-month cell phone plans, the bank will make a numbered list of the 2,136 employees on 500 -minute plans. The bank can then use a random number table, such as Table 1.4(a) on the next page, to select the random sample. To see how this is done, note that any single-digit number in the table has been chosen in such a way that any of the single-digit numbers between 0 and 9 had the same chance of being chosen. For this reason, we say that any single-digit number in the table is a random number between 0 and 9 . Similarly, any two-digit number in the table is a random number between 00 and 99 , any three-digit number in the table is a random number between 000 and 999 , and so forth. Note that the table entries are segmented into groups of five to make the table easier to read. Because the total number of employees on 500 -minute cell phone plans $(2,136)$ is a four-digit number, we arbitrarily select any set of four digits in the table (we have circled these digits). This number, which is 0511 , identifies the first randomly selected employee. Then, moving in any direction from the 0511 (up, down, right, or left-it does not matter which), we select additional sets of four digits. These succeeding sets of digits identify additional randnmly selected emplnyees. Here we arbitrarily move down from 0511 in the table. The first seven sets of four digits we obtain are
$\begin{array}{lllllll}0511 & 7156 & 0285 & 4461 & 3990 & 4919 & 1915\end{array}$
(See Table 1.4(a) – these numbers are enclosed in a rectangle.) Because there are no employees numbered $7156,4461,3990$, or 4919 (remember only 2,136 employees are on 500 -minute plans), we ignore these numbers. This implies that the first three randomly selected employees are those numbered 0511, 0285, and 1915. Continuing this procedure, we can obtain the entire random sample of 100 employees. Notice that, because we are sampling without replacement, we should ignore any set of four digits previously selected from the random number table.

While using a random number table is one way to select a random sample, this approach has a disadvantage that is illustrated by the current situation. Specifically, because most fourdigit random numbers are not between 0001 and 2136 , obtaining 100 different, four-digit random numbers between 0001 and 2136 will require ignoring a large number of random numbers in the random number table, and we will in fact need to use a random number table that is larger than Table 1.4(a). Although larger random number tables are readily available in books of mathematical and statistical tables, a good altemative is to use a computer

software package, which can generate random numbers that are between whatever values we specify. For example, Table $1.4$ (b) gives the Minitab output of 100 different, four-digit random numbers that are between 0001 and 2136 (note that the “leading 0 ‘ $\mathrm{s}$ ” are not included in these four-digit numbers). If used, the random numbers in Table 1.4(b) would identify the 100 employees that form the random sample. For example, the first three randomly selected employees would be employees 705,1990 , and $1007 .$

Finally, note that computer sofware packages sometimes generate the same random number twice and thus are sampling with replacement. Because we wished to randomly select 100 employees without replacement, we had Minitab generate more than 100 (actually, 110) random numbers. We then ignored the repeated random numbers to obtain the 100 different random numbers in Table $1.4$ (b).

统计代写|商业分析作业代写Statistical Modelling for Business代考|Rating a Bottle Design

Part 1: Rating a Bottle Design The design of a package or bottle can have an important effect on a company’s bottom line. In this case a brand group wishes to research consumer reaction to a new bottle design for a popular soft drink. Because it is impossible to show the new bottle design to “all consumers,” the brand group will use the mall intercept method to select a sample of 60 consumers. On a particular Saturday, the brand group will choose a shopping mall and a sampling time so that shoppers at the mall during the sampling time are a representative cross-section of all consumers. Then, shoppers will be intercepted as they walk past a designated location, will be shown the new bottle, and will be asked to rate the bottle image. For each consumer interviewed, a bottle image composite score will be found by adding the consumer’s numerical responses to the five questions shown in Figure 1.4. It follows that the minimum possible bottle image composite score is 5 (resulting from a response of 1 on all five questions) and the maximum possible bottle image composite score is 35 (resulting from a response of 7 on all five questions). Furthermore, experience has shown that the smallest acceptable bottle image composite score for a successful bottle design is 25 .

