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深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写深度学习deep learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写深度学习deep learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写深度学习deep learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的深度学习deep learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

Deep learning helps simulation techniques with various computing layers to gain several stages of abstraction for data representations. These techniques have vastly enhanced the position in voice detection, visual target recognition, particle identification as well as a variety of other fields including drug discovery as well as genomics. Deep learning uses the backpropagation method to show how a computer can adjust the input variables that are employed to measure the value in every layer from the description in the subsequent layer revealing detailed structure in huge volumes of data [1]. Deep learning is perhaps the highest accuracy, supervised as well as time and cost-effective machine learning method. Deep learning is not a limited learning methodology rather it encompasses a wide range of methods that can be employed in a wide range of complex situations [2].

Let’s start with a definition of intelligence. Intelligence is defined as the ability to learn and solve issues. Its primary goal is to create computers so clever that they can act intelligently in the same way that humans do. If a computer learns new information, it can intelligently solve real-world problems based on previous experiences. As we all know, intelligence is the capacity to learn and solve issues, and intelligence is attained via knowledge, which is attained in part via information, which is attained via prior experiences and experiences obtained through training. Finally, by combining all of the elements, we can conclude that artificial intelligence can obtain knowledge and apply it to execute tasks intelligently based on their previous experiences. Reasoning, learning, problem solving, and perception are all aspects of intelligence. Artificial intelligence systems are required to minimize human workload. Natural Language Processing (NLP), Speech Recognition, Healthcare, Vision Systems, and Automotive are just a few of the applications. An agent and its surroundings make up an Artificial Intelligence system. The environment is perceived by sensors, and the environment is reacted to by effectors. An intelligent agent sets objectives and is extremely interested in achieving them. Artificial Intelligence has developed some tools to help handle tough and complicated issues, including neural networks, languages, search and optimization, and uncertain reasoning, among others.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|MACHINE LEARNING

Machine learning is the subset of artificial intelligence (AI). Machine learning, as the name implies, is the capacity of a machine to learn. Machine learning is a branch of computer science that allows computers to learn and solve problems without being explicitly programmed. Here, we create a machine that performs duties similar to those performed by humans to decrease human labor. It is a branch of research that enables computers to learn new things using information fed to them and to produce more efficient output using that information. It is employed in a variety of professions and has gained notoriety in a variety of sectors. It is a fantastic technology that allows machines or computers to learn and solve complicated problems.

The term “deep learning” comes first from artificial neural networks [3]. A convolutional neural network is perhaps the most essential of the several deep learning networks since it considerably encourages the growth of image analysis. Generative adversarial network as a novel deep learning model offers up new boundaries for the study as well as application of deep learning which has lately received a lot of attention [4].

The biggest thrilling utilization of backpropagation since it was initially developed was for recurrent neural networks (RNNs) simulation. RNNs are also preferred for functions that need sequential inputs, like expression and vocabulary. It produces the output based on previous computation by using sequential information. Recurrent Neural Networks are similar to neural networks, however, they do not function in the same way. As humans, we do not think from the ground up. For example, if we’re watching a movie, we may guess what will happen next based on what we know about the prior one. A typical neural network, on the other hand, is unable to predict the next action in the film. Recurrent Neural Networks can address challenges like these. In a recurrent neural network, there is a loop in the network that keeps the data. It can take more than one input vector and produce more than one output vector. Recurrent neural networks use memory cells that are capable to capture information about long sequences. RNNs are extremely strong dynamic structures, although teaching them has proven difficult because backpropagated gradients expand or retreat at every time stage, causing them to burst or disappear over several time stages [7].

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK

The neural network image processing group was the first to create the convolutional neural network. Convolutional neural networks are a type of deep neural network used in deep learning to analyze pictures.

Convolutional neural networks are extensively employed in image identification, object identification, picture classifications, and face identification, among other applications. Convolution takes an input picture, works on it, and then uses the values to categorize it (either cat or dog, pen or pencil). ConvNets are developed to accommodate data in the form of several arrays, such as a color image made up of three $2 \mathrm{D}$ arrays representing pixel elevations in each of the color channels. As attribute extractors, a CNN uses two operations as convolution and pooling. As in a multi-layer perceptron, the output of this series of operations is bound to a completely connected layer. Convolutional neural networks are often used on text in Natural Language Processing. There are two types of pooling used: max-pooling and average-pooling. When we use CNN for text instead of images, we display the text with a 1-Dimensional string. CNN is mostly used in sentence classification in NLP tasks. Microsoft earlier released a range of optical character recognition software, as well as handwriting recognition software, specifically focuses on ConvNet [5]. ConvNets were still used to recognize objects in real photographs, such as faces as well as legs, and even to recognize faces in the early 1990 s [6].

Generative adversarial network (GAN) is a novel deep learning concept that includes a unique neural network model that trains generator as well as discriminator at the same time. The generator’s job is to know and understand the probability distribution of actual images and afterward add random noise to them to make false images, whereas the discriminator’s job is to determine whether a source variable is genuine or not [17]. The discriminator, as well as generator, has been tweaked to enhance their performance. The generative adversarial network training process is unique in that it has been using backpropagation to train as well as utilizes the confrontation of two neural networks as training metric, significantly reducing the training problem as well as improving the training effectiveness of the induced model. A generative adversarial network provides an opportunity to learn deep representation without having to label your training data extensively [18]. One of the most often used generative adversarial network applications is computer vision [19].



机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

深度学习帮助具有各种计算层的模拟技术获得数据表示的多个抽象阶段。这些技术极大地提高了语音检测、视觉目标识别、粒子识别以及包括药物发现和基因组学在内的各种其他领域的地位。深度学习使用反向传播方法来展示计算机如何调整输入变量,这些输入变量用于从后续层的描述中测量每一层的值,从而揭示大量数据的详细结构 [1]。深度学习可能是精度最高的、有监督的以及时间和成本效益最高的机器学习方法。

让我们从智力的定义开始。智力被定义为学习和解决问题的能力。它的主要目标是创造出非常聪明的计算机,它们可以像人类一样智能地行动。如果计算机学习新信息,它可以根据以前的经验智能地解决现实世界的问题。众所周知,智力是学习和解决问题的能力,而智力是通过知识获得的,知识是通过信息获得的,信息是通过先前的经验和通过培训获得的经验获得的。最后,通过结合所有要素,我们可以得出结论,人工智能可以获取知识并将其应用于基于他们以前的经验智能地执行任务。推理、学习、解决问题和感知都是智能的各个方面。人工智能系统需要最大限度地减少人类的工作量。自然语言处理 (NLP)、语音识别、医疗保健、视觉系统和汽车只是应用中的一小部分。代理及其周围环境构成了一个人工智能系统。环境由传感器感知,环境由效应器做出反应。智能代理设定目标并且对实现这些目标非常感兴趣。人工智能开发了一些工具来帮助处理棘手和复杂的问题,包括神经网络、语言、搜索和优化以及不确定推理等。代理及其周围环境构成了一个人工智能系统。环境由传感器感知,环境由效应器做出反应。智能代理设定目标并且对实现这些目标非常感兴趣。人工智能开发了一些工具来帮助处理棘手和复杂的问题,包括神经网络、语言、搜索和优化以及不确定推理等。代理及其周围环境构成了一个人工智能系统。环境由传感器感知,环境由效应器做出反应。智能代理设定目标并且对实现这些目标非常感兴趣。人工智能开发了一些工具来帮助处理棘手和复杂的问题,包括神经网络、语言、搜索和优化以及不确定推理等。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|MACHINE LEARNING

机器学习是人工智能 (AI) 的子集。机器学习,顾名思义,就是机器学习的能力。机器学习是计算机科学的一个分支,它允许计算机在没有明确编程的情况下学习和解决问题。在这里,我们创建了一台执行与人类相似的任务的机器,以减少人工。它是一个研究分支,它使计算机能够使用提供给它们的信息来学习新事物,并使用该信息产生更有效的输出。它受雇于各种职业,并在各个领域声名狼藉。这是一项了不起的技术,可以让机器或计算机学习和解决复杂的问题。

“深度学习”一词首先来自人工神经网络 [3]。卷积神经网络可能是几个深度学习网络中最重要的,因为它极大地促进了图像分析的发展。生成对抗网络作为一种新颖的深度学习模型,为深度学习的研究和应用提供了新的界限,最近受到了很多关注[4]。

自最初开发以来,反向传播最令人兴奋的用途是用于循环神经网络 (RNN) 模拟。对于需要顺序输入的函数,如表达式和词汇表,RNN 也是首选。它使用顺序信息基于先前的计算产生输出。循环神经网络与神经网络相似,但是它们的功能不同。作为人类,我们不会从头开始思考。例如,如果我们正在看一部电影,我们可能会根据我们对前一部电影的了解来猜测接下来会发生什么。另一方面,典型的神经网络无法预测电影中的下一个动作。循环神经网络可以解决这些挑战。在循环神经网络中,网络中有一个循环来保存数据。它可以采用多个输入向量并产生多个输出向量。循环神经网络使用能够捕捉长序列信息的记忆细胞。RNN 是非常强大的动态结构,尽管教学它们已被证明是困难的,因为反向传播的梯度在每个时间阶段都会扩大或缩小,导致它们在多个时间阶段内爆发或消失 [7]。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK


卷积神经网络广泛用于图像识别、物体识别、图片分类和人脸识别等应用。卷积获取输入图片,对其进行处理,然后使用这些值对其进行分类(猫或狗,钢笔或铅笔)。ConvNets 被开发来容纳几个数组形式的数据,例如由三个组成的彩色图像2D表示每个颜色通道中的像素高度的数组。作为属性提取器,CNN 使用卷积和池化两种操作。就像在多层感知器中一样,这一系列操作的输出绑定到一个完全连接的层。卷积神经网络通常用于自然语言处理中的文本。池化有两种类型:最大池化和平均池化。当我们将 CNN 用于文本而不是图像时,我们使用一维字符串显示文本。CNN 主要用于 NLP 任务中的句子分类。微软早些时候发布了一系列光学字符识别软件,以及手写识别软件,特别关注 ConvNet [5]。ConvNets 仍然被用来识别真实照片中的物体,比如人脸和腿,

生成对抗网络 (GAN) 是一种新颖的深度学习概念,它包括一个独特的神经网络模型,可以同时训练生成器和判别器。生成器的工作是了解和理解实际图像的概率分布,然后向它们添加随机噪声以制作虚假图像,而鉴别器的工作是确定源变量是否真实[17]。鉴别器和生成器已经过调整以提高它们的性能。生成对抗网络训练过程的独特之处在于它一直使用反向传播进行训练,并利用两个神经网络的对抗作为训练指标,显着减少了训练问题并提高了诱导模型的训练效果。生成对抗网络提供了学习深度表示的机会,而无需大量标记您的训练数据 [18]。最常用的生成对抗网络应用之一是计算机视觉 [19]。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。



如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习deep learning这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写深度学习deep learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写深度学习deep learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写深度学习deep learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的深度学习deep learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础


Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the cells of the breast and is a fairly prevalent disease in women. Breast cancer, like lung cancer, is a life-threatening condition for women. A promising and significant tool is automated computer technologies, particularly machine learning, to facilitate and improve medical analysis and diagnosis. Due to the great dimensionality and complexity of this data, cancer diagnosis using gene expression data remains a challenge. There is still ambiguity in the clinical diagnosis of cancer and the identification of tumor-specific markers, despite decades of study. In this study, we discuss various feature extraction techniques on different kinds of datasets. We also discuss various deep learning approaches for cancer detection and the identification of genes important for breast cancer diagnosis.

