数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|A Polyhedral Study for the Buy-at-Bulk Facility Location Problem

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Hub Location Models in Public Transport Planning
数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|A Polyhedral Study for the Buy-at-Bulk Facility Location Problem

数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|Introduction

The Buy-at-Bulk facility location problem (BBFLP for short) is defined by an undirected graph $G=(V, E)$, where $V$ denotes the set of nodes and $E$ denotes the set of edges. We are given a set of clients $D \subseteq V$ and a set of facilities $H \subseteq V$. Each client $j \in D$ has a positive demand $d_{j}$. Each facility $h \in H$ is associated with an opening cost $\mu_{h}$. We also have a set $K$ of different cable types. Each cable type $k \in K$ has a capacity $u_{k}$ and a set-up cost per unit length denoted by $\gamma_{k}$. Finally, for each edge $e \in E$ we consider a length $l_{e} \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$. We assume that the cable types satisfy the so-called economies of scales in that if we let $K={1, \ldots,|K|}$ such that $u_{1} \leq u_{2} \leq \ldots \leq u_{K}, \gamma_{1} \leq \gamma_{2} \leq \ldots \leq \gamma_{K}$, and $\gamma_{1} / u_{1} \geq \gamma_{2} / u_{2} \geq \ldots \geq \gamma_{K} / u_{K}$. A solution of the BBFLP consists in choosing

  • a set of facilities to open.
  • an assignment of each client to exactly one opened facility,
  • a number of cables of each type to be installed on each edge of the graph in order to route the demands from each client to the facility to which it is assigned.

The BBFLP is closely related to the facility location problem and network loading problem. It has many applications in telecommunications and transportation network design. It is not hard to see that the BBFLP contains the Facility Location problem and hence it is NP-hard.

In the literature, the BBFLP was mainly studied in the perspective of approximation algorithms. It was first studied by Meyrson et al. [17] who considered a cost-distance problem and present the BBFLP as a special case of this latter problem. In their work, they provided an $O(\log |D|)$ approximation algorithm.
Ravi et al. [19] gave an $O(k)$ approximation algorithm for the BBFLP where $k$ is the number of cable types. Later, Friggst et al. [13] considered an integer programming formulation for the BBFLP, and showed that this formulation has an integrality gap of $O(k)$. They also considered the variant of the BBFLP where the opened facilities must be connected and gave an integrality gap of $O(1)$. Recently, Bley et al. [7] presented the first exact algorithm for the problem. They introduced a path-based formulation for the problem and compare it with a compact flow-based formulation. They also design an exact branch-and-priceand-cut algorithm for solving the path-based formulation.

As mentioned before, the BBFLP is related to the Network Loading Problem (NLP) and the Facility Location Problem (FLP). Both problems have received a lot of attention. Concerning, the NLP, Magnanti et al. [14] studied the NLP from a polyhedral point of view. They introduced some classes of valid inequalities and devised a Branch-and-Cut algorithm. In [15], Magnanti et al. considered the NLP with two cable types and some particular graphs and gave a complete description of the associated polyhedron in these cases. Bienstock et al. [6] studied the NLP with two cable types with possible extension to more than three cable types. Barahona [9] addressed the same problem, he used a relaxation without flow variables, this relaxation is based on cut condition for multicommodity flows. Gülnük [11] gave a branch and cut algorithm using spanning tree inequalities and mixed integer rounding inequalities. Agarwal [3] has introduced 4-partition based facets. Agarwal [4] extended his previous work and get a complete description of the 4-node network design problem. Raacker et al. [18] have extended the polyhedral results for cut-based inequalities for network design problem with directed, bidirected and undirected link-capacity models. Agarwal [5] developed the total-capacity inequalities, one-two inequalities and spanning trees inequalities based on a p-partition of the graph and discuss conditions under which these inequalities are facet-defining.

