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统计代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Ways to overcome the identified problems

Insights into the strengths and weaknesses of Lundberg’s model stimulated a search for new lines of development. Two of them have branched out. First, numerous articles and monographs (see, e.g., $[167],[66],[7],[93]$ ) have published developments to weaken the technical assumptions of this model, addressing more complex probability mechanisms of insurance and using more sophisticated stochastic processes to model the risk reserve’s dynamics. Second is an attempt to reconsider the structural assumptions of Lundberg’s model by means of control theory. According to C. Philipson (see [156], p. 68), both these lines of development are based on the fundamental conception of the collective risk theory, which was created by Filip Lundberg.

The boundary between these two approaches is fuzzy. For example, the random walk model with two levels mentioned by H. Cramér in [41] is a sophistication of the traditional model of risk reserve. Therefore, it relates to the first branch of development mentioned previously. But the same model can be attributed to the second branch of development, since the upper barrier is a tool which automatically prevents the risk reserve from growing unduly.

Sharing the opinion of $\mathrm{K}$. Borch about the shortcomings of the theory of collective risks, as listed in points (i)-(iii) in Section, many experts believed the merger of the fundamental concept of Lundberg’s model with the methods of control theory is urgently needed in order to make it consistent with realities of the insurance business. The most important step was deemed by experts to be an introduction to the model of the possibility to change decisions once made.

For example, C. Philipson wrote (see [156], p. 59) that the risk premiums on which the tariff is built, called the applied risk premiums, themselves form random processes with discontinuous time parameters. Their trajectories are step functions in which each new step starts at a moment of change in the tariff rates. Additionally, if the security loading in the premiums is a product of the prediction of some measure of the variation of the risk premium, then we have a superposition of processes of a similar structure.

统计代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Diffusion risk model: a useful auxiliary tool

Despite the intuitive transparency of Lundberg’s model, its results are not at all obvious. Thus, even in the simplest case of absence of migration of insureds and exponentially distributed interclaim intervals, when the claim arrival process is a homogeneous Poisson process, and when claim amounts are exponentially distributed, the expression for the probability of ruin within time $t$ written out in equality (C.3), is quite complex.

Looking at the trajectory of the risk reserve process from a considerable dis-

tance, we would see something similar to the trajectory of a Brownian motion with trend (see later shown Fig. 1.4). This suggests that the diffusion process can be used as a simplified model of the risk reserve process of an insurance company. At time $s \geqslant 0$, this model has the form
R_{s}=u+c s-V_{s}, \quad V_{s}=\vartheta s+\sigma(\vartheta) \mathrm{W}{s+} $$ where, as before, $u$ denotes the initial capital, $c$ is the premium intensity otherwise simply known as price. The aggregate claim payments $V{s}, s \geqslant 0$, where $\mathrm{W}{s}, s \geqslant 0$, denotes a standard Wiener process, is a diffusion process starting at the origin and having drift parameter $\vartheta>0$ and diffusion parameter $\sigma(\vartheta)>0$. It is easy to see that $E V{s}=\vartheta s$ and $\mathrm{D} V_{s}=\sigma^{2}(\vartheta) s$. If the premium intensity $c$ is calculated according to the expected value principle ${ }^{76}$, i.e., if it is taken such that the mean aggregate claim payout and aggregate premiums collected are equal to each other, it equals $\vartheta$. If $c=\vartheta(1+\tau)$, then $\tau$ is called the premium loading.

Diffusion models are commonly used in risk theory for the following reasons. Firstly, when a more accurate description of the claim payout process is not required, these models are productive (see, e.g., [8], [192]). Secondly, if we approximate the jumping process of claim payments by a corresponding diffusion process, we may obtain useful approximation results for the original model (see, e.g., $[88],[78],[85],[183],[168],[73]$, and the survey work [6]). A number of useful results for the diffusion model (1.7) is gathered in Section C.1.

