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经济代写|市场经济学代写Market economy代考|The rise of the social market economy after the Second World War

经济代写|市场经济学代写Market economy代考|The rise of the social market economy after the Second World War

While the moral underpinnings of ordoliberally inspired economic and social science stem from the practical experiences with an unfree political system and the failure of a democratic experiment (The Weimar Republic), the implementation of ordoliberal ideas after the war followed somewhat different values. Given the enormous success of the ‘German Economic Miracle’, ${ }^{8}$ one is tempted to believe that the process unfolded without setbacks, opposition, or considerable efforts to push through the desired policies. This would be a grave misunderstanding of the matter, and the following section will thus demonstrate how the early efforts to implement ordoliberal ideas in practical policymaking were frequently met with resistance and thus often had to be, and were, tailored to fit certain popular beliefs and societal demands. The section will lay out in which sense not only economic thinking itself is influenced by moral values and social forces, but how the policy conclusions drawn from economic analysis need to be marketed, sold, and modified in political discourse and practice. The emergence of the social market economy in Germany post-Sccond World War represcnts a concisc illustration of how policy changes may unfold in a coordinated market economy.

The colloquially told story about the birth of the social market economy and the German economic miracle goes something like this: the economy was in shambles after the war, there was an excessive money surplus, prices were controlled, and life was generally miserable. Out of all this came Ludwig Erhard, a hero-like figure, who single-handedly freed the economy from price controls when the Allied Powers introduced currency reform in 1948 . From this moment onwards, everything went smoothly, Germans became rich and ‘lived happily ever after.’

As the somewhat sarcastic tone of the first lines indicates, this account lacks nuance considerably: while the existence of an ‘economic miracle’ can be called into question, we will instead focus on the often-portrayed seamlessness of the process and instead demonstrate that a lot of ‘convincing’ was necessary before the social market economy could be introduced. Problems started soon after the lifting of price controls in June 1948 , with the prices of some gonds (particularly eggs) rising rapidly. This led to outrage and a rejection of the newly introduced market economy by wide segments of the population, casting doubt on the possibility of the implemented reforms being kept up in the long term. It sensitized the ordoliberals towards the prime importance of public opinion being favourable towards the idea of a market economy.

经济代写|市场经济学代写Market economy代考|Flourishing, virtue, and the good life in ordoliberalism

The chapter now turns to a thorough discussion of the normative and cultural underpinnings of economies, as viewed by the ordoliberals. We might best approach the matter by thinking through the relationship between markets, virtues, and the idea of a good life in ordoliberal thought. Chapter 3 has illustrated that in the free market tradition, markets are seen as promoters of virtues, which, if consistently applied and lived, will enable what can be dubbed ‘the good life.’ As we shall see, the ordoliberal view differs considerably from this. The notion of what constitutes a good life stands at the beginning of the ordoliberal analysis and is something to be defined by the analyzing economist, who for this purpose also has to be a sociologist or cultural critic. Therefore, markets are merely a way and not the source of achieving the goal of a good life for most people. However, their functioning, and thus also the degree to which they will be able to promole a good life for most people, is dependent on the presence of certain virtues to mediate market activities. ${ }^{12}$ According to the ordoliberal account, the degree to which these virtues are present will determine the attainment of the good life for most.

经济代写|市场经济学代写Market economy代考|Non-market prerequisites of the market

It has long been established that the focus on the surrounding frameworks of a market economy, the ‘edges of the market’, is one of the most pronounced characteristics of the ordoliberal approach. At the policy level, this chiefly comes down to a somewhat limited, but strong, state which guarantees the sustainability of the legal order and does not let itself be dominated by special interests.

Additionally, state institutions must actively prevent the formation of cartels and monopolies or, in the case that they already exist, attempt their break-up. In the presence of too much economic power influencing economic processes, a free and welfare-enhancing economic order cannot be realized. The most concise representation of this can be found in Eucken’s seven ‘constituting principles’ and four ‘regulating principles’ of a market economy, according to which certain prerequisites (like private property, freedom to contract, or stable money) have to be met before economic activity can ever unfold on markets (Eucken 1952 [2004]). Once it is underway, principles such as ‘monopoly control’ or ‘distribution of incomes’ serve as the regulating principles.

However, it has often been overlooked that in the ordoliberals’ estimation there also exist non-economic, we might say cultural or moral, prerequisites to successful market interaction, that can neither be created by the market itself nor always be provided by governments (though they can often help people to provide them). Among the elements where government action could potentially lead to conditions that are more favourable are equality of opportunity and some rudimentary knowledge about economic processes on the part of the general population, i.e., the promotion of economic education. With respect to the former, all ordoliberals take a stance that differs markedly from most other liberal approaches to economics, most drastically to what they themselves would refer to as ‘paleoliberalism’, i.e., Ludwig von Mises, for instance. For them, some form of material equality is seen as necessary for the beneficial functioning of a market economy and a prohibitively high inheritance tax as a prerequisite for successfully fighting the problem of economic concentration (Rüstow $1950[2001]$ ). However, they also viewed a more egalitarian distribution of incomes and wealth as morally superior to its more unequal counterpart. All in all, they thought that a society producing extremely non-egalitarian outcomes, and even more so starting positions, will, apart from being less desirable from a normative viewpoint, also create problems for the long-term viability of a market order and a free society. Additionally, the ordoliberals worried about widespread ignorance on the part of the people of their time about the economic order they were actually living in. Consider Eucken on the matter: ‘The economic order remains unknown to man in essential traits – as decisive as it is for his existence’ (Eucken 1952 [2004]: 194). While it would, of course, be unrealistic to make every citizen an informed expert about the economic order that they inhabit, the ordoliberals took seriously the ‘social question’ and in a way also the charges of ‘alienation’ in modern mass societies. Economic policy, they thought, can help to overcome these various deficiencies and provide the basis for the widespread use and acceptance of the market system.

