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物理代写|空气动力学代写Aerodynamics代考|Classical Aerodynamics

This chapter surveys some of the principal developments of computational aerodynamics, with a focus on aeronautical applications. It is written with the perspective that computational mathematics is a natural extension of classical methods of applied mathematics, which has enabled the treatment of more complex, in particular nonlinear, mathematical models, and also the calculation of solutions in very complex geometric domains not amenable to classical techniques such as the separation of variables.

This is particularly true for aerodynamics. Efficient flight can be achieved only by establishing highly coherent flows. Consequently there are many important applications where it is not necessary to solve the full Navier-Stokes equations in order to gain an insight into the nature of the flow, and useful predictions can be made with simplified mathematical models. It was already recognized by Prandtl in 1904 (Prandtl 1904, Schlichting \& Gersten 1999), essentially contemporaneous with the first successful flights of the Wright brothers, that in flows at the large Reynolds numbers typical of powered flight, viscous effects are important chiefly in thin shear layers adjacent to the surface. While these boundary layers play a critical role in determining whether the flow will separate and how much circulation will be generated around a lifting surface, the equations of inviscid flow are a good approximation in the bulk of the flow field external to the boundary layer. In the absence of separation, a first estimate of the effect of the boundary layer is provided by regarding it as increasing the effective thickness of the body. This procedure can be justified by asymptotic analysis (Van Dyke 1964, Ashley \& Landahl 1985).

The classical treatment of the external inviscid flow is based on Kelvin’s theorem that in the absence of discontinuities, the circulation around a material loop remains constant. Consequently an initially irrotational flow remains irrotational. This allows us to simplify the equations further by representing the velocity as the gradient of a potential. If the flow is also regarded as incompressible, the governing equation reduces to Laplace’s equation. These simplifications provided the basis for the classical airfoil theory of Joukowsky (Glauert 1926) and Prandtl’s wing theory (Prandtl \& Tietjens 1957, Ashley \& Landahl 1985). Supersonic flow over slender bodies at Mach numbers greater than two is also well represented by the linearized equations. Techniques for the solution of linearized flow were perfected in the period 1935-1950, particularly by W.D. Hayes, who derived the supersonic area rule (Hayes 1947).
Classical aerodynamic theory provided engineers with a good insight into the nature of the flow phenomena and a fairly good estimate of the force on simple contigurations such as an isolated wing, but could not predict the details of the flow over the complex configuration of a complete aircraft. Consequently, the primary tool for the development of aerodynamic configurations was the wind tunnel. Shapes were tested and modifications selected in the light of pressure and force measurements together with flow visualization techniques. In much the same way that Michelangelo, della Porta, and Fontana could design the dome of St. Peter’s through a good physical understanding of stress paths, so could experienced aerodynamicists arrive at efficient shapes through testing guided by good physical insight. Notable examples of the power of this method include the achievement of the Wright brothers in leaving the ground (after first building a wind tunnel) and more recently Whitcomb’s discovery of the area rule for transonic flow, followed by his development of aftloaded supercritical airfoils and winglets (Whitcomb 1956, 1974, 1976). The process was expensive. More than 20,000 hours of wind tunnel testing were expended in the development of some modern designs, such as the Boeing $747 .$

物理代写|空气动力学代写Aerodynamics代考|The Emergence of Computational Aerodynamics

Prior to 1960 , computational methods were hardly used in aerodynamic analysis, although they were already widely used for structural analysis. The NACA 6 series of airfoils had been developed during the forties, using hand computation to implement the Theodorsen method for conformal mapping (Theodorsen 1931). The first major success in computational aerodynamics was the introduction of boundary integral methods by Hess and Smith (1962) to calculate potential flow over an arbitrary configuration. Generally known in the aeronautical community as panel methods, these continue to be used to the present day to make initial predictions of low speed aerodynamic characteristics of preliminary designs. It was the compelling need, however, both to predict transonic flow and to gain a better understanding of its properties and character, that was a driving force for the development of computational aerodynamics through the period 1970-1990.

In the case of military aircraft capable of supersonic flight, the high drag associated with high $g$ maneuvers forces them to be performed in the transonic regime. In the case of commercial aircraft, the importance of transonic flow stems from the Breguet range equation. This provides a good first estimate of range as
R=\frac{V}{s f c} \frac{L}{D} \log \frac{W_0+W_f}{W_0} .
Here $V$ is the speed, $L / D$ is the lift to drag ratio, $s f c$ is the specific fuel consumption of the engines, $W_0$ is the landing weight, and $W_f$ is the weight of the fuel burnt. The Breguet equation clearly exposes the multi-disciplinary nature of the design problem. A lightweight structure is needed to minimize $W_0$. The specific fuel consumption is mainly the province of the engine manufacturers, and in fact the largest advances during the last thirty years have been in engine efficiency. The aerodynamic designer should try to maximize $V L / D$. This means that the cruising speed should be increased until the onset of drag-rise due to the formation of shock waves. Consequently the best cruising speed is in the transonic regime. The typical pattern of transonic flow over a wing section is illustrated in Figure 1.1.

