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Dynamic Analysis of a Truss using Abaqus Explicit - Gautam Puri
数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考| Steady-State Analysis

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Dynamic Analysis

A dynamic analysis of such problems is more complex and requires sophisticated mathematical tools. The results provided below are obtained employing the max= imum principle from Sect. 2.4.

Necessary Condition for an Extremum: If the function $s(t), t \in[0, T]$, is a solution of the optimization problem $(2.45)-(2.47)$, then:
(a) There exists a continuous function $\hat{\lambda}(t), t \in[0, T]$, called the dual or adjoint variable, that satisfies the dual equation
\hat{\lambda}^{\prime}(t)=(\mu+r) \hat{\lambda}(t)-[1-s(t)+\hat{\lambda}(t) s(t)] f^{\prime}(k(t)),
with the terminal transversality condition
\left[k(T)-k_{T}\right] \mathrm{e}^{-r T} \hat{\lambda}(T)=0,
where the corresponding state variable $k(t), t \in[0, T]$, is found from (2.46).
(b) $s(t)$ maximizes $[1-s(t)+\hat{\lambda}(t) s(t)]$ at each point $t \in[0, T]$.
The proof of this result follows from Corollary $2.1$ of Sect. 2.4. Namely, the current-value Hamiltonian (2.69) for the optimal control problem (2.45)-(2.47) is constructed as
\hat{H}(s, k, \hat{\lambda})=f(k)(1-s)+\hat{\lambda}[s f(k)-\mu k],
and, then, the dual equation (2.48) is obtained from $(2.70)$ as $\hat{\lambda}^{\prime}=r \hat{\lambda}-\partial H / \partial k$, the state equation (2.46) fits $k^{\prime}=\partial H / \partial \hat{\lambda}$, and $s(t)$ maximizes $H(s, k, \hat{\lambda})$.

Extremum Condition for an Interior Solution. The maximum principle is constructed specifically to handle the case of boundary solutions: $s(t)=0$ or $s(t)=1$ in the domain $0 \leq s(t) \leq 1$ at some instants $t$. The possibility of boundary (or corner) solutions essentially complicates the optimal control dynamics. If a solution is known to be interior in the domain, then the optimality conditions

become simpler. Namely, by Corollary $2.2$ from Sect. $2.4$, if $0<s(t)<1$, then the optimal $s(t)$ satisfies $\partial H / \partial s=0$.

Let us utilize this optimality condition for the optimization problem (2.45)-(2.47). Taking the derivative of $(2.50)$ in $s$, we obtain $\partial \hat{H} / \partial s=f(k)(\hat{\lambda}-1)$. If a priori $0<s(t)<1$ for $t \in[0, T]$, then $\partial H / \partial s=0$ and, therefore, $\hat{\lambda}(t)=1$. Substituting $\hat{\lambda}$ to $(2.48)$, we obtain
which is the same golden rule of capital accumulation $(2.40)$ as obtained during static optimization in the Solow-Swan model of Sect. 2.2.

Structure of Solution: Using the extremum condition (2.48) and (2.49) and rewriting $(2.50)$ as $\hat{H}(s, k, \hat{\lambda})=s(\hat{\lambda}-1) f(k)-\hat{\lambda} \mu k+f(k)$, we can show that $s(t)=0$ maximizes $\hat{H}(s, k, \hat{\lambda})$ at $\hat{\lambda}(t)<1$ and $s(t)=0$ maximizes $\hat{H}(s, k, \hat{\lambda})$ at $\hat{\lambda}(t)>1$. If $\hat{\lambda}(t)=1$, then $\hat{H}(s, k, \hat{\lambda})$ does not depend on $s$ and the optimal $k^{}$ is found from (2.48), which is the same as the golden rule of capital accumulation (2.40). Thus, the solution $s(t), t \in[0, T]$, of the optimization problem $(2.45)-(2.47)$ is $$ s(t)=\left{\begin{array}{ccl} 0 & \text { when } & \hat{\lambda}(t)<1 \\ s^{*} & \text { when } & \hat{\lambda}(t)=1, \\ 1 & \text { when } & \hat{\lambda}(t)>1 \end{array}\right. $$ where $0}<1$ is the optimal (golden-rule) saving rate $(2.41)$ in the Solow-Swan model. When $s(t)=s^{}$, the corresponding trajectory is $k(t)=k^{}$, where the unique $k^{*}$ is found from (2.40).