Part 2: Selecting an Approximately Random Sample Because it is not possible to list and number all of the shoppers who will be at the mall on this Saturday, we cannot select a random sample of these shoppers. However, we can select an approximately random sample of these shoppers. To see one way to do this, note that there are 6 ten-minute intervals during each hour. and thus there are 60 ten-minute intervals during the 10-hour period from 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. – the time when the shopping mall is open. Therefore, one way to select an approximately random sample is to choose a particular location at the mall that most shoppers will walk by and then randomly select – at the beginning of each ten-minute period-one of the first shoppers who walks by the location. Here, although we could randomly select one person from any reasonable number of shoppers who walk by, we will (arbitrarily) randomly select one of the first five shoppers who walk by. For example, starting in the upper left-hand corner of Table 1.4(a) and proceeding down the first column, note that the first three random numbers between 1 and 5 are 3,5 , and 1 . This implies that ( 1 ) at 10 A.M. we would select the 3 rd customer who walks by; (2) at $10: 10$ A.M. we would select the 5 th shopper who walks by; (3) at 10:20 A.M. we would select the 1 st customer who walks by, and so forth. Furthermore, assume that the composite score ratings of the new bottle design that would be given by all shoppers at the mall on the Saturday are representative of the composite score ratings that would be given by all possible consumers. It then follows that the composite score ratings given by the 60 sampled shoppers can be regarded as an approximately random sample that can be used to make statistical inferences about the population of all possible consumer composite score ratings.

统计代写|商业分析作业代写Statistical Modelling for Business代考|Random Sampling, Three Case Studies


统计代写|商业分析作业代写Statistical Modelling for Business代考|Random sampling

如果样本中包含的信息要准确反映所研究的人群,则应从人群中随机抽取样本。为了直观地说明随机抽样,假设一家小公司雇佣了 15 名员工,并希望随机选择其中两人参加会议。为了进行随机选择,我们将员工编号为 1 到 15 ,并将 15 个相同的纸条放入帽子中,编号从 1 到 15 。我们将帽子里的纸条彻底混合,然后蒙上眼睛,选择一张。所选纸条上的数字标识了第一个随机选择的员工。然后,我们仍然蒙着眼睛,从帽子里挑出另一张纸条。第二张单据上的数字标识了第二个随机选择的员工。




统计代写|商业分析作业代写Statistical Modelling for Business代考|Selecting a Random Sample

第 2 部分:选择随机样本 选择随机样本的第一步是获取总体元素的编号列表。该列表称为框架。然后我们可以使用随机数表或计算机生成的随机数从编号列表中进行随机选择。因此,为了从每月 500 分钟手机计划的 2,136 名员工中随机抽取 100 名员工,银行将对 500 分钟计划的 2,136 名员工进行编号列表。然后银行可以使用随机数表,例如下一页的表 1.4(a),来选择随机样本。要了解这是如何完成的,请注意,表中的任何一位数都是这样选择的,即 0 到 9 之间的任何一位数都有相同的机会被选中。为此原因,我们说表中的任何一位数都是 0 到 9 之间的随机数。类似地,表中任意两位数为 00 到 99 之间的随机数,表中任意三位数为 000 到 999 之间的随机数,以此类推。请注意,表格条目被分成五个一组,以使表格更易于阅读。因为 500 分钟手机计划的员工总数(2,136)是一个四位数字,我们在表格中任意选择一组四位数字(我们已经圈出了这些数字)。这个数字是 0511 ,它标识了第一个随机选择的员工。然后,从 0511 向任何方向移动(上、下、右或左——哪个都无所谓),我们选择额外的四位数字组。这些随后的数字组标识了额外的随机选择的员工。这里我们从表中的 0511 任意下移。我们获得的前七组四位数是
(见表 1.4(a)——这些数字用一个矩形括起来。)因为没有员工编号7156,4461,3990,或 4919(请记住,只有 2,136 名员工使用 500 分钟计划),我们忽略这些数字。这意味着前三个随机选择的员工是编号为 0511、0285 和 1915 的员工。继续这个过程,我们可以获得 100 名员工的整个随机样本。请注意,因为我们是在没有放回的情况下进行抽样,所以我们应该忽略之前从随机数表中选择的任何四位数字。

虽然使用随机数表是选择随机样本的一种方法,但这种方法有一个缺点,目前的情况已经说明了这一点。具体来说,由于大多数四位随机数不在 0001 和 2136 之间,因此获得 0001 和 2136 之间的 100 个不同的四位随机数将需要忽略随机数表中的大量随机数,而我们实际上需要使用一个大于表 1.4(a) 的随机数表。虽然在数学和统计表的书中很容易找到更大的随机数表,但一个很好的替代方法是使用计算机

软件包,它可以生成介于我们指定的任何值之间的随机数。例如,表1.4(b) 给出 0001 到 2136 之间的 100 个不同的四位随机数的 Minitab 输出(请注意,“前导 0”s” 不包括在这四位数字中)。如果使用,表 1.4(b) 中的随机数将确定构成随机样本的 100 名员工。例如,前三个随机选择的员工将是员工 705,1990 ,并且1007.

