统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Firm-specific summary statistics

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统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Firm-specific summary statistics

统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Firm-specific summary statistics

Table $2.1$ shows some basic characteristics of our sample firms by price deciles. Close to half of the 100 stocks ( 48 stocks) have INET spread between one and two cents. The spread is even tighter when we look at the NBBO spreads for the sample stocks, as shown in Table 2.2. With close to ten million dollars, Google Inc. has the highest five-minute dollar trading volume, while the vast majority of the sample ( 80 percent) has under one-million-dollar’s worth of trading volume in the average five minutes.

Table $2.2$ shows some summary statistics of the sample, aggregated by stock-days. The value weighted average share price is $\$ 39.37$, which is much higher than the average share price for the Nasdaq universe of stocks. The lowest priced share in our sample is JDS Uniphase, whose average price over the sample period is $\$ 2.23$ (Table 2.1) but because of its relatively higher market value, the value weighted minimum price in our sample is about $\$ 4$. Google Inc. is the highest priced share in our sample. As expected, the Nasdaq 100 firms are all high marketcapitalization firms, so the mean market value of equity is $18.1$ billion,with the lowest and highest being $2.8$ and $234.4$ billion, respectively, for JDSU and GOOG. Since our sample is a group of high-volume stocks, we expected that the spreads for these stocks would be very tight – and that is also what our data show. The average NBBO spread is just over two cents, which is about $0.06$ percent of price. INET spread is slightly higher – close to 3 cents – which is $0.07$ percent of price.

统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Times to order executions and cancellations

We approach the issue of characterizing fleeting orders in two alternative ways. First we fix the probability of cancellation or execution (to one) and examine, respectively, the time it takes for a given fraction of our sample stocks ( 25 percent, 50 percent etc.) to be executed or cancelled. Alternatively, we fix the time to cancellation for fractions of sample stocks (grouped by price deciles) and estimate the probabilities of cancellation at various levels of quote aggressiveness within the fixed time. Below we describe the first approach to calculate the times to execution and cancellation.

We stratify limit orders by their quote aggressiveness and define quote aggressiveness as in the previous literature, according to the position of the limit order price on the pricing grid relative to the best quote available on the same side of the book at the limit order arrival time.

Table $2.3$ shows the median times to execution (Panel A) and cancellation (Panel B). $\mathrm{Pa}{\mathrm{i}}\left(\mathrm{Pb}{\mathrm{i}}\right.$ ) denotes the category of ask (bid) limit orders priced one tick better than the current best ask (bid) price. $\mathrm{Pa}{0}\left(\mathrm{~Pb}{0}\right.$ ) denotes the category of ask (bid) orders with a limit price equal to the levels of quote aggressiveness. The median price-improving order tends to be cancelled ( $1.11$ seconds for ask and $1.01$ seconds for bid orders) twice as fast as it is executed ( $2.26$ seconds for ask and $2.18$ seconds for bid orders). This symmetry across ask and bid sides of the order book persists for all levels of quote aggressiveness. Focusing on times to cancellation, we note that price-improving limit orders are cancelled twice as fast as orders placed at the existing best quotes. As we move deeper into the limit order book, away from the best quotes, the speed of cancellation decreases significantly.

统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Probabilities of order cancellations by quote aggressiveness

Our second approach to examining the characteristics of fleeting orders involves estimating the probability of cancellation given a fixed time since order placement. We assume that for each order there are two competing risks – execution and cancellation. If there is zero risk of cancellation, the probability of execution by a given time, say $X$ seconds after submission, would be given by the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function to execution at $X$ seconds. One way to interpret this is as the fraction of all executed orders that were executed within $X$ seconds, but adjusted for cancellations, which are treated as independent censoring events. Similarly, assuming there is zero risk of execution, the probability of cancellation by $X$ seconds after submission would be given by the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function to cancellation at $X$ seconds (the fraction of all cancelled orders that happened to be cancelled within $X$ seconds, adjusted for executions, which are now treated as independent censoring events). So the probability of cancellation (or execution) would be estimated as one minus the Kaplan-Meier estimator of the survival function to cancellations (or to executions, respectively) evaluated at the duration of interest, in our case two seconds, half a second and 100 milliseconds.

Table $2.4$ shows the probabilities of order cancellation at various aggressiveness levels. It is clear that the probability of order cancellation at all levels of quote aggressiveness is higher for higher priced stocks. For example, for orders placed at any level of aggressiveness there is more than a 60 percent chance of cancellation within two seconds of order placement for stocks that are in the highest price decile. However, the probability of cancellation within two seconds varies between 24 percent and 47 percent for the lowest price decile stocks, depending on where the limit order arrived on the pricing grid. Similarly, the probability of cancellation varies with the position of the limit order for other cut-off

duration levels. For example, the probability to cancellation within half a second varies between 47 percent and 58 percent for highest decile stocks and between 15 percent and 37 percent for the lowest decile stocks.
When we reduce the order duration to truly fleeting level 100 milliseconds – the results are more interesting. There is a better than 30 percent chance that orders placed at the best quotes will get cancelled within 100 milliseconds for the stocks in the highest price decile. When we look at orders that improve price by one tick the probability of cancellation increases to over 40 percent. At all levels of quote aggressiveness the probability that an order will be cancelled within 100 milliseconds is more than twice for the highest decile stocks, compared to the lowest decile ones.