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Long-Term and Transition Dynamics

Because of the specifics of economic optimization problems, their dynamic analysis is usually split into two steps: the investigation of a long-term dynamics and the investigation of the transition dynamics. In many problems, the long-term dynamics is independent of initial conditions of the problem and coincides with the steady state solution of the model. Then, the transition dynamics describes how the optimal trajectory approaches the steady state.

The solution $s(t), k(t), t \in[0, T]$, of the optimization problem $(2.45)-(2.47)$ in the case $k_{0}<k^{*}<k_{\mathrm{T}}$ is illustrated in Fig. 2.3.

The transition (short-term) dynamics of the problem (2.45)-(2.47) is common for well-formulated economic problems. The optimal trajectory $s(t), k(t)$ approaches the best steady state solution $\left(s^{}, k^{}\right)$ on the initial interval $\left[0, \theta_{1}\right]$ and the transition dynamics ends at the instant $\theta_{1}$ such that $k\left(\theta_{1}\right)=k^{*}$.

The optimal trajectory $s(t), k(t)$ leaves the steady state solution $\left(s^{}, k^{}\right)$ at some instant $\theta_{2}<T$ near the right end of the planning horizon $[0, T]$. This behavior illustrates the so-called end-of-horizon effect and is also common in economic problems. Even if the terminal condition is absent, such effects still take place and even become more substantial. In particular, if $k_{T}=0$, then there is no investments at the end $\left[\theta_{2}, T\right]$ of planning horizon.

Mathematically, this end-of-horizon effect appears because the optimal trajectory $k(t)$ must satisfy the transversality condition $(2.49)$. This condition becomes less restrictive at $T=\infty$. Non-importance of the transversality condition for the infinite-horizon problem $(2.31)-(2.35)$ was pointed out by $K$. Shell in [8]. It will be shown in the next section that the end-of-horizon effect is absent in the infinitehorizon problem.

The trajectory $s(t) \equiv s^{}, k(t) \equiv k^{}$ over $\left[\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}\right]$ represents the long-term dynamics of the optimization problem. The optimal saving rate $s(t)$ coincides with the constant golden-rule saving rate $s$ in the Solow-Swan model on a certain interior part $\left[\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}\right]$ of the planning period $[0, T]$. The length of $\left[\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}\right]$ becomes larger when $T$ increases. It means that a turnpike property holds for the optimization problem $(2.45)-(2.47)$, where the turnpike trajectory is $s_{T} \equiv s^{*}$.

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Dynamic Analysis

The dynamic analysis of the Solow-Ramsey model includes new mathematical challenges such as the convergence of the improper integral (2.53) along the optimal trajectory $c$. The condition for this convergence in our model $(2.31)-(2.34),(2.53)$ is simply
where $\eta$ is the given growth rate of labor in (2.35). However, finding such conditions becomes more complicated in more advanced models (see for example Chap. 3).

Under (2.54), the extremum conditions remain the same, (2.48)-(2.52), as in the Solow-Shell model. Using (2.48) and (2.52), we can show that the solution $s(t)$, $t \in[0, \infty)$, of the problem (2.53) in the model (2.31)-(2.34) is
$s(t)=\left{\begin{array}{ccc}1 & \text { at } & 0 \leq t<\theta_{1} \ s^{} & \text { at } & \theta_{1} \leq t<\infty\end{array},\right.$, with the golden-rule saving rate $s^{\circ}$ and capital per capita $k^{}$ in the Solow-Swan model. Also, it can be shown that the transversality condition (2.49) is reduced to the inequality (2.54). So the transversality condition is less important in the infinitehorizon problem in the sense that it does not directly affect the solution dynamics.
On the qualitative side, the behavior of the optimal trajectories appears to be simpler than in the finite-horizon Solow-Shell model (2.45)-(2.47). The solution $(s(t), k(t)), t \in[0, \infty)$, of the optimization problem (2.53) in the case $k_{0}<k^{*}$ is illustrated in Fig. $2.3$ by blue curves.

