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Using higher-order Markov models to reveal flow-based communities in  networks | Scientific Reports
数学代写|理论计算机代写theoretical computer science代考|Dirac-Based Reduction Techniques for Quantitative Analysis of Discrete-Time Markov Models

数学代写|理论计算机代写theoretical computer science代考|Introduction

Model checking is a formal approach for verifying quantitative and qualitative properties of computer systems. In this way, the system is modelled by a labelled transition system, and its properties are specified in temporal logic. Because of some stochastic behaviours of these systems, we can use probabilistic model checking to analyse the quantitative property specifications of these systems [1-3]. In this domain, we can use discrete and continuous time Markov Chains to model fully probabilistic systems. Besides, Markov Decision Processes [5] are used to model systems with both probabilistic and non-deterministic behaviours. Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) [1] is used to formally specify the

related system properties. A main part of PCTL properties against MDPs can be verified by computing the extremal reachability probability: The maximal or minimal probability of reaching a given set of goal states. For quantitative parts, numerical computations are needed to calculate these reachability probabilities $[2,6]$. Linear programming $[1,3]$, value iteration and policy iteration are wellknown numerical approaches for computing the optimal reachability probabilities $[2,5]$. PRISM [4] and STORM [7] are examples of probabilistic model checkers that use these numerical methods to compute reachability probabilities.

One of the main challenges of model checking in all variants is the state space explosion problem, i.e., the excessive space requirement to store the states of the model in the memory $[1,9]$. For probabilistic model checking, we have the additional difficulty of solving linear programs. For the feasibility of the algorithms we need efficient heuristics to decrease the running time of these algorithms [3]. A wide range of approaches has been proposed for probabilistic model checking in previous works to tackle these problems. Symbolic model checking [9], compositional verification [10], symmetry reduction for probabilistic systems $[11]$, incremental model construction [12] and statistical model checking [6] have been proposed to reduce the needed space for probabilistic model checking. In addition, several approaches are used to accelerate standard algorithms for probabilistic model checking. SCC-based approaches $[13,14]$ identify strongly connected components (SCCs) of the underlying model and compute reachability probabilities of the states of each component in a right order. Learning based algorithms use the idea of real-time dynamic programming to solve reachability probability problems of MDPs [15]. Prioritization methods focus on finding a good state ordering to update the values of states during iterative computations $[13,14]$. The idea of finding Maximal End Components (MECs) is used in [3] to reduce the number of states of the model. Several techniques are proposed in [17] to reduce the size of a DTMC model. These techniques are used to reduce the model for finite-horizon properties.

数学代写|理论计算机代写theoretical computer science代考|Preliminaries

In this section, we provide an overview of DTMCs and MDPs and reachability properties. We mainly follow the notations of $[1,13]$. Let $S$ be a countable set. A discrete probability distribution on $S$ is a function $P: S \rightarrow[0,1]$ satisfying $\sum_{s \in S} P(s)=1$. We use $\operatorname{Dist}(S)$ as the set of all distributions on $S$. The support of $P$ is defined as the set $S u p p(P)={s \in S \mid P(s)>0}$. A distribution $P$ is Dirac if $S u p p(P)$ has only one member. More details about the proposed definitions in this section and their related probability measures are available in $[1,2,16]$.

Definition 1. A Discrete-time Markov Chain (DTMC) is a tuple $D=(S, \hat{s}$, $\mathbf{P}, R, G$ ) where $S$ is a countable, non-empty set of states, $\hat{s} \in S$ is the initial state, $\mathbf{P}: S \times S \rightarrow[0,1]$ is the probabilistic transition function, $R: S \times S \rightarrow \Re_{\geq 0}$ is a reward function wich assigns to each transition of $P$ a non-negative reward value and $G \subseteq S$ is the set of Goal states.

A DTMC $D$ is called finite if $S$ is finite. For a finite $D$, size $(D)$ is the number of states of $D$ plus the number of transitions of the form $\left(s, s^{\prime}\right) \in S \times S$ with $\mathbf{P}$ $\left(s, s^{\prime}\right)>0$. A path represents a possible execution of $D[2]$ and is a non-empty (finite or infinite) sequence of states $s_{0} s_{1} s_{2} \ldots$ such that $\mathbf{P}\left(s_{i}, s_{i+1}\right)>0$ for all $i \geq 0$. We use $P_{a t h s_{D, s}}$ to denote the set of all paths of $D$ that start in the state $s$ and we use FPaths ${ }{D, s}$ for the subset of finite paths of $P{a t h} s_{D, s}$. We also use Path $s_{D}$ and FPaths $_{D}$ for $\cup_{s \in S} P a t h s_{D, s}$ and $\cup_{s \in S} F P a t h s_{D, s}$ respectively. For a finite path $\pi=s_{0} s_{1} \ldots s_{k}$, the accumulated reward is defined as: $\sum_{i<k} R\left(s_{i}, s_{i+1}\right)$. For an infinite path $\pi=s_{0} s_{1} \ldots$ and for every $j \geq 0$, let $\pi[j]=s_{j}$ denote the $(j+1)$ th state of $\pi$ and $\pi[. . j]$ the $(j+1)$ th prefix of the form $s_{0} s_{1} \ldots s_{j}$ of $\pi$. We use pref $(\pi)$ as the set of all prefixes of $\pi$.

