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Confidence Intervals in Statistics - Simple Tutorial
统计代写|数据科学代写data science代考|Disjunct Regions

统计代写|数据科学代写data science代考|Assumptions

The assumptions imposed on the nonlinearity test are summarized below [38].

  1. The variables are mean-centered and scaled to unit variance with respect to disjunct regions for which the accuracy bounds are to be determined.
  2. Each disjunct region has the same number of observations.
  3. A $\mathrm{PCA}$ model is determined for one region where the the accuracy bounds describe the variation for the sum of the discarded eigenvalues in that region.
  4. PCA models are determined for the remaining disjunct regions.
  5. The PCA models for each region include the same number of retained principal components.

统计代写|数据科学代写data science代考|Disjunct Regions

Here, we investigate how to construct the disjunct regions and how many disjunct regions should be considered. In essence, dividing the operating range into the disjunct regions can be carried out through prior knowledge of the process or by directly analyzing the recorded data. Utilizing a priori knowledge into the construction of the disjunct regions, for example, entails the incorporation of knowledge about distinct operating regions of the process. A direct analysis, on the other hand, by applying scatter plots of the first few retained principal components could reveal patterns that are indicative of distinct operating conditions. Wold et al. $[80]$, page 46 , presented an example of this based on a set of 20 “natural” amino acids.

If the above analysis does not yield any distinctive features, however, the original operating region could be divided into two disjunct regions initially. The nonlinearity test can then be applied to these two initial disjunct regions. Then, the number of regions can be increased incrementally, followed by a subsequent application of the test. It should be noted, however, that increasing the number of disjunct regions is accompanied by a reduction in the number of obervations in each region. As outlined the next subsection, a sufficient number of observations are required in order to prevent large Type I and II

errors for testing the hypothesis of using a linear model against the alternative hypothesis of rejecting that a linear model can be used.

Next, we discuss which of the disjunct regions should be used to establish the accuracy bounds. Intuitively, one could consider the most centered region for this purpose or alternatively, a region that is at the margin of the original operating region. More practically, the region at which the process is known to operate most often could be selected. This, however, would require a priori knowledge of the process. However, a simpler approach relies on the incorporation of the cross-validation principle $[64,65]$ to automate this selection. In relation to $\mathrm{PCA}$, cross-validation has been proposed as a technique to determine the number of retained principal components by Wold [79] and Krzanowski [39].

Applied to the nonlinearity test, the cross-validation principle could be applied in the following manner. First, select one disjunct region and compute the accuracy bounds of that region. Then, benchmark the residual variance of the remaining PCA models against this set of bounds. The test is completed if accuracy bounds have been computed for each of the disjunct regions and the residual variances of the PCA models of the respective remaining disjunct regions have been benchmarked against these accuracy bounds. For example, if 3 disjunct regions are established, the PCA model of the first region is used to calculate accuracy bounds and the residual variances of the $3 \mathrm{PCA}$ models (one for each region) is benchmarked against this set of bounds. Then, the PCA model for the second region is used to determine accuracy bounds and again, the residual variances of the $3 \mathrm{PCA}$ models are benchmarked against the second set of bounds. Finally, accuracy bounds for the PCA model of the 3rd region are constructed and each residual variance is compared to this 3rd set of bounds. It is important to note that the PCA models will vary depending upon which region is currently used to compute accuracy bounds. This is a result of the normalization procedure, since the mean and variance of each variable may change from region to region.

统计代写|数据科学代写data science代考|Confidence Limits for Correlation Matrix

The data correlation matrix, which is symmetric and positive semidefinite, for a given set of $N$ variables has the following structure:
\mathbf{R}{Z Z}=\left[\begin{array}{cccc} 1 & r{12} & \cdots & r_{1 N} \
r_{21} & 1 & \cdots & r_{2 N} \
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \
r_{N 1} & r_{N 2} & \cdots & 1
Given that the total number of disjunct regions is $m$ the number of observations used to construct any correlation matrix is $\widetilde{K}=K / m$, rounded to the nearest integer. Furthermore, the correlation matrix for constructing the