数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|Integer Programming Formulation and Polyhedron

Now, we give the so-called cut formulation for the BBFLP. This formulation can be obtained by slightly modifying the flow-based formulation introduced by [7] and projecting out the flow variables. The cut formulation is given below. Variable $t_{j}^{h}$ equals 1 if the client $j$ is assigned to facility $h$, for all $j \in D$ and $h \in H$, and $x_{e}^{k}$ is the number of cable of type $k$ installed on edge $e$, for all $e \in E$ and $k \in K$.
$\min \sum_{h \in H} \mu_{h} y_{h}+\sum_{e \in E} \sum_{k \in K} \gamma^{k} l_{e}^{k} x_{e}^{k}$
$\sum_{h \in H} t_{j}^{h}=1$,
for all $j \in D$
$t_{j}^{h} \leq y_{h}$,
for all $h \in H, j \in D$
$h \in H, j \in D$
$\sum_{\varepsilon \in \delta(W)} \sum_{k \in K} u_{k} x_{e}^{k} \geq \sum_{j \in W \cap D_{h}} \sum_{h \cap H \bar{S}} t_{j}^{h} d_{j}+\sum_{j \in W \cap D} \sum_{h \in H \cap S} t_{j}^{h} d_{j}$, for all $W \subseteq D$,
$S \subseteq V, \bar{S} \subseteq V \backslash S \quad$ (3)
$t_{j}^{h} \geq 0, \quad$ for all $h \in H, j \in D$, (4)
$y_{h} \leq 1, \quad$ for all $h \in H$,
$x_{e}^{k} \geq 0, \quad$ for all $k \in K, e \in E$, (6)
$t_{j}^{h} \in{0,1}, \quad$ for all $h \in H, j \in D$, (7)
$y_{h} \in{0,1}, \quad$ for all $h \in H$,
$x_{e}^{k} \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}, \quad$ for all $k \in K, e \in E$.
The constraints (1) impose that each client must be assigned to exactly one facility. Constraints (2) are the linking constraints and state that the clients can not be assigned to not open facilities. Constraints (3) are the so-called cut-set inequalities ensuring that the capacity on the edges of the graph is enough for routing all the demands. Constraints (4), (5) and (6) are trivial constraints. Constraints ( 7$),(8)$ and $(9)$ are the integrality constraints.
In the remain of this paper we focus on the cut formulation.
Let $Q=\left{(x, y, t) \in \mathbb{R}^{|E||K|} \times \mathbb{R}^{|H|} \times \mathbb{R}^{|H||D|}\right.$ such that $(x, y, t)$ satisfying (1)-(9) $}$. In the following, we give the dimension of the polyhedron and show that all the trivial inequalities define facets.

数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|Facets from Facility Location Problem

One can easily see that the projection of $Q$ on variables $y$ and $t$ corresponds to the solutions of a FLP. Thus every valid inequality (resp. facet) for the FLP polytope, in the space of $y$ and $t$ variables is also valid (resp. facet) for $Q$. Let $l_{j h}$ be the cost of assigning client $j$ to facility $h$, recall that the FLP is formulated as follows.
\min \sum_{j \in D} \sum_{h \in H} l_{j h} t_{j}^{h}+\sum_{h \in H} \mu_{h} y_{h} \
\sum_{h \in H} t_{j}^{h}=1, \quad j \in D \
t_{j}^{h} \leq y_{h}, \quad h \in H, j \in D \
t_{j}^{h} \in{0,1}, \quad h \in H, j \in D \
y_{i} \in{0,1} \quad h \in H .
In what follows, we give some valid inequalities for the FLP which, from the above remarks, are also valid for the BBFLP. Note that under some conditions, these inequalities define facets of $Q$. For more details on valid inequalities and facets associated with FLP, the reader can refer to [10]. In particularly, the following inequalities are valid for facility location problem.

Circulant and Odd Cycle Inequalities. Cornuejols et al. [8] introduced the following. Let $p, q$ be integers satisfying $2 \leq q<p \leq m$ and $p \leq n, p$ is not multiple of $q, s_{1}, \ldots, s_{p}$ be distinct facilities, $m_{1}, \ldots, m_{p}$ be distinct clients, all the indices are modulo $p$ the following inequality is valid for facility location problem.
\sum_{i=1}^{p} \sum_{j=i}^{i+q-1} t\left(s_{i}, m_{j}\right) \leq \sum_{h=1}^{p} y\left(s_{i}\right)+p-\lceil p / q\rceil
Where $t\left(s_{i}, m_{j}\right)=\sum_{i \in s_{i}} \sum_{i \in m_{j}} t_{j}^{i}, y(S s i)=\sum_{i \in s_{i}} y_{i}$, they called the inequality above circulant inequality. Guignard [12] showed that this inequality defines facet when $p=q+1$, and it is called simple, and when $q=2$ it is called odd cycle inequality.