Cancer is a deadly disease. According to a survey, thousands of people die due to cancer every year. It is the largest cause of death in the world. It is basically a disease in which there is abnormal growth of body cells which spreads to different parts of the body. If this disease is detected in the initial stage, then this disease can be cured. Cancer basically develops due to cell growth. It originates in one part of the body and has the ability to penetrate various organs. Possible symptoms of cancer are lumps, prolonged cough, abnormal bleeding, exercise weight gain etc. Tumors are formed by most malignancies, but not all tumors are malignant. Tumors do not spread to all parts of the body. It is an abnormal growth of body tissue-when abnormal cells are stored somewhere in the body, a group of tissues is formed, which we call a tumor. These cells continue to grow abnormally and add more and more cells to their group, irrespective of the body’s desire. These tumor cells are solid and fluid-filled. That process takes the form of growing cancer. This is known as metastasis. Cancer metastases are the leading cause of death-Carcinoma, melanoma, leukemia sarcoma and lymphoma are the most common cancers. Carcinomas arise in the skin, lungs, breasts, pancreas and other organs and glands. Lymphomas are lymphocyte malignancies. Leukemia [6] is a type of blood cancer. Melanomas are malignancies that develop in the cells that produce skin pigment. Breast cancer mainly occurs in women, but it is not that men cannot fall prey to it.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|RELATED WORK

A support vector machine (SVM) with a dot-product kernel was utilised. Sahiner et al. [2] devised a method for extracting speculation and circumscribing margin features. Both features were quite accurate in describing bulk margins using BI-RADS descriptors. Weatherall et al. [4] proposed a method with a score of $0.93$. The tumour size correlation coefficient between MRI and pathologic analysis was the best. When compared to histologic measurement, the correlation coefficients for physical exam and x-ray mammography (available for 17 patients) were $0.72$ and $0.63$, respectively. The MRI accuracy was unaffected by the extent of cancer residua. To see how well different imaging modalities might reliably describe the extent of a breast cancer whose location was already established. As a result, data on 20 post-chemotherapy breast cancer patients aged 32 to 66 years old was collected retrospectively. Yeung et al. [5] proposed to determine the estimations of residual tumour via each modality; the preoperative clinical and imaging records were evaluated. These results were compared to the pathologist’s report’s histologic measurements of the live tumour. Because of the enormous number of genes, the high quantity of noise in gene expression data, and the complexity of biological networks, it is necessary to thoroughly evaluate the raw data and utilise the relevant gene subsets. Other approaches, such as principal component analysis (PCA), have been proposed for reducing the dimensionality of expression profiles in order to help group important genes in the context of expression profiles. Bengio et al. [6] proposed Auto encoders are strong and adaptable because they extract both linear and nonlinear connections from input data. As opposed to decreasing the dimension in one step, the SDAE encoder reduces the dimensionality of the gene expression data stack by stack, resulting in less information loss. Golub et al. [8] present microarray or RNA-seq data are thoroughly explored as a classification and grouping of gene expression. Using gene expression profiles and supervised learning algorithms, numerous ways for classifying cancer cells and healthy cells have been developed. In the analysis of leukaemia cancer cells, a self-organizing map (SOM). The phases depicted in Figure 1 are followed by the majority of image processing algorithms. The screen film mammographic images must be scanned before they can be processed. One of the advantages of digital mammography is that the picture can be processed immediately. The first stage in image processing is picture pre-processing. To reduce noise and improve image quality, it must be conducted on digitised pictures. The majority of digital mammogram pictures are of high quality. If the picture is an MLO view, removing the backdrop region and the pectoral muscle from the breast area is also part of the pre-processing stage. The objective of the segmentation procedure is to discover areas of suspicious interest (ROIs), including abnormalities. In the feature extraction process, the features are computed from the attributes of the region of interest. A significant difficulty in algorithm design is the feature selection step, in which the best collection of features is chosen for preventing false positives and identifying lesion types. Choosing a smaller feature subset that delivers the highest value for a classifier performance function is referred to as feature selection. Finally, the classification stage reduces false positives and categorises lesions based on predetermined criteria.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|FEATURE EXTRACTION TECHNIQUES

In the field of computer vision or image analysis, features play an important role in identifying useful information. The component picture is subjected to several picture pre-processing techniques, such as binarization, normalisation, thresholding, scaling, and so on, before picture feature extraction.

Feature extraction is the process of decreasing the amount of resources needed to explain a huge amount of data. One of the primary issues in completing complicated data analysis is the number of variables involved. GF (General features) and DSF (domain-specific features) are two types of features. FE approaches like statistical approaches can be used to extract some aspects that are not clearly recognised.

First order statistics (FOS), Gray Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM), Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Neighbourhood Gray Tone Difference Matrix (NGTDM), and Statistical Feature Matrix are all examples of this (SFM). As illustrated in Table 2, signal processing FE approaches include law mask features, whereas transform domain approaches include Gabor wavelet, Fourier Power Spectrum (FPS) features, and discrete wavelet transform.





癌症是一种致命的疾病。根据一项调查,每年有数千人死于癌症。它是世界上最大的死亡原因。它基本上是一种身体细胞异常生长并扩散到身体不同部位的疾病。如果在初期发现这种疾病,那么这种疾病是可以治愈的。癌症基本上是由于细胞生长而发展起来的。它起源于身体的某一部位,具有穿透各种器官的能力。癌症的可能症状是肿块、长时间咳嗽、异常出血、运动体重增加等。肿瘤是由大多数恶性肿瘤形成的,但并非所有肿瘤都是恶性的。肿瘤不会扩散到身体的所有部位。是身体组织的异常生长——当异常细胞储存在身体某处时,就形成了一组组织,我们称之为肿瘤。这些细胞继续异常生长,并在它们的组中添加越来越多的细胞,而不管身体的愿望如何。这些肿瘤细胞是固体和充满液体的。这个过程以癌症生长的形式出现。这被称为转移。癌症转移是导致死亡的主要原因——癌症、黑色素瘤、白血病肉瘤和淋巴瘤是最常见的癌症。癌发生在皮肤、肺、乳房、胰腺和其他器官和腺体中。淋巴瘤是淋巴细胞恶性肿瘤。白血病 [6] 是一种血癌。黑色素瘤是在产生皮肤色素的细胞中发展的恶性肿瘤。乳腺癌主要发生在女性身上,但并不是男性不能成为它的牺牲品。这个过程以癌症生长的形式出现。这被称为转移。癌症转移是导致死亡的主要原因——癌症、黑色素瘤、白血病肉瘤和淋巴瘤是最常见的癌症。癌发生在皮肤、肺、乳房、胰腺和其他器官和腺体中。淋巴瘤是淋巴细胞恶性肿瘤。白血病 [6] 是一种血癌。黑色素瘤是在产生皮肤色素的细胞中发展的恶性肿瘤。乳腺癌主要发生在女性身上,但并不是男性不能成为它的牺牲品。这个过程以癌症生长的形式出现。这被称为转移。癌症转移是导致死亡的主要原因——癌症、黑色素瘤、白血病肉瘤和淋巴瘤是最常见的癌症。癌发生在皮肤、肺、乳房、胰腺和其他器官和腺体中。淋巴瘤是淋巴细胞恶性肿瘤。白血病 [6] 是一种血癌。黑色素瘤是在产生皮肤色素的细胞中发展的恶性肿瘤。乳腺癌主要发生在女性身上,但并不是男性不能成为它的牺牲品。白血病 [6] 是一种血癌。黑色素瘤是在产生皮肤色素的细胞中发展的恶性肿瘤。乳腺癌主要发生在女性身上,但并不是男性不能成为它的牺牲品。白血病 [6] 是一种血癌。黑色素瘤是在产生皮肤色素的细胞中发展的恶性肿瘤。乳腺癌主要发生在女性身上,但并不是男性不能成为它的牺牲品。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|RELATED WORK

使用了具有点积内核的支持向量机 (SVM)。Sahiner 等人。[2] 设计了一种提取投机和限制边际特征的方法。这两个特征在使用 BI-RADS 描述符描述批量边距时都非常准确。韦瑟尔等人。[4] 提出了一种得分为0.93. MRI与病理分析的肿瘤大小相关系数最好。与组织学测量相比,体格检查和 X 射线乳房 X 线摄影(17 名患者可用)的相关系数为0.72和0.63, 分别。MRI 的准确性不受癌症残留范围的影响。看看不同的成像方式如何可靠地描述已经确定位置的乳腺癌的程度。因此,回顾性收集了 20 名年龄在 32 至 66 岁的化疗后乳腺癌患者的数据。杨等人。[5] 提出通过每种方式确定残留肿瘤的估计值;评估术前临床和影像学记录。这些结果与病理学家报告的活肿瘤组织学测量结果进行了比较。由于基因数量庞大,基因表达数据中的大量噪声以及生物网络的复杂性,有必要对原始数据进行彻底评估并利用相关基因子集。其他方法,例如主成分分析(PCA),已被提议用于降低表达谱的维数,以帮助在表达谱的背景下对重要基因进行分组。本吉奥等人。[6] 提出的自动编码器强大且适应性强,因为它们从输入数据中提取线性和非线性连接。与一步降低维度相反,SDAE 编码器逐层降低基因表达数据的维度,从而减少信息丢失。戈卢布等人。[8] 目前的微阵列或 RNA-seq 数据被彻底探索为基因表达的分类和分组。使用基因表达谱和监督学习算法,已经开发出多种分类癌细胞和健康细胞的方法。在白血病癌细胞的分析中,自组织图(SOM)。图 1 中描述的阶段之后是大多数图像处理算法。必须先扫描屏幕胶片乳房 X 线图像,然后才能对其进行处理。数字乳腺摄影的优点之一是可以立即处理图片。图像处理的第一阶段是图片预处理。为了降低噪声和提高图像质量,必须对数字化图片进行。大多数数字乳房 X 线照片都是高质量的。如果图片是 MLO 视图,去除背景区域和胸部区域的胸肌也是预处理阶段的一部分。分割过程的目标是发现可疑区域(ROI),包括异常。在特征提取过程中,这些特征是从感兴趣区域的属性中计算出来的。算法设计的一个重大困难是特征选择步骤,其中选择最佳特征集合以防止误报和识别病变类型。选择为分类器性能函数提供最高值的较小特征子集称为特征选择。最后,分类阶段减少误报并根据预定标准对病变进行分类。选择为分类器性能函数提供最高值的较小特征子集称为特征选择。最后,分类阶段减少误报并根据预定标准对病变进行分类。选择为分类器性能函数提供最高值的较小特征子集称为特征选择。最后,分类阶段减少误报并根据预定标准对病变进行分类。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|FEATURE EXTRACTION TECHNIQUES


