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建筑代写|环境设计代写Environmental Design代考|Course790

建筑代写|环境设计代写Environmental Design代考|Sauer and the ambivalent life of landscape

The “Morphology” was not the first time Sauer had registered discontent with determinist orthodoxy. “At best,” Sauer had noted in an otherwise anodyne 1924 article on the methodology of field surveys, such causal schemes are “likely to throw only a half-light on the human scene.” ${ }^{\prime 8}$ Nor was Sauer alone in his unease about unidirectional “geographic explanation”: Michigan’s Mark Jefferson, Chicago’s Charles Colby and Harlan Barrows, and outsiders including the anti-Spencerian sociologist Lester Ward had been grasping for alternatives well before $1925 .{ }^9$ And although some scholars continue to insist that Sauer meant the “Morphology” as a one-time-only statement of methods and principles, clearing the air and inaugurating the long-term “hiatus” from theoretical debate he had always desired, his post-1925 pedagogy, correspondence, and empirical sorties do not square with this contention. ${ }^{10}$ Sauer continued to theorize, and his questions on culture, matter, and life remain unresolved.

Sauer never truly bore out his sense of housing’s centrality as index of and participant in human life. We are left only with traces. In his Outline for Field Work in Geography (1915), coauthored with Wellington D. Jones and essentially a checklist for researchers, buildings scarcely figure as objects of geographic interest. Ninth on the list of “Characteristics of the people,” lodged without further comment alongside “Physique, health, traits,” one finds “Buildings-architecture, materials used, furnishings, conditions in which kept.” “11 Sauer’s earliest regional surveys of the Midwest and Middle Border states, which he prosecuted before his move west of the Sierra Nevada, glimpse the built environment but just barely. In good Vidalian fashion, questions of “settlement and development” come last in the work’s order of exposition, admissible topics only once a layered picture of geology, soils, vegetation, and all the rest has been patiently built up as precondition. His Geography of the Upper Illinois Valley (1916) embeds 50 pages on the scarred landscapes of mining, manufacturing, and transport, including some memorable meditations on “relic” canals of the antebellum period, but dwellings, much less the acts of dwelling therein, escape from view. ${ }^{12}$ His Geography of the Ozark Highland of Missouri $(1915 / 1920)$, on the region he called home, also closes with some fragmentary inventory of buildings-the “wretched sheds” of the hill country, the “semitropical” porches appended to houses by the French settlers of St. Charles and Cape Girardeau-but Sauer expends his analytical energy elsewhere. ${ }^{13}$ In Geography of the Pennyroyal (1927), commissioned by the State of Kentucky, Sauer lists and depicts the region’s characteristic house forms, a subset of “Rural Cultural Patterns,” but his analysis remains at the level of ideal types, with none of the anthropological weave that would become his métier in studies of the Spanish Main.

建筑代写|环境设计代写Environmental Design代考|Friedrich Ratzel’s energetics of urban America

“The Morphology of Landscape” is a work of synthesis, a digest and reinterpretation of Western geography’s entire intellectual history in which some traditions gain Sauer’s approval and some come in for withering rebuke. To make sense of its predicates for the study and design of urban built environments, one cannot but scour Sauer’s own sources for clues. In the event, the most suggestive forebear proves to be neither Vidal de la Blache, whose posthumous Principles of Human Geography had appeared in 1922 and greatly excited Sauer; nor Goethe, whose stylized studies of plant life had supplied the American with “morphology” as keyword and ethos. Instead, it is necessary to reconsider the urban writings of Friedrich Ratzel (b. 1844), by the fin-de-sièle an overpowering figure in the German academy and, unusually among Sauer’s pantheon, the one who is to this day routinely tarred as an arch-determinist. From the 1920s, Sauer had cultivated Berkeley’s geography department as a kind of “institute for European geographers,” most of them German, who would pass through seasonally to teach. ${ }^{19}$ Sauer was convinced that Ratzel’s reception in the Anglosphere had been off kilter: relying on Ellen Churchill Semple’s bowdlerized Influences of Geographic Environment on the Basis of Ratzel’s System of Anthropo-Geography (1911), a popular book in its day, American readers had been blinded to the second volume of his Anthropogeographie (1883), still untranslated today, in which environment “conditions” but simply does not “determine” behavior. ${ }^{20}$ (Ratzel had died in 1904.) Through Semple, and through the aggressive geopolitics advanced in Ratzel’s “Laws of the Spatial Growth of States” (1896), later embraced by National Socialism via the work of Karl Haushofer-states are organisms, organisms want to grow, restless territorial boundaries themselves push outwards, conquest of neighboring states is only natural-Ratzel’s resources for a humane cultural geography seemed meager if not outright dangerous. ${ }^{21}$ His reputation was also as someone antipathetic to cities: overseas colonization, where his politics eventually led, seemed logical primarily as a way of securing more agricultural land. ${ }^{22}$

Yet there is also an urbanist Ratzel to reckon with. When still young and a “vaguely liberal” journalist, he spent 1873 and 1874 riding the American railroad-a transcontinental system as of 1869-gazing out on urban scenes, stopping off to explore their crevices, and wondering about the pacing and spacing of the industrializing United States. ${ }^{23}$ His Sketches of Urban and Cultural Life in America (1876), untranslated into English until 1988, reveal a man ceaselessly fascinated by the physical dimensions of cities, which, as Sauer noted in one of his last publications, Ratzel deemed the “best and highest” expression of national character. ${ }^{24}$ These urban travelogues prove crucial to Ratzel’s own intellectual formation, and they are laden with clues to what Sauer’s unfulfilled urbanism, keyed to lively environments built, might have become.