统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Firm-specific summary statistics


统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Firm-specific summary statistics

桌子2.1通过价格十分位数显示了我们样本公司的一些基本特征。100 只股票(48 只股票)中有近一半的 INET 价差在 1 到 2 美分之间。当我们查看样本股票的 NBBO 价差时,价差甚至更小,如表 2.2 所示。Google Inc. 接近千万美元,其 5 分钟交易量最高,而绝大多数样本(80%)平均 5 分钟的交易量低于 100 万美元。

桌子2.2显示样本的一些汇总统计数据,按库存天数汇总。价值加权平均股价为$39.37,这远高于纳斯达克股票的平均股价。我们样本中价格最低的股票是 JDS Uniphase,其样本期间的平均价格为$2.23(表 2.1)但由于其相对较高的市场价值,我们样本中的价值加权最低价格约为$4. 谷歌公司是我们样本中价格最高的股票。正如预期的那样,纳斯达克 100 指数公司都是高市值公司,因此股票的平均市值为18.1亿,最低和最高分别为2.8和234.4亿,分别为 JDSU 和 GOOG。由于我们的样本是一组大宗股票,我们预计这些股票的价差会非常小——这也是我们的数据所显示的。NBBO 的平均价差刚刚超过 2 美分,大约是0.06价格的百分比。INET 点差略高——接近 3 美分——即0.07价格的百分比。

统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Times to order executions and cancellations

我们以两种可供选择的方式处理表征转瞬即逝的订单的问题。首先,我们确定取消或执行的概率(为一个),并分别检查我们样本股票的给定部分(25%、50% 等)执行或取消所需的时间。或者,我们确定了部分样本股票的取消时间(按价格十分位数分组),并估计在固定时间内不同报价激进程度的取消概率。下面我们描述第一种计算执行和取消时间的方法。


桌子2.3显示执行(面板 A)和取消(面板 B)的中位时间。磷一种一世(磷b一世) 表示价格比当前最佳卖价(买价)高一档的买价(买价)限价单类别。磷一种0( 磷b0) 表示限价等于报价激进程度的要价(买入)订单类别。中值提价单趋于被取消(1.11秒问和1.01投标订单的秒数)是执行速度的两倍(2.26秒问和2.18投标订单的秒数)。订单簿的买卖双方的这种对称性对于所有级别的报价积极性都持续存在。关注取消时间,我们注意到价格改进限价订单的取消速度是现有最佳报价下订单的两倍。随着我们深入限价订单簿,远离最佳报价,取消速度显着降低。

统计代写|风险建模代写Financial risk modeling代考|Probabilities of order cancellations by quote aggressiveness

我们检查转瞬即逝的订单特征的第二种方法涉及在给定下订单后的固定时间的情况下估计取消的概率。我们假设每个订单都有两个相互竞争的风险——执行和取消。如果取消风险为零,则在给定时间执行的概率,比如说X提交后的秒数,将由 Kaplan-Meier 估计的生存函数给出,以执行X秒。解释这一点的一种方法是在所有已执行订单中执行的部分X秒,但针对取消进行了调整,取消被视为独立审查事件。同样,假设执行风险为零,取消的概率为X提交后几秒钟将由生存函数的 Kaplan-Meier 估计给出,以取消X秒(在所有已取消订单中碰巧取消的部分)X秒,针对执行进行了调整,现在被视为独立审查事件)。因此,取消(或执行)的概率将被估计为 1 减去生存函数的 Kaplan-Meier 估计量,以在感兴趣的持续时间(在我们的例子中为两秒、半秒和100 毫秒。

桌子2.4显示了在各种积极性水平下订单取消的概率。很明显,对于价格较高的股票,在所有报价激进程度下订单取消的可能性都较高。例如,对于处于任何激进程度的订单,对于处于最高价格十分位的股票,在下订单后两秒内取消的可能性超过 60%。然而,价格最低的十分位股票在两秒内被取消的概率在 24% 到 47% 之间变化,具体取决于限价单在定价网格上的位置。同样,取消的概率随着限价单的位置而变化

持续时间水平。例如,最高十分位股票在半秒内取消的概率在 47% 到 58% 之间变化,而对于最低十分位股票来说,在 15% 到 37% 之间变化。
当我们将订单持续时间减少到真正转瞬即逝的 100 毫秒时,结果会更有趣。对于处于最高价格十分位的股票,以最佳报价下达的订单在 100 毫秒内被取消的可能性超过 30%。当我们查看将价格提高一个刻度的订单时,取消的可能性增加到 40% 以上。在所有级别的报价激进度下,与最低等位股票相比,最高十分位股票在 100 毫秒内取消订单的概率是两倍以上。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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