(p,q) Inequalities. Ardal et al. [1] addressed a family of valid inequalities $(p, q)$ inequalities. Let $p, q$ be integers, $2 \leq q \leq p \leq n, p$ is not multiple of $q, H^{\prime} \subseteq H$, $\left|H^{\prime}\right| \geq\lceil p / q\rceil, D^{\prime} \subseteq D,\left|D^{\prime}\right|=p, \tilde{G}$ is a bipartie graph having $H^{\prime}$ and $J^{\prime}$ as a node set, and $\forall h \in H^{\prime}$ degree(h) $=q$, and the set of edges of $G$ is $\tilde{E}$. The $(p, q)$ inequalities are defined as follows.
\text { where } t(\tilde{E})=\sum_{{i, j} \in E} t_{j}^{h} .

What Can Electron Microscopy Tell Us Beyond Crystal Structures? - Zhou -  2016 - European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry - Wiley Online Library
数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|A Polyhedral Study for the Buy-at-Bulk Facility Location Problem


数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|Introduction

Buy-at-Bulk 设施选址问题(简称 BBFLP)由无向图定义G=(在,和), 在哪里在表示节点集和和表示边的集合。我们有一组客户D⊆在和一套设施H⊆在. 每个客户j∈D有积极的需求dj. 各设施H∈H与开盘成本相关μH. 我们还有一套ķ不同的电缆类型。每种电缆类型ķ∈ķ有能力在ķ每单位长度的设置成本表示为Cķ. 最后,对于每条边和∈和我们考虑一个长度l和∈从+. 我们假设电缆类型满足所谓的规模经济,如果我们让ķ=1,…,|ķ|这样在1≤在2≤…≤在ķ,C1≤C2≤…≤Cķ, 和C1/在1≥C2/在2≥…≥Cķ/在ķ. BBFLP 的解决方案在于选择

  • 一套设施开放。
  • 将每个客户分配到一个完全开放的设施,
  • 将在图表的每条边上安装许多每种类型的电缆,以便将每个客户的需求路由到分配给它的设施。

BBFLP 与设施位置问题和网络负载问题密切相关。它在电信和交通网络设计中有许多应用。不难看出 BBFLP 包含设施位置问题,因此它是 NP 难的。

在文献中,BBFLP主要是从逼近算法的角度来研究的。Meyrson 等人首先研究了它。[17] 考虑了成本距离问题,并将 BBFLP 视为后一个问题的特例。在他们的工作中,他们提供了一个这(日志⁡|D|)近似算法。
拉维等人。[19] 给出了一个这(ķ)BBFLP 的近似算法,其中ķ是电缆类型的数量。后来,Friggst 等人。[13] 考虑了 BBFLP 的整数规划公式,并表明该公式的完整性差距为这(ķ). 他们还考虑了 BBFLP 的变体,其中开放的设施必须连接,并给出了完整性差距这(1). 最近,Bley 等人。[7] 提出了该问题的第一个精确算法。他们为该问题引入了基于路径的公式,并将其与基于流的紧凑公式进行了比较。他们还设计了一个精确的分支和价格切割算法来解决基于路径的公式。

如前所述,BBFLP 与网络负载问题 (NLP) 和设施位置问题 (FLP) 有关。这两个问题都受到了广泛关注。关于 NLP,Magnanti 等人。[14] 从多面体的角度研究了 NLP。他们引入了一些有效的不等式,并设计了一个分支切割算法。在 [15] 中,Magnanti 等人。考虑了具有两种电缆类型和一些特定图形的 NLP,并在这些情况下给出了相关多面体的完整描述。比恩斯托克等人。[6] 研究了两种电缆类型的 NLP,可能扩展到三种以上的电缆类型。Barahona [9] 解决了同样的问题,他使用了没有流量变量的松弛,这种松弛基于多商品流的切割条件。Gülnük [11] 给出了一种使用生成树不等式和混合整数舍入不等式的分支和切割算法。Agarwal [3] 引入了基于 4 分区的方面。Agarwal [4] 扩展了他之前的工作并获得了对 4 节点网络设计问题的完整描述。雷克等人。[18]用有向、双向和无向链路容量模型扩展了网络设计问题的基于割的不等式的多面体结果。Agarwal [5] 基于图的 p 分区开发了总容量不等式、一二不等式和生成树不等式,并讨论了这些不等式是刻面定义的条件。Agarwal [4] 扩展了他之前的工作并获得了对 4 节点网络设计问题的完整描述。雷克等人。[18]用有向、双向和无向链路容量模型扩展了网络设计问题的基于割的不等式的多面体结果。Agarwal [5] 基于图的 p 分区开发了总容量不等式、一二不等式和生成树不等式,并讨论了这些不等式是刻面定义的条件。Agarwal [4] 扩展了他之前的工作并获得了对 4 节点网络设计问题的完整描述。雷克等人。[18]用有向、双向和无向链路容量模型扩展了网络设计问题的基于割的不等式的多面体结果。Agarwal [5] 基于图的 p 分区开发了总容量不等式、一二不等式和生成树不等式,并讨论了这些不等式是刻面定义的条件。