PCA model for the $h$ th disjunct region, which is utilized to determine of the accuracy bound, is further defined by $\mathbf{R}{Z Z}^{(h)}$. Whilst the diagonal elements of this matrix are equal to one, the nondiagonal elements represent correlation coefficients for which confidence limits can be determined as follows: $$ r{i j}^{(h)}=\frac{\exp \left(2 \varsigma_{i j}^{(h)}\right)-1}{\exp \left(2 \varsigma_{i j}^{(h)}\right)+1} \text { if } i \neq j
where $\varsigma_{i j}^{(h)}=\varsigma_{i j}^{(h)^{}} \pm \varepsilon, \varsigma_{i j}^{(h)^{}}=\ln \left(1+r_{i j}^{(h)^{}} / 1-r_{i j}^{(h)^{}}\right) / 2, r_{i j}^{(h)^{*}}$ is the sample correlation coefficient between the $i$ th and $j$ th process variable, $\varepsilon=\mathrm{c}{\alpha} / \sqrt{\overparen{K}-3}$ and $c{\alpha}$ is the critical value of a normal distribution with zero mean, unit variance and a significance level $\alpha$. This produces two confidence limits for each of the nondiagonal elements of $\mathbf{R}{Z Z}^{(h)}$, which implies that the estimate nondiagonal elements with a significance level of $\alpha$, is between $\mathbf{R}{Z Z}^{(h)}=\left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c}1 & r_{12 L}^{(h)} \leq r_{12}^{(h)} \leq r_{12 U}^{(h)} & \cdots & r_{1 N_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{1 N}^{(h)} \leq r_{1 N_{U}}^{(h)} \ \hline r_{21_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{21}^{(h)} \leq r_{21_{U}}^{(h)} & 1 & \cdots & r_{2 N_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{2 N}^{(h)} \leq r_{2 N_{\nu}}^{(h)} \ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \ \hline r_{N 1_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{N 1}^{(h)} \leq r_{N 1_{U}}^{(h)} & r_{N 22_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{N 2}^{(h)} \leq r_{N 2 U}^{(h)} & \cdots & 1\end{array}\right]$
where the indices $U$ and $L$ refer to the upper and lower confidence limit, that is $r_{i j L}^{(h)}=\frac{\exp \left(2\left(c_{i j}^{(h)}-\varepsilon\right)\right)-1}{\exp \left(2\left(c_{i j}^{(h)}-\varepsilon\right)\right)+1}$ and $r_{i j u}^{(h)}=\frac{\exp \left(2\left(c_{i j}^{(h)}+\varepsilon\right)\right)-1}{\exp \left(2\left(c_{i j}^{(h)}+\varepsilon\right)\right)+1}$. A simplified version of Equation (1.18) is shown below
\mathbf{R}{Z Z{L}}^{(h)} \leq \mathbf{R}{Z Z}^{(h)} \leq \mathbf{R}{Z Z_{U}}^{(h)}
which is valid elementwise. Here, $\mathbf{R}{Z Z{L}}^{(h)}$ and $\mathbf{R}{Z Z{U}}^{(h)}$ are matrices storing the lower confidence limits and the upper confidence limits of the nondiagonal elements, respectively.

It should be noted that the confidence limits for each correlation coefficient is dependent upon the number of observations contained in each disjunct region, $\tilde{K}$. More precisely, if $\tilde{K}$ reduces the confidence region widens according to (1.17). This, in turn, undermines the sensitivity of this test. It is therefore important to record a sufficiently large reference set from the analyzed process in order to (i) guarantee that the number of observations in each disjunct region does not produce excessively wide confidence regions for each correlation coefficient, (ii) produce enough disjunct regions for the test and (iii) extract information encapsulated in the recorded observations.

统计代写|数据科学代写data science代考|Disjunct Regions


统计代写|数据科学代写data science代考|Assumptions


  1. 这些变量以均值为中心,并相对于要确定准确度界限的分离区域缩放为单位方差。
  2. 每个分离区域具有相同数量的观察值。
  3. 一种磷C一种模型是为一个区域确定的,其中精度界限描述了该区域中丢弃的特征值之和的变化。
  4. 为剩余的分离区域确定 PCA 模型。
  5. 每个区域的 PCA 模型包括相同数量的保留主成分。

统计代写|数据科学代写data science代考|Disjunct Regions

在这里,我们研究如何构建分离区域以及应该考虑多少个分离区域。实质上,可以通过对过程的先验知识或通过直接分析记录的数据来将操作范围划分为分离的区域。例如,在分离区域的构建中使用先验知识需要结合有关过程的不同操作区域的知识。另一方面,通过应用前几个保留主成分的散点图进行直接分析,可以揭示指示不同操作条件的模式。沃尔德等人。[80],第 46 页,提出了一个基于一组 20 种“天然”氨基酸的例子。

但是,如果上述分析没有产生任何显着特征,则最初可以将原始操作区域分为两个不相交的区域。然后可以将非线性测试应用于这两个初始分离区域。然后,可以逐步增加区域的数量,然后进行后续测试。然而,应该注意的是,增加分离区域的数量伴随着每个区域的观测数量的减少。如下一小节所述,需要足够数量的观察来防止大型 I 型和 II 型


接下来,我们讨论应该使用哪些分离区域来建立准确度界限。直观地,可以为此考虑最中心的区域,或者考虑位于原始操作区域边缘的区域。更实际地,可以选择已知过程最常运行的区域。然而,这将需要对该过程的先验知识。然而,更简单的方法依赖于交叉验证原则的结合[64,65]自动进行此选择。和—关联磷C一种,交叉验证已被 Wold [79] 和 Krzanowski [39] 提出作为一种确定保留主成分数量的技术。

