统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Several Cultivars of Primary Interest

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统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Several Cultivars of Primary Interest

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Example

S. Kaffka, Cornell University, conducted an experiment in large containers in a greenhouse at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, West Germany, during March to July of 1980. A uniform stockpiled Filder clay-loam soil mixed with small amounts of peat moss and sand was used to fill the containers (boxes). All boxes were sown with sufficient barley seeds and seeds of the other six secondary species to establish a stand of 20 uniformly spaced barley plants and undersown plants according to the following pattern in one block of a randomized complete block design with $r=3$ blocks (see Figure 12.2):
(i) 1 box with 20 barley plants and no secondary species,
(ii) 6 boxes in which 1 box contained 20 barley plants and 12 plants of 1 of the 6 species,
(iii) 20 boxes with 20 barley plants and 12 other plants which consisted of 4 plants (randomly allotted) from each of 3 of the 6 species and which was 1 of the 20 possible combinations of 6 species taken 3 at a time, and
(iv) 1 box which contained 20 barley plants and 2 plants of each of the 6 species.
All seeds were sown on one planting date, thinned to a single plant per position, and watered as necessary throughout the growing season. At the end of the growing season, 6 barley plants from the center of each box and all 12 plants of the secondary species were harvested and dry weights taken. A yield-density trial for barley and a replacement series of barley and lentils were also included in the experiment as a partial check on the model employed. The data for seed weight of the six barley

The seed weight in grams of six barley plants is presented in Table 12.2. The treatment and block totals and means are also given. From these, one may compute residuals for a two-way array as
Y_{i j}-\bar{y}{i \cdot}-\bar{y}{\cdot j}+\bar{y}{. .}=\hat{e}{i j}
\left(r v Y_{i j}-r Y_{i,}-v Y_{\cdot j}+Y_{. .}\right) / r v=\hat{e}{i j} . $$ The first formula is subject to rounding errors, whereas the second form is not. The residuals times $r v$ sum to zero exactly in any row or any column of the table using the second form. The frequency distribution of the $84 \hat{e}{i j}$ ‘s is given in Figure 12.3. A rather symmetrical distribution, 43 negatives and 41 positives, was obtained with no unusual outliers, although the 3 residuals greater than 6 accounted for $21 \%$ of the total residual sum of squares. One could check on the relation between treatment means, $\bar{y}{i}$, and sums of squares, $\sum{j=1}^{r} \hat{e}{i j}^{2}$, using Spearman’s rank correlation. (D.S. Robson, Cornell University, and C.L. Wood, University of Kentucky, have shown that this follows Spearman’s rank correlation.) First rank the means from 1 to 28 ; compute the $28 \sum{j=1}^{3} \hat{e}{i j}^{2}$ in Table 12.3, and then rank them. Take the difference $d{i}$ in ranks. Then, Spearman’s rank correlation is computed as
r_{S}=1-\frac{6 \sum_{i=1}^{n} d_{i}^{2}}{n\left(n^{2}-1\right)}=1-\frac{6 \sum_{i=1}^{28} d_{i}^{2}}{28\left(28^{2}-1\right)}=1-\frac{6(3004)}{28(783)}=0.18
$r_{S}=0.18$ is considerably smaller than $r_{.05}$ (26 d.f.) $=0.374$. Hence, the treatment means and variances are considered to be uncorrelated. In light of the above evidence, no transformation of seed weight was considered necessary to stabilize variances, which is required for $F$-tests.

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Several Cultivars of Primary Interest

Suppose that $c$ lines or cultivars are of primary interest and that $v$ lines or cultivars of secondary interest are being considered. For example, suppose that $c$ lines of barley, which will be grown with $k$ of $v$ supplementary cultivars, $k=0,1,2, \ldots, v$, are of interest. A split plot experiment design could be used in which
(i) the $c$ lines or cultivars of primary interest form the whole plot or

The choice would depend on contrasts of primary interest. If a mixture combination for each cultivar of primary interest was desired, then use (i). If, on the other hand, it was desired to have more information on the $c$ cultivars of primary interest, then use (ii). If all contrasts were of equal interest, then a complete block or an incomplete block design would be indicated.

