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计算机代写|蒙特卡洛树搜索代写Monte Carlo tree search代考|Math577

计算机代写|蒙特卡洛树搜索代写Monte Carlo tree search代考|Monte Carlo Tree Search

Theorem 2. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1,
\left|\mathbb{E}\left[\bar{X}_n\right]-\mu^\right| \leq\left|\delta_n^\right|+O\left(\frac{K\left(C_p^2 \ln n+N_0\right)}{n}\right)
where $N_0=N_0(1 / 2)$.
To provide further intuition for the above, recall that $\delta_n^*$ is the distance between the optimal arm’s mean at time $t=n$, and the true optimal mean. Furthermore, the theorem is proven using the value $N_0(\epsilon)$ where $\epsilon=1 / 2$.

Furthermore, using Theorem 1, we can derive a lower bound on the number of times some arm $i$ will be played. This result follows:

Theorem 3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3, there exists some positive constant $\rho$ such that for all arms $i$ and $n, T_i(n) \geq\lceil\rho \log (n)\rceil$.

We need the above result to prove that the optimal reward converges quickly to its true mean in the drifting multi armed bandit problem. We omit the proof of the result, but it is natural that it would require both the lower bound on $T_i(n)$ and the upper bound on $\mathbb{E}\left[T_i(n)\right]$. This quick convergence is one of the two most important properties for incorporating UCB into MCTS. If the drifting means converge slowly then we cannot hope to quickly find an optimal arm. The bound follows:
Theorem 4. Fix an arbitrary $\delta>0$ and let $\Delta_n=9 \sqrt{2 n \ln 2 / \delta}$. Let $n_0$ be such that
\sqrt{n_0} \geq O\left(K\left(C_p^2 \ln n_0+N_0(1 / 2)\right)\right)
Then for any $n \geq n_0$, under the assumptions of Theorem 1 the following bounds hold true:
& \mathbb{P}\left(n \bar{X}n \geq n \mathbb{E}\left[\bar{X}_n\right]+\Delta_n\right) \leq \delta \ & \mathbb{P}\left(n \bar{X}_n \leq n \mathbb{E}\left[\bar{X}_n\right]-\Delta_n\right) \leq \delta \end{aligned} $$ Another extremely important result for using UCB in MCTS is that when the means can drift, UCB still finds the best arm when given infinite time. This result follows: Theorem 5. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1 it holds that $$ \lim {t \rightarrow \infty} P\left(I_t \neq i^*\right)=0

For more detail on any of the theorems discussed in this section, please refer to [5]. In order to understand UCT, we must first relax the restraints on $K$-armed bandits to allow each arm’s mean $\mu_i$ to change over time t. While we can no longer rely on the assumption that the mean of each arm is fixed from $t=1$ onward, we can assume that the expected value of the empirical averages converge. We let $\bar{X}{i, n}=\frac{1}{n} \sum{t=1}^n X_{i, t}$ be the empirical average of arm $i$ at time $n$, and $\mu_{i, n}=\mathbb{E}\left[\tilde{X}{i, n}\right]$ be its expected value. Therefore, we now have a sequence of expected means for each arm $i$, namely $\mu{i, n}$. We assume that these expected means eventually converge to one final mean $\mu_i=\lim {n \rightarrow \infty} \mu{i, n}$. We further define a sequence of offsets for each arm as $\delta_{i, n}=\mu_{i, n}-\mu_i$. We also make the following assumptions about the reward sequence:

Assumption 1. Fix $1 \leq i \leq K$. Let $\left{\mathcal{F}{i, t}\right}_t$ be a fultration such that $\left{X{i, t}\right}_t$ is $\left{\mathcal{F}{i, t}\right}$-adapted and $X{i, t}$ is conditionally independent of $\mathcal{F}{i, t+1}, \mathcal{F}{i, t+2}, \ldots$ given $\mathcal{F}{i, t-1}{ }^1$. Then $0 \leq X{i, t} \leq 1$ and the limit of $\mu_{i, n}=\mathbb{E}\left[\bar{X}{i n}\right]$ exists. Further, we assume that there exist a constant $C_p>0$ and an integer $N_p$ such that for $n \geq N_p$. for any $\delta>0, \Delta_n(\delta)=C_p \sqrt{n \ln (1 / \delta)}$, the following bounds hold: $$ \begin{aligned} & \mathbb{P}\left(n \bar{X}{i, n} \geq n \mathbb{E}\left[\bar{X}{i, n}\right]+\Delta_n(\delta)\right) \leq \delta \ & \mathbb{P}\left(n \bar{X}{i, n} \leq n \mathbb{E}\left[\bar{X}{i, n}\right]-\Delta_n(\delta)\right) \leq \delta \end{aligned} $$ This assumption allows us to define a bias sequence $c{t, s}$ for time $t$ and sample size $s$ which satisfies Equation 3 and Equation 4. This sequence is as follows:
c_{t, s}=2 C_p \sqrt{\frac{\ln t}{s}}
We define $\Delta_i=\mu^-\mu_i$ to be the loss of arm $i$. Recall that since the expected mean of each arm converges, the mean offset $\delta_{i, t}$ converges to zero. Therefore, there exists a time $N_0(\epsilon)$ at which the uncertainty of the true mean rewards are guaranteed to be within a factor $\epsilon$ of their distance from the optimal mean, and the uncertainty of the optimal mean is guaranteed to be within the same factor $\epsilon$ of its distance to to closest suboptimal mean. Therefore, even though we still have some uncertainty as to what the true means really are, we have enough information to know which is probably the best, as $\mu_{N_0(c)}$ is closer to $\mu^$ than it is to any $\mu_{i, N_0(\epsilon)}$. More formally, $N_0(\epsilon): \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is a function which returns the minimum $t$ for which $2\left|\delta_{i, t}\right| \leq \epsilon \Delta_i$ for all arms $i$, and $2\left|\delta_{j^*, t}\right| \leq \epsilon \min _i \Delta_i$. Under Assumption 1, and using the preceding definitions, we can upper bound the expected number of times that a suboptimal arm will be played by UCB1 when the means are allowed to drift.

计算机代写|蒙特卡洛树搜索代写Monte Carlo tree search代考|UCT

UCT is simply a marriage of MCTS and UCB1. The main idea is to treat each internal node in MCTS as a $K$-armed bandit, where the arms are the actions available at that state. $\mathrm{A}$ separate instance of UCB1 is run on each internal state, modified to accommodate the drifting means present in this problem. The necessity of the drifting means generalization can be seen by realizing that UCT is essentially a tree of separate UCB1 instances. The means of the action rewards in each of these multi-armed bandit problems depend on the instances lower in the tree. As we explore the tree, we gain a clearer understanding of the true means, reducing noisiness introduced by a partial exploration deeper in the tree. Simply put, UCT is MCTS where we use UCB1 to select an action in the tree policy. See Algorithm 2 for pseudo code of the action selection.
Recall Theorems 4 and 5 from the previous section. These state that when means can drift in the multi armed bandit problem, UCB still finds the optimal solution quickly with high probability, and given enough time it always finds the optinal arn. When incorporating UCB into MCTS, we also get these properties in UCT, as stated in Theorem 6 .

Theorem 6. Consider algorithm UCT running on a game tree of depth $D$, branching factor $K$ with stochastic payoffs at the leaves. Assume that the payoffs lie in the interval [0,1]. Then the bias of the estimated expected payoff, $\bar{X}_n$, is $O\left(\left(K D \log (n)+K^D\right) / n\right)$. Further, the failure probability at the root converges to zero as the number of samples grows to infinity.

A detailed proof of the preceding theorem is beyond the scope of these lecture notes (see [5] for such a proof), however we will provide a sketch of the proof. We must induct on $D$ to prove the theorem. In the base case of $D=1$, UCT is reduced to a single instantiation of UCB. Therefore Theorems 4 and 5 lead directly to our desired result. In the inductive case, we assume the result holds for any tree of depth $D$ – 1 , and consider a tree of depth $D$. All of the children of the root node are trees of depth $D-1$ which, by induction, satisfy the theorem. Therefore, we consider only the single UCB instance at the root. Using the theorems from the previous section (particularly Theorems 2,4 , and 5 ), we can then show that the theorem holds at the root as well.

