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统计代写|贝叶斯网络代写Bayesian network代考|Principle of semBnet

This section thoroughly explains the working principle of sembnet with respect to the following two major aspects, considering the spatial time series prediction scenario described in Sect. 5.3:

  • Parameter learning
  • Inference generation
    semBnet extends standard Bayesian network analysis by incorporating domain knowledge, represented in terms of a semantic hierarchy [5]. In case of spatio-temporal prediction, semantic hierarchy is developed on the various concepts from the spatial domain and serves as the knowledge base to incorporate domain semantics in standard Bayesian analysis.

Typically, the semBnet consists of a qualitative component, comprising of a causal dependency graph (CDG), and a quantitative component, comprising of conditional probability distribution information for each of the nodes in the CDG.

Formally, the qualitative component of semBnet can be defined as a graph $G\left(V_{O}, V_{S}, E\right)$ which is directed as well as acyclic, where $V_{O}$ represents the set of nodes indicating random variables with no available semantics, $V_{S}$ represents the set of nodes indicating random variables with available semantics, and $E$ represents the set of edges between any two nodes in $\left(V_{O} \cup V_{S}\right)$. An edge from $V_{i} \in\left(V_{O} \cup V_{S}\right)$ to $V_{j} \in\left(V_{O} \cup V_{S}\right)$ indicates that variable $V_{i}$ influences variable $V_{j}$.
On the other side, the quantitative component of semBnet, i.e., the conditional probability distribution of any node $V_{x}$ in semBnet is represented as $P^{\uparrow}\left(V_{x} \mid\right.$ Parents $\left.\left(V_{x}\right)\right)$ if either $V_{x} \in V_{S}$ and/or $\left(\right.$ Parents $\left.\left(V_{x}\right) \cap V_{S}\right) \neq \emptyset$, where Parents $\left(V_{x}\right)$ denotes the set of parents or nodes influencing the target node $V_{x}$. Otherwise, the conditional probability is represented as that of the standard BN, i.e. $P\left(V_{x} \mid\right.$ Parents $\left.\left(V_{x}\right)\right)$.

统计代写|贝叶斯网络代写Bayesian network代考|Parameter Learning

This section illustrates the principle of semBnet learning in terms of marginal and conditional probability estimation.

For any node $V_{x} \in V_{O}$, the marginal probability $P\left(V_{x}\right)$ is estimated as that of a standard Bayesian network. However, if the node $V_{x}$ has available semantics (i.e. $V_{x} \in V_{S}$ ), the marginal probability is estimated as follows:
P^{\dagger}\left(v_{x}\right)=\gamma \cdot\left[P\left(v_{x}\right)+\sum_{v_{x i}} S S\left(v_{x}, v_{x c}\right) \cdot P\left(v_{x c}\right)\right]
where, $v_{x}$ and $v_{x c}$ are any two domain values corresponding to $V_{x} \in V_{S}$, so that $v_{x} \neq v_{x c} ; P\left(v_{x}\right)$ denotes the standard probability of $v_{x} ; \gamma$ is the normalization constant; and $S S\left(v_{x}, v_{x c}\right)$ denotes the semantic similarity between $v_{x}$ and $v_{x c}$

In order to estimate semantic similarity between any two concepts, semBnet needs the semantic knowledge base in the form of a semantic hierarchy (refer Fig.5.2). Assuming that a variable $X$ has semantic hierarchy available over its various concepts, the semantic similarity between any two of its concepts $x_{c_{1}}$ and $x_{c_{2}}$ is calculated as per the measure defined in [11] as follows.
S S\left(x_{c_{1}}, x_{c_{2}}\right)=e^{-\delta l} \cdot \frac{e^{\lambda d}-e^{-\lambda . d}}{e^{\lambda d}+e^{-\lambda . d}}
where, $d$ denotes the depth of subsumer (most immediate common ancestor) of the concept $x_{c_{1}}$ and $x_{c_{2}}$ in the semantic hierarchy; $l$ is the length of the shortest path between the concepts; $\lambda>0$ and $\delta \geq 0$ are control parameters that help to scale the contribution of $d$ and $l$, respectively. As mentioned in [11], usually, the $\lambda$ and $\delta$ are set to $0.6$ and $0.2$ respectively.

