商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|A. López-Villavicencio and V. Mignon

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商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|A. López-Villavicencio and V. Mignon

商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Indicators of Globalization

Let us now describe our five indicators of globalization. First, at the aggregated and disaggregated levels, trade openness is defined as the sum of extra-EU exports and imports over GDP. Overall and disaggregated trade values are collected from the Comext database. Note that, according to our previous discussion (see Sect. 1), the sign of the ERPT coefficient can be positive or negative. Indeed, following Benigno and Faia (2016), $\theta^{C}$ should be positive and significant if we expect that higher trade openness implies that there are more foreign firms competing in the destination market. In this case, globalization affects the dynamics of imported inflation through its effect on ERPT into import prices, the rise in the share of foreign products in the domestic market increasing the pass-through degree. However, in case of strategic complementarity in setting prices, a foreign exporter does not want its price to deviate too far from its competitors. Thus, the foreign exporter’s price becomes more responsive to the prices of its competitors as its markup increases. As a consequence, it is optimal for a firm to vary its markup more and its price less in response to an exchange rate change. Accordingly, we should observe a reduction of the passthrough of exchange-rate changes to import prices with higher trade integration $\left(\theta^{C}\right.$ should be negative and significant).

Second, we also evaluate how China’s presence in total imports may have affected the pricing decisions of exporters from other countries. We, therefore, consider China’s imports share over total imports as well as China’s share in each SITC sector [see Marazzi et al. (2005)]. Our third global indicator is a measure of intraindustry trade. Here, the underlying hypothesis is that increasing levels of intraindustry trade reflect higher product differentiation with respect to foreign competitors. Indeed, as shown by Caves (1998), product differentiation leads to increasing levels of intra-industry trade among countries, providing opportunities to develop new market-niches. To test for this hypothesis, we employ the Grubel-Lloyd index of intra-industry trade $I I T$ [see Lipsey (1976)], which is computed as follows:
M I_{t}=2 \times \frac{\min \left(M_{t} ; X_{s}\right)}{\left(M_{t}+X_{t}\right)}
where $M$ denotes extra-EU imports, and $X$ stands for extra EU-exports (of each SITC sector in the disaggregated analysis) in the considered country. The index ranges between zero (no intra-industry trade) and one (perfect intra-industry trade), and captures the level of product heterogeneity and trade complementarity between each sector-country pair and the trading partners. We interpret an increase in intra-industry trade as an adjustment to trade liberalization. Indeed, as suggested by Colantone et al.

商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Descriptive Statistics

Tables 1 and 2 provide some descriptive statistics referring to our five different globalization indicators and their growth over the period under study. At the country level (Table 1), Belgium is the country displaying the highest degree of trade openness. However, the level of trade exposure is increasing everywhere, particularly in Germany in addition to Belgium. France is the less opened economy and is the country that exhibits the lowest trade exposure growth. At the industry level (Table 2 ), openness is relatively higher for chemicals and related products (SITC 5), machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7) and miscellaneous manufactured articles (SITC 8), and it has especially increased for animal and vegetable oils (SITC 4) in France and Germany and miscellaneous manufactured articles (SITC 8) in all countries.

Looking at the figures in Table 2 another trend seems to emerge: Chinese imports account for about $35 \%$ in miscellaneous manufactured articles and, while being much lower in other sectors such as chemicals, they have been increasing over time in all panels. This is particularly the case in machinery, even though the average tariff rate increased slightly over the period. Intra-industry trade, in turn, is very heterogeneous among the different sectors in the three countries but, as it is known in the literature, it tends to be higher for manufactured goods than for raw materials or primary goods [see, e.g., Deese (2016)]. Finally, it is interesting to note that intra-EU imports represent more than $70 \%$ in several sectors. However, regional trade has decreased in sectors such as manufacturing or chemicals (except in Germany).

商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Accounting for Globalization

To assess the role of globalization at the country level, Table 4 reports the estimation results of Eq. (2). We consider the five aforementioned indicators in favor of globalization, namely: (i) an increase in the degree of trade openness, (ii) a higher intra-industry trade, (iii) a higher presence of Chinese imports over total imports, (iv) lower import tariffs, and (v) higher intra-EU trade as a regional globalization measure.

As shown, the interactive effect between exchange rate changes and globalization is mostly non-significant. This means that an increase in product differentiation with respect to foreign competitors, in the share of products from China in total imports and in the share of intra-UE imports, as well as a decline in import tariffs do not contribute to explaining the ERPT to import prices, at least at the aggregate level. The sole significant interactive terms are obtained when considering growth in trade openness and intra-industry trade for Germany and a higher presence of Chinese imports over total imports in France, suggesting that globalization tends to slightly increase the ERPT degree. Regarding Germany, these findings can be related to the fact that the German economy has known an important rise in trade openness over the period under study, leading to greater competition. In line with the argument developed by Benigno and Faia (2016), this growing competition due to the increase in the share of foreign products pushes up the degree of ERPT. In other words, there is slight evidence that the impact of firms’ entry on pass-through outweighs the effect of markup adjustments at the intensive margin.

While overall evidence regarding the pass-through effect of global factors is quite weak, it is worth noticing that their impact can operate through other channels. For instance, as recalled by Marazzi and Sheets (2007), pricing decisions of exporters from other countries may have been affected by the efforts made to remain competitive against China. The Chinese economy has also proven its high capacity to win market share, making credible the threat of its potential competition and constraining other exporters from passing through exchange rate shocks. Besides and at a more general level, if there is heterogeneity prevailing at the industry level, results based on aggregated import prices present aggregation bias, suggesting the importance of assessing ERPT degree at the sectoral level with disaggregated data.