最后,请注意,计算机软件包有时会两次生成相同的随机数,因此是带放回抽样。因为我们希望随机选择 100 名员工而不进行替换,所以我们让 Minitab 生成了 100 多个(实际上是 110 个)随机数。然后我们忽略重复的随机数,得到表中的 100 个不同的随机数1.4(b)。

统计代写|商业分析作业代写Statistical Modelling for Business代考|Rating a Bottle Design

第 1 部分:评估瓶子设计 包装或瓶子的设计会对公司的底线产生重要影响。在这种情况下,一个品牌集团希望研究消费者对一种流行软饮料的新瓶子设计的反应。由于无法将新瓶设计展示给“所有消费者”,品牌组将采用商场截取法抽取60名消费者作为样本。在特定的周六,品牌组会选择一个购物中心和一个采样时间,以便在采样时间内在该购物中心的购物者是所有消费者的代表性横截面。然后,当购物者经过指定地点时,他们会被拦截,他们会看到新瓶子,并被要求对瓶子图像进行评分。对于每位受访的消费者,通过将消费者对图 1.4 中所示的五个问题的数字回答相加,可以得出瓶子图像综合得分。因此,最低可能的瓶子图像综合得分为 5(由对所有五个问题的回答为 1 产生),而最高可能的瓶子图像综合得分为 35(由对所有五个问题的回答为 7 产生)。此外,经验表明,成功的瓶子设计可接受的最小瓶子图像综合得分是 25 分。

第 2 部分:选择一个近似随机的样本 由于无法列出本周六将在购物中心的所有购物者并对其进行编号,因此我们无法从这些购物者中随机选择一个样本。但是,我们可以从这些购物者中选择一个近似随机的样本。要查看执行此操作的一种方法,请注意每小时有 6 个十分钟间隔。因此,在上午 10 点到晚上 8 点的 10 小时内,有 60 个 10 分钟的间隔——购物中心的营业时间。因此,选择近似随机样本的一种方法是在购物中心选择一个大多数购物者会经过的特定位置,然后随机选择——在每十分钟的开始时——首先经过该位置的购物者之一. 这里,虽然我们可以从任何合理数量的路过的购物者中随机选择一个人,但我们将(任意)随机选择前五名路过的购物者中的一个。例如,从表 1.4(a) 的左上角开始,沿着第一列向下,注意 1 和 5 之间的前三个随机数是 3,5 和 1 。这意味着 (1) 在上午 10 点我们将选择第 3 位路过的顾客;(2) 在10:10上午,我们会选择第 5 个经过的购物者;(3) 在上午 10:20,我们将选择第一个经过的顾客,依此类推。此外,假设周六购物中心所有购物者给出的新瓶子设计的综合评分代表所有可能的消费者给出的综合评分。因此,60 个抽样购物者给出的综合评分可以被视为一个近似随机的样本,可用于对所有可能的消费者综合评分的总体进行统计推断。

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在概率论概念中,随机过程随机变量的集合。 若一随机系统的样本点是随机函数,则称此函数为样本函数,这一随机系统全部样本函数的集合是一个随机过程。 实际应用中,样本函数的一般定义在时间域或者空间域。 随机过程的实例如股票和汇率的波动、语音信号、视频信号、体温的变化,随机运动如布朗运动、随机徘徊等等。


贝叶斯统计概念及数据分析表示使用概率陈述回答有关未知参数的研究问题以及统计范式。后验分布包括关于参数的先验分布,和基于观测数据提供关于参数的信息似然模型。根据选择的先验分布和似然模型,后验分布可以解析或近似,例如,马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗 (MCMC) 方法之一。贝叶斯统计概念及数据分析使用后验分布来形成模型参数的各种摘要,包括点估计,如后验平均值、中位数、百分位数和称为可信区间的区间估计。此外,所有关于模型参数的统计检验都可以表示为基于估计后验分布的概率报表。





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基础数据: $N$ 个样本, $P$ 个变量数的单样本,组成的横列的数据表
变量定性: 分类和顺序;变量定量:数值
数学公式的角度分为: 因变量与自变量


随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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