The transition dynamics of the problem (2.53) over the interval $\left[0, \theta_{1}\right]$ is the same as for the Solow-Shell model. The optimal trajectory $(s(t), k(t))$ approaches the steady state $\left(s^{}, k^{}\right)$ and the transition dynamics ends at the instant $\theta_{1}$ such that $k\left(\theta_{1}\right)=k^{*}$.

The long-term dynamics is $s(t) \equiv s^{}, k(t) \equiv k^{}$ over $\left[\theta_{1}, \infty\right)$, i.e., the optimal saving rate $s(t)$ coincides with the constant golden-rule saving rate $s^{*}$ in the Solow-Swan model starting with the time $\theta_{1}$. As shown in Fig. 2.3, the optimal

trajectory $s(t), k(t)$ does not leave the steady state $\left(s^{}, k^{}\right)$ because the end-of-horizon effects are absent in infinite-horizon problems.

The considered optimization versions of the Solow-Swan, Solow-Shell, and Solow-Ramsey models, are classified by the economic theory as the models of exogenous growth because they cannot generate an endogenous growth when the labor $L(t)$ is constant. However, even small modifications of these models can lead to the endogenous growth. For instance, if we replace the neoclassic production function in the model equation (2.31) with the CES or $A K$ production function, then the corresponding models are able to generate an endogenous growth. Models with endogenous growth are discussed in Sect. 3.4.

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数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考| Steady-State Analysis


数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Dynamic Analysis

对此类问题的动态分析更为复杂,需要复杂的数学工具。下面提供的结果是使用 Sect 的 max= imum 原则获得的。2.4.

极值的必要条件:如果函数s(吨),吨∈[0,吨], 是优化问题的解(2.45)−(2.47), 那么:
(a) 存在一个连续函数λ^(吨),吨∈[0,吨],称为对偶或伴随变量,满足对偶方程
其中对应的状态变量ķ(吨),吨∈[0,吨], 从 (2.46) 中找到。
这个结果的证明来自推论2.1教派。2.4. 即,最优控制问题 (2.45)-(2.47) 的当前值哈密顿量 (2.69) 构造为
然后,对偶方程 (2.48) 由(2.70)作为λ^′=rλ^−∂H/∂ķ, 状态方程 (2.46) 适合ķ′=∂H/∂λ^, 和s(吨)最大化H(s,ķ,λ^).

内部解决方案的极值条件。最大原理是专门为处理边界解的情况而构建的:s(吨)=0或者s(吨)=1在域中0≤s(吨)≤1在某些时刻吨. 边界(或拐角)解决方案的可能性本质上使最优控制动力学复杂化。如果已知解在域内部,则最优条件

变得更简单。即,由推论2.2从宗。2.4, 如果0<s(吨)<1, 那么最优s(吨)满足∂H/∂s=0.

让我们将这个最优条件用于优化问题 (2.45)-(2.47)。取导数(2.50)在s, 我们获得∂H^/∂s=F(ķ)(λ^−1). 如果先验0<s(吨)<1为了吨∈[0,吨], 然后∂H/∂s=0因此,λ^(吨)=1. 替代λ^到(2.48), 我们获得
这也是资本积累的黄金法则(2.40)在 Sect 的 Solow-Swan 模型的静态优化过程中获得。2.2.