数学代写|理论计算机代写theoretical computer science代考|Probability Measure of a Markov Chain

In order to reason about the behaviour of a Markov chain $D$, we need to formally use the cylinder sets of the finite paths of $D[1]$.

Definition 2. The Cylinder set of a finite path $\hat{\pi} \in F P a$ h.s $_{D}$ is defined as $\operatorname{Cyl}(\hat{\pi})=\left{\pi \in\right.$ Paths $\left.{D} \mid \hat{\pi} \in \operatorname{pre} f(\pi)\right}$. The probability measure $\operatorname{Pr}^{D}$ is defined on the cylinder sets as $P r^{D}\left(C y l\left(s{0} \ldots s_{n}\right)\right)=\prod_{0 \leq i<n} \mathbf{P}\left(s_{i}, s_{i+1}\right)$.

Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are a generalization of DTMCs that are used to model systems that have a combination of probabilistic and non-deterministic behaviour. An MDP is a tuple $M=(S, \hat{s}$, Act, $\delta, R, G)$ where $S, \hat{s}$ and $G$ are the same as for DTMCs, Act is a finite set of actions, $R: S \times A c t \times S \rightarrow \Re_{\geq 0}$ is a reward function, assigns to each transition a non-negative reward value and $\delta: S \times A c t \rightarrow \operatorname{Dist}(S)$ is a probabilistic transition function. For every state $s \in S$ of an MDP $M$ one or more actions of Act are defined as enabled actions. We use $A c t(s)$ for this set and define it as $\operatorname{Act}(s)={\alpha \in A c t \mid \delta(s, \alpha)$ is defined $}$.
For $s \in S$ and $\alpha \in \operatorname{Act}(s)$ we use Post $(s, \alpha)$ for the set of $\alpha$ successors of $s$, Post $(s)$ for all successors of $s$ and Pre $(s)$ for predecessors of $s[1]$ :
&\operatorname{Post}(s, \alpha) \doteq\left{s^{\prime} \in S \mid \delta\left(s, \alpha, s^{\prime}\right)>0\right} \
&\operatorname{Post}(s) \doteq \cup_{\alpha \in \operatorname{Act}(s)} \operatorname{Post}(s, \alpha),
To evaluate the operational behaviour of an MDP $M$ we should consider two steps to take a transition from a state $s \in S$. First, one enabled action $\alpha \in \operatorname{Act}(s)$ is chosen non-deterministically. Second, according to the probability distribution $\delta(s, \alpha)$, a successor state $s^{\prime} \in \operatorname{Post}(s, \alpha)$ is selected randomly. In this case, $\delta(s, \alpha)\left(s^{\prime}\right)$ determines the probability of a transition from $s$ to $s^{\prime}$ by the action $\alpha \in \operatorname{Act}(s)$. We extend the definition of paths for MDPs: A path in an MDP $M$ is a non-empty (finite or infinite) sequence $\pi=s_{0} \stackrel{\alpha_{0}}{\rightarrow} s_{1} \stackrel{\alpha_{1}}{\rightarrow} \ldots$ where $s_{i} \in S$ and $\alpha_{i} \in \operatorname{Act}\left(s_{i}\right)$ and $s_{i+1} \in \operatorname{Post}\left(s_{i}, \alpha_{i}\right)$ for every $i \geq 0$. Similar to the case with DTMCs, for a state $s \in S$, we use Paths $_{M, s}$ to denote the set of all paths of $M$ starting in $s$ and $F$ Paths ${ }_{M, s}$ for all finite paths of it. For reasoning about the probabilistic behaviour of an MDP we use the notion of policy (also called adversary) $[2,3,6]$.