To explore diffusion model $(1.7)$ by analytical methods is easier, than Lundberg’s model, but when doing so, in addition to careful attention to the purely formal inconsistencies, such as the possibility of negative insurance payments ${ }^{77}$, a warning of restricted applicability, or non-applicability, should be clearly given.

统计代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Program for building a model of long-term controlled insurance

In order to preserve the main advantages of Lundberg’s model and eliminate its main drawbacks described in Section 1.5.3, and in order to bring risk theory closer to the practical needs of insurance, we must move to a model of a multi-year controlled insurance process. This model is desirable as it reflects aspects such as reinsurance, investments, dividends, and bonuses.

Finnish and British Solvency Working Parties devised (see [53], Equation (1.1.1)) the following equation
R^{[k \mid}=R^{|k-1|}+I^{[k]}+C^{|k|}+V_{\mathrm{re}}^{[k]}+A_{\text {new }}^{[k]}+B_{\text {new }}^{[k]}-V^{[k \mid}-E^{|k|}-I_{\mathrm{re}}^{|k|}-D^{|k|},
as a year-to-year transition equation describing the dynamics of an insurance company from year to year. Here $k(k=1,2, \ldots)$ is the effective period’s, or account year’s, or simply year’s number, $R^{(k \mid}$ is the amount of assets at the end, and $R^{[k-1 \mid}$ at the beginning, of the $k$-th year, $I^{k \mid}$ is the premium income in the $k$-th year, $C^{|k|}$ is the return received in respect of the investments during the $k$-th year, $V_{r e}^{|k|}$ is the recovery from reinsurers during that period, $A_{\text {new }}^{\text {te }}$ is the new equity capital issued and subscribed for during that period, $B_{\text {new }}^{[k \mid}$ is the new debt capital issued and subscribed for during the $k$-th year and any other borrowing, $V^{|k|}$ is the amount of claim payments made during the $k$-th year including payments made on account, $E^{[k]}$ is the amount of commission paid and administration and operation expenses in the $k$-th year, $I_{\mathrm{re}}^{k]}$ is ceded reinsurance premium in the $k$-th year, and $D^{[k]}$ is the dividends paid to shareholders and bonuses paid to policyholders in the $k$-th year. Overall, all the variables, such as $R^{k \mid}$, $I^{|k|}$, etc., relate to the end of the $k$-th year.
Transition equation (1.8) describes the difference between all inflows, or revenues, and all outflows, or expenditures. Therefore, by its very nature, it is similar to equality (1.2). The obvious difference between the two of them is that the transition equation (1.8) reckons periods (insurance years), as it is usually done in the profit and loss accounting; traditional practice is that each accounting period ends by summarizing and making reports, and starts with developing administrative and control decisions ${ }^{78}$ on this basis.

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统计代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Ways to overcome the identified problems

对 Lundberg 模型优缺点的洞察激发了对新发展路线的探索。其中两个已经分支出来。首先,大量的文章和专着(参见,例如,[167],[66],[7],[93]) 发表了削弱该模型的技术假设的进展,解决了更复杂的保险概率机制,并使用更复杂的随机过程来模拟风险准备金的动态。其次是试图通过控制理论重新考虑 Lundberg 模型的结构假设。根据 C. Philipson 的说法(参见 [156],第 68 页),这两条发展路线均基于 Filip Lundberg 创建的集体风险理论的基本概念。

这两种方法之间的界限是模糊的。例如,H.Cramér 在 [41] 中提到的具有两个级别的随机游走模型是传统风险准备金模型的复杂化。因此,它涉及到前面提到的第一个开发分支。但是同样的模型可以归因于第二个发展分支,因为上限是一种自动防止风险准备金过度增长的工具。

分享意见ķ. Borch 关于集体风险理论的缺点,如第 节 (i)-(iii) 中所列,许多专家认为,迫切需要将 Lundberg 模型的基本概念与控制理论方法相结合。使其与保险业务的实际情况相一致。专家认为最重要的一步是介绍一旦做出改变决定的可能性模型。