经济代写|市场经济学代写Market economy代考|The rise of the social market economy after the Second World War


经济代写|市场经济学代写Market economy代考|The rise of the social market economy after the Second World War


俗话说社会市场经济的诞生和德国的经济奇迹是这样的:战后经济一塌糊涂,货币过剩,物价被控制,生活普遍悲惨。1948 年同盟国实行货币改革时,他单枪匹马地将经济从价格控制中解放出来。从这一刻起,一切顺利,德国人变得富有,“从此过上了幸福的生活”。

正如第一行略带讽刺意味的语气所表明的那样,这个叙述相当缺乏细微差别:虽然“经济奇迹”的存在可能会受到质疑,但我们将转而关注经常被描绘的过程的无缝性,并证明在引入社会市场经济之前,需要大量的“说服力”。问题在 1948 年 6 月取消价格管制后不久就出现了,一些贡品(尤其是鸡蛋)的价格迅速上涨。这引起了广大民众的愤慨和对新引入的市场经济的拒绝,使人们对长期保持所实施的改革的可能性产生怀疑。它使秩序自由主义者意识到公众舆论支持市场经济理念的重要性。

经济代写|市场经济学代写Market economy代考|Flourishing, virtue, and the good life in ordoliberalism

本章现在转向对秩序自由主义者所认为的经济的规范和文化基础进行彻底的讨论。我们最好通过思考市场、美德和秩序自由主义思想中的美好生活理念之间的关系来解决这个问题。第 3 章说明,在自由市场传统中,市场被视为美德的推动者,如果持续应用和践行美德,将促成所谓的“美好生活”。正如我们将看到的,秩序自由主义的观点与此有很大不同。什么是美好生活的概念站在秩序自由主义分析的开始,是由分析经济学家定义的,为此目的,他还必须是社会学家或文化批评家。所以,对大多数人来说,市场只是实现美好生活目标的一种方式,而不是源泉。然而,它们的功能,以及它们能够在多大程度上促进大多数人的美好生活,都依赖于某些美德的存在,以调解市场活动。12根据秩序自由主义的说法,这些美德的存在程度将决定大多数人能否过上美好的生活。

经济代写|市场经济学代写Market economy代考|Non-market prerequisites of the market


此外,国家机构必须积极防止卡特尔和垄断的形成,或者在它们已经存在的情况下,试图解散它们。在影响经济进程的经济力量过多的情况下,无法实现自由和提高福利的经济秩序。最简洁的表述可以在欧肯的市场经济的七项“构成原则”和四项“调节原则”中找到,根据这些原则,必须满足某些先决条件(如私有财产、契约自由或稳定的货币)经济活动可以在市场上展开(Eucken 1952 [2004])。一旦开始,“垄断控制”或“收入分配”等原则将成为调节原则。

然而,经常被忽视的是,在秩序自由主义者的估计中,成功的市场互动也存在非经济的、我们可以说是文化或道德的先决条件,这些先决条件既不能由市场本身创造,也不能总是由政府提供(尽管它们通常可以帮助人们提供它们)。政府行动可能导致更有利条件的因素包括机会平等和普通民众对经济过程的一些基本知识,即促进经济教育。就前者而言,所有秩序自由主义者都采取了与大多数其他自由主义经济学方法截然不同的立场,与他们自己所称的“古自由主义”(例如路德维希·冯·米塞斯)最为明显不同。对他们来说,1950[2001])。然而,他们也认为收入和财富的更平等分配在道德上优于其更不平等的对应物。总而言之,他们认为,一个产生极端非平等主义结果的社会,甚至更是如此的起始职位,除了从规范的角度来看不太理想之外,还会给市场秩序的长期生存能力和市场秩序带来问题。自由社会。此外,秩序自由主义者担心他们那个时代的人们普遍对他们实际生活的经济秩序一无所知。想想欧肯对此事的看法:“经济秩序在基本特征上仍然是人类所不知道的——尽管它具有决定性意义为了他的存在”(Eucken 1952 [2004]: 194)。虽然它当然会,让每个公民都成为了解他们所居住的经济秩序的专家是不现实的,秩序自由主义者认真对待“社会问题”,在某种程度上也认真对待现代大众社会的“异化”指控。他们认为,经济政策可以帮助克服这些不同的缺陷,并为市场体系的广泛使用和接受提供基础。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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