Transonic flow had proved essentially intractable to analytic methods. Garabedian and Korn had demonstrated the feasibility of designing airfoils for shock-free flow in the transonic regime numerically by the method of complex characteristics (Bauer, Garabedian, \& Korn 1972). Their method was formulated in the hodograph plane, and it required great skill to obtain solutions corresponding to physically realizable shapes. It was also known from Morawetz’s theorem (Morawetz 1956) that shock free transonic solutions are isolated points.





对于空气动力学来说尤其如此。高效飞行只能通过建立高度一致的气流来实现。因此,在许多重要的应用中,不需要求解完整的Navier-Stokes方程就可以洞察流体的本质,并且可以用简化的数学模型进行有用的预测。它已经在1904年被普朗特(Prandtl 1904, Schlichting &Gersten 1999),基本上与莱特兄弟的第一次成功飞行是同时的,在大雷诺数的流动中,典型的动力飞行,粘性效应是重要的,主要是在靠近表面的薄剪切层。虽然这些边界层在决定流动是否会分离以及在升力面周围会产生多少循环方面起着关键作用,但无粘流方程对于边界层外的流场是一个很好的近似。在没有分离的情况下,边界层效应的初步估计是将边界层看作是增加了体的有效厚度。这一过程可以通过渐近分析(Van Dyke 1964, Ashley &Landahl 1985)。

对外部无粘流动的经典处理是基于开尔文定理,即在没有不连续的情况下,围绕物质环的循环保持恒定。因此,最初的无旋流仍然是无旋流。这使得我们可以通过将速度表示为势的梯度来进一步简化方程。如果流体也被视为不可压缩,则控制方程简化为拉普拉斯方程。这些简化为Joukowsky (Glauert 1926)的经典翼型理论和Prandtl的机翼理论(Prandtl &蒂金斯1957年,阿什利&安培;Landahl 1985)。在马赫数大于2的细长物体上的超声速流动也可以用线性化方程很好地表示。求解线性化流动的技术在1935-1950年期间得到了完善,特别是W.D. Hayes推导出了超音速面积规则(Hayes 1947)。经典的空气动力学理论为工程师们提供了对流动现象本质的良好洞察,并对孤立的机翼等简单结构上的力进行了相当好的估计,但无法预测整个飞机复杂结构上的流动细节。因此,开发气动结构的主要工具是风洞。根据压力和力的测量以及流动可视化技术,对形状进行了测试并选择了修改。就像米开朗基罗、德拉·波塔和丰塔纳通过对应力路径的物理理解来设计圣彼得大教堂的圆顶一样,经验丰富的空气动力学家也可以在良好的物理洞察力指导下通过测试得出有效的形状。该方法威力的显著例子包括莱特兄弟在离开地面方面的成就(在首次建造风洞之后),以及最近惠特科姆发现跨音速流动的面积规则,随后他开发了后载超临界翼型和小翼(惠特科姆1956年,1974年,1976年)。这个过程非常昂贵。在一些现代设计的开发中,例如波音$747 .$ ,花费了超过2万小时的风洞测试


在1960年以前,计算方法很少用于气动分析,尽管它们已经广泛用于结构分析。NACA 6系列的翼型已经在40年代开发,使用人工计算实现西奥多森保形映射方法(西奥多森1931)。计算空气动力学的第一个主要成功是Hess和Smith(1962)引入边界积分方法来计算任意构型上的势流。这些方法在航空学界被称为面板方法,直到今天仍被用于初步设计的低速气动特性的初步预测。然而,对跨音速流动的预测和对其性质和特性的更好理解是一种迫切的需要,这是1970-1990年计算空气动力学发展的推动力

R=\frac{V}{s f c} \frac{L}{D} \log \frac{W_0+W_f}{W_0} .
提供了一个很好的射程的初步估计,这里$V$是速度,$L / D$是升阻比,$s f c$是发动机的比油耗,$W_0$是着陆重量,$W_f$是燃料燃烧的重量。Breguet方程清楚地揭示了设计问题的多学科性质。需要一个轻量级的结构来最小化$W_0$。具体的燃料消耗主要是发动机制造商的领域,事实上,在过去三十年中最大的进步是在发动机效率方面。空气动力学设计师应该尽量最大化$V L / D$。这意味着巡航速度应该提高,直到由于激波形成的阻力上升开始。因此,最好的巡航速度是在跨音速状态。飞过机翼截面的跨音速流动的典型模式如图1.1所示

跨声速流动被证明对分析方法来说本质上是难以处理的。Garabedian和Korn已经证明了用复特征法(Bauer, Garabedian, &科恩1972年)。他们的方法是在hodograph平面上制定的,需要很高的技巧来获得对应于物理上可实现的形状的解。根据Morawetz定理(Morawetz 1956),无激波跨音速解是孤立的点

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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