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建筑代写|环境设计代写Environmental Design代考|Sauer and the ambivalent life of landscape

“形态学”并不是绍尔第一次对决定论的正统观念表示不满。“充其量,”绍尔在 1924 年一篇关于实地调查方法论的文章中指出,这样的因果关系“可能只会对人类场景产生一半的影响”。′8对单向“地理解释”感到不安的不仅仅是绍尔:密歇根的马克杰斐逊、芝加哥的查尔斯科尔比和哈伦巴罗斯,以及包括反斯宾塞社会学家莱斯特沃德在内的局外人早就在寻找替代方案1925.9尽管一些学者继续坚持认为 Sauer 的意思是“形态学”是对方法和原则的一次性陈述,为他一直渴望的理论辩论扫清了空气并开启了长期的“中断”,但他的后- 1925 年的教学法、通信和实证研究并不符合这一论点。10绍尔继续理论化,他关于文化、物质和生活的问题仍未解决。

Sauer 从来没有真正证明他认为住房作为人类生活的指标和参与者的中心地位。我们只剩下痕迹。在他与 Wellington D. Jones 合着的《地理学野外工作大纲》(1915 年)中,基本上是研究人员的清单,建筑物几乎不被视为具有地理意义的对象。在“人的特征”列表中排名第九,在“体格、健康、特征”旁边没有进一步评论,人们发现“建筑物-建筑、使用的材料、家具、保存条件”。“11 Sauer 最早对中西部和中部边境各州进行的区域调查是他在移居内华达山脉以西之前进行的,这些调查只是瞥见了建筑环境,但几乎没有。在良好的维达利亚风格中,“定居和发展”的问题在作品的阐述顺序中排在最后,只有当地质、土壤、植被和所有其他方面的分层图景被耐心地建立起来作为前提条件时,才可以接受的主题。他的《上伊利诺伊河谷地理学》(1916 年)在采矿、制造和运输的伤痕累累的景观中嵌入了 50 页,其中包括对战前时期“遗迹”运河的一些令人难忘的沉思,但住宅,更不用说居住在其中的行为,逃离视线。12他的密苏里州欧扎克高地地理(1915/1920),在他称之为家的地区,也以一些零碎的建筑物清单结束——山区的“可怜的棚屋”,圣查尔斯和开普吉拉多的法国定居者附在房屋上的“亚热带”门廊——但绍尔花费了他在别处的分析能量。13在肯塔基州委托的《Pennyroyal 地理》(1927 年)中,Sauer 列出并描绘了该地区的特色房屋形式,这是“农村文化模式”的一个子集,但他的分析仍然停留在理想类型的水平,没有任何人类学编织将成为他在西班牙主要研究中的专长。

建筑代写|环境设计代写Environmental Design代考|Friedrich Ratzel’s energetics of urban America

《景观形态学》是一部综合作品,是对西方地理学整个思想史的消化和重新诠释,其中一些传统得到了绍尔的认可,而另一些则受到了严厉的谴责。为了理解其对城市建筑环境的研究和设计的谓词,我们不得不从 Sauer 自己的资源中寻找线索。事实证明,最具启发性的前辈既不是维达尔·德拉布拉什,他的遗作《人文地理学原理》于 1922 年问世,令绍尔大为兴奋。歌德也没有,他对植物生命的程式化研究为美国人提供了“形态学”作为关键词和精神。相反,有必要重新考虑弗里德里希·拉策尔(Friedrich Ratzel,生于 1844 年)的城市著作,他是德国学院中一个压倒性的人物,而且在绍尔的万神殿中不寻常,时至今日,他经常被冠以大决定论者的身份。从 1920 年代开始,绍尔就将伯克利的地理系培养成一种“欧洲地理学家学院”,其中大多数是德国人,他们会季节性地通过这里教学。19Sauer 确信 Ratzel 在盎格鲁圈的接受度已经不平衡:依靠 Ellen Churchill Semple 在 Ratzel 的《人类地理学系统》(1911 年)基础上的地理环境影响,美国读者被蒙蔽了双眼到他的《人类地理》第二卷(1883 年),今天仍未翻译,环境“条件”,但根本不“决定”行为。20(Ratzel 于 1904 年去世。)通过 Semple,以及 Ratzel 的“国家空间增长法则”(1896 年)中所提出的侵略性地缘政治,后来通过 Karl Haushofer 的工作被国家社会主义所接受——国家是有机体,有机体想要为了发展,不安定的领土边界本身向外扩展,征服邻国是自然而然的——拉策尔的人文文化地理资源似乎微不足道,如果不是完全危险的话。21他的名声也被认为是一个对城市反感的人:他的政治最终导致了海外殖民化,这似乎主要是为了获得更多的农业用地。22

然而,还有一位城市主义者 Ratzel 值得考虑。1873 年和 1874 年,他还年轻,还是一名“含糊的自由派”记者,他在 1873 年和 1874 年乘坐美国铁路——自 1869 年起成为横贯大陆的系统——凝视着城市风光,停下来探索它们的缝隙,并对铁路的节奏和间距感到好奇。美国工业化。23他的《美国城市和文化生活草图》(1876 年)直到 1988 年才被翻译成英文,揭示了一个人对城市的物理维度不断着迷,正如 Sauer 在他最后的出版物之一中指出的那样,Ratzel 认为这是“最好和最高的”民族性格的体现。24事实证明,这些城市游记对 Ratzel 自身的知识形成至关重要,并且它们充满了 Sauer 未实现的城市主义的线索,该城市主义以建造的活泼环境为关键,可能会变成什么样子。

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随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


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