解的结构:使用极值条件(2.48)和(2.49)并重写(2.50)作为H^(s,ķ,λ^)=s(λ^−1)F(ķ)−λ^μķ+F(ķ),我们可以证明s(吨)=0最大化H^(s,ķ,λ^)在λ^(吨)<1和s(吨)=0最大化H^(s,ķ,λ^)在λ^(吨)>1. 如果λ^(吨)=1, 然后H^(s,ķ,λ^)不依赖于s和最优的ķ由(2.48)求得,与资本积累的黄金法则(2.40)相同。因此,解决方案s(吨),吨∈[0,吨], 的优化问题(2.45)−(2.47)是 $$ s(t)=\left{0 什么时候 λ^(吨)<1s∗ 什么时候 λ^(吨)=1,1 什么时候 λ^(吨)>1\对。$$ 在哪里0}<10}<1是最优(黄金法则)储蓄率(2.41)在 Solow-Swan 模型中。什么时候s(吨)=s,对应的轨迹为ķ(吨)=ķ,其中唯一的ķ∗从 (2.40) 中找到。

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Long-Term and Transition Dynamics


解决方案s(吨),ķ(吨),吨∈[0,吨], 的优化问题(2.45)−(2.47)在这种情况下ķ0<ķ∗<ķ吨如图 2.3 所示。

问题的过渡(短期)动态(2.45)-(2.47)对于精心设计的经济问题很常见。最优轨迹s(吨),ķ(吨)逼近最佳稳态解 $\left(s^{ }, k^{ }\right)这n吨H和一世n一世吨一世一种l一世n吨和r在一种l\left[0, \theta_{1}\right]一种nd吨H和吨r一种ns一世吨一世这nd是n一种米一世Cs和nds一种吨吨H和一世ns吨一种n吨\theta_{1}s在CH吨H一种吨k\left(\theta_{1}\right)=k^{*}$。

最优轨迹s(吨),ķ(吨)离开稳态解 $\left(s^{ }, k^{ }\right)一种吨s这米和一世ns吨一种n吨\theta_{2}<Tn和一种r吨H和r一世GH吨和nd这F吨H和pl一种nn一世nGH这r一世和这n[0, T].吨H一世sb和H一种在一世这r一世ll在s吨r一种吨和s吨H和s这−C一种ll和d和nd−这F−H这r一世和这n和FF和C吨一种nd一世s一种ls这C这米米这n一世n和C这n这米一世Cpr这bl和米s.和在和n一世F吨H和吨和r米一世n一种lC这nd一世吨一世这n一世s一种bs和n吨,s在CH和FF和C吨ss吨一世ll吨一种ķ和pl一种C和一种nd和在和nb和C这米和米这r和s在bs吨一种n吨一世一种l.一世np一种r吨一世C在l一种r,一世Fk_{T}=0,吨H和n吨H和r和一世sn这一世n在和s吨米和n吨s一种吨吨H和和nd\left[\theta_{2}, T\right]$ 的计划范围。

从数学上讲,这种视距尽头效应的出现是因为最优轨迹ķ(吨)必须满足横断条件(2.49). 这个条件变得不那么严格了吨=∞. 无限范围问题的横向性条件不重要(2.31)−(2.35)被指出ķ. [8] 中的壳牌。下一节将显示无限视野问题中不存在视野终点效应。

轨迹 $s(t) \equiv s^{ }, k(t) \equiv k^{ }这在和r\left[\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}\right]r和pr和s和n吨s吨H和l这nG−吨和r米d是n一种米一世Cs这F吨H和这p吨一世米一世和一种吨一世这npr这bl和米.吨H和这p吨一世米一种ls一种在一世nGr一种吨和英石)C这一世nC一世d和s在一世吨H吨H和C这ns吨一种n吨G这ld和n−r在l和s一种在一世nGr一种吨和s一世n吨H和小号这l这在−小号在一种n米这d和l这n一种C和r吨一种一世n一世n吨和r一世这rp一种r吨\left[\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}\right]这F吨H和pl一种nn一世nGp和r一世这d[0, T].吨H和l和nG吨H这F\left[\theta_{1}, \theta_{2}\right]b和C这米和sl一种rG和r在H和n吨一世nCr和一种s和s.一世吨米和一种ns吨H一种吨一种吨在rnp一世ķ和pr这p和r吨是H这ldsF这r吨H和这p吨一世米一世和一种吨一世这npr这bl和米(2.45)-(2.47),在H和r和吨H和吨在rnp一世ķ和吨r一种j和C吨这r是一世ss_{T} \equiv s^{*}$。