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计算机代写|蒙特卡洛树搜索代写Monte Carlo tree search代考|Monte Carlo Tree Search

定理 2. 在定理 1 的假设下,
在哪里 $N_0=N_0(1 / 2)$.
为了对上述内容提供进一步的直觉,回想一下 $\delta_n^$ 是最佳手臂的平均时间之间的距离 $t=n$ ,以及真正的最 优均值。此外,使用值证明了该定理 $N_0(\epsilon)$ 在哪里 $\epsilon=1 / 2$. 此外,使用定理 1 ,我们可以推导出某个 arm 的次数的下界 $i$ 将播放。结果如下: 定理3 在定理 3 的假设下,存在某个正常数 $\rho$ 这样对于所有武器 $i$ 和 $n, T_i(n) \geq\lceil\rho \log (n)\rceil$. 我们需要上述结果来证明最优奖励在漂移多臂老虎机问题中快速收敛到其真实均值。我们省略了结果的证 明,但很自然地需要下界 $T_i(n)$ 和上界 $\mathbb{E}\left[T_i(n)\right]$. 这种快速收敛是将 UCB 纳入 MCTS 的两个最重要的特 性之一。如果漂移均值收敛缓慢,那么我们就不能指望快速找到最优臂。界限如下: 定理 4. 固定一个任意的 $\delta>0$ 然后让 $\Delta_n=9 \sqrt{2 n \ln 2 / \delta}$. 让 $n_0$ 是这样的 $$ \sqrt{n_0} \geq O\left(K\left(C_p^2 \ln n_0+N_0(1 / 2)\right)\right) $$ 然后对于任何 $n \geq n_0$ ,在定理 1 的假设下,以下界限成立: $$ \mathbb{P}\left(n \bar{X} n \geq n \mathbb{E}\left[\bar{X}n\right]+\Delta_n\right) \leq \delta \quad \mathbb{P}\left(n \bar{X}_n \leq n \mathbb{E}\left[\bar{X}_n\right]-\Delta_n\right) \leq \delta $$ 在 MCTS 中使用 UCB 的另一个极其重要的结果是,当方法可以漂移时,UCB 仍然可以在给定无限时间的 情况下找到最佳臂。此结果如下:定理 5。在定理 1 的假设下,它认为 $$ \lim t \rightarrow \infty P\left(I_t \neq i^\right)=0
有关本节中讨论的任何定理的更多详细信息,请参阅 [5]。为了理解UCT,我们必须首先放松对 $K$-武装土 罗允许每只手臂的意思 $\mu_i$ 随时间 $\mathrm{t}$ 变化。虽然我们不能再依赖这样的假设,即每只手臂的平均值是固定的 $t=1$ 向前,我们可以假设经验平均值的期望值收敛。我们让 $\bar{X} i, n=\frac{1}{n} \sum t=1^n X{i, t}$ 是 $\operatorname{arm}$ 的经验 平均值 $i$ 在时间 $n$ ,和 $\mu_{i, n}=\mathbb{E}[\tilde{X} i, n]$ 是它的期望值。因此,我们现在对每只手臂都有一系列预期均值 $i$ ,即 $\mu i, n$. 我们假设这些预期均值最终会收佥到一个最终均值 $\mu_i=\lim n \rightarrow \infty \mu i, n$. 我们进一步定义 每个哊的偏移序列为 $\delta_{i, n}=\mu_{i, n}-\mu_i$. 我们还对奖励序列做出以下假设:
Veft{\mathca|{F}{i, t}\right } } \text { -改编和 } X i , t \text { 有条件地独立于 } \mathcal { F } i , t + 1 , \mathcal { F } i , t + 2 , \ldots \text { 给予 } \mathcal { F } i , t – 1 ^ { 1 } \text { . 然后 } $0 \leq X i, t \leq 1$ 和极限 $\mu_{i, n}=\mathbb{E}[\bar{X} i n]$ 存在。此外,我们假设存在一个常数 $C_p>0$ 和一个整数 $N_p$ 这样 对于 $n \geq N_p$. 对于任何 $\delta>0, \Delta_n(\delta)=C_p \sqrt{n \ln (1 / \delta)}$ ,以下界限成立:
\mathbb{P}\left(n \bar{X} i, n \geq n \mathbb{E}[\bar{X} i, n]+\Delta_n(\delta)\right) \leq \delta \quad \mathbb{P}\left(n \bar{X} i, n \leq n \mathbb{E}[\bar{X} i, n]-\Delta_n(\delta)\right) \leq \delta
这个假设允许我们定义偏置序列 $c t, s$ 时间 $t$ 和样本量 $s$ 满足公式 3 和公式 4。此序列如下:
c_{t, s}=2 C_p \sqrt{\frac{\ln t}{s}}
我们定义 $\Delta_i=\mu^{-} \mu_i$ 失去手臂 $i$. 回想一下,由于每个臂的预期均值收敛,所以均值偏移量 $\delta_{i, t}$ 收敛于 零。因此,存在一个时间 $N_0(\epsilon)$ 保证真实平均奖励的不确定性在一个因素内 $\epsilon$ 它们与最优均值的距离,并 且最优均值的不确定性保证在同一因子内 $\epsilon$ 它到最接近的次优均值的距离。因此,尽管我们仍然不确定真 人 $\mu_{i, N_0(\epsilon)}$. 更正式地说, $N_0(\epsilon): \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ 是一个返回最小值的函数 $t$ 为了哪个 $2\left|\delta_{i, t}\right| \leq \epsilon \Delta_i$ 对于所有武 器 $i$ , 和 $2\left|\delta_{j^*, t}\right| \leq \epsilon \min _i \Delta_i$. 在假设 1 下,并使用前面的定义,我们可以设定在允许均值漂移时 UCB1 将使用次优臂的预期次数上限。

