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数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|MATH2301

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|The radical of an ideal

One source for the concept of radical of an ideal is the simplification process of switching from the complete factorization of an integer or a polynomial to its square-free factorization in which one omits any multiplicity higher than 1 .

This crude idea underwent various stages, eventually ending up in the following formal definition: the radical of an ideal $I \subset R$ is the set $\left{a \in R \mid \exists r \geq 0, a^{r} \in I\right}$.

This is easily seen to be an ideal of $R$ containing the ideal $I$. In this book, it is denoted by the symbol $\sqrt{I}$. An ideal is said to be radical if it coincides with its radical (same vocable, twisting the grammar). Clearly, the radical of an ideal is a radical ideal.

Determining a set of generators of $\sqrt{I}$ given a set of generators of $I$ is a hard knuckle (an exception is the case of an ideal generated by monomials in a polynomial ring over a field). In order to express the radical of $I$, one needs a knowledge of other ideals related to $I$, the so-called minimal prime ideals associated to $I$. A prime ideal is an extremely relevant building part of the commutative algebra compound and will be reviewed next.
One of the nice properties of taking the radical of an ideal is the following:
\sqrt{I J}=\sqrt{I \cap J}=\sqrt{I} \cap \sqrt{J}

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|Prime and primary ideals

A prime ideal is the most notable instance of a radical ideal. In fact, the two notions are more deeply intertwined than is predicted by their formal definitions. It is not very clear who has the exact priority for the inception of this concept, with Kronecker claiming he had it before the Dedekind-Noether advances (see Historic note, Subsection 1.3.1),
Recall the formal definition.
Definition 1.1.4. An ideal $I \subset R$ is prime if it satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:
(1) Given $a, b \in R$ such that $a b \in I$, then $a \in I$ or $b \in I$.
(2) Given ideals $J, J^{\prime} \subset R$ such that $J J^{\prime} \subset I$, then $J \subset I$ or $J^{\prime} \subset I$.
(3) The residue class ring $R / I$ has no proper zero-divisors.
Recall that the third condition above is transcribed in the notion of an integral domain. Here, one assumes that in an integral domain $1 \neq 0$ (i. e., the zero ring is not considered to be an integral domain). Likewise, for condition (3) to be equivalent to (1) and (2), one takes for granted that a prime ideal is always proper. This has the additional convenience that a prime ideal is always contained in a maximal ideal, by a suitable use of Zorn’s lemma (Kuratowski-Zorn lemma: a partially ordered set such that every totally ordered subset has an upper bound, necessarily contains at least one maximal element).

Clearly, a prime ideal is a radical ideal. In fact, just as easily one sees that the intersection of an arbitrary collection of prime ideals is a radical ideal. There is a converse to this statement.

Proposition $1.1 .5$ (Krull). The radical of an ideal is the intersection of the family of prime ideals containing it.

Proof. Let $I \subset R$ be an ideal. Clearly, $\sqrt{I}$ is contained in any prime ideal that contains $I$. Conversely, let $u \in R \backslash \sqrt{I}$ and set $S=\left{u^{n} \mid n \geq 0\right}$. By assumption, $I \cap S=\emptyset$. By a ready application of Zorn’s lemma, one can find an ideal $P \subset R$ maximal in the (nonempty) family of ideals that contain $I$ and do not intersect $S$. The proof will be completed if one shows that $P$ is a prime ideal since then $P$ will be a prime ideal containing $I$ such that $u \notin P$. Thus, let $a, b \in R$ be such that $a b \in P$, but neither $a$ nor $b$ belongs to $P$. Then the ideals $(P, a)$ and $(P, b)$ are both strictly larger than $P$, hence by the maximality assumption both intersect $S$. Let $m, n$ be suitable integers such that $u^{m} \in(P, a)$ and $u^{n} \in(P, b)$. Writing down these two conditions, multiplying them out and using the condition $a b \in P$ yields $u^{m+n} \in P$, contradicting the assumption $u \notin P$.