Analyses of variance for situations (i) and (ii) above are given in Tables $12.7$ and 12.8. It is recommended that analyses of variance of the form of Table $12.1$ be performed for each line of the main crop prior to combining results as in Table 12.7. For (ii), analyses of variance should be obtained for each whole plot treatment before combining the results for all whole plots. Standard statistical software for obtaining analyses for split plot designs may be used for these analyses. To obtain some of the sums of squares, a contrast statement is needed.

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Some Comments

In the previous chapter, it was stated that one should not generalize from mixtures of two to mixtures of four, that one could expect surprises when analyzing data from a mixture experiment, and that one should not generalize from cultivar to cultivar. The example discussed in this chapter bears out these comments. When this particular barley variety was grown with one of the particular six cultivars, the yield was decreased for five of the six, relative to sole crop yield. The reverse was true for the barley variety grown with 3 of the 6 cultivars where 13 of the 20 mixtures of 4 outyielded the sole crop. Also, when averages of all mixtures of four in which one of the six cultivars was obtained, all six were above the sole crop average, $19.47$ (see Table $12.4$ and Figure 12.4). If a prediction had been made from mixtures of two for mixtures of four, it would have been predicted that mixtures of four would decrease yields. An error would have been made.

Such a result as discussed above for mixtures of two versus mixtures of four crops came as a surprise. Another surprise was that when the mixture contained barley plus all six cultivars, the barley yields were below the sole crop mean, i.e., $18.93$ vs. 19.47. If these results are repeatable, they are interesting biological phenomena concerning species competition and ecology. Another surprise was that the 12 extra plants did not always decrease the yield of barley as this author would have presumed. The 12 extra plants should have exerted considerable stress on the barley plants, but this did not always materialize.

Even if these results are repeatable when the experiment is repeated, it would not be correct to generalize to other barley varieties and to other cultivars. The results are specific for this particular barley variety and the particular collection of the six supplementary crops used in the experiment. It is possible that the results are more general than indicated, but experiments should be conducted to confirm this.

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Several Cultivars of Primary Interest


统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Example

康奈尔大学的 S. Kaffka 于 1980 年 3 月至 7 月在西德斯图加特的霍恩海姆大学的温室中进行了一项实验。均匀储存的菲尔德粘土粘土与少量泥炭藓和沙子被用来填充容器(盒子)。所有的盒子都播种了足够的大麦种子和其他六种次要物种的种子,以建立一个由 20 株均匀分布的大麦植物和下播植物组成的林分,按照以下模式在一个随机完整区组设计的一个区组中r=3块(见图 12.2):(
i) 1 盒 20 株大麦植物,无次生物种,
(ii) 6 盒,其中 1 盒包含 20 株大麦植物和 6 种中 1 株的 12 株,
(iii) 20 盒20 株大麦植物和 12 株其他植物,由来自 6 种中的 3 种的 4 株植物(随机分配)组成,是 6 种植物的 20 种可能组合中的 1 株,一次取 3 株,和
(iv) 1 个盒子,其中包含大麦植物 20 株,6 种各 2 株。
所有种子都在一个种植日期播种,每个位置稀疏到一株植物,并在整个生长季节根据需要浇水。在生长季节结束时,从每个箱子的中心收获 6 株大麦植物和所有 12 株次生植物并称量干重。大麦和一系列大麦和小扁豆的替代品产量密度试验也包括在实验中,作为对所用模型的部分检查。六大麦种子重数据