特征提取是减少解释大量数据所需资源的过程。完成复杂数据分析的主要问题之一是涉及的变量数量。GF(General features)和 DSF(domain-specific features)是两种类型的功能。FE 方法(如统计方法)可用于提取一些未明确识别的方面。

一阶统计 (FOS)、灰度游程长度矩阵 (GLRLM)、灰度共生矩阵 (GLCM)、邻域灰度色调差矩阵 (NGTDM) 和统计特征矩阵都是此 (SFM) 的示例。如表 2 所示,信号处理 FE 方法包括规律掩码特征,而变换域方法包括 Gabor 小波、傅里叶功率谱 (FPS) 特征和离散小波变换。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Metrics for Evaluation

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机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Metrics for Evaluation

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Following metrics are used for evaluation

Accuracy: It is defined as the percentage of correct predictions made by a classifier compared to the actual value of the label. It can also be defined as the average number of correct tests in all tests [13]. To calculate accuracy, we use the equation:
\text { Accuracy }=(T N+T P) /(T N+T P+F N+F P) .
Here, TP, TN, FP, and FN mean true positives, false negatives, false positives, and false negatives. True positive is a condition where if the class label of a record in a dataset is positive, the classifier predicts the same for that particular record. Similarly, a true negative is a condition where if the class label of a record in a dataset is negative, the classifier predicts the same for that particular record. False-positive is a condition where the class label of a record in a dataset is negative, but the classifier

predicts the class label as positive. Similarly, a false negative is a condition where the class label of a record in a dataset is positive. Still, the classifier predicts the class label as negative for that record [13].

Sensitivity: It is defined as the percentage of true positives identified by the classifier while testing. To calculate it, we use the equation:
Sensitivity $=(T P) /(T P+F N) .$
Specificity: It is defined as the percentage of true negatives which are rightly identified by the classifier during testing. To calculate it we use the equation:
\text { Specificity }=(T N) /(T N+F P) .

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Databases Available

Although several databases of fundus images are available publicly, the creation of quality retinal image databases is still in progress to train deep neural networks.

  • DRIVE [14] (Digital Retinal Image for vessel Extraction) – This database contains 40 images collected from 400 samples of age 25 to 90 in the Netherland. Out of 40,7 shows mild DR, whereas others are normal. Each set, i.e., training and testing, includes 20 images of different patients. For every image, manual segmentation known as truths or gold standards of blood vessels is provided.
  • STARE [15] (Structured Analysis of Retina) – This database contains 20 retinal fundus images taken using a fundus camera. Datasets are divided into two classes or categories, one contains normal images, and the other includes images with various lesions. CHASE [16] – contains 28 images of $1280 * 960$ pixels, taken from multi-ethnic children in England.
  • Messidor and Messidor-2 [17] – These databases contain 1200 and 1748 images of the retina, respectively, taken from both eyes. Messidor- 2 is an extension of the Messidor database taken from 874 samples.
  • EyePACS-1 [18] – This database contains macula-centred images of 9963 subjects taken from different cameras in May-October 2015 at EyePACS screening sites.
  • APTOS [19] (Asia Pacific Tele-Ophthalmology Society) contains 3662 training images and 1928 testing images. Images are available with the ground truths classified based on severity of DR rating on a scale of 0 to 4 .
  • Kaggle [20] – contains 88,702 images of the retina with different resolutions and are classified into 5 DR stages. Many images are of bad quality, and also some of the ground truths have incorrect labelling.
  • IDRID [21] (Indian Diabetic Retinopathy Image Dataset) contains 516 retinal fundus images captured by a retinal specialist at an Eye Clinic located in Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
  • DIARETDBI [22] contains 89 retinal fundus images of size $1500^{*} 1152$ pixels, including 5 normal images and all other 84 DR images.
  • $\quad D D R[23]$ (Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy) – contains 13,637 retinal fundus images showing five stages of DR. From the dataset, 757 images show DR lesions.
  • Others like E-ophtha [24], HRF [25], ROC [26], and DR2 [27] etc.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Process of Detection of DR Using Deep Learning

There are various numbers of supervised learning methods and unsupervised learning methods available for detecting Diabetic Retinopathy. Deep learning is one technique widely used in medical imaging applications like image classification, image segmentation, image retrieval, image detection, and registration of images. For the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy, Deep Learning techniques or deep neural networks have been widely used. Deep neural networks produce outstanding results in the removal of default features and isolation. Unlike machine learning methods, the performance of deep learning methods increases with an increase in the number of training datasets because of an increase in learned features. There is a various number of deep neural networks like CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit), Autoencoders, RBM (Restricted Boltzmann Machine), DBN (Deep Belief Network), DSN (Deep Stacking Network), Self-Organizing Maps, etc. Still, CNN has been widely used in medical imaging and is highly effective [11]. Deep networks are much more powerful by using strategies such as the dropout function that helps the network produce relevant results even when few features are missing in the test dataset. In addition, ReLUs (Direct Line Units) function is used as a transfer function in CNNs that helps in effective training as they do not disappear too much like the sigmoid function and tangent function used by standard ANNs. The basic architecture of CNN is that it works in different layers like Convolutional layers, pooling layers, fully connected layers, Dropout, and Activation function at last. In the convolution layer, different types of filters are used to extract features from the image. The subsampling (or pooling) layer acts as feature selection and makes the network potent to changes in size and orientation of the image. Average pooling and max pooling are mostly used in the pooling layer. A fully connected layer is used to define the whole input image. Several pretrained CNN architectures are present at the moment on ImageNet, such as LeNet, AlexNet, VGG, ResNet, GoogleNet, and more.

Predictive modelling and analytics for diabetes using a machine learning  approach | Emerald Insight
机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Metrics for Evaluation


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Following metrics are used for evaluation

 准确性 =(吨ñ+吨磷)/(吨ñ+吨磷+Fñ+F磷).
这里,TP、TN、FP 和 FN 表示真阳性、假阴性、假阳性和假阴性。真阳性是这样一种情况,如果数据集中记录的类标签为阳性,分类器对该特定记录的预测结果相同。类似地,真正的否定是这样一种情况,如果数据集中记录的类标签为负,分类器对该特定记录的预测结果相同。假阳性是数据集中记录的类标签为负的情况,但分类器

预测类标签为正。同样,假阴性是数据集中记录的类标签为正的情况。尽管如此,分类器仍将类标签预测为该记录的负数 [13]。

 特异性 =(吨ñ)/(吨ñ+F磷).

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Databases Available


  • DRIVE [14](用于血管提取的数字视网膜图像)——该数据库包含从荷兰 25 至 90 岁的 400 个样本中收集的 40 张图像。在 40,7 中显示轻度 DR,而其他则正常。每组,即训练和测试,包括20张不同患者的图像。对于每张图像,都提供了称为血管真相或黄金标准的手动分割。
  • STARE [15](视网膜结构分析)——该数据库包含 20 张使用眼底照相机拍摄的视网膜眼底图像。数据集分为两类或类别,一类包含正常图像,另一类包含具有各种病变的图像。CHASE [16] – 包含 28 张图片1280∗960像素,取自英格兰的多种族儿童。
  • Messidor 和 Messidor-2 [17] – 这些数据库分别包含 1200 和 1748 张从双眼拍摄的视网膜图像。Messidor-2 是从 874 个样本中提取的 Messidor 数据库的扩展。
  • EyePACS-1 [18] – 该数据库包含 2015 年 5 月至 2015 年 10 月在 EyePACS 筛查站点从不同相机拍摄的 9963 名受试者的黄斑中心图像。
  • APTOS [19](亚太远程眼科学会)包含 3662 张训练图像和 1928 张测试图像。图像提供了根据 DR 等级的严重程度分类的基本事实,范围为 0 到 4。
  • Kaggle [20] – 包含 88,702 张不同分辨率的视网膜图像,分为 5 个 DR 阶段。许多图像质量很差,而且一些基本事实的标签也不正确。
  • IDRID [21](印度糖尿病视网膜病变图像数据集)包含 516 张视网膜眼底图像,由位于印度马哈拉施特拉邦南德的一家眼科诊所的视网膜专家拍摄。
  • DIARETDBI [22] 包含 89 个大小的视网膜眼底图像1500∗1152像素,包括 5 个正常图像和所有其他 84 个 DR 图像。
  • DDR[23](糖尿病视网膜病变的诊断)——包含 13,637 张视网膜眼底图像,显示 DR 的五个阶段。从数据集中,757 张图像显示 DR 病变。
  • 其他如 E-ophtha [24]、HRF [25]、ROC [26] 和 DR2 [27] 等。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Process of Detection of DR Using Deep Learning

有多种监督学习方法和无监督学习方法可用于检测糖尿病视网膜病变。深度学习是一种广泛用于医学成像应用的技术,如图像分类、图像分割、图像检索、图像检测和图像配准。对于糖尿病视网膜病变的检测和分类,深度学习技术或深度神经网络已被广泛使用。深度神经网络在去除默认特征和隔离方面产生了出色的效果。与机器学习方法不同,深度学习方法的性能随着训练数据集数量的增加而增加,因为学习特征的增加。有多种深度神经网络,如 CNN(卷积神经网络)、RNN(循环神经网络)、LSTM (Long Short Term Memory)、GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit)、Autoencoders、RBM (Restricted Boltzmann Machine)、DBN (Deep Belief Network)、DSN (Deep Stacking Network)、Self-Organizing Maps 等。广泛用于医学成像并且非常有效[11]。通过使用诸如 dropout 函数之类的策略,即使在测试数据集中缺少很少的特征时,深度网络也能帮助网络产生相关结果。此外,ReLU(直线单元)函数用作 CNN 中的传递函数,有助于有效训练,因为它们不会像标准 ANN 使用的 sigmoid 函数和切线函数那样消失太多。CNN 的基本架构是它在不同的层中工作,例如卷积层、池化层、全连接层、Dropout、最后是激活函数。在卷积层中,使用不同类型的过滤器从图像中提取特征。二次采样(或池化)层充当特征选择,使网络能够有效地改变图像的大小和方向。池化层主要使用平均池化和最大池化。全连接层用于定义整个输入图像。目前 ImageNet 上有几种预训练的 CNN 架构,例如 LeNet、AlexNet、VGG、ResNet、GoogleNet 等。全连接层用于定义整个输入图像。目前 ImageNet 上有几种预训练的 CNN 架构,例如 LeNet、AlexNet、VGG、ResNet、GoogleNet 等。全连接层用于定义整个输入图像。目前 ImageNet 上有几种预训练的 CNN 架构,例如 LeNet、AlexNet、VGG、ResNet、GoogleNet 等。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。



如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习deep learning这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写深度学习deep learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写深度学习deep learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写深度学习deep learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的深度学习deep learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础


A few years back, we would have never thought of deep learning applications to develop virtual assistants (like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant) and self-driving cars. But now, these developments are part of

our daily lives. Deep learning is fascinating to us with its ongoing actions, such as fraud detection and pixel restoration.

