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计算复杂性理论computational complexity theory的重点是根据资源使用情况对计算问题进行分类,并将这些类别相互联系起来。计算问题是一项由计算机解决的任务。一个计算问题是可以通过机械地应用数学步骤来解决的,比如一个算法。

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数学代考|计算复杂性理论代写computational complexity theory代考|ALife Summary

数学代考|计算复杂性理论代写computational complexity theory代考|ALife Summary

Based on the previous discussion, the essential features of an ALife program can be summarized as follows:

  • Population: A population of organisms or individuals is considered. The population may be diversified, and individuals may vary their characteristics, behaviors, and accumulated resources, in both time and space.
  • Interaction: Interaction requires sensing of the immediate locale, or neighborhood, on the part of an individual. An organism can simply become “aware” of other organisms in its vicinity or it may have a richer set of interactions with them. The individual also interacts with its (non-agent) environment in its immediate locale. This requirement introduces spatial aspects into the problem, as organisms must negotiate the search for resources through time and space.
  • Sustainment and renewal: Sustainment and renewal requires the acquisition of resources. An organism needs to sense, find, ingest, and metabolize resources, or nourishment as an energy source for processing into other forms of nutrients. Resources may be provided by the environment, i. e., outside of the agents themselves, or by other agents. The need for sustainment leads to competition for resources among organisms. Competition could also be a precursor to cooperation and more complex emergent social structures if this proves to be a more effective strategy for survival.
  • Self-reproduction and replacement: Organisms reproduce by following instructions at least partially embedded within themselves and interacting with the environment and other agents. Passing on traits to the next generation implies a requirement for trait transmission. Trait transmission requires encoding an organism’s traits in a reduced form, that is, a form that contains less than the total information representing the entire organism. It also requires a process for transforming the organism’s traits into a viable set of possible new traits for a new organism. Mutation and crossover operators enter into such a process. Organ-

isms also leave the population and are replaced by other organisms, possibly with different traits. The organisms can be transformed through changes in their attributes and behaviors, as in, for example, learning or aging. The populations of organisms can be transformed through the introduction of new organisms and replacement, as in evolutionary adaptation.

As we will see in the section that follows, many of the essential aspects of ALife have been incorporated into the development of agent-based models.

数学代考|计算复杂性理论代写computational complexity theory代考|Agent-Based Modeling Topologies

Agent-based modeling owes much to artificial life in both form and substance. Modeling a population of heterogeneous agents with a diverse set of characteristics is a hallmark of agent-based modeling. The agent perspective is unique among simulation approaches, unlike the process perspective or the state-variable approach taken by other simulation approaches.

As we have seen, agents interact with a small set of neighbor agents in a local area. Agent neighborhoods are defined by how agents are connected, the agent interaction topology. Cellular automata represent agent neighborhoods by using a grid in which the agents exist in the cells, one agent per cell, or as the nodes of the lattice of the grid. The cells immediately surrounding an agent comprise the agent’s neighborhood and the agents that reside in the neighborhood cells comprise the neighbors. Many agent-based models have been based on this cellular automata spatial representation. The transition from a cellular automata, such as the game of Life, to an agent-based model is accomplished by allowing agents to be distinct from the cells on which they reside and allowing the agents to move from cell to cell across the grid. Agents move according to the dictates of their behaviors, interacting with other agents that happen to be in their local neighborhoods along the way.

Agent interaction topologies have been extended beyond cellular automata to include networks, either pre-

defined and static as in the case of autocatalytic chemical networks, or endogenous and dynamic, according to the results of agent interactions that occur in the model. Networks allow an agent’s neighborhood to be defined more generally and flexibly, and in the case of social agents, more accurately describe social agents’ interaction patterns. In addition to cellular automata grids and networks, agent interaction topologies have also been extended across a variety of domains. In summary, agent interaction topologies include:

  • Cellular automata grids (agents are cells or are within in cells) or lattices (agents are grid points),
  • Networks, in which agents of vertices and agent relationships are edges,
  • Continuous space, in one, two or three dimensions;
  • Aspatial random interactions, in which pairs of agents are randomly selected; and
  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS), in which agents move over geographically-defined patches, relaxing the one-agent per cell restriction.

