统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写Bayesian statistics代考|Exploratory data analysis methods

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统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写Bayesian statistics代考|Exploratory data analysis methods

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|Non-spatial graphical exploration

Recall the air pollution data set nysptime introduced in Section $1.3 .1$ which contains the daily maximum ozone concentration values at the 28 sites shown in Figure $1.1$ in the state of New York for the 62 days in July and August 2006. From this data set we have created a spatial data set, named nyspatial, which contains the average air pollution and the average values of the three covariates at the 28 sites. Figure $3.1$ provides a histogram for the response, average daily ozone concentration levels, at the 28 monitoring sites. The plot does not show a symmetric bell-shaped histogram but it does admit the possibility of a unimodal distribution for the response. The $R$ command used to draw the plot is given below:

The geom_histogram command has been invoked with a bin width argument of $4.5$. The shape of the histogram will change if a different bin width is supplied. As is well known, a lower value will provide a lesser degree of smoothing while a higher value will increase more smoothing by collapsing the number of classes. It is also possible to adopt a different scale, e.g. square root or logarithm, but we have not done so here to illustrate modeling on the original scale of the data. We shall explore different scales for the spatio-temporal version of this data set.

Figure $3.2$ provides a pair-wise scatter plot of the response against the three explanatory covariates: maximum temperature, wind speed and relative humidity. The diagonal panels in this plot provides kernel density estimates of the variables. This plot reveals that wind speed correlates the most with ozone levels at this aggregated average level. As is well known, see e.g. Sahu and Bakar (2012a), the maximum temperature also positively correlates with the ozone levels. Relative humidity is seen to have the least amount of correlation with ozone levels. This plot has been obtained using the commands.

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|Exploring spatio-temporal point reference data

This section illustrates EDA methods with the nysptime data set in bmstdr. To decide the modeling scale Figure $3.5$ plots the mean against variance for each site on the original scale and also on the square root scale for the response. A stronger linear mean-variance relationship with a larger value of the slope for the superimposed regression line is observed on the original scale making this less suitable for modeling purposes. This is because in linear statistical modeling we often model the mean as a function of the available covariates and assume equal variance (homoscedasticity) for the residual differences between the observed and modeled values. A word of caution here is that the right panel does not show a complete lack of mean-variance relationship. However, we still prefer to model on the square root scale to stabilize the variance and in this case the predictions we make in Chapter 7 for ozone concentration values do not become negative.

Temporal variations are illustrated in Figures $3.6$ for all 28 sites and in Figure $3.8$ for the 8 sites which have been used for model validation purposes in Chapters 6 and 7. Figure $3.7$ shows variations of ozone concentration values for the 28 monitoring sites. Suspected outliers, data values which are at a distance beyond $1.5$ times the inter quartile range from the whiskers, are plotted as red stars. Such high values of ground level ozone pollution are especially harmful to humans.

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|Exploring areal Covid-19 case and death data

This section explores the Covid-19 mortality data introduced in Section 1.4.1. The bmstdr data frame engtotals contains aggregated number of deaths along with other relevant information for analyzing and modeling this data set. The data frame object engdeaths contains the death numbers by the 20 weeks from March 13 to July 31,2020 . These two data sets will be used to illustrate spatial and spatio-temporal modeling for areal data in Chapter 10 .
Typical such areal data are represented by a choropleth map which uses shades of color or grey scale to classify values into a few broad classes, like a histogram. Two choropleth maps have been provided in Figure $1.9$.

For the engtotals data set the minimum and maximum number of deaths were 4 and 1223 respectively for the City of London (a very small borough within greater London with population 9721) and Birmingham with population $1,141,816$ in 2019 . However, the minimum and maximum death rates per 100,000 were $10.79$ and $172.51$ respectively for Hastings (in the South East) and Hertsmere (near Watford in greater London) respectively.

Calculation of the Moran’s I for number and rate of deaths is performed by using the moran .me function in the library spdep. This function requires the spatial adjacency matrix in a list format, which is obtained by the poly2nb and nb2listw functions in the spdep library. The Moran’s I statistics for the raw observed death numbers and the rate are found to be $0.34$ and $0.45$ respectively both with a p-value smaller than $0.001$ for the null hypothesis of no spatial autocorrelation. The permutation tests in statistics randomly permute the observed data and then calculates the relevant statistics for a number of replications. These replicate values of the statistics are used to approximate the null distribution of the statistics against which the observed value of the statistics for the observed data is compared and an approximate $\mathrm{p}$-value is found. The tests with Geary’s $\mathrm{C}$ statistics gave a $\mathrm{p}$-value of less than $0.001$ for the death rate per 100,000 but the p-value was higher, $0.025$, for the un-adjusted observed Covid death numbers. Thus, the higher degree of spatial variation in the death rates has been successfully detected by the Geary’s statistics. The code lines to obtain these results are given below.