Although deep learning is achieving quite impressive results in realworld applications, it is essential to note that it is not magic to achieve those results; large amounts of data are required. Furthermore, learning from this amount of data is a very time-consuming and computationally demanding process.

Nevertheless, it is terrible how these algorithms can “learn” without telling the model what to look for – it learns based on experience and the examples given. And as mentioned, progress in this area has been made to develop surprising and valuable applications that we will discuss next.
Deep Learning is a very vast field to discuss and do research on. There are hundreds of applications present at the moment that use deep learning methods. Hundreds of fascinating applications will come in the future, like MIT is working on future prediction using deep learning methods.

Deep learning is widely used in the medical field-computer vision techniques like image segmentation, image classification, etc. Using different deep learning architectures (such as CNN, RNN, LSTM) can detect any disease from other image datasets. Deep learning helps medical experts diagnose disease more accurately with minimum error and allows them to treat it better, thus leading to better decisions.

This chapter will discuss eye disease, which can cause blindness known as Diabetic Retinopathy (DR). Early detection of DR is a critical task, and deep learning helps in its early detection.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is a condition that occurs in the human body when the pancreas fails to produce the required insulin or when the body fails to process it properly. As it advances, it starts affecting the circulatory system of the human body, including the retina. It causes damage to the retinal blood vessels, leading to diabetic retinopathy by decreasing the

patient’s vision. This disease can cause permanent blindness to the affected person if appropriate treatment is not provided in the early stages.

The abnormal shift in blood sugar level starts happening in diabetes mellitus. Generally, glucose is converted into energy in the human body that helps to perform normal human functions. But in the worst-case scenario, there is an abnormal blood sugar level, and the excess blood sugar causes hyperglycemia. Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR) and Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) are two main stages of DR, as shown in Figure 2. NPDR is a condition in which the retina becomes inflamed (a case of macular edema) because of the accumulation of glucose that leads to leakage of blood vessels in the eyes. In a severe condition, retinal vessels might get blocked completely, which causes macular ischemia. There are different levels in NPDR in which sometimes the patient suffers from blurred vision or loses sight partially or entirely. PDR occurs in the advanced stage of diabetes, in which extra blood vessels start growing in the retina (a case of neovascularization). These new blood vessels are very narrow and brittle, tend to cause haemorrhages, and lead to partial or complete loss of vision.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Severity Levels of DR

Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group (ETDRS) and International Clinical Diabetic Retinopathy (ICDR) [12] has given different levels of severity of DR defined as under:

  • Level 0- No retinopathy.
  • Level 1- Mild NPDR- the presence of at least one microaneurysm with or without other lesions.
  • Level 2- Moderate NPDR- the presence of many microaneurysms and retinal haemorrhages with or without cotton wool spots.
  • Level 3- Severe $N P D R$ – the presence of many haemorrhages and micro-aneurysms in four quadrants of the retina, cotton wool spots in two or more quadrants and Intra-retinal microvascular abnormalities in one or more quadrants.
  • Level 4- PDR- it is an advanced stage of DR where new narrow and brittle or weak blood vessels are present with a high risk of leakage, and it can cause severe vision loss and sometimes even blindness. Figure 4 shows images of different levels of severity in DR.



几年前,我们从未想过用深度学习应用程序来开发虚拟助手(如 Alexa、Siri 和 Google Assistant)和自动驾驶汽车。但现在,这些发展是




深度学习广泛应用于医学领域的计算机视觉技术,如图像分割、图像分类等。使用不同的深度学习架构(如 CNN、RNN、LSTM)可以从其他图像数据集中检测任何疾病。深度学习可帮助医学专家以最小的错误更准确地诊断疾病,并使他们能够更好地治疗疾病,从而做出更好的决策。

本章将讨论可导致失明的眼病,称为糖尿病视网膜病变 (DR)。DR 的早期检测是一项关键任务,深度学习有助于其早期检测。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Diabetic Retinopathy



血糖水平的异常变化开始发生在糖尿病中。通常,葡萄糖在人体内转化为能量,有助于执行正常的人体功能。但在最坏的情况下,血糖水平异常,血糖过高会导致高血糖。如图 2 所示,非增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变 (NPDR) 和增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变 (PDR) 是 DR 的两个主要阶段。葡萄糖导致眼睛血管渗漏。在严重的情况下,视网膜血管可能会完全阻塞,从而导致黄斑缺血。NPDR 有不同的级别,有时患者会出现视力模糊或部分或完全失明。PDR 发生在糖尿病的晚期,其中额外的血管开始在视网膜中生长(一种新血管形成的情况)。这些新血管非常狭窄和脆弱,容易引起出血,并导致部分或完全丧失视力。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Severity Levels of DR

早期治疗糖尿病视网膜病变研究小组 (ETDRS) 和国际临床糖尿病视网膜病变 (ICDR) [12] 给出了不同程度的 DR 严重程度,定义如下:

  • 0 级 – 无视网膜病变。
  • 1级-轻度NPDR-存在至少一个微动脉瘤,有或没有其他病变。
  • 2 级 – 中度 NPDR – 存在许多微动脉瘤和视网膜出血,伴有或不伴有棉絮斑。
  • 3级 – 严重ñ磷DR– 在视网膜的四个象限中存在许多出血和微动脉瘤,在两个或更多象限中存在棉绒斑,在一个或多个象限中存在视网膜内微血管异常。
  • 4级-PDR-这是DR的晚期阶段,出现新的狭窄、脆弱或脆弱的血管,具有很高的渗漏风险,可能导致严重的视力丧失,有时甚至失明。图 4 显示了 DR 中不同严重程度的图像。
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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Long Short Term Memory

如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习deep learning这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写深度学习deep learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写深度学习deep learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写深度学习deep learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的深度学习deep learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础
机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Long Short Term Memory

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Long Short Term Memory

LSTM is a difficult technique in deep learning to master. LSTM has feedback connections, unlike traditional feed-forward neural networks. It can process entire data sequences such as speech or video, as well as single data points such as images [8]. LSTM overcomes the problems of the RNN model. RNN model suffers from short-term memory. RNN model has no control over which part of the information needs to be carried forward and how many parts need to be forgotten. A memory unit called a cell is utilized by the LSTM which can maintain information for

a sufficient period. LSTM networks are a type of RNN that can learn long chains of dependencies. LSTM has different memory blocks called cell which carries information throughout the processing of the sequence. The two states that are input to the next cell are the cell state and the hidden state. Three major techniques, referred to as gates, are used to manipulate this memory. A typical LSTM unit consists of a cell or memory block, an input gate, an output gate, and a forget-gate. The information in the cell is regulated by the three gates, and the cell remembers values for arbitrary periods. This model contains interacting layers in a repeating module.

Forget-gate layer is responsible for what to keep and what to throw from old information. Data that isn’t needed in LSTM to comprehend the information of low significance is removed by multiplying a filter. This is mandated for the LSTM network’s effectiveness to be optimized.

The input gate layer manages of determining what data should be stored in the cell state. To control what values should be assigned to the cell state, a sigmoid function is used. In the same way that the forget-gate filters all the data, this one does as well. The cell state is only updated with information that is both important and not useless.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|ABSTRACT

Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the common issues of diabetic Mellitus that affects the eyesight of humans by causing lesions in their retinas. DR is mainly caused by the damage of blood vessels in the tissue of the retina, and it is one of the leading causes of visual impairment globally. It can even cause blindness if not detected in its early stages. To reduce the risk of eyesight loss, early detection and treatment are pretty necessary. The manual process by ophthalmologists in detection DR requires much effort and time and is costly also. Many computer-based techniques reduce the manual effort, and deep learning is used more commonly in medical imaging. This chapter will discuss deep learning and how it is helpful in the early detection and classification of DR by reviewing some latest state-of-art methods. There are various datasets of colour fundus images available publically, and we have reviewed those databases in this chapter.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|INTRODUCTION

The terms Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) are usually used identically but are not the same. AI is called a vast field of research where the goal is to make the device interact with its nature as an intelligent person. Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI where a machine learns to perform a task without explicit programming. Deep learning (DL) is a subset or sub-field of ML that deals with algorithms that use deep neural networks.

DL (also called hierarchical learning or deep structured learning) is a part of machine learning that is based on some set of algorithms, which performs a high level of abstractions in data [1-4]. Such algorithms develop a layered and hierarchical architecture of learning, understanding, and representing the data. This advanced learning technology is inspired by artificial intelligence, which imitates the deep, layered learning process of the human brain, which automatically extracts features and releases primary data $[5,6]$. DL algorithms are useful as they can deal with large amounts of unsupervised data and naturally learn data representation in a deep layer-wise method which a simple ML algorithm can’t do $[7,8]$.

Applications of DL in today’s world are a comprehensive concept. Many deep learning architectures like Deep Neural Network (DNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) have been implemented in areas like computer vision, speech recognition, NLP (Natural Language Processing), audio recognition and

bioinformatics, etc. [9]. Deep learning can be depicted as a class of machine learning algorithms that uses a cascade of multiple layers for feature extraction and transformation. Output from the previous layer is used as input for the next layer. Algorithms of deep learning can be both supervised or unsupervised [9].