数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|Integer Programming Formulation and Polyhedron

现在,我们给出 BBFLP 的所谓割公式。这个公式可以通过稍微修改[7]引入的基于流量的公式并投影出流量变量来获得。切割配方如下。多变的吨jH如果客户端等于 1j分配给设施H, 对全部j∈D和H∈H, 和X和ķ是电缆类型的数量ķ安装在边缘和, 对全部和∈和和ķ∈ķ.
∑e∈d(在)∑ķ∈ķ在ķX和ķ≥∑j∈在∩DH∑H∩H小号¯吨jHdj+∑j∈在∩D∑H∈H∩小号吨jHdj, 对全部在⊆D,
小号⊆在,小号¯⊆在∖小号 (3)
吨jH≥0,对全部H∈H,j∈D, (4)
X和ķ≥0,对全部ķ∈ķ,和∈和, (6)
吨jH∈0,1,对全部H∈H,j∈D, (7)
约束 (1) 规定每个客户必须被分配到一个设施。约束 (2) 是链接约束,并表示不能将客户端分配到未打开的设施。约束 (3) 是所谓的割集不等式,确保图边缘的容量足以路由所有需求。约束 (4)、(5) 和 (6) 是微不足道的约束。约束 ( 7),(8)和(9)是完整性约束。
让Q=\left{(x, y, t) \in \mathbb{R}^{|E||K|} \times \mathbb{R}^{|H|} \times \mathbb{R}^{ |H||D|}\right.$ 使得 $(x, y, t)$ 满足 (1)-(9) $}Q=\left{(x, y, t) \in \mathbb{R}^{|E||K|} \times \mathbb{R}^{|H|} \times \mathbb{R}^{ |H||D|}\right.$ 使得 $(x, y, t)$ 满足 (1)-(9) $}. 在下文中,我们给出了多面体的维数,并表明所有平凡的不等式都定义了面。

数学代写|组合优化代写Combinatorial optimization代考|Facets from Facility Location Problem

很容易看出,投影问关于变量是和吨对应于 FLP 的解。因此,对于 FLP 多面体,在空间是和吨变量对于(resp. facet)也是有效的问. 让ljH是分配客户的成本j设施H,回想一下 FLP 的公式如下。
分钟∑j∈D∑H∈HljH吨jH+∑H∈HμH是H ∑H∈H吨jH=1,j∈D 吨jH≤是H,H∈H,j∈D 吨jH∈0,1,H∈H,j∈D 是一世∈0,1H∈H.
在下文中,我们给出了一些适用于 FLP 的有效不等式,根据上述说明,这些不等式也适用于 BBFLP。请注意,在某些条件下,这些不等式定义了问. 有关与 FLP 相关的有效不等式和方面的更多详细信息,读者可以参考 [10]。特别是,以下不等式对设施位置问题有效。

循环和奇循环不等式。Cornuejols 等人。[8] 介绍了以下内容。让p,q是满足的整数2≤q<p≤米和p≤n,p不是的倍数q,s1,…,sp是独特的设施,米1,…,米p是不同的客户,所有的指数都是模数p以下不等式对设施位置问题有效。
在哪里吨(s一世,米j)=∑一世∈s一世∑一世∈米j吨j一世,是(小号s一世)=∑一世∈s一世是一世,他们将不等式称为循环不等式。Guignard [12] 表明,这种不等式定义了 facet,当p=q+1,它被称为简单的,当q=2称为奇循环不等式。

(p,q) 不等式。阿达尔等人。[1] 解决了一系列有效的不等式(p,q)不平等。让p,q为整数,2≤q≤p≤n,p不是的倍数q,H′⊆H, |H′|≥⌈p/q⌉,D′⊆D,|D′|=p,G~是一个具有H′和Ĵ′作为一个节点集,并且∀H∈H′学位(h)=q, 和边的集合G是和~. 这(p,q)不等式定义如下。
 在哪里 吨(和~)=∑一世,j∈和吨jH.

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有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


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