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写Bayesian statistics代考|Exploratory data analysis methods


统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|Non-spatial graphical exploration

回想一下第 1 节介绍的空气污染数据集 nysptime1.3.1其中包含图 1 所示 28 个站点的每日最大臭氧浓度值1.12006 年 7 月和 8 月在纽约州的 62 天。根据该数据集,我们创建了一个名为 nyspatial 的空间数据集,其中包含 28 个站点的平均空气污染和三个协变量的平均值。数字3.1提供了 28 个监测点的响应直方图,即平均每日臭氧浓度水平。该图未显示对称的钟形直方图,但确实承认响应存在单峰分布的可能性。这R用于绘制绘图的命令如下:

已使用 bin 宽度参数调用 geom_histogram 命令4.5. 如果提供不同的 bin 宽度,直方图的形状将发生变化。众所周知,较低的值将提供较小程度的平滑,而较高的值将通过折叠类的数量来增加更多的平滑度。也可以采用不同的尺度,例如平方根或对数,但我们在这里没有这样做来说明对数据原始尺度的建模。我们将探索该数据集时空版本的不同尺度。

数字3.2提供了对三个解释性协变量的响应的成对散点图:最高温度、风速和相对湿度。该图中的对角线面板提供了变量的核密度估计。该图显示,风速与此聚合平均水平的臭氧水平最相关。众所周知,参见例如 Sahu 和 Bakar (2012a),最高温度也与臭氧水平正相关。相对湿度被认为与臭氧水平的相关性最小。该图是使用命令获得的。

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|Exploring spatio-temporal point reference data

本节说明使用 bmstdr 中的 nysptime 数据集的 EDA 方法。决定造型比例图3.5在原始尺度以及响应的平方根尺度上绘制每个站点的均值与方差。在原始尺度上观察到叠加回归线的斜率值越大,线性均值-方差关系越强,因此不太适合建模目的。这是因为在线性统计建模中,我们经常将平均值建模为可用协变量的函数,并假设观测值和建模值之间的残差差异相等(同方差性)。这里需要注意的是,右侧面板并未显示完全缺乏均值-方差关系。但是,我们仍然更喜欢在平方根尺度上建模以稳定方差,在这种情况下,我们在第 7 章中对臭氧浓度值所做的预测不会变为负值。

时间变化如图所示3.6对于所有 28 个站点,在图3.8用于第 6 章和第 7 章中用于模型验证目的的 8 个站点。图3.7显示了 28 个监测点的臭氧浓度值的变化。可疑的异常值,超出距离的数据值1.5将晶须的四分位间距乘以红色星形。如此高的地面臭氧污染值对人类尤其有害。

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|Exploring areal Covid-19 case and death data

本节探讨第 1.4.1 节中介绍的 Covid-19 死亡率数据。bmstdr 数据框 engtotals 包含汇总的死亡人数以及用于分析和建模此数据集的其他相关信息。数据框对象 engdeaths 包含从 2020 年 3 月 13 日到 7 月 31 日这 20 周的死亡人数。这两个数据集将在第 10 章中用于说明区域数据的空间和时空建模。

对于 enttotals 数据集,伦敦金融城(大伦敦内的一个非常小的行政区,人口 9721)和伯明翰的人口最少和最大死亡人数分别为 4 和 12231,141,816在 2019 年。然而,每 100,000 人的最低和最高死亡率分别为10.79和172.51分别是黑斯廷斯(东南部)和赫茨米尔(大伦敦沃特福德附近)。

使用库 spdep 中的 moran .me 函数计算死亡人数和死亡率的 Moran’s I。该函数需要列表格式的空间邻接矩阵,由spdep库中的poly2nb和nb2listw函数获取。发现原始观察到的死亡人数和死亡率的 Moran’s I 统计数据为0.34和0.45分别具有小于的 p 值0.001对于没有空间自相关的原假设。统计中的排列测试随机排列观察到的数据,然后计算多次重复的相关统计量。这些统计量的重复值用于近似统计量的零分布,观察数据的统计量的观察值与之进行比较,以及一个近似值p- 找到值。与 Geary 的测试C统计给出了一个p-值小于0.001对于每 100,000 人的死亡率,但 p 值更高,0.025,对于未调整的观察到的 Covid 死亡人数。因此,Geary 的统计数据已经成功地检测到死亡率的更高程度的空间变化。下面给出了获得这些结果的代码行。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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