The number of parameterized transformations is a signal encounter as it propagates from the input layer to the output layer and the number of hidden layers present in the network. In deep networks, processing units with trainable parameters, like weights and thresholds, are the parameterized transformations. Figure 1 shows the difference between these two networks. A chain of transformations between the input and output layers is the credit assignment path (CAP), which may vary in length and defines connections between input and output.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Long Short Term Memory


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Long Short Term Memory

LSTM 是一种很难掌握的深度学习技术。与传统的前馈神经网络不同,LSTM 具有反馈连接。它可以处理整个数据序列,例如语音或视频,以及单个数据点,例如图像 [8]。LSTM 克服了 RNN 模型的问题。RNN 模型存在短期记忆。RNN 模型无法控制哪些部分的信息需要被继承,多少部分需要被遗忘。LSTM 使用称为单元的存储单元,它可以保存信息

足够的时间。LSTM 网络是一种可以学习长依赖链的 RNN。LSTM 有不同的存储块,称为单元,它在整个序列处理过程中携带信息。输入到下一个单元的两个状态是单元状态和隐藏状态。被称为门的三种主要技术用于操作此内存。一个典型的 LSTM 单元由一个单元或内存块、一个输入门、一个输出门和一个遗忘门组成。单元格中的信息由三个门控制,并且单元格记住任意时期的值。该模型包含重复模块中的交互层。

Forget-gate 层负责从旧信息中保留什么以及丢弃什么。通过乘以一个过滤器来删除 LSTM 中不需要理解低重要性信息的数据。这是为了优化 LSTM 网络的有效性而强制要求的。

输入门层管理确定哪些数据应存储在单元状态中。为了控制应该为单元状态分配哪些值,使用了 sigmoid 函数。与遗忘门过滤所有数据的方式相同,这个也是如此。单元状态仅使用重要且无用的信息进行更新。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|ABSTRACT

糖尿病视网膜病变 (DR) 是糖尿病的常见问题之一,它通过引起视网膜病变来影响人类的视力。DR主要由视网膜组织中的血管损伤引起,是全球视力障碍的主要原因之一。如果在早期阶段没有被发现,它甚至会导致失明。为了降低视力丧失的风险,早期发现和治疗是非常必要的。眼科医生在检测DR中的手动过程需要大量的精力和时间,并且成本也很高。许多基于计算机的技术减少了人工,深度学习更常用于医学成像。本章将通过回顾一些最新的最先进的方法来讨论深度学习以及它如何有助于 DR 的早期检测和分类。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|INTRODUCTION

术语人工智能 (AI)、机器学习 (ML) 和深度学习 (DL) 通常使用相同但并不相同。人工智能被称为一个广阔的研究领域,其目标是使设备与其作为智能人的本质进行交互。机器学习 (ML) 是 AI 的一个子集,其中机器无需显式编程即可学习执行任务。深度学习 (DL) 是 ML 的一个子集或子领域,用于处理使用深度神经网络的算法。

DL(也称为分层学习或深度结构化学习)是机器学习的一部分,它基于一组算法,在数据中执行高级抽象 [1-4]。此类算法开发了一种分层和分层的架构,用于学习、理解和表示数据。这种先进的学习技术受到人工智能的启发,它模仿人脑的深层、分层学习过程,自动提取特征并释放原始数据[5,6]. DL 算法很有用,因为它们可以处理大量无监督数据,并以简单的 ML 算法无法做到的深层方法自然地学习数据表示[7,8].

DL 在当今世界的应用是一个综合概念。许多深度学习架构,如深度神经网络 (DNN)、卷积神经网络 (CNN) 和循环神经网络 (RNN),已在计算机视觉、语音识别、NLP(自然语言处理)、音频识别和


参数化变换的数量是信号从输入层传播到输出层时遇到的信号以及网络中存在的隐藏层的数量。在深度网络中,具有可训练参数(如权重和阈值)的处理单元是参数化转换。图 1 显示了这两个网络之间的差异。输入和输出层之间的一系列转换是信用分配路径(CAP),它的长度可能不同,并定义了输入和输出之间的连接。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。



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深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

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机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|HyShalini Agrahari* and Arvind Kumar Tiwari

Text recognition has risen in popularity in the area of computer vision and natural language processing due to its use in different fields. For character recognition in a handwriting recognition system, several methods have been suggested. There are enough studies that define the techniques for translating text information from a piece of paper to an electronic format. Text recognition systems may play a key role in creating a paper-free environment in the future by digitizing and handling existing paper records. This chapter provides a thorough analysis of the field of Text Recognition.

We are all familiar with the convenience of having an editable text document that can be easily read by a computer and the information can be used for a variety of uses. People always wanted to use the text that is present in various forms all around them, such as handwritten documents, receipts, images, signboards, hoardings, street signs, nameplates, number plates of automobiles, as subtitles in videos, as captions for photos, and in a variety of other ways. However, we are unable to make use of this information because our computer is unable to recognize these texts purely based on their raw images. Hence, researchers around the world have been trying hard to make computers worthy of directly recognizing text by acquiring images to use the several information sources that could be used in a variety of ways by our computers. In most cases, we have no choice but to typewrite handwritten information, which is very timeconsuming. So, here we have a text recognition system that overcomes these problems. We can see the importance of a ‘Text Recognition System’ just by having to look at these scenarios, which have a wide range of applications in security, robotics, official documentation, content filtering, and many more.

Due to digitalization, there is a huge demand for storing data into the computer by converting documents into digital format. It is difficult to recognize text in various sources like text documents, images, and videos, etc. due to some noise. The text recognition system is a technique by which recognizer recognizes the characters or texts or various symbols. The text recognition system consists of a procedure of transforming input images into machine-understandable format $[1,2]$.

The use of text recognition has a lot of benefits. For example, we find a lot of historical papers in offices and other places that can be easily replaced with editable text and archived instead of taking up too much space with their hard copies. Online and offline text recognition are the two main types of recognition whether online recognition system includes tablet and digital pen, while offline recognition includes printed or handwritten documents [3].

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Convolutional Neural Network

CNN [6] is a method of deep learning algorithm that is specifically trained to perform with image files. A simple class that perfectly represents the image in CNN, processed through a series of convolutional layers, a pooling layer, and fully connected layers. CNN can learn multiple layers of feature representations of an image by applying

different techniques. Low-level features such as edges and curves are examined by image classification in this method and a sequence of convolutional layers helps in building up to more abstract. CNN provides greater precision and improves performance because of its exclusive characteristics, such as local connectivity and parameter sharing. The input layer, multiple hidden layers (convolutional, normalization, pooling), and a fully connected and output layer make up the system of CNN. Neurons in one layer communicate with some neurons in the next layer, making the scaling simpler for higher resolutions.

In the input layer, the input file is recorded and collected. This layer contains information about the input image’s height, width, and several channels (RGB information). To recognize the features, the network will use a sequence of convolutions and pooling operations in multiple hidden layers. Convolution is one of the most important components of a CNN. The numerical mixture of multiple functions to produce a new function is known as convolution. Convolution is applied to the input image via a filter or, to produce a feature map in the case of a CNN. The input layer contains $n \times n$ input neurons which are convoluted with the filter size of $m$ $\times m$ and return output size of $(n-m+1) \times(n-m+1)$. On our input, we perform several convolutions, each with a different filter. As a result, different feature maps emerge. Finally, we combine these entire feature maps to create the convolution layer final output. To reduce the input feature space and hence reduces the higher computation; a pooling layer is placed between two convolutional layers. Pooling allows passing only the values you want to the next layer, leaving the unnecessary behind. This reduces training time, prevents overfitting, and helps in feature selection. The max-pooling operation takes the highest value from each sub-region of the image vector while keeping the most information, this operation is generally preferred in modern applications. CNN’s architecture, like regular neural network architecture, includes an activation function to present non-linearity into the system. Among the various activation functions used extensively in deep learning models, the sigmoid function rectified linear unit (ReLu), and softmax are some wellknown examples. In CNN architecture, the classification layer is the final

layer. It’s a fully connected feed-forward network that’s most commonly used as a classifier. This layer determines predicted classes by categorizing the input image, which is accomplished by combining all the previous layers’ features.

Image recognition, image classification, object detection, and face recognition are just a few of the applications for CNN. The most important section in CNN is the feature extraction section and classification section.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network

RNN is a deep learning technique that is both effective and robust, and it is one of the most promising methods currently in use because it is the only one with internal storage. RNN is useful when it is required to predict the next word of sequence [7]. When dealing with sequential data (financial data or the DNA sequence), recurrent neural networks are commonly used. The reason for this is that the model employs layers, which provide a short-term memory for the model. Using this memory, it can more accurately determine the next data and memorize all the information about what was calculated. If we want to use sequence matches in such data, we’ll need a network with previous knowledge of the data. The output from the previous step is fed into the current step in this approach. The architecture of RNN includes three layers: input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. The hidden layer remembers information about sequences.

If compare RNN with a traditional feed-forward neural network(FNN), FNN cannot remember the sequence of data. Suppose we give a word “hello” as input to FNN, FNN processes it character by character. It has already forgotten about ‘ $h$ ‘ ‘e’ and ‘ $l$ ‘ by the time it gets to the character ‘ $o$ ‘. Fortunately, because of its internal memory, a recurrent neural network can remember those characters. This is important because the data sequence comprises important information about what will happen next, that’s why an RNN can perform tasks that some other techniques cannot.



机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|HyShalini Agrahari* and Arvind Kumar Tiwari





机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Convolutional Neural Network

CNN [6] 是一种深度学习算法,专门训练用于处理图像文件。一个简单的类,完美地表示 CNN 中的图像,通过一系列卷积层、一个池化层和全连接层进行处理。CNN 可以通过应用来学习图像的多层特征表示

不同的技术。在这种方法中,通过图像分类检查边缘和曲线等低级特征,一系列卷积层有助于构建更抽象的特征。CNN 因其独有的特性(例如局部连通性和参数共享)而提供了更高的精度并提高了性能。输入层、多个隐藏层(卷积、归一化、池化)以及全连接和输出层构成了 CNN 系统。一层中的神经元与下一层中的一些神经元通信,使得缩放更简单以获得更高的分辨率。

在输入层,记录和收集输入文件。该层包含有关输入图像的高度、宽度和几个通道的信息(RGB 信息)。为了识别特征,网络将在多个隐藏层中使用一系列卷积和池化操作。卷积是 CNN 最重要的组成部分之一。多个函数的数值混合以产生一个新函数称为卷积。卷积通过过滤器应用于输入图像,或者在 CNN 的情况下生成特征图。输入层包含n×n与滤波器大小卷积的输入神经元米 ×米并返回输出大小(n−米+1)×(n−米+1). 在我们的输入上,我们执行了几个卷积,每个卷积都有一个不同的过滤器。结果,出现了不同的特征图。最后,我们结合这些完整的特征图来创建卷积层的最终输出。减少输入特征空间,从而减少更高的计算量;池化层放置在两个卷积层之间。池化允许仅将您想要的值传递给下一层,而将不必要的值留在后面。这减少了训练时间,防止过拟合,并有助于特征选择。最大池化操作从图像向量的每个子区域中获取最高值,同时保留最多的信息,这种操作在现代应用程序中通常是首选。CNN 的架构与常规的神经网络架构一样,包括一个激活函数来将非线性呈现到系统中。在深度学习模型中广泛使用的各种激活函数中,sigmoid 函数整流线性单元 (ReLu) 和 softmax 是一些众所周知的例子。在 CNN 架构中,分类层是最终的


图像识别、图像分类、对象检测和人脸识别只是 CNN 的一些应用。CNN 中最重要的部分是特征提取部分和分类部分。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network

RNN 是一种既有效又健壮的深度学习技术,它是目前使用的最有前途的方法之一,因为它是唯一具有内部存储的方法。当需要预测序列的下一个单词时,RNN 很有用 [7]。在处理顺序数据(财务数据或 DNA 序列)时,通常使用循环神经网络。原因是模型使用了层,这些层为模型提供了短期记忆。使用此内存,它可以更准确地确定下一个数据并记住有关计算内容的所有信息。如果我们想在此类数据中使用序列匹配,我们需要一个具有数据先前知识的网络。在这种方法中,上一步的输出被馈送到当前步骤。RNN的架构包括三层:输入层,隐藏层和输出层。隐藏层记住有关序列的信息。

如果将 RNN 与传统的前馈神经网络(FNN)进行比较,FNN 无法记住数据的序列。假设我们将单词“hello”作为 FNN 的输入,FNN 会逐字符处理它。它已经忘记了’H”e’ 和 ‘l’当它到达角色’这’。幸运的是,由于其内部记忆,循环神经网络可以记住这些字符。这很重要,因为数据序列包含有关接下来会发生什么的重要信息,这就是为什么 RNN 可以执行一些其他技术无法执行的任务的原因。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Hybrid Recommendation System Based on Deep Neural Networks

如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习deep learning这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写深度学习deep learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写深度学习deep learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写深度学习deep learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的深度学习deep learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础
机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Hybrid Recommendation System Based on Deep Neural Networks

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Hybrid Recommendation System Based on Deep Neural Networks

The state-of-the-art Collaborative Filtering-based approach uses the ranking matrix to suggest products. But this method suffers from a data sparsity and a cold start crisis. Due to the scarce existence of the useritem matrix, the features learned are not accurate, which decreases the efficiency of the recommendation framework. Hybrid recommendation model based on deep neural networks incorporates a content-based recommendation model with collective recommendation-based filtering models, which combines the mechanism of feature learning and recommendation into a single model.
[25] suggested a layered, self-encoder-based hybrid paradigm that learns the latent space factors of users and items and simultaneously performs mutual filtering from the ranking matrix.