数学代考|计算复杂性理论代写computational complexity theory代考|Social Agent-Based Modeling

Early social agent-based models were based on ALife’s cellular automata approach. In applications of agent-based modeling to social processes, agents represent people or groups of people, and agent relationships represent processes of social interaction [33].

Social Agents Sakoda [61] formulated one of the first social agent-based models, the Checkerboard Model, which had some of the key features of a cellular automaton. Following a similar approach, Schelling developed a model of housing segregation in which agents represent homeowners and neighbors, and agent interactions represent agents’ perceptions of their neighbors [62]. Schelling studied housing segregation patterns and posed the question of whether it is it possible to get highly segregated settlement patterns even if most individuals are, in fact, “colorblind? The Schelling model demonstrated that segregated housing areas can develop spontaneously in the sense that system-level patterns can emerge that are not necessarily implied by or consistent with the objectives of the individual agents (Fig. 6). In the model, agents operated according to a fixed set of rules and were not adaptive.

Identifying the social interaction mechanisms for how cooperative behavior emerges among individuals and groups has been addressed using agent-based modeling and evolutionary game theory. Evolutionary game theory accounts for how the repeated interactions of players in a game-theoretic framework affect the development and evolution of the players’ strategies. Axelrod showed, using a cellular automata approach, in which agents on the grid employed a variety of different strategies, that a simple TitFor-Tat strategy of reciprocal behavior toward individuals is enough to establish sustainable cooperative behavior $[4,5]$. In addition, Axelrod investigated strategies that

were self-sustaining and robust in that they reduced the possibility of invasion by agents having other strategies.
Epstein and Axtell introduced the notion of an external environment that agents interact with in addition to other agents. In their groundbreaking Sugarscape model of artificial societies, agents interacted with their environment depending on their location in the grid [26]. This allowed agents to access environmental variables, extract resources, etc., based on location. In numerous computational experiments, Sugarscape agents emerged with a variety of characteristics and behaviors, highly suggestive of a realistic, although rudimentary and abstract, society (Fig. 7). They observed emergent processes that they interpreted as death, disease, trade, wealth, sex and reproduction, culture, conflict and war, as well as externalities such as pollution. As agents interacted with their neighbors as they moved around the grid, the interactions resulted in a contact network, that is, a network consisting of nodes and links. The nodes are agents and the links indicate the agents that have been neighbors at some point in the course of their movements over the grid. Contact networks were the basis for studying contagion and epidemics in the Sugarscape model. Understanding the agent rules that govern how networks are structured and grow, how quickly information is communicated through networks, and the kinds of relationships that networks embody are important aspects of modeling agents.

数学代考|计算复杂性理论代写computational complexity theory代考|ALife Summary


数学代考|计算复杂性理论代写computational complexity theory代考|ALife Summary

基于前面的讨论,ALife 程序的基本特征可以总结如下:

  • 种群:考虑生物体或个体的种群。人口可能是多样化的,个人可能会在时间和空间上改变他们的特征、行为和积累的资源。
  • 交互:交互需要感知个人的直接区域或邻域。一个有机体可以简单地“意识到”它附近的其他有机体,或者它可能与它们有更丰富的相互作用。个人还在其直接区域中与其(非代理)环境进行交互。这一要求将空间方面引入了问题,因为生物必须通过时间和空间来协商寻找资源。
  • 维持和更新:维持和更新需要获取资源。有机体需要感知、发现、摄取和代谢资源,或将营养物作为能量来源,以加工成其他形式的营养物。资源可以由环境提供,即在代理本身之外,或由其他代理提供。维持的需要导致生物之间对资源的竞争。如果证明是一种更有效的生存策略,竞争也可能是合作和更复杂的新兴社会结构的前兆。
  • 自我繁殖和替换:生物通过遵循至少部分嵌入自身的指令并与环境和其他代理相互作用进行繁殖。将性状传递给下一代意味着对性状传递的要求。特征传递需要以简化形式编码有机体的特征,即包含少于代表整个有机体的全部信息的形式。它还需要一个将有机体的特征转化为新有机体的一组可行的新特征的过程。突变和交叉算子进入这样的过程。器官-