During conditional probability estimation, if the target variable $V_{x}$ does not have its semantic knowledge base available (i.e. $V_{x} \in V_{O}$ ) and neither of its parents has so (i.e. (Parent $\left.\left(V_{x}\right) \cap V_{S}\right)=\emptyset$ ), then the conditional probability distribution $P\left(V_{x} \mid\right.$ Parext $\left.\left(V_{x}\right)\right)$ is derived in the same way as that of standard BN. Otherwise, the available semantic information is utilized to estimate the conditional probabilities. Following are the three cases that can arise during conditional probability estimation in presence of domain semantics of at least one of the variables involved (target and/or its parents):
$\frac{\text { Case-I: } V_{x} \in V_{S} \text { and }\left(\text { Parents }\left(V_{x}\right) \cap V_{S}\right)=\emptyset:}{\text { Similar case arises for the variable } V_{S}^{4} \text { in Fig.5.3. }}$

统计代写|贝叶斯网络代写Bayesian network代考|semBnet-Based Prediction

Once the inferred probability distribution for the target/query variable is obtained, this is further processed to generate the predicted value of the variable. Considering the same example of rainfall prediction as described in the previous section, let $i n f e r_{R}^{s e m B n e t}$ is the semBnet inferred rainfall range corresponding to the highest probability estimate and infer standardBN is the standard Bayesian network inferred rainfall range corresponding to the highest probability estimate. Then $P^{\dagger}\left(i n f e r_{R}^{s e m} B n e t\right.$ $P\left(\right.$ infer ${ }{R}^{\text {standard } B N} \mid L U L C$, Elev, Lat $)=\max {i}\left{P\left(R_{i} \mid L U L C\right.\right.$, Elev, Lat $\left.)\right}$, where infer sembnet $=\left[L B_{R}^{\text {sem Bnet }}, U B_{R}^{\text {sem Bnet }}\right]$ and infer standard in $_{R}^{\text {s. }}=\left[L B_{R}^{\text {standard } B N}\right.$, $\left.U B_{R}^{\text {standard } B N}\right]$ (since the inferred values are in the form of ranges). Here $L B$ and $U B$ indicate the lower and upper bound of the range, respectively.
Then, the predicted value of Rainfall $\left(\mathrm{pred}{R}\right)$ is estimated as follows: $$ \text { pred }{R}=\left[\frac{L B_{R}^{\text {sem Bnet }}+L B_{R}^{\text {standardBN }}}{2}, \frac{U B_{R}^{\text {sem } B \text { net }}+U B_{R}^{\text {standard } B N}}{2}\right]=\left[L B_{R}^{\text {pred }}, U B_{R}^{\text {pred }}\right]
In order to obtain a single value for Rainfall, one may use the mean of the predicted range: $\left(\frac{L B_{R}^{\text {pral }}+U B_{R}^{\text {preal }}}{2}\right)$.

In the following part of the chapter, we attempt to present a case study to validate the effectiveness of semBnet-based prediction model in the presence of domain knowledge over the variables.

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统计代写|贝叶斯网络代写Bayesian network代考|Principle of semBnet

本节考虑 Sembnet 中描述的空间时间序列预测场景,从以下两个主要方面彻底解释 sembnet 的工作原理。5.3:

  • 参数学习
  • 推理生成
    semBnet 通过结合领域知识扩展了标准贝叶斯网络分析,领域知识以语义层次 [5] 表示。在时空预测的情况下,语义层次是在空间域的各种概念上开发的,并作为知识库将域语义合并到标准贝叶斯分析中。