An autoencoder is a variation of neural organization, having encoder and decoder as two components. The encoder changes over the contribution to its secret portrayal, while the decoder changes over the secret portrayal back to the re-established input structure. The boundaries comparing to the autoencoder are prepared to limit the mistake because of the recreation, which is estimated by the loss work or misfortune work. Denoising autoencoder (DAE) attempts to recreate the contribution from a ruined adaptation for improved portrayal from the info. More variations of autoencoder have been created for better results. The crossover suggestion model dependent on the stacked denoising autoencoder utilizes both the rating network and the side data and coordinates both the SDAE [26] and the grid factorisation. Lattice factorization is a broadly utilized model with improved exactness, and SDAE is an incredible model for separating significant level highlights from inputs. The combination of the over two model will turn into an amazing model for additional advantages.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Social Network-Based Recommendation System Using Deep Neural Networks

Conventional recommendation models never consider social connections among the users. But we always take verbal recommendations from our friends in reality.These verbal recommendations are termed as social recommendation which occurs daily [27]. Hence, for improved recommendation systems and for more personalized recommendations, social network must be employed among users. Every user will interact with various types of social relationships.
The quality of recommendation system is very crucial task which can be achieved by implementing the effect of social relationship among the users. Items with location attributes and sequential pattern of user behaviour in spatial and temporal frame are used to form spatiotemporal pattern which is used to improve recommendation accuracy. Recently, a very few recommendation techniques have been proposed which is based on the users’ trust relations improve conventional recommendation systems. These trust based recommendation models proves to be an effective move in the field of recommendation system models.

In current scenario an integration of deep learning and social network based recommendation system provides a platform for various research solutions. The limitations which are inherent to the social recommendation must be addressed in the future research.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Context-Aware Recommendation Systems Based on Deep Neural Networks

A context-aware recommendation system, integrates context based information into a recommendation model. This integration is effectively performed by the deep learning techniques in different conditions of recommending items [28]. Deep neural network based methods are used to extract the latent space presentation from the context based information. Deep learning based model can be integrated into diverse data to reduce data sparsity problem [29].

Sequential nature of data plays a significant part in implementing user behaviours. Recently, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are commonly used in a variety of sequential simulation activities. However, for real-world implementations, these approaches have trouble modeling contextual knowledge, which has been shown to be very essential for behavioural modelling.

Currently this method based on deep neural networks focused towards situation information. A novel approach is proposed called context-aware recurrent neural networks. It uses two types of matrices: input and transition matrices. They both are specific to the context and adaptive in nature. Input matrices are used to extract various situations such as time, place, weather condition where actually the user behaves.

As deep learning plays a significant role in most of the fields as it has the capability of dealing with large and complex problems with improved results. Deep learning technology also contributes in the field of recommendation system for improved customer satisfaction. Deep learning technology overcomes the shortcomings of traditional models to get high quality recommendations. [30].

All the above discussed methods of recommendation systems use deep neural networks and hence also achieve the quality in recommending items to the users [31]. Different recommendation models use different deep learning methods to obtain improve results.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Hybrid Recommendation System Based on Deep Neural Networks


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Hybrid Recommendation System Based on Deep Neural Networks

最先进的基于协作过滤的方法使用排名矩阵来推荐产品。但是这种方法存在数据稀疏和冷启动危机。由于 useritem 矩阵的稀缺性,学习到的特征并不准确,从而降低了推荐框架的效率。基于深度神经网络的混合推荐模型将基于内容的推荐模型与基于集体推荐的过滤模型相结合,将特征学习和推荐的机制结合到一个模型中。
[25] 提出了一种分层的、基于自编码器的混合范式,它学习用户和项目的潜在空间因子,同时从排名矩阵执行相互过滤。

自编码器是神经组织的一种变体,具有编码器和解码器作为两个组件。编码器改变对其秘密描绘的贡献,而解码器将秘密描绘改变回重新建立的输入结构。与自动编码器相比,边界准备限制因娱乐而导致的错误,这是通过损失工作或不幸工作来估计的。去噪自动编码器 (DAE) 尝试从破坏的改编中重建贡献,以改善信息的描绘。为了获得更好的结果,已经创建了更多的自动编码器变体。依赖于堆叠去噪自编码器的交叉建议模型同时利用评级网络和边数据,并协调 SDAE [26] 和网格分解。格因式分解是一种广泛使用的模型,具有更高的准确性,而 SDAE 是一个令人难以置信的模型,用于从输入中分离出重要的水平亮点。两种以上模型的组合将变成一个具有额外优势的惊人模型。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Social Network-Based Recommendation System Using Deep Neural Networks



机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Context-Aware Recommendation Systems Based on Deep Neural Networks

上下文感知推荐系统将基于上下文的信息集成到推荐模型中。深度学习技术在不同的推荐项目条件下有效地执行了这种集成[28]。基于深度神经网络的方法用于从基于上下文的信息中提取潜在空间表示。基于深度学习的模型可以集成到不同的数据中,以减少数据稀疏问题 [29]。

数据的顺序性在实现用户行为方面起着重要作用。最近,循环神经网络 (RNN) 常用于各种顺序模拟活动。然而,对于现实世界的实现,这些方法难以对上下文知识进行建模,这已被证明对于行为建模非常重要。




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统计代写请认准statistics-lab™. statistics-lab™为您的留学生涯保驾护航。







术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|APPLICATION OF DEEP LEARNING

如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习deep learning这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写深度学习deep learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写深度学习deep learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写深度学习deep learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的深度学习deep learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础
机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|APPLICATION OF DEEP LEARNING

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|IN RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM

DL techniques are widely used in various real world applications such as sentiment analysis, speech recognition image classification, text classification etc. Various researchers also include deep neural network based techniques in the field of recommendation system to improve its performance as compared to traditional recommendations systems. Traditional recommendation methods use matrix factorization methods which have some limitations such as:

  1. The trouble of utilizing side highlights that may influence the suggestion like the U/PG rating of a film or the nation of the client. We can just utilize the thing ID and the client ID on account of network factorization. It likewise keeps us from questioning a thing or client not present in the preparation set.
  2. The matrix factorization additionally had the virus start issue because of the way that it had no component vector or inserting for the new things.
  3. Matrix factorization regularly will in general prescribe mainstream things to everybody which doesn’t generally mirror the particular client interests for the most part when Dot items are utilized.
  4. Matrix factorization deals with the straightforward internal result of the User and thing highlight embeddings, it is regularly insufficient to catch and address the mind boggling relations in the client and things.

Deep Neural networks are planned and used to address these weaknesses of the matrix factorization strategies. This section describes the various categories recommendation systems which are based on deep learning.

The categorization is based on the types of recommendation systems used which is as follows:

  1. Collaborative filtering recommendation system based on deep neural network.
  2. Content-based recommendation system based on deep neural network.
  3. Hybrid recommendation system based on deep neural network.
  4. Social network-based recommendation system based on deep neural network.
  5. Context aware recommendation system based on deep neural network.

Hybrid model and neural network model are the two categories of deep neural network-based recommendation system. Integration model is further divided into two categories on the basis of whether it combines any traditional recommendation system model with deep neural network technique or depends solely on deep learning method.

Neural network model is also divided into two categories on the basis of deep neural network based technique used: models which uses single deep neural network based technique and deep neural network based composite model. In deep neural network based composite model, different deep neural network techniques are used to build a hybrid system having more capability.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考| Collaborative Filtering Method Based on Generative Adversarial Network

Generative Adversarial Network is a neural network which is generative and having discriminator and generator functions. These both functions are simultaneously trained in competition with one another in architecture of minimax game. The first model to implement GAN in the field of Information Retrieval is (IRGAN) [18] which stands for Information retrieval generative adversarial network. The state of the art GAN model has two modules a discriminator and a generator. The generative retrieval module predicts appropriate documents with given query, whereas discriminative retrieval module predicts relevancy given with a pair of query and document.

The IRGAN model combines above two Information Retrieval models in order to play a minimax game with them: the generative retrieval model produces (or selects) relevant documents that are relevant documents like ground truth, while the discriminating retrieval model separates the relevant documents from those generated by the generative retrieval model [32]. concentration is on the semantic-rich client thing communications in a recommender framework and propose a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) named Convolutional Generative Collaborative Filtering (Conv-GCF). They build up a powerful irritation system (ill-disposed commotion layer) for convolutional neural organizations (CNN), in light of which a generator is planned with lingering squares to combine client thing collaborations.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network Based Collaborative Filtering Method

In order to deal with the information in sequential form, recurrent neural network (RNN) proves to be a very effective network. Concepts of loops are used in place of feedforward network to remember sequences. Variants of RNN viz. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) network are used to deal with the problems of long term dependencies and vanishing gradient problem. In collaborative filtering method based on RNN, the impact of user historical pattern is modelled on the current behavior of user, recommendation is performed and user’s behavior is predicted [19]. Figure 7 shows the framework of collaborative filtering method based on RNN [19]. Let the input set is $\left{I_{l}\right.$, $\left.I_{2} \ldots I_{t}\right}$, and output is $O_{t}=\sigma\left(f\left(W \cdot h_{t-1}+V \cdot I_{t}\right) \cdot V\right), \sigma$ represents a softmax function, $f$ represents the activation function, which specifies the selection probability of any item at time $t$. $h_{t}$ represents the hidden state vector.

The first ever developed autoencoder-based collaborative recommendation model is Autoencoder based Collaborative filtering [20]. It decomposes the vectors by integer ratings. The model proposed by [20] takes client or thing based evaluations as contributions to rating matrix R. The output is produced by the process of encoding and decoding by optimizing the parameters of model and reducing the reconstruction error. Consider an example, if the range of integers [1-5] represents the rating score, then each $r_{u i}$ can be divided into five vectors.
Above figure represents the 1 to 5 rating scale in which blue boxes represents the user rated item. The cost function which is to be reduced is taken as Mean Square Error. The rating prediction in this approach is found by making the summary of each of the five vectors, which are scaled by rating $\mathrm{K}$. Pretraining of parameters and local optimum avoidance is performed by RBM. Stacking multiple autoencoder collectively shows the slight improvement in accuracy. This method based on autoencoder suffers from the problem of dealing with noninteger ratings and sparseness of input data due to decomposition of partial observed vectors.