商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|A. López-Villavicencio and V. Mignon


商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Indicators of Globalization

现在让我们描述一下全球化的五个指标。首先,在综合和分类层面上,贸易开放度被定义为欧盟以外的进出口总额与 GDP 之和。从 Comext 数据库收集总体和分类的贸易价值。请注意,根据我们之前的讨论(参见第 1 节),ERPT 系数的符号可以是正数或负数。事实上,在 Benigno 和 Faia(2016 年)之后,θC如果我们预期更高的贸易开放度意味着有更多的外国公司在目的地市场竞争,那么应该是积极的和显着的。在这种情况下,全球化通过其对进口价格的ERPT的影响来影响输入性通货膨胀的动态,国外产品在国内市场份额的上升增加了传递度。但是,如果在定价方面存在战略互补性,外国出口商不希望其价格与竞争对手相差太远。因此,随着加价的增加,外国出口商的价格对其竞争对手的价格更加敏感。因此,对于一家公司来说,最好的做法是根据汇率变化增加其加价幅度和减少其价格。因此,(θC应该是负的和显着的)。

其次,我们还评估了中国在进口总额中的存在可能如何影响其他国家出口商的定价决策。因此,我们考虑中国在总进口中的进口份额以及中国在每个 SITC 部门中的份额 [参见 Marazzi 等人。(2005 年)]。我们的第三个全球指标是衡量产业内贸易的指标。这里的基本假设是,行业内贸易水平的提高反映了产品相对于外国竞争对手的更高差异化。事实上,正如 Caves (1998) 所表明的,产品差异化导致国家之间产业内贸易水平的提高,为开发新的市场利基提供了机会。为了检验这一假设,我们采用了行业内贸易的 Grubel-Lloyd 指数我我吨[参见 Lipsey (1976)],其计算如下:

在哪里米表示欧盟以外的进口,并且X代表所考虑国家的额外欧盟出口(分类分析中的每个 SITC 部门)。该指数介于零(无行业内贸易)和一(完美的行业内贸易)之间,反映了每个部门-国家对与贸易伙伴之间的产品异质性和贸易互补性水平。我们将产业内贸易的增加解释为对贸易自由化的调整。事实上,正如 Colantone 等人所建议的那样。

商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Descriptive Statistics

表 1 和表 2 提供了一些描述性统计数据,涉及我们的五个不同的全球化指标及其在研究期间的增长。在国家层面(表 1),比利时是贸易开放程度最高的国家。然而,世界各地的贸易风险水平都在增加,特别是在德国和比利时。法国是开放程度较低的经济体,是贸易风险增长最低的国家。在行业层面(表2),化学品及相关产品(SITC 5)、机械和运输设备(SITC 7)和杂项制成品(SITC 8)的开放度相对较高,尤其是动植物油开放度更高(SITC 4)在法国和德国,杂项制成品(SITC 8)在所有国家。

从表 2 中的数字来看,似乎出现了另一个趋势:中国进口约占35%在杂项制成品中,虽然在化学品等其他部门中的比例要低得多,但随着时间的推移,所有面板中的比例都在增加。机械行业尤其如此,尽管在此期间平均关税税率略有上升。反过来,这三个国家的不同部门之间的产业内贸易差异很大,但正如文献中所知,制成品的贸易往往高于原材料或初级商品 [例如,参见 Deese (2016)]。最后,有趣的是,欧盟内部的进口量超过70%在几个部门。然而,制造业或化工等行业的区域贸易有所下降(德国除外)。

商科代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Accounting for Globalization

为了评估全球化在国家层面的作用,表 4 报告了等式的估计结果。(2)。我们考虑上述五个有利于全球化的指标,即:(i)贸易开放程度的提高,(ii)更高的产业内贸易,(iii)中国进口占总进口的比例更高,(iv ) 降低进口关税,以及 (v) 提高欧盟内部贸易作为区域全球化措施。

如图所示,汇率变化与全球化之间的交互作用大多不显着。这意味着相对于外国竞争对手的产品差异化增加、中国产品在总进口中的份额和 UE 内部进口的份额以及进口关税的下降并不能解释 ERPT进口价格,至少在总体水平上。考虑到德国的贸易开放和产业内贸易的增长以及中国进口高于法国的总进口,获得了唯一重要的交互项,这表明全球化倾向于略微提高 ERPT 程度。关于德国,这些发现可能与德国经济在研究期间贸易开放度显着上升的事实有关,导致更大的竞争。与 Benigno 和 Faia (2016) 提出的论点一致,由于外国产品份额的增加,这种日益激烈的竞争推高了 ERPT 的程度。换句话说,有少量证据表明公司进入对传递的影响超过了集约边际加价调整的影响。

虽然关于全球因素传递效应的总体证据相当薄弱,但值得注意的是,它们的影响可以通过其他渠道发挥作用。例如,正如 Marazzi 和 Sheets (2007) 所回忆的那样,其他国家的出口商的定价决策可能会受到为保持对中国的竞争力所做的努力的影响。中国经济也证明了其赢得市场份额的强大能力,使其潜在竞争的威胁变得可信,并限制了其他出口商通过汇率冲击。此外,在更一般的层面上,如果行业层面普遍存在异质性,基于汇总进口价格的结果存在汇总偏差,这表明使用分类数据在行业层面评估 ERPT 程度的重要性。

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