通常,semBnet 由定性组件和定量组件组成,定性组件由因果依赖图 (CDG) 组成,定量组件由 CDG 中每个节点的条件概率分布信息组成。

形式上,semBnet 的定性组件可以定义为一个图G(在○,在小号,和)它是有向的和无环的,其中在○表示表示没有可用语义的随机变量的节点集,在小号表示表示具有可用语义的随机变量的节点集,并且和表示任意两个节点之间的边集(在○∪在小号). 一个边缘来自在一世∈(在○∪在小号)至在j∈(在○∪在小号)表示变量在一世影响变量在j.
另一方面,semBnet的量化分量,即任意节点的条件概率分布在X在 semBnet 中表示为磷↑(在X∣父母(在X))如果有的话在X∈在小号和/或(父母(在X)∩在小号)≠∅, 其中父母(在X)表示影响目标节点的父节点或节点集在X. 否则,条件概率表示为标准BN的条件概率,即磷(在X∣父母(在X)).

统计代写|贝叶斯网络代写Bayesian network代考|Parameter Learning

本节从边际和条件概率估计的角度说明 semBnet 学习的原理。

对于任何节点在X∈在○, 边际概率磷(在X)估计为标准贝叶斯网络的估计。但是,如果节点在X有可用的语义(即在X∈在小号),边际概率估计如下:

在哪里,在X和在XC是对应于的任意两个域值在X∈在小号, 以便在X≠在XC;磷(在X)表示标准概率在X;C是归一化常数;和小号小号(在X,在XC)表示之间的语义相似度在X和在XC

为了估计任意两个概念之间的语义相似度,semBnet 需要语义层次结构形式的语义知识库(见图 5.2)。假设一个变量X在其各种概念上具有可用的语义层次结构,其任意两个概念之间的语义相似性XC1和XC2根据 [11] 中定义的度量计算如下。

在哪里,d表示概念的包含深度(最直接的共同祖先)XC1和XC2在语义层次结构中;l是概念之间最短路径的长度;λ>0和d≥0是有助于衡量贡献的控制参数d和l, 分别。如 [11] 中所述,通常,λ和d设置为0.6和0.2分别。

在条件概率估计过程中,如果目标变量在X没有可用的语义知识库(即在X∈在○) 并且它的父母都没有这样 (即 (Parent(在X)∩在小号)=∅),然后是条件概率分布磷(在X∣帕雷克斯(在X))与标准 BN 的推导方式相同。否则,可用的语义信息被用来估计条件概率。以下是在存在至少一个所涉及变量(目标和/或其父项)的域语义的条件概率估计期间可能出现的三种情况:
 案例一: 在X∈在小号 和 ( 父母 (在X)∩在小号)=∅: 变量出现类似情况 在小号4 在图 5.3 中。 

统计代写|贝叶斯网络代写Bayesian network代考|semBnet-Based Prediction

一旦获得目标/查询变量的推断概率分布,就会对其进行进一步处理以生成变量的预测值。考虑与上一节中描述的降雨预测相同的例子,让一世nF和rRs和米乙n和吨是对应于最高概率估计的 semBnet 推断降雨范围,推断标准BN 是对应于最高概率估计的标准贝叶斯网络推断降雨范围。然后磷†(一世nF和rRs和米乙n和吨 磷(推断R标准 乙ñ∣大号在大号C, 海拔, 纬度)=\max {i}\left{P\left(R_{i} \mid L U L C\right.\right.$, Elev, Lat $\left.)\right})=\max {i}\left{P\left(R_{i} \mid L U L C\right.\right.$, Elev, Lat $\left.)\right}, 其中推断 sembnet=[大号乙R网络 ,在乙R网络 ]并推断标准Rs。 =[大号乙R标准 乙ñ, 在乙R标准 乙ñ](因为推断的值是范围的形式)。这里大号乙和在乙分别表示范围的下限和上限。
然后,Rainfall 的预测值(pr和dR)估计如下:

 前 R=[大号乙R网络 +大号乙R默认BN 2,在乙R扫描仪 乙 网 +在乙R标准 乙ñ2]=[大号乙R前 ,在乙R前 ]
为了获得 Rainfall 的单个值,可以使用预测范围的平均值:(大号乙R将要 +在乙R前级 2).

在本章的以下部分,我们尝试提出一个案例研究,以验证在变量存在领域知识的情况下,基于 semBnet 的预测模型的有效性。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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