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经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ECON 6025

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|Evaluation of Heuristics

Our goal is to evaluate the heuristics we used to reduce the number of possible ways HPs can be allocated in the network to make the algorithm more scalable compared to our previous experiments. In the first experiment, we evaluate the solution quality of the algorithm with and without heuristics by comparing how early the defender can identify an attacker. We used different sizes of networks with different limits on the number of rounds the players can play. Each of the three attackers we considered, $a, b, c$, has some unique and some shared exploits in their possession. Attacker $a$ has exploits $\phi_{0}, \phi_{1}, \phi_{2}$. Attacker $b$ has exploits $\phi_{2}, \phi_{3}, \phi_{1}$. Attacker $c$ has exploits $\phi_{4}, \phi_{5}, \phi_{2}$. We picked the attacker $b$ as the acting attacker. We kept the edge density and shared vulnerabilities between nodes to $40 \%$. Results are averaged over 20 game instances. In the Figure $3.9$, the first row, Figure $3.9 \mathrm{a}$ and $\mathrm{b}$ computes the solution without using the heuristics and the second row, Figure $3.9 \mathrm{c}$ and d computes the solution using the heuristics to reduce the action space. As we can see, the solution quality did not degrade for the experiments we conducted. However, currently, we have no proof to guarantee an optimal solution with the use of heuristics.

In the next experiment, we compare the run time between the algorithms using without and with heuristics for different sizes of networks and the same setup as the previous experiment. Run times are averaged over all the attackers for a particular size of games. As shown in Figure $3.10$, for smaller instances the algorithm with heuristics can compute the solution much quicker than if we do not use any heuristics. For larger instances of games if we do not heuristics, the algorithm runs out of memory very quickly (as shown by ” $x$ “), whereas using the heuristic we can compute the solutions.

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|Conclusions and Future Direction

Identification of an attacker is an even harder problem in many ways than detection, especially when many attackers use similar TTP in the early stages of attacks. However, any information that can help to narrow down the intention and likely TTP of an attacker can also be of immense value to the defender if it is available early on.

We present several case studies and a formal game model showing how we can use deception techniques to identify different types of attackers represented by the different AGs they use in planning optimal attacks based on their individual goals and capabilities. We show that strategically using deception can facilitate significantly earlier identification by leading attackers to take different actions early in the attack that can be observed by the defender. Our simulation results show this in a more general setting. However, the optimal algorithm does not scale very well since it considers all the possible action space to allocate HPs. So, we presented a scalable version of the optimal algorithm that reduces the action space by a reasonable margin to handle larger instances of games. In future work, we plan to explore how this model can be extended to different types of deception strategies, integration with other IDS techniques, as well as larger and more diverse sets of possible attacker types to make it operational in the real world.

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|Reward Function

As introduced earlier, there is a cost associated with each action. The network defender incurs a fixed cost for placing a new honeypot on an edge in the network. Let $P_{\mathrm{c}}$ denote the honeypot placement cost. On the attacker side, there is a cost per attack denoted as $A_{\mathrm{c}}$. The attack cost reflects the risk taken by the attacker as mentioned earlier.

If the defender placed honeypot on the same edge the attacker exploits, the defender gains a capturing reward. Otherwise, if the attacker exploited another safe edge, the attacker gains a successful attack reward. Let Cap and Esc denote the defender capture reward and the attacker successful reward, respectively.

To account for different nodes in the network, we adopt a reward function that takes into account the importance of the network nodes. Therefore, both capturing reward and the successful attack reward are weighted by the value of the secured or attacked node value, $w_{v}$. We start by expressing the reward matrix for the game illustrated in Figure $4.1$ and present the general reward matrix afterward.
-P_{\mathrm{c}}+A_{\mathrm{c}}+\operatorname{Cap} * w_{b} & -P_{\mathrm{c}}+A_{\mathrm{c}}-\operatorname{Esc} * w_{c} & -P_{\mathrm{c}} \
-P_{\mathrm{c}}+A_{\mathrm{c}}-\mathrm{Esc} * w_{\mathrm{b}} & -P_{\mathrm{c}}+A_{\mathrm{c}}+\operatorname{Cap} * w_{\mathrm{c}} & -P_{\mathrm{c}} \
A_{\mathrm{c}}-\operatorname{Esc} * w_{b} & A_{\mathrm{c}}-\mathrm{Esc} * w_{c} & 0
\end{array}\right] .
The attacker reward matrix is $R_{2}=-R_{1}$. The reward, $R_{1}(1,1)$ and $R_{1}(2,2)$, represents a captured attacker as the defender installed a honeypot at the attacked node. Therefore, the defender pays placement cost $P_{\mathrm{c}}$ and gains a capturing reward weighted by the value of the defended node. The attacker incurs an attack cost, $A_{\mathrm{c}}$, which represents a reward for the defender in a zero-sum game. On the other hand, $R_{1}(1,2)$ and $R_{1}(2,1)$ represent a successful attack, where the honeypot is allocated at a different node. Therefore, there is a Esc loss weighted by the compromised node value. In $R_{1}(3,1)$ and $R_{1}(3,2)$, the defender decides not to place any honeypot to save placement

cost $P_{\mathrm{c}^{+}}$Similarly, in $R_{1}(1,3), R_{1}(2,3)$, and $R_{1}(3,3)$, the attacker backs off to either avoid capture cost or attack cost $A_{\mathrm{c}}$.

