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计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Unbuildable Cities

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Architectural Design and the Machine Ages

One of the initial moments where an architect approached the topic of the machine age in urban environments ${ }^{1}$ has been marked by the dialectic and design work of the Italian Architect Antonio Sant’Elia (1888-1916). Sant’Elia followed the early 20th century Futurist movement in Architecture and envisioned that cities should be mechanized and organized as vast, industrialized and interconnected urban conurbations that would support “the life” of the city.

Such ideas started to flourish around 1912 to 1914, as famous architects like Otto Wagner, Adolf Loos and Renzo Picasso (Genoa) followed the example of Antonio Sant’Elia (Fig. 1) and drew surreal and unusual buildings for a so-called Citta Nuova (New City). These drawing manifestations were exhibited in the “Nuove Tendenze” group exhibition in May 1914. This marked a symbolic approach to industrialization in relation with the new age and their works are displayed nowadays in Como’s art gallery. ${ }^{2}$

Interestingly, Sant’Elia proposed that conventions and customs should give way to the Modern “gigantic machine” city.” In fact he seems to follow the futurist visions of the Italian poet and artist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti by suggesting that classical elegance should be replaced by an “immense, and tumultuous shipyard,” ${ }^{, 4}$ and this should be our new model space for living in.

While population growth led to the physical expansion of urban metropolitan areas, the vast industrialization attracted more innovative thinking. In 1915, the innovative thinker on urban planning and sociology, Patrick Geddes, added to the architectural nomenclature a new term that also constituted the title of his book, called Cities in Evolution. The subtitle of this book, where he highlighted the capacity of motorized transport systems to function with new technologies and electric power, was An Introduction to the Town Planning Movement and to the Study of Civics. ${ }^{5}$ The underlying conception of this movement, as he called it, was to give rise to a higher and more systematic connection between cities that grow.
A responsibly powered architecture based on the use of new technologies that would influence people’s lives in a positive way ${ }^{6}$ has been also the topic of inspiration for Cedric Price (FRIBA Architect, 1934-2003). Price is described as an architectural optimist, much like the famous American architect and systems theorist, futurist and inventor Buckminster Fuller (1895 – 1983).

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Architecture for Flying Cars and Spaceship Earth

One of the most inspiring architects around the globe, who influenced a more humanistic and at the same time experimental and geometric approach to architecture was Buckminster Fuller. From a very young age he expressed his ideas on the ways geometry was taught. He thought that dots on chalkboards represented “empty” points which lines could cross while extending to infinity. He preferred more synergetic approaches to design and he focused on machine or tools” development by using materials like wood. By the age of 12 he developed his own propulsion system for small boats. After his studies at Harvard in 1927 , Fuller faced serious survival issues at the start of his career, when in exchange for meals he decorated the interiors of a popular café, called Romany Marie’s. On this occasion he met and then collaborated with Isamu Naguchi (Japanese-American artist and landscape architect) and Starling Burgess (American yacht designer and naval architect) for the development of a concept car called the Dymaxion (Fig. 2), that

was designed to offer a new omni-medium transport ${ }^{7}$ able to be driven but also to take-off and fly.

In the effort to encourage a harmonious symbiosis, Buckminster Fuller also coined the term “Spaceship Earth” since he saw the earth as a global unity that required all the people of the world to act together towards a greater good. He demarcated also his interest in sustainability, design replication, material efficiency and harmony with the surrounding environment as well as versatility. In this sense, Fuller developed his thin-shelled geodesic dome, known as the Montreal biosphere, U.S.’s 1967 World Exposition pavilion in Quebec ${ }^{8}$. In developing such dome looking structures, he aimed to make a point about architecture and versatility (see following Figs. 3, 4).

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Robot Cities

Between 1961 and 1974, the Archigram group explored how advancements of technology could lead to design scenarios and hypothetical new realities. “Walking Cities, I venture. If you can build an ocean liner, why not them?”, ${ }^{9}$ Archigram’s Peter Cook said in $2018 .$

The UK based Archigram group, composed by David Greene, Warren Chalk, Peter Cook, Michael Webb, Ron Herron and Dennis Crompton, created a set of drawings where they expressed their views on cities as technologically advanced and rather futuristic machines for living in. They did however seem to dismiss the small-scale and human level to their drawings. These visions, such as the plug-in

city, the instant city or the living pod, although deemed as unbuildable, have inspired the work of many famous architects’ around the globe, such as Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers as well as Nick Grimshaw, Rem Koolhaas and Will Alsop. More specifically, the Centre Pompidou in Paris was designed as an “evolving spatial diagram”, iQ11 and this inspiration was attributed to the architectural inspirations of Archigram and the Superstudio, an architectural firm founded in 1966 in Florence.
Interestingly, Archigram considered that built space had the flaw of being static and thus worked towards suggesting utopian yet fascinating mobile alternatives, where cities were converted into giant insect-looking walking robots that were able to take their resources and goods and plug them into safer environments when needed. Ron Herron’s (Archigram member) envisioned the “Walking city” (Fig. 5) as a survival strategy for nuclear wars, where citizens of the world would have to seek refuge in safer places.