Collaborative Denoising Auto-Encoder [21] is primarily used for prediction rankings. User feedback is taken as input to the CDAE. If the user enjoys a movie, the input value is 1 otherwise it is 0 . It shows the vector preference to display the user’s interest in some item. Gaussian noise corrupts the CDAE input.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|APPLICATION OF DEEP LEARNING


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|IN RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM

DL 技术广泛用于各种现实世界的应用,例如情感分析、语音识别图像分类、文本分类等。各种研究人员还将基于深度神经网络的技术纳入推荐系统领域,以提高其与传统推荐系统相比的性能。传统的推荐方法使用矩阵分解方法,这些方法具有一些局限性,例如:

  1. 使用可能会影响建议的侧面亮点的麻烦,例如电影的 U/PG 评级或客户所在的国家/地区。由于网络分解,我们可以只使用事物 ID 和客户端 ID。它同样可以防止我们质疑准备集中不存在的事物或客户。
  2. 矩阵分解还存在病毒启动问题,因为它没有分量向量或插入新事物。
  3. 矩阵分解通常会给每个人开出主流的东西,当使用 Dot 项目时,这通常不会反映特定客户的兴趣。
  4. 矩阵分解处理用户和事物突出嵌入的直接内部结果,通常不足以捕捉和解决客户端和事物中令人难以置信的关系。



  1. 基于深度神经网络的协同过滤推荐系统。
  2. 基于深度神经网络的基于内容的推荐系统。
  3. 基于深度神经网络的混合推荐系统。
  4. 基于深度神经网络的基于社交网络的推荐系统。
  5. 基于深度神经网络的上下文感知推荐系统。



机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考| Collaborative Filtering Method Based on Generative Adversarial Network

Generative Adversarial Network 是一种具有生成性并具有鉴别器和生成器功能的神经网络。在极小极大游戏的架构中,这两个功能在相互竞争中同时进行训练。在信息检索领域实现 GAN 的第一个模型是(IRGAN)[18],它代表信息检索生成对抗网络。最先进的 GAN 模型有两个模块:鉴别器和生成器。生成检索模块预测具有给定查询的适当文档,而判别检索模块预测给定查询和文档对的相关性。

IRGAN 模型结合了上述两个信息检索模型,以便与它们进行极小极大游戏:生成检索模型生成(或选择)相关文档,这些文档是相关文档,如基本事实,而判别检索模型将相关文档与生成的文档分开由生成检索模型[32]。专注于推荐框架中语义丰富的客户端事物通信,并提出了一种名为卷积生成协同过滤(Conv-GCF)的新型生成对抗网络(GAN)。他们为卷积神经组织 (CNN) 建立了一个强大的刺激系统(不适当地的骚动层),据此计划了一个带有挥之不去的正方形的生成器,以结合客户事物的协作。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network Based Collaborative Filtering Method

为了以顺序形式处理信息,循环神经网络(RNN)被证明是一种非常有效的网络。循环的概念用于代替前馈网络来记住序列。RNN 的变体,即。长短期记忆(LSTM)和门控循环单元(GRU)网络用于处理长期依赖和梯度消失问题。在基于RNN的协同过滤方法中,用户历史模式对用户当前行为的影响进行建模,进行推荐并预测用户行为[19]。图 7 显示了基于 RNN [19] 的协同过滤方法的框架。设输入集为\left{I_{l}\right.$, $\left.I_{2} \ldots I_{t}\right}\left{I_{l}\right.$, $\left.I_{2} \ldots I_{t}\right},输出为这吨=σ(F(在⋅H吨−1+在⋅一世吨)⋅在),σ表示一个softmax函数,F表示激活函数,它指定了任何一个项目在时间的选择概率吨. H吨表示隐藏状态向量。

有史以来第一个开发的基于自动编码器的协作推荐模型是基于自动编码器的协作过滤[20]。它通过整数评级分解向量。[20] 提出的模型将基于客户或事物的评估作为对评分矩阵 R 的贡献。输出是通过优化模型参数和减少重构误差的编码和解码过程产生的。考虑一个例子,如果整数范围 [1-5] 代表评分,那么每个r在一世可以分为五个向量。
上图代表 1 到 5 的评分等级,其中蓝色框代表用户评分项目。要减少的成本函数被视为均方误差。这种方法中的评分预测是通过对五个向量中的每一个进行汇总来找到的,这些向量按评分进行缩放ķ. RBM 执行参数的预训练和局部最优避免。堆叠多个自动编码器共同显示准确性略有提高。这种基于自编码器的方法由于部分观测向量的分解而存在处理非整数评级和输入数据稀疏的问题。

协作去噪自动编码器[21]主要用于预测排名。用户反馈作为 CDAE 的输入。如果用户喜欢电影,则输入值为 1 ,否则为 0 。它显示了向量偏好以显示用户对某些项目的兴趣。高斯噪声会破坏 CDAE 输入。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network

如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习deep learning这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写深度学习deep learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写深度学习deep learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写深度学习deep learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的深度学习deep learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
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机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network

Sequence prediction issues have been around for quite a while. They are considered as probably the most difficult issue to settle in the information science industry. These incorporate a wide scope of issues, from foreseeing deals to discovering designs in financial exchanges. In the ordinary feed-forward neural organizations, all experiments are viewed as free. That is when fitting the model for a specific day; there is no thought at the stock costs on the earlier days. This reliance on time is accomplished by means of Recurrent Neural Networks. An ordinary RNN structure glances as demonstrated in figure 2 .

In RNN, the sequence of values, i.e., $\mathrm{x}^{(0)}, \mathrm{x}^{(1)}, \ldots, \mathrm{x}^{(1)}$ is processed. On each element of the sequence, the same task is performed and the output is based on previous computations. RNN [15] uses an internal memory to hold the values of previous computations, so that it may be used later. Recurrent Neural Networks work moderately okay when we are dealing with short-term dependencies. But RNN fails to deal with large term dependencies. The reason behind this is the problem of Vanishing Gradient and exploding gradient. To remove this problem, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit is used. It is used when the processing is to be done for predicting events which has comparatively longer interval and delays. LSTM has a processor to distinguish the useful information from the information which are not useful. This processor is known as cell. There are three gates in LSTM namely input gate, output gate and forget gate. The structure of LSTM is shown below in figure 3 .

A forget gate is answerable for eliminating data from the cell state. The data that is not, at this point needed for the LSTM to get things or the data that is of less significance is taken out by means of augmentation of a channel. This is needed for advancing the exhibition of the LSTM organization. The info entryway is answerable for the expansion of data to the cell state.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Convolution Neural Network

A CNN or convolutional neural network [16] is feed-forward neural organization that is by and large used to dissect visual pictures by preparing information with matrix like geography. It’s otherwise called a ConvNet. A convolutional neural organization is utilized to recognize and characterize objects in a picture. A convolution neural organization has numerous secret layers that help in extricating data from a picture. The four significant layers in CNN are:

  1. Convolution layer
  2. ReLU layer
  3. Pooling layer
  4. Fully connected layer

This is the initial phase during the time spent separating significant highlights from a picture. A convolution layer has a few channels that play out the convolution activity. ReLU represents the corrected direct unit. When the component maps are extricated, the subsequent stage is to move them to a ReLU layer. ReLU plays out a component insightful activity and sets every one of the negative pixels to 0 . It acquaints nonlinearity with the organization, and the produced yield is an amended element map. Pooling is a down-inspecting activity that decreases the dimensionality of the component map. The corrected component map presently goes through a pooling layer to create a pooled highlight map. The following stage in the process is called straightening. Leveling is utilized to change over every one of the resultant 2-Dimensional exhibits from pooled highlight maps into a solitary long consistent direct vector. The smoothed lattice is taken care of as contribution to the completely associated layer to arrange the picture. There are many applications in which CNNs are applied such as object recognition, self-driving cars, audio processing etc. while transforming the input to output. The structure of the typical CNN model is shown in figure 4 .

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Restricted Boltzmann Machine

RBM is developed by Geoffrey Hinton, and are stochastic neural organizations that can gain from a likelihood conveyance over a bunch of sources of info. It comprises of two layers of neural organization in particular an obvious and a secret layer. Each noticeable unit is associated with all secret units. RBMs have a predisposition unit that is associated with every one of the noticeable units and the secret units, and they have no yield hubs. The construction of the RBM model is appeared in figure $5 .$

The complex computations and learning in RBM [17] is based on characteristic articulation of information. The word “restricted’ is used for intra-layer communication as it is not present in both hidden layer and visible layer. Due to this restriction, the learning efficiency increases. There is a full connection between the nodes of different layers which are stacked together and there is no connection between the nodes of same layer. Applications of RBM includes dimensionality decrease, characterization, relapse, community separating, highlight learning, and theme displaying. Since RBM utilizes a basic forward encoding activity, so it is quick when contrasted with different models, for example, autoencoder.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network


机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recurrent Neural Network


在 RNN 中,值的序列,即X(0),X(1),…,X(1)被处理。在序列的每个元素上,执行相同的任务,并且输出基于先前的计算。RNN [15] 使用内部存储器来保存先前计算的值,以便以后使用。当我们处理短期依赖时,循环神经网络工作得还不错。但是 RNN 无法处理大项依赖。这背后的原因是梯度消失和梯度爆炸的问题。为了消除这个问题,使用了长短期记忆(LSTM)和门控循环单元。当要进行处理以预测具有相对较长的间隔和延迟的事件时使用它。LSTM 有一个处理器来区分有用信息和无用信息。该处理器称为单元。LSTM中有三个门,即输入门,输出门和遗忘门。LSTM的结构如下图3所示。

遗忘门负责从单元状态中消除数据。在这一点上,LSTM 获取事物所需的数据或重要性较低的数据通过增加通道的方式取出。这是推进 LSTM 组织的展览所需要的。信息入口负责将数据扩展到单元状态。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Convolution Neural Network

CNN 或卷积神经网络 [16] 是前馈神经组织,大体上用于通过使用像地理这样的矩阵准备信息来剖析视觉图片。它也被称为 ConvNet。卷积神经组织用于识别和表征图片中的对象。卷积神经组织具有许多有助于从图片中提取数据的秘密层。CNN 中的四个重要层是:

  1. 卷积层
  2. ReLU 层
  3. 池化层
  4. 全连接层

这是从图片中分离重要亮点的初始阶段。卷积层有几个通道来执行卷积活动。ReLU 表示校正后的直接单元。当组件图被提取出来后,接下来的阶段是将它们移动到 ReLU 层。ReLU 播放组件洞察活动并将每个负像素设置为 0 。它熟悉组织的非线性,产生的产量是修正的元素图。池化是一种向下检查活动,可降低组件映射的维数。校正后的组件图目前经过池化层以创建池化高光图。该过程的下一个阶段称为矫直。调平用于将每个生成的二维展品从汇集的高光图转换为一个单独的长一致直接向量。平滑的晶格被视为对完全关联层的贡献以排列图片。在将输入转换为输出时,有许多应用 CNN 的应用,例如对象识别、自动驾驶汽车、音频处理等。典型CNN模型的结构如图4所示。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Restricted Boltzmann Machine

RBM 由 Geoffrey Hinton 开发,是一种随机神经组织,可以从大量信息源的可能性传递中获益。它由两层神经组织组成,特别是明显层和秘密层。每个显着单元都与所有秘密单元相关联。RBM 有一个易感单元,该单元与每个显着单元和秘密单元相关联,并且它们没有收益中心。RBM模型的构建如图所示5.