计算机代写|蒙特卡洛树搜索代写Monte Carlo tree search代考|UCT

UCT 只是 MCTS 和 UCB1 的结合。主要思想是将 MCTS 中的每个内部节点视为一个 $K$-armed bandit, 其中 arms 是该状态下可用的动作。AUCB1 的单独实例在每个内部状态上运行,经过修改以适应此问题 中存在的漂移方法。通过认识到 UCT 本质上是一棵独立的 UCB1 实例树,可以看出漂移均值泛化的必要 性。在这些多臂老虎机问题中,行动奖励的方式取决于树中较低的实例。当我们探索这棵树时,我们对真 实均值有了更清晰的理解,减少了在树的更深处进行部分探索所引入的噪音。简单地说,UCT 是 MCTS, 我们使用 UCB1 在树策略中选择一个动作。有关动作选择的伪代码,请参见算法 2。
回忆上一节中的定理 4 和 5。这些表明,当多臂老虎机问题中的方法可能发生漂移时,UCB 仍能以高概率 快速找到最优解,并且只要有足够的时间,它总能找到最优解。当将 UCB 合并到 MCTS 中时,我们也在 UCT 中获得这些属性,如定理 6 中所述。
定理 6. 考虑在深度博栾树上运行的算法 UCT $D$, 分支因子 $K$ 在叶子上有随机收益。假设收益位于区间 $[0,1]$ 内。那么估计预期收益的偏差, $\bar{X}_n$ ,是 $O\left(\left(K D \log (n)+K^D\right) / n\right)$. 此外,随着样本数量增长 到无穷大,根部的失效概率收敛到零。
上述定理的详细证明超出了这些讲义的范围(有关此类证明,请参见 [5]),但我们将提供该证明的草 图。我们必须归纳 $D$ 来证明定理。在基本情况下 $D=1$ ,UCT 被简化为 UCB 的单个实例化。因此,定理 4 和 5 直接导致我们想要的结果。在归纳的情况下,我们假设结果适用于任何深度树 $D-1$ ,并考虑一棵 深度树 $D$. 根节点的所有子节点都是深度树 $D-1$ 通过归纳,它满足定理。因此,我们只考虑根处的单个 UCB 实例。使用上一节中的定理(特别是定理 2,4 和 5),我们可以证明该定理在根处也成立。

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