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Unbuildable Cities


计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Architectural Design and the Machine Ages

建筑师在城市环境中探讨机器时代主题的最初时刻之一1意大利建筑师 Antonio Sant’Elia (1888-1916) 的辩证法和设计作品为其标志。Sant’Elia 追随 20 世纪早期的未来主义建筑运动,并设想城市应该机械化和组织成庞大、工业化和相互关联的城市大都市,以支持城市的“生活”。

这些想法在 1912 年至 1914 年左右开始蓬勃发展,因为著名建筑师,如 Otto Wagner、Adolf Loos 和 Renzo Picasso(热那亚)效仿 Antonio Sant’Elia(图 1),并为所谓的 Citta 绘制了超现实和不寻常的建筑新城(新城)。这些绘画表现形式在 1914 年 5 月的“Nuove Tendenze”群展中展出。这标志着与新时代相关的工业化的象征性方法,他们的作品如今在科莫的美术馆展出。2

有趣的是,Sant’Elia 提议公约和习俗应该让位于现代“巨型机器”城市。” 事实上,他似乎追随意大利诗人和艺术家菲利波·托马索·马里内蒂的未来主义愿景,建议用“巨大而喧嚣的造船厂”取代古典优雅,,4这应该是我们新的生活样板空间。

虽然人口增长导致城市大都市区的物理扩张,但巨大的工业化吸引了更多的创新思维。1915 年,城市规划和社会学的创新思想家帕特里克·格德斯(Patrick Geddes)在建筑命名法中添加了一个新术语,该术语也构成了他的书名,名为“进化中的城市”。这本书的副标题是《城市规划运动和公民研究导论》,他强调了机动交通系统与新技术和电力一起运行的能力。5正如他所说,这场运动的基本概念是在不断发展的城市之间建立更高、更系统的联系。
基于使用新技术的负责任的动力架构,将以积极的方式影响人们的生活6也是 Cedric Price (FRIBA Architect, 1934-2003) 的灵感主题。普莱斯被描述为一个建筑乐观主义者,就像美国著名的建筑师和系统理论家、未来学家和发明家巴克敏斯特富勒 (Buckminster Fuller, 1895 – 1983)。

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Architecture for Flying Cars and Spaceship Earth

巴克敏斯特富勒是全球最鼓舞人心的建筑师之一,他影响了一种更人性化的同时又具有实验性和几何性的建筑方法。从很小的时候起,他就表达了他对几何教学方式的看法。他认为黑板上的点代表“空”点,线条可以交叉并延伸到无穷远。他更喜欢更协同的设计方法,他专注于使用木材等材料开发机器或工具。到 12 岁时,他开发了自己的小船推进系统。1927 年在哈佛完成学业后,富勒在职业生涯初期面临着严重的生存问题,当时他装饰了一家名为 Romany Marie’s 的受欢迎的咖啡馆的内部以换取饭菜。


为了鼓励和谐共生,巴克敏斯特·富勒还创造了“宇宙飞船地球”一词,因为他将地球视为一个全球统一体,需要世界上所有的人共同行动,以实现更大的利益。他还表达了他对可持续性、设计复制、材料效率、与周围环境的和谐以及多功能性的兴趣。从这个意义上说,富勒开发了他的薄壳测地圆顶,被称为蒙特利尔生物圈,美国 1967 年在魁北克的世界博览会馆8. 在开发这种圆顶结构时,他的目标是强调建筑和多功能性(参见下图 3、4)。

计算机代写|机器学习代写machine learning代考|Robot Cities

1961 年至 1974 年间,Archigram 小组探索了技术进步如何导致设计场景和假设的新现实。“行走的城市,我冒险。如果你能建造一艘远洋班轮,为什么不建造呢?”,9Archigram 的 Peter Cook 在2018.

由大卫·格林、沃伦·查克、彼得·库克、迈克尔·韦伯、罗恩·赫伦和丹尼斯·克朗普顿组成的英国 Archigram 小组创作了一组图纸,他们在其中表达了他们对城市作为技术先进和相当未来主义的居住机器的看法。他们然而,他们的绘画似乎忽略了小规模和人性化的水平。这些愿景,如插件

城市,即刻的城市或生活舱,虽然被认为是不可建造的,但却激发了全球许多著名建筑师的工作,如伦佐·皮亚诺和理查德·罗杰斯以及尼克·格里姆肖、雷姆·库哈斯和威尔·阿尔索普。更具体地说,巴黎的蓬皮杜中心被设计成一个“不断发展的空间图”,iQ11,这一灵感来自于 Archigram 和 Superstudio 的建筑灵感,后者是一家于 1966 年在佛罗伦萨成立的建筑公司。
有趣的是,Archigram 认为建筑空间存在静态的缺陷,因此致力于提出乌托邦式但引人入胜的移动替代方案,其中城市被改造成巨大的昆虫状步行机器人,能够获取资源和货物并将其插入更安全的环境需要的时候。Ron Herron(Archigram 成员)将“行走的城市”(图 5)设想为核战争的生存战略,世界公民将不得不在更安全的地方寻求庇护。

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