Definition 3. A (deterministic) policy of an MDP $M$ is a function $\sigma$ : FPath $_{M} \rightarrow$ Act that for every finite path $\pi=s_{0} \stackrel{\alpha_{0}}{\rightarrow} s_{1} \stackrel{\alpha_{i}}{\rightarrow} \ldots \stackrel{\alpha_{i-1}}{\rightarrow} s_{i}$ selects an enabled action $\alpha_{i} \in \operatorname{Act}\left(s_{i}\right)$. The policy $\sigma$ is memoryless if it depends only on the last state of the path. In general, a policy is defined as function of $F P a t h_{M}$ to a distribution on Act. However, memoryless and deterministic policies are enough for computing the optimal unbounded reachability probabilities [2]. We use $\mathrm{Pol}{M}$ for the set of all deterministic and memoryless policies of $M$. A policy $\sigma \in \operatorname{Pol}{M}$ resolves all non-deterministic choices in $M$ and induces a DTMC $M^{\sigma}$ for which every state is a finite path of $M$.

Markov Chains – From First Principles
数学代写|理论计算机代写theoretical computer science代考|Dirac-Based Reduction Techniques for Quantitative Analysis of Discrete-Time Markov Models


数学代写|理论计算机代写theoretical computer science代考|Introduction

模型检查是一种用于验证计算机系统的定量和定性属性的正式方法。通过这种方式,系统由标记的转换系统建模,并且其属性在时间逻辑中指定。由于这些系统的一些随机行为,我们可以使用概率模型检查来分析这些系统的定量属性规范 [1-3]。在这个领域,我们可以使用离散和连续时间马尔可夫链来模拟完全概率系统。此外,马尔可夫决策过程 [5] 用于对具有概率和非确定性行为的系统进行建模。概率计算树逻辑 (PCTL) [1] 用于正式指定

相关的系统属性。针对 MDP 的 PCTL 属性的主要部分可以通过计算极值可达性概率来验证:达到给定目标状态集的最大或最小概率。对于定量零件,需要进行数值计算来计算这些可达性概率[2,6]. 线性规划[1,3],值迭代和策略迭代是计算最优可达概率的著名数值方法[2,5]. PRISM [4] 和 STORM [7] 是概率模型检查器的示例,它们使用这些数值方法来计算可达概率。

在所有变体中进行模型检查的主要挑战之一是状态空间爆炸问题,即将模型状态存储在内存中的空间需求过多[1,9]. 对于概率模型检查,我们有解决线性规划的额外困难。为了算法的可行性,我们需要有效的启发式方法来减少这些算法的运行时间[3]。在以前的工作中已经提出了多种方法来进行概率模型检查以解决这些问题。符号模型检查 [9]、组合验证 [10]、概率系统的对称性降低[11]、增量模型构建 [12] 和统计模型检查 [6] 已被提出以减少概率模型检查所需的空间。此外,几种方法用于加速概率模型检查的标准算法。基于 SCC 的方法[13,14]识别底层模型的强连接组件 (SCC),并以正确的顺序计算每个组件状态的可达性概率。基于学习的算法使用实时动态规划的思想来解决 MDP [15] 的可达性概率问题。优先级方法专注于在迭代计算期间找到一个好的状态排序来更新状态的值[13,14]. [3] 中使用了寻找最大末端组件 (MEC) 的想法来减少模型的状态数量。[17] 中提出了几种技术来减小 DTMC 模型的大小。这些技术用于减少有限范围属性的模型。

数学代写|理论计算机代写theoretical computer science代考|Preliminaries

在本节中,我们概述了 DTMC 和 MDP 以及可达性属性。我们主要遵循以下符号[1,13]. 让小号是可数集。离散概率分布小号是一个函数磷:小号→[0,1]令人满意的∑s∈小号磷(s)=1. 我们用区⁡(小号)作为所有分布的集合小号. 的支持磷被定义为集合小号在pp(磷)=s∈小号∣磷(s)>0. 一个分布磷是狄拉克如果小号在pp(磷)只有一个成员。有关本节中提出的定义及其相关概率度量的更多详细信息,请参见[1,2,16].

定义 1. 离散时间马尔可夫链 (DTMC) 是一个元组D=(小号,s^, 磷,R,G) 在哪里小号是可数的非空状态集,s^∈小号是初始状态,磷:小号×小号→[0,1]是概率转移函数,R:小号×小号→ℜ≥0是分配给每个转换的奖励函数磷非负奖励值和G⊆小号是目标状态的集合。

一个DTMCD称为有限如果小号是有限的。对于一个有限D, 尺寸(D)是状态数D加上表格的转换次数(s,s′)∈小号×小号和磷 (s,s′)>0. 路径表示可能的执行D[2]并且是非空(有限或无限)状态序列s0s1s2…这样磷(s一世,s一世+1)>0对全部一世≥0. 我们用磷一种吨HsD,s表示所有路径的集合D从该州开始s我们使用 FPathsD,s对于有限路径的子集磷一种吨HsD,s. 我们也使用路径sD和 FPathsD为了∪s∈小号磷一种吨HsD,s和∪s∈小号F磷一种吨HsD,s分别。对于有限路径圆周率=s0s1…sķ,累积奖励定义为:∑一世<ķR(s一世,s一世+1). 对于无限路径圆周率=s0s1…并且对于每个j≥0, 让圆周率[j]=sj表示(j+1)的状态圆周率和圆周率[..j]这(j+1)表格的 th 前缀s0s1…sj的圆周率. 我们使用首选(圆周率)作为所有前缀的集合圆周率.