应用于非线性测试,交叉验证原理可以以下列方式应用。首先,选择一个分离区域并计算该区域的准确度范围。然后,将剩余 PCA 模型的残差方差与这组界限进行基准测试。如果已经为每个分离区域计算了准确度界限,并且已经针对这些准确度界限对各个剩余分离区域的 PCA 模型的剩余方差进行了基准测试,则测试完成。例如,如果建立了 3 个不相交区域,则使用第一个区域的 PCA 模型来计算准确度界限和剩余方差3磷C一种模型(每个区域一个)以这组边界为基准。然后,第二个区域的 PCA 模型用于确定准确度界限,并再次确定该区域的残差方差。3磷C一种模型以第二组界限为基准。最后,构建第三个区域的 PCA 模型的准确度界限,并将每个残差方差与第三组界限进行比较。需要注意的是,PCA 模型将根据当前用于计算准确度界限的区域而有所不同。这是归一化过程的结果,因为每个变量的均值和方差可能会因区域而异。

统计代写|数据科学代写data science代考|Confidence Limits for Correlation Matrix

R从从=[1r12⋯r1ñ r211⋯r2ñ ⋮⋮⋱⋮ rñ1rñ2⋯1]

PCA 模型H用于确定精度界限的分离区域进一步定义为R从从(H). 虽然该矩阵的对角元素等于 1,但非对角元素表示相关系数,其置信限可按如下方式确定:r一世j(H)=经验⁡(2ε一世j(H))−1经验⁡(2ε一世j(H))+1 如果 一世≠j
在哪里ε一世j(H)=ε一世j(H)±e,ε一世j(H)=ln⁡(1+r一世j(H)/1−r一世j(H))/2,r一世j(H)∗是样本之间的相关系数一世和j过程变量,e=C一种/ķ⏜−3和C一种是具有零均值、单位方差和显着性水平的正态分布的临界值一种. 这会为每个非对角元素生成两个置信限R从从(H),这意味着估计具有显着性水平的非对角元素一种, 在。。。之间\mathbf{R}{Z Z}^{(h)}=\left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c}1 & r_{12 L}^{(h)} \leq r_{12 }^{(h)} \leq r_{12 U}^{(h)} & \cdots & r_{1 N_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{1 N}^{(h) } \leq r_{1 N_{U}}^{(h)} \ \hline r_{21_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{21}^{(h)} \leq r_{21_ {U}}^{(h)} & 1 & \cdots & r_{2 N_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{2 N}^{(h)} \leq r_{2 N_{ \nu}}^{(h)} \ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \ \hline r_{N 1_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{N 1}^{(h )} \leq r_{N 1_{U}}^{(h)} & r_{N 22_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{N 2}^{(h)} \leq r_{ N 2 U}^{(h)} & \cdots & 1\end{array}\right]\mathbf{R}{Z Z}^{(h)}=\left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c}1 & r_{12 L}^{(h)} \leq r_{12 }^{(h)} \leq r_{12 U}^{(h)} & \cdots & r_{1 N_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{1 N}^{(h) } \leq r_{1 N_{U}}^{(h)} \ \hline r_{21_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{21}^{(h)} \leq r_{21_ {U}}^{(h)} & 1 & \cdots & r_{2 N_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{2 N}^{(h)} \leq r_{2 N_{ \nu}}^{(h)} \ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \ \hline r_{N 1_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{N 1}^{(h )} \leq r_{N 1_{U}}^{(h)} & r_{N 22_{L}}^{(h)} \leq r_{N 2}^{(h)} \leq r_{ N 2 U}^{(h)} & \cdots & 1\end{array}\right]
指数在哪里在和大号指置信上限和下限,即r一世j大号(H)=经验⁡(2(C一世j(H)−e))−1经验⁡(2(C一世j(H)−e))+1和r一世j在(H)=经验⁡(2(C一世j(H)+e))−1经验⁡(2(C一世j(H)+e))+1. 公式(1.18)的简化版本如下所示

应该注意的是,每个相关系数的置信限取决于每个分离区域中包含的观测值的数量,ķ~. 更准确地说,如果ķ~根据 (1.17) 减小置信区域扩大。这反过来又破坏了该测试的敏感性。因此,重要的是从分析过程中记录足够大的参考集,以便 (i) 保证每个分离区域中的观察数量不会为每个相关系数产生过宽的置信区域,(ii) 产生足够的分离区域用于测试和 (iii) 提取包含在记录观察中的信息。

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在概率论概念中,随机过程随机变量的集合。 若一随机系统的样本点是随机函数,则称此函数为样本函数,这一随机系统全部样本函数的集合是一个随机过程。 实际应用中,样本函数的一般定义在时间域或者空间域。 随机过程的实例如股票和汇率的波动、语音信号、视频信号、体温的变化,随机运动如布朗运动、随机徘徊等等。


贝叶斯统计概念及数据分析表示使用概率陈述回答有关未知参数的研究问题以及统计范式。后验分布包括关于参数的先验分布,和基于观测数据提供关于参数的信息似然模型。根据选择的先验分布和似然模型,后验分布可以解析或近似,例如,马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗 (MCMC) 方法之一。贝叶斯统计概念及数据分析使用后验分布来形成模型参数的各种摘要,包括点估计,如后验平均值、中位数、百分位数和称为可信区间的区间估计。此外,所有关于模型参数的统计检验都可以表示为基于估计后验分布的概率报表。





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基础数据: $N$ 个样本, $P$ 个变量数的单样本,组成的横列的数据表
变量定性: 分类和顺序;变量定量:数值
数学公式的角度分为: 因变量与自变量


随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


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