正如我们将在接下来的部分中看到的,ALife 的许多基本方面已被纳入基于代理的模型的开发中。

数学代考|计算复杂性理论代写computational complexity theory代考|Agent-Based Modeling Topologies





  • 元胞自动机网格(代理是细胞或在细胞内)或格子(代理是网格点),
  • 网络,其中顶点的代理和代理关系是边,
  • 连续空间,一维、二维或三维;
  • 空间随机交互,其中随机选择代理对;和
  • 地理信息系统 (GIS),其中代理在地理定义的块上移动,放宽了每个单元一个代理的限制。

数学代考|计算复杂性理论代写computational complexity theory代考|Social Agent-Based Modeling

早期的基于社交代理的模型基于 ALife 的元胞自动机方法。在将基于代理的建模应用于社会过程中,代理代表人或人群,代理关系代表社会互动的过程[33]。

社交代理 Sakoda [61] 制定了第一个基于社交代理的模型,即棋盘模型,它具有元胞自动机的一些关键特征。遵循类似的方法,谢林开发了一种住房隔离模型,其中代理人代表房主和邻居,代理人互动代表代理人对其邻居的看法[62]。谢林研究了住房隔离模式并提出了一个问题,即即使大多数人实际上是“色盲”,是否有可能获得高度隔离的居住模式?Schelling 模型表明,隔离住宅区可以自发发展,因为系统级模式可能会出现,这些模式不一定由个体代理人的目标暗示或与个体目标一致(图 6)。在模型中,

使用基于代理的建模和进化博弈论已经解决了识别个人和群体之间如何出现合作行为的社会互动机制。进化博弈论解释了博弈论框架中参与者的重复交互如何影响参与者策略的发展和演变。Axelrod 表明,使用元胞自动机方法,其中网格上的代理采用各种不同的策略,一个简单的针对个人的互惠行为的 TitFor-Tat 策略足以建立可持续的合作行为[4,5]. 此外,Axelrod 还研究了以下策略:

Epstein 和 Axtell 引入了代理与其他代理交互的外部环境的概念。在他们开创性的人工社会 Sugarscape 模型中,代理根据其在网格中的位置与环境进行交互 [26]。这允许代理根据位置访问环境变量、提取资源等。在众多的计算实验中,Sugarscape 代理出现了具有各种特征和行为的各种特征和行为,高度暗示了一个现实的社会,尽管是基本的和抽象的社会(图 7)。他们观察到了被他们解释为死亡、疾病、贸易、财富、性和繁殖、文化、冲突和战争的紧急过程,以及污染等外部因素。当代理在网格周围移动时与他们的邻居互动时,这些交互产生了一个联系网络,即一个由节点和链接组成的网络。节点是代理,链接指示代理在其在网格上的移动过程中的某个时间点是邻居。联系网络是在 Sugarscape 模型中研究传染和流行病的基础。了解管理网络如何构建和增长的代理规则、信息通过网络传递的速度以及网络体现的关系类型是建模代理的重要方面。联系网络是在 Sugarscape 模型中研究传染和流行病的基础。了解控制网络如何构建和增长的代理规则、信息通过网络传递的速度以及网络体现的关系类型是建模代理的重要方面。联系网络是在 Sugarscape 模型中研究传染和流行病的基础。了解控制网络如何构建和增长的代理规则、信息通过网络传递的速度以及网络体现的关系类型是建模代理的重要方面。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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