数学代写|理论计算机代写theoretical computer science代考|Probability Measure of a Markov Chain


定义 2. 有限路径的圆柱集圆周率^∈F磷一种hsD定义为\operatorname{Cyl}(\hat{\pi})=\left{\pi \in\right.$ 路径 $\left.{D} \mid \hat{\pi} \in \operatorname{pre} f( \pi)\右}\operatorname{Cyl}(\hat{\pi})=\left{\pi \in\right.$ 路径 $\left.{D} \mid \hat{\pi} \in \operatorname{pre} f( \pi)\右}. 概率测度公关D在气缸组上定义为磷rD(C是l(s0…sn))=∏0≤一世<n磷(s一世,s一世+1).

马尔可夫决策过程 (MDP) 是 DTMC 的概括,用于对具有概率和非确定性行为组合的系统进行建模。MDP 是一个元组米=(小号,s^, 行为,d,R,G)在哪里小号,s^和G与 DTMC 相同,Act 是一组有限的动作,R:小号×一种C吨×小号→ℜ≥0是一个奖励函数,为每个转换分配一个非负奖励值,并且d:小号×一种C吨→区⁡(小号)是一个概率转移函数。对于每个州s∈小号一个 MDP 的米Act 的一个或多个动作被定义为启用的动作。我们用一种C吨(s)对于这个集合并将其定义为行为⁡(s)=一种∈一种C吨∣d(s,一种)$一世sd和F一世n和d$.
为了s∈小号和一种∈行为⁡(s)我们使用邮政(s,一种)对于一组一种继任者s, 邮政(s)对于所有继任者s和预(s)对于前辈s[1] :
\begin{aligned} &\operatorname{Post}(s, \alpha) \doteq\left{s^{\prime} \in S \mid \delta\left(s, \alpha, s^{\prime}\ right)>0\right} \ &\operatorname{Post}(s) \doteq \cup_{\alpha \in \operatorname{Act}(s)} \operatorname{Post}(s, \alpha), \end{对齐}\begin{aligned} &\operatorname{Post}(s, \alpha) \doteq\left{s^{\prime} \in S \mid \delta\left(s, \alpha, s^{\prime}\ right)>0\right} \ &\operatorname{Post}(s) \doteq \cup_{\alpha \in \operatorname{Act}(s)} \operatorname{Post}(s, \alpha), \end{对齐}
评估 MDP 的操作行为米我们应该考虑两个步骤来从一个状态转换s∈小号. 首先,一个启用的动作一种∈行为⁡(s)是非确定性地选择的。二、根据概率分布d(s,一种), 后继状态s′∈邮政⁡(s,一种)是随机选择的。在这种情况下,d(s,一种)(s′)确定从s到s′通过行动一种∈行为⁡(s). 我们扩展了 MDP 的路径定义: MDP 中的路径米是一个非空(有限或无限)序列圆周率=s0→一种0s1→一种1…在哪里s一世∈小号和一种一世∈行为⁡(s一世)和s一世+1∈邮政⁡(s一世,一种一世)对于每个一世≥0. 与 DTMC 的情况类似,对于一个状态s∈小号,我们使用路径米,s表示所有路径的集合米开始于s和F路径米,s对于它的所有有限路径。为了推理 MDP 的概率行为,我们使用策略(也称为对手)的概念[2,3,6].

定义 3. MDP 的(确定性)策略米是一个函数σ: 路径米→对每条有限路径采取行动圆周率=s0→一种0s1→一种一世…→一种一世−1s一世选择一个启用的动作一种一世∈行为⁡(s一世). 政策σ如果它仅取决于路径的最后状态,则它是无记忆的。一般来说,策略被定义为F磷一种吨H米对法案的分配。然而,无记忆和确定性策略足以计算最佳无界可达概率[2]。我们用磷这l米对于所有确定性和无记忆策略的集合米. 一项政策σ∈波尔⁡米解决所有非确定性选择米并诱导 DTMC米σ其中每个状态都是一条有限路径米.

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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