The reward function can easily be generalized to an arbitrary number of possible edges as follows.
R_{1}\left(a_{1}, a_{2}\right)=\left{\begin{array}{clr}
-P_{\mathrm{c}}+A_{\mathrm{c}}+\operatorname{Cap} * w_{v} ; & a_{1}=e_{a, w}, a_{2}=v & \forall v \in \mathcal{V} \
-P_{\mathrm{c}}+A_{\mathrm{c}}-\mathrm{Esc} * w_{u} ; & a_{1}=e_{a, v}, a_{2}=u & \forall u \neq v \in \mathcal{V} \
-P_{\mathrm{c}} ; & a_{1}=e_{a, v}, a_{2}=0 & \forall v \in \mathcal{V} \
0 ; & a_{1}=0, a_{2}=0 &
where $a_{1}=0$ denotes the defender is not allocating any new honeypot. Similarly, $a_{2}=0$ denotes the attacker decided to back off.

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|ECON 6025


经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|Evaluation of Heuristics

我们的目标是评估我们用来减少在网络中分配 HP 的可能方式的数量的启发式方法,以使算法与我们之前的实验相比更具可扩展性。在第一个实验中,我们通过比较防御者可以多早识别攻击者来评估使用和不使用启发式算法的算法的解决方案质量。我们使用了不同规模的网络,对玩家可以玩的回合数有不同的限制。我们考虑的三个攻击者中的每一个,一个,b,C,拥有一些独特的和一些共同的功绩。攻击者一个有功绩φ0,φ1,φ2. 攻击者b有功绩φ2,φ3,φ1. 攻击者C有功绩φ4,φ5,φ2. 我们选择了攻击者b作为代理攻击者。我们保持节点之间的边缘密度和共享漏洞以40%. 结果平均超过 20 个游戏实例。图中3.9,第一行,图3.9一个和b在不使用启发式和第二行的情况下计算解决方案,图3.9Cd 使用启发式计算解决方案以减少动作空间。正如我们所看到的,我们进行的实验的解决方案质量没有下降。然而,目前,我们没有证据来保证使用启发式算法的最佳解决方案。


经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|Conclusions and Future Direction

在许多方面,识别攻击者比检测更难,尤其是当许多攻击者在攻击的早期阶段使用类似的 TTP 时。但是,任何有助于缩小攻击者意图和可能的 TTP 范围的信息,如果早期可用,对防御者来说也可能具有巨大价值。

我们提出了几个案例研究和一个正式的博弈模型,展示了我们如何使用欺骗技术来识别不同类型的攻击者,这些攻击者由他们根据个人目标和能力规划最佳攻击时使用的不同 AG 代表。我们表明,策略性地使用欺骗可以通过引导攻击者在攻击早期采取防御者可以观察到的不同行动来显着促进早期识别。我们的模拟结果在更一般的环境中显示了这一点。然而,最优算法不能很好地扩展,因为它考虑了所有可能的动作空间来分配 HP。因此,我们提出了优化算法的可扩展版本,该算法将动作空间减少了合理的余量,以处理更大的游戏实例。在以后的工作中,

经济代写|博弈论代写Game Theory代考|Reward Function

如前所述,每个动作都有相关的成本。网络防御者在网络边缘放置一个新的蜜罐会产生固定成本。让磷C表示蜜罐放置成本。在攻击者方面,每次攻击的成本表示为一个C. 如前所述,攻击成本反映了攻击者所承担的风险。

如果防御者将蜜罐放置在攻击者利用的同一边缘,则防御者将获得捕获奖励。否则,如果攻击者利用了另一个安全边缘,攻击者将获得成功的攻击奖励。令 Cap 和 Esc 分别表示防御者捕获奖励和攻击者成功奖励。

为了考虑网络中的不同节点,我们采用了考虑到网络节点重要性的奖励函数。因此,捕获奖励和成功攻击奖励均由受保护或被攻击节点的价值加权,在在. 我们首先表示如图所示游戏的奖励矩阵4.1然后给出一般的奖励矩阵。

R1=[−磷C+一个C+帽∗在b−磷C+一个C−Esc键∗在C−磷C −磷C+一个C−和sC∗在b−磷C+一个C+帽∗在C−磷C 一个C−Esc键∗在b一个C−和sC∗在C0].
攻击者奖励矩阵为R2=−R1. 奖励,R1(1,1)和R1(2,2), 代表被捕获的攻击者,因为防御者在受攻击的节点上安装了一个蜜罐。因此,防守方支付安置费用磷C并获得由防御节点的价值加权的捕获奖励。攻击者产生攻击成本,一个C,这表示在零和游戏中对防御者的奖励。另一方面,R1(1,2)和R1(2,1)代表一次成功的攻击,蜜罐被分配在不同的节点。因此,存在由受损节点值加权的 Esc 损失。在R1(3,1)和R1(3,2),防守方决定不放置任何蜜罐以保存放置

成本磷C+同样,在R1(1,3),R1(2,3), 和R1(3,3),攻击者后退以避免捕获成本或攻击成本一个C.

R_{1}\left(a_{1}, a_{2}\right)=\left{

−磷C+一个C+帽∗在在;一个1=和一个,在,一个2=在∀在∈在 −磷C+一个C−和sC∗在在;一个1=和一个,在,一个2=在∀在≠在∈在 −磷C;一个1=和一个,在,一个2=0∀在∈在 0;一个1=0,一个2=0\正确的。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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