例如,C. Philipson 写道(参见 [156],第 59 页),建立关税的风险溢价称为应用风险溢价,它们本身形成具有不连续时间参数的随机过程。它们的轨迹是阶梯函数,其中每一个新步骤都从关税税率变化的时刻开始。此外,如果保费中的安全负载是对风险溢价变化的某种度量的预测的产物,那么我们就有类似结构的过程的叠加。

统计代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Diffusion risk model: a useful auxiliary tool

尽管 Lundberg 的模型直观透明,但其结果并不明显。因此,即使在没有被保险人迁移和指数分布的索赔间隔的最简单情况下,当索赔到达过程是一个齐次泊松过程,并且当索赔金额呈指数分布时,时间内破产概率的表达式吨写在等式(C.3)中,是相当复杂的。


tance,我们会看到类似于带有趋势的布朗运动的轨迹(见后面的图 1.4)。这表明扩散过程可以作为保险公司风险准备金过程的简化模型。当时s⩾0, 这个模型有形式

Rs=在+Cs−在s,在s=ϑs+σ(ϑ)在s+和以前一样,在表示初始资本,C是溢价强度,也简称为价格。总索赔付款在s,s⩾0, 在哪里在s,s⩾0,表示标准维纳过程,是从原点开始并具有漂移参数的扩散过程ϑ>0和扩散参数σ(ϑ)>0. 很容易看出和在s=ϑs和D在s=σ2(ϑ)s. 如果溢价强度C是按照期望值原理计算的76,即,如果平均总索赔支出和收取的总保费彼此相等,则等于ϑ. 如果C=ϑ(1+τ), 然后τ称为溢价加载。

扩散模型通常用于风险理论,原因如下。首先,当不需要对索赔支付过程进行更准确的描述时,这些模型是有效的(例如,参见[8]、[192])。其次,如果我们通过相应的扩散过程来近似索赔支付的跳跃过程,我们可以获得原始模型的有用近似结果(参见,例如,[88],[78],[85],[183],[168],[73],以及调查工作[6])。扩散模型(1.7)的一些有用结果在 C.1 节中收集。

探索扩散模型(1.7)通过分析方法比 Lundberg 的模型更容易,但在这样做时,除了要仔细注意纯粹形式上的不一致,例如负保险支付的可能性77,应明确给出限制适用或不适用的警告。

统计代写|金融统计代写Financial Statistics代考|Program for building a model of long-term controlled insurance

为了保留 Lundberg 模型的主要优点并消除其在第 1.5.3 节中描述的主要缺点,并使风险理论更接近保险的实际需求,我们必须转向多年控制保险模型过程。该模型是可取的,因为它反映了再保险、投资、股息和奖金等方面。

芬兰和英国偿付能力工作组设计了(参见 [53],方程(1.1.1))以下方程

R[ķ∣=R|ķ−1|+我[ķ]+C|ķ|+在r和[ķ]+一个新的 [ķ]+乙新的 [ķ]−在[ķ∣−和|ķ|−我r和|ķ|−D|ķ|,
作为描述保险公司逐年动态的逐年过渡方程。这里ķ(ķ=1,2,…)是有效期间,或会计年度,或只是年份的数字,R(ķ∣是最后的资产数量,并且R[ķ−1∣在开始时,ķ- 年,我ķ∣是保费收入ķ- 年,C|ķ|是在投资期间收到的回报ķ- 年,在r和|ķ|是在此期间从再保险公司获得的恢复,一个新的 你 是在该期间发行和认购的新股本,乙新的 [ķ∣是期间发行和认购的新债务资本ķ- 第一年和任何其他借款,在|ķ|是索赔期间支付的金额ķ- 包括帐户付款在内的第 1 年,和[ķ]是支付的佣金和管理和运营费用的金额ķ- 年,我r和ķ]被分出的再保险费在ķ- 年,和D[ķ]是支付给股东的股息和支付给投保人的红利ķ- 年。总体而言,所有变量,例如Rķ∣, 我|ķ|等,与结尾有关ķ- 年。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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