六种大麦植物的种子重量(以克为单位)列于表 12.2 中。还给出了治疗和块总数和方法。根据这些,可以计算二维数组的残差为
(rv是一世j−r是一世,−v是⋅j+是..)/rv=和^一世j.第一个公式会出现舍入误差,而第二个公式则不会。残差次数rv使用第二种形式在表格的任何行或任何列中精确地求和为零。频率分布84和^一世j’s 在图 12.3 中给出。尽管大于 6 的 3 个残差占了21%的总残差平方和。可以检查治疗手段之间的关系,是¯一世, 和平方和,∑j=1r和^一世j2,使用 Spearman 等级相关性。(康奈尔大学的 DS Robson 和肯塔基大学的 CL Wood 表明,这遵循 Spearman 的等级相关性。)首先对 1 到 28 的平均值进行排序;计算28∑j=13和^一世j2在表 12.3 中,然后对它们进行排名。拿差价d一世在行列中。然后,Spearman 的秩相关计算为
r小号=0.18远小于r.05(26 自由度)=0.374. 因此,处理均值和方差被认为是不相关的。鉴于上述证据,种子重量的变换被认为是稳定方差所必需的,这是F-测试。

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Several Cultivars of Primary Interest

假设C品系或品种是主要兴趣,并且v正在考虑次要兴趣的品种或品种。例如,假设C大麦线,将与到的v补充品种,到=0,1,2,…,v, 感兴趣。可以使用裂区实验设计,其中

选择将取决于主要兴趣的对比。如果需要每种主要感兴趣的品种的混合物组合,则使用 (i)。另一方面,如果希望获得更多关于C主要感兴趣的品种,然后使用(ii)。如果所有对比都具有相同的兴趣,则将指示完整的块设计或不完整的块设计。

上述情况 (i) 和 (ii) 的方差分析见表12.7和 12.8。建议采用表格形式的方差分析12.1在组合结果之前,对主要作物的每一行执行表 12.7。对于 (ii),在合并所有整区的结果之前,应对每个整区处理进行方差分析。用于获得裂区设计分析的标准统计软件可用于这些分析。为了获得一些平方和,需要一个对比语句。

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Some Comments

在前一章中,有人指出,不应从两种的混合物推广到四种的混合物,在分析混合实验的数据时可能会出现意外,并且不应从一个品种推广到另一个品种。本章讨论的例子证实了这些评论。当这种特定的大麦品种与特定的六种品种中的一种一起种植时,六种品种中的五种的产量相对于单一作物的产量有所下降。用 6 个品种中的 3 个种植的大麦品种则相反,其中 4 个品种的 20 种混合物中有 13 种产量超过单一作物。此外,当获得六种品种之一的四种混合物的平均值时,所有六种都高于单一作物的平均值,19.47(见表12.4和图 12.4)。如果根据两种的混合物对四种的混合物进行预测,则可以预测四种的混合物会降低产量。会发生错误。

上面讨论的两种作物的混合物与四种作物的混合物的结果令人惊讶。另一个惊喜是,当混合物包含大麦和所有六个品种时,大麦产量低于单一作物的平均值,即18.93对比 19.47。如果这些结果是可重复的,那么它们就是关于物种竞争和生态学的有趣生物现象。另一个令人惊讶的是,额外的 12 株植物并不总是像作者假设的那样降低大麦的产量。额外的 12 株植物本应对大麦植物施加相当大的压力,但这并不总是能实现。


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在概率论概念中,随机过程随机变量的集合。 若一随机系统的样本点是随机函数,则称此函数为样本函数,这一随机系统全部样本函数的集合是一个随机过程。 实际应用中,样本函数的一般定义在时间域或者空间域。 随机过程的实例如股票和汇率的波动、语音信号、视频信号、体温的变化,随机运动如布朗运动、随机徘徊等等。


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基础数据: $N$ 个样本, $P$ 个变量数的单样本,组成的横列的数据表
变量定性: 分类和顺序;变量定量:数值
数学公式的角度分为: 因变量与自变量


随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


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