RBM [17] 中的复杂计算和学习基于信息的特征表达。“restricted”一词用于层内通信,因为它不存在于隐藏层和可见层中。由于这种限制,学习效率提高了。堆叠在一起的不同层节点之间存在全连接,同层节点之间不存在连接。RBM的应用包括降维、表征、复发、社区分离、亮点学习和主题展示。由于 RBM 利用基本的前向编码活动,因此与不同的模型(例如自动编码器)相比,它很快。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。



如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习deep learning这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。

深度学习是机器学习的一个子集,它本质上是一个具有三层或更多层的神经网络。这些神经网络试图模拟人脑的行为–尽管远未达到与之匹配的能力–允许它从大量数据中 “学习”。

statistics-lab™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在代写深度学习deep learning方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的统计Statistics代写服务。我们的专家在代写深度学习deep learning代写方面经验极为丰富,各种代写深度学习deep learning相关的作业也就用不着说。

我们提供的深度学习deep learning及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
  • Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计学
  • (Generalized) Linear Models 广义线性模型
  • Statistical Machine Learning 统计机器学习
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 纵向数据分析
  • Foundations of Data Science 数据科学基础

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|ABSTRACT

The advancement in the field of information technology in recent times has made the access of huge amounts of data very easy. There are a vast variety of products and services whose description is easily available along with their comments and reviews. Due to this overload of information [1], it becomes very difficult for the user to choose an appropriate product according to his requirements.

To deal with the above problems, recommendation systems are used. Recommendation Systems provide the users with personalized recommendations. There are many areas where recommendation system is being used, such as music, books, movies, shopping etc. Most of the online vendors have a recommendation engine already equipped. Recommendations are done on the basis of user’s previous items choice or the items preferred by similar user or on the basis of the description of item. Here the item refers to the product or services which is to be recommended. Recommendation system is classified into three parts based on their approach: [2] Content based, collaborative filtering and hybrid.

Recently, the use of artificial neural networks has become very popular in the problems which require complex computations and huge amount of input data. Deep learning is a part of ANN architectural models of deep neural network are efficiently built and trained. Deep neural networks have its applications in various fields such as speech recognition, image processing, object recognition, image processing, NLP tasks etc. Due to various advantages of deep learning, researchers have been encouraged to use its associated techniques in the field of recommendation system also.

Deep learning is being used successfully in recommendation system as well as many other fields in computer science and has shown significant improvements in the existing models. In 2007, a collaborative

filtering method for movie recommendation system was given by [3] which utilized the hierarchical model of deep learning. In 2015, [4] with the use of auto encoders, predicted the values which were missing in the user-item matrix.

The sparsity issue in recommendation system in collaborative filtering was addressed by [5].Various surveys have been done in the area of deep neural network based recommendation system. The state-of-theart survey for deep recommendation system has been done by [6]. In 2017 , a comprehensive review on deep learning based recommendation system has been done by [7]. The paper proposed the classifications on the basis of their structure that is neural network models and integration models.

This article is organized in various sections as follows. In the first section, introduction of recommendation and deep neural network based techniques are introduced. Section two consists of background and related terminologies. Section 3 describes the usage of various approaches of deep neural networks in the area of recommendation system and its classification.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recommendation System

A recommendation system is used for information filtering and outputs a list of specific products in a personalized manner. For examining how the two fields that are recommendation system and deep learning are integrated together, one should know the basics of both these fields. This section of the paper includes a brief description about the fundamental classifications and challenges of both the fields. First, there is an introduction of types of recommendation system and then the details about deep learning methods.

Various recommendation system approaches are evolved over time and applied in various applications.User finds to filter the huge amount of data available as important task, to find a useful, tailored and relevant content. The recommendations that are predicted by the recommendation System helps the users in taking a decision.

In a traditional recommendation system, the recommendations can be made in two different manners, i.e., predicting a particular item or preparing a ranking list of items for a particular user [8]. The recommendation model is categorized into Content based model [9], Collaborative filtering based model and hybrid recommendation framework [10].
1) Content based recommendation framework: In this model, the items which are same in content is searched. The profile of user is established on the basis of items on which the user is interested in. According to the profile generated, the recommendation system searches the database for the appropriate items using the descriptive attributes of the item. If we use this recommendation system [11] for an item which is newly added, then content based recommendation system works very efficiently. The problem with new inserted item is that it may not have any rating, but still the algorithm works since it uses descriptive information for recommendations. The limitation of this method is that it cannot recommend diverse range of products since the algorithm does not take the information from similar users.
2) Collaborative filtering recommendation systems: This recommendation system assumes that users’, who have previously preferred same items, would have same choice in future also. In this system, the recommendations are done on the basis of similar users’ pattern rather than descriptive features of items. A correlation among the users is determined, depending upon the choice of similar users, the items are recommended.

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Deep Learning Techniques

Deep learning is based on learning many layers of representations with the help of artificial neural networks, and is a part of machine learning. Deep learning has its applications in variety of fields like Computer vision, recognition of speech, natural language synthesis etc. The important factors which increase the importance of deep neural network as the state-of-the-art machine learning methods are as following:

Big data: As the amount of data increases, better representations are learnt by the deep learning model.

Computational power: The complex computations of the deep learning model is done using the GPU

In this section, there is a description of various deep learning models which are used in recommendation systems.

Autoencoder is an unsupervised learning technique in which neural networks are applied for the task of representation learning. Specifically, a neural network architecture is designed which imposes a bottleneck in the network which forces a compressed knowledge representation of the original input as shown in figure 1 . In autoencoder some representations from the encoded input are found by the training, so that the input can be restored back from these representations. Autoencoder have three layers arranged as the input, hidden and output layer. There are equivalent numbers of neurons in the input and output layer. The compressed representations are obtained from the hidden layer, and with the help of these representations, the first layer inputs are reconstructed at the output layer of autoencoder [13].

In the learning process, two mappings are used, with the help of encoder and decoder. An encoder is fully connected deep neural network which transforms the input into a latent space representation. Decoder is also having a similar structure as encoder and it is responsible for reconstructing the input back to the original form from the hidden layer outputs [14]. There are many variants of autoencoders such as sparse autoencoder, stacked autoencoder, denoising autoencoder and variational autoencoder etc. Data Compression, Image Denoising, Dimensionality Reduction, Feature Extraction, Image Generation and Image colorization are few important applications of autoencoders.



机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|ABSTRACT


为了解决上述问题,使用了推荐系统。推荐系统为用户提供个性化的推荐。推荐系统在很多领域都在使用,比如音乐、书籍、电影、购物等。大多数在线供应商已经配备了推荐引擎。推荐是根据用户以前的物品选择或相似用户喜欢的物品或根据物品的描述进行的。这里的项目是指要推荐的产品或服务。推荐系统根据其方法分为三个部分:[2] 基于内容、协同过滤和混合。

最近,人工神经网络的使用在需要复杂计算和大量输入数据的问题中变得非常流行。深度学习是深度神经网络的 ANN 架构模型的一部分,可以有效地构建和训练。深度神经网络在语音识别、图像处理、对象识别、图像处理、NLP 任务等各个领域都有其应用。由于深度学习的各种优势,鼓励研究人员在推荐系统领域使用其相关技术还。

深度学习已成功应用于推荐系统以及计算机科学的许多其他领域,并在现有模型中显示出显着的改进。2007 年,合作

电影推荐系统的过滤方法由[3]给出,它利用了深度学习的层次模型。2015 年,[4] 使用自动编码器,预测了用户项目矩阵中缺失的值。

[5] 解决了协同过滤中推荐系统的稀疏性问题。在基于深度神经网络的推荐系统领域进行了各种调查。深度推荐系统的现状调查已由 [6] 完成。2017 年,[7] 对基于深度学习的推荐系统进行了全面回顾。本文根据其结构即神经网络模型和集成模型提出了分类。

本文分为以下几个部分。在第一节中,介绍了推荐和基于深度神经网络的技术。第二部分由背景和相关术语组成。第 3 节描述了深度神经网络在推荐系统及其分类领域的各种方法的使用。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Recommendation System



1)基于内容的推荐框架:在该模型中,搜索内容相同的项目。基于用户感兴趣的项目建立用户档案。根据生成的档案,推荐系统使用项目的描述属性在数据库中搜索合适的项目。如果我们将这个推荐系统 [11] 用于新添加的项目,那么基于内容的推荐系统会非常有效地工作。新插入项目的问题在于它可能没有任何评级,但该算法仍然有效,因为它使用描述性信息进行推荐。这种方法的局限性在于它不能推荐多样化的产品,因为该算法没有从相似用户那里获取信息。
2) 协同过滤推荐系统:该推荐系统假设以前喜欢相同项目的用户将来也有相同的选择。在这个系统中,推荐是基于相似用户的模式而不是项目的描述性特征来完成的。确定用户之间的相关性,根据相似用户的选择,推荐项目。

机器学习代写|深度学习project代写deep learning代考|Deep Learning Techniques



计算能力:深度学习模型的复杂计算是使用 GPU 完成的


自动编码器是一种无监督学习技术,其中神经网络用于表示学习的任务。具体来说,设计了一种神经网络架构,该架构在网络中施加了一个瓶颈,这迫使原始输入的压缩知识表示,如图 1 所示。在自动编码器中,来自编码输入的一些表示是通过训练找到的,因此可以从这些表示中恢复输入。自动编码器具有三层,分别为输入层、隐藏层和输出层。输入层和输出层的神经元数量相等。压缩表示是从隐藏层获得的,并且在这些表示的帮助下,第一层输入在自动编码器的输出层被重建 [13]。

在学习过程中,在编码器和解码器的帮助下,使用了两个映射。编码器是完全连接的深度神经网络,它将输入转换为潜在空间表示。解码器也具有与编码器类似的结构,它负责将输入从隐藏层输出 [14] 重建回原始形式。自编码器有许多变体,如稀疏自编码器、堆叠自编码器、去噪自编码器和变分自编码器等。数据压缩、图像去噪、降维、特征提取、图像生成和图像着色是自编码器的几个重要应用。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。