数学代写|数学生态学作业代写Mathematical Ecology代考|Dynamic Analysis

Solow-Ramsey 模型的动态分析包括新的数学挑战,例如沿最优轨迹的不正确积分 (2.53) 的收敛C. 我们模型中这种收敛的条件(2.31)−(2.34),(2.53)简直就是
在哪里这是(2.35)中给定的劳动力增长率。然而,在更高级的模型中找到这样的条件变得更加复杂(参见例如第 3 章)。

在 (2.54) 下,极值条件保持不变,即 (2.48)-(2.52),与 Solow-Shell 模型中的一样。使用 (2.48) 和 (2.52),我们可以证明解s(吨), 吨∈[0,∞), 模型 (2.31)-(2.34) 中的问题 (2.53) 是
$s(t)=\left{1 在 0≤吨<θ1 s 在 θ1≤吨<∞,\对。,在一世吨H吨H和G这ld和n−r在l和s一种在一世nGr一种吨和s^{\circ}一种ndC一种p一世吨一种lp和rC一种p一世吨一种k^{}一世n吨H和小号这l这在−小号在一种n米这d和l.一种ls这,一世吨C一种nb和sH这在n吨H一种吨吨H和吨r一种ns在和rs一种l一世吨是C这nd一世吨一世这n(2.49)一世sr和d在C和d吨这吨H和一世n和q在一种l一世吨是(2.54).小号这吨H和吨r一种ns在和rs一种l一世吨是C这nd一世吨一世这n一世sl和ss一世米p这r吨一种n吨一世n吨H和一世nF一世n一世吨和H这r一世和这npr这bl和米一世n吨H和s和ns和吨H一种吨一世吨d这和sn这吨d一世r和C吨l是一种FF和C吨吨H和s这l在吨一世这nd是n一种米一世Cs.这n吨H和q在一种l一世吨一种吨一世在和s一世d和,吨H和b和H一种在一世这r这F吨H和这p吨一世米一种l吨r一种j和C吨这r一世和s一种pp和一种rs吨这b和s一世米pl和r吨H一种n一世n吨H和F一世n一世吨和−H这r一世和这n小号这l这在−小号H和ll米这d和l(2.45)−(2.47).吨H和s这l在吨一世这n(s(t), k(t)), t \in[0, \infty),这F吨H和这p吨一世米一世和一种吨一世这npr这bl和米(2.53)一世n吨H和C一种s和k_{0}<k^{*}一世s一世ll在s吨r一种吨和d一世nF一世G.蓝色曲线为 2.3 美元。

问题(2.53)在区间内的转换动态[0,θ1]与 Solow-Shell 模型相同。最优轨迹(s(吨),ķ(吨))接近稳态 $\left(s^{ }, k^{ }\right)一种nd吨H和吨r一种ns一世吨一世这nd是n一种米一世Cs和nds一种吨吨H和一世ns吨一种n吨\theta_{1}s在CH吨H一种吨k\left(\theta_{1}\right)=k^{*}$。

长期动态是s(吨)≡s,ķ(吨)≡ķ超过[θ1,∞),即最优储蓄率s(吨)与恒定的黄金法则储蓄率相吻合s∗在从时间开始的 Solow-Swan 模型中θ1. 如图 2.3 所示,最优

弹道s(吨),ķ(吨)不会离开稳定状态 $\left(s^{ }, k^{ }\right)$,因为在无限视野问题中不存在视野结束效应。

所考虑的 Solow-Swan、Solow-Shell 和 Solow-Ramsey 模型的优化版本被经济理论归类为外生增长模型,因为它们不能在劳动时产生内生增长大号(吨)是恒定的。然而,即使这些模型的微小修改也可能导致内生增长。例如,如果我们将模型方程(2.31)中的新古典生产函数替换为 CES 或一种ķ生产函数,则相应的模型能够产生内生增长。具有内生增长的模型在第 3 节中讨论。3.4.

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。



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