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|A source of examples: monomial ideals

One of the most important examples of a ring in this book is a polynomial ring in $n$ indeterminates, over a field $k$. Notation: $R=k\left[X_{1}, \ldots, X_{n}\right]$. This ring, along with its residue class rings will be thoroughly examined in forthcoming sections. Here, one wishes to single out a particular family of ideals in $R$, which has a distinctive role throughout modern commutative algebra and its computational side. This is the class of monomial ideals, to be briefly surveyed now.

An ideal $I \subset R=k\left[X_{1}, \ldots, X_{n}\right]$ is called a monomial ideal if it can be generated by a finite set of monomials $\mathbf{X}^{\mathbf{a}}=X_{1}^{a_{1}} \cdots X_{n}^{a_{n}}$, for varying $\mathbf{a}=\left(a_{1}, \ldots, a_{n}\right) \in \mathbb{N}^{n}$. The support of a such a monomial $\mathbf{X}^{\mathrm{a}}$ is the set of variables $X_{i}$ (or their respective indices) such that $a_{i}>0$. Denote by $\sqrt{\mathbf{X}^{\mathbf{a}}}$ the product of the variables in the support of the monomial $\mathbf{X}^{\mathbf{a}}$.

Let $I \subset R$ be an ideal. A basic criterion for $I$ to be a monomial ideal is that, whenever $f \in I$ then every nonzern term (= monomial afferted hy a coefficient from $k$ ) of $f$ also belongs to $I$. Moreover, given a set $\mathbf{u}$ of monomial generators of a monomial ideal $I$, if $f \in I$ then every nonzero term of $f$ is a multiple of some monomial in $\mathbf{u}$. This is besides a great facilitator in the calculations.

In particular, one advantage of a monomial ideal is that one needs not dancing around with different sets of minimal generators. Precisely, if $G$ and $H$ are sets of monomial generators of an ideal, which are both minimal with respect to divisibility (i.e., if $u, v \in G$, then neither $u \notin(v)$, nor $v \notin(u)$ ), then $G=H$.

Given two monomials $u, v, \operatorname{gcd}(u, v)$ denotes their greatest common divisor and $\operatorname{lcm}(u, v)$, their least common multiple.

The class of monomial ideals is closed under most common ideal operations, certainly under the ones for arbitrary ideals.

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|MATH2301


数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|The radical of an ideal

理想的根式概念的一个来源是从整数或多项式的完全因式分解切换到其无平方因式分解的简化过程,其中忽略任何高于 1 的多重性。

这个粗略的想法经历了不同的阶段,最终形成了以下正式定义:理想的激进我⊂R是集合\left{a \in R \mid \exists r \geq 0, a^{r} \in I\right}\left{a \in R \mid \exists r \geq 0, a^{r} \in I\right}.

这很容易被视为理想的R包含理想我. 在本书中,它用符号表示我. 如果一个理想与它的激进(相同的词汇,扭曲了语法)重合,则称它是激进的。显然,理想的激进是激进的理想。

确定一组生成器我给定一组生成器我是一个硬关节(一个例外是由一个域上的多项式环中的单项式生成的理想情况)。为了表达部首我,一个人需要了解与其他理想相关的知识我,所谓的最小素理想与我. 素理想是交换代数化合物中极其相关的组成部分,接下来将进行回顾。


数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|Prime and primary ideals

首要理想是激进理想最显着的例子。事实上,这两个概念比它们的正式定义所预测的更深入地交织在一起。目前还不清楚谁对这个概念的开始有确切的优先权,克罗内克声称他在 Dedekind-Noether 提出之前就拥有它(参见历史注释,第 1.3.1 小节),
定义 1.1.4。一个理想我⊂R如果它满足以下任何等效条件,则为素数:
(1) 给定一个,b∈R这样一个b∈我, 然后一个∈我或者b∈我.
(2) 给定的理想Ĵ,Ĵ′⊂R这样ĴĴ′⊂我, 然后Ĵ⊂我或者Ĵ′⊂我.
(3) 残基类环R/我没有适当的零除数。
回想一下,上面的第三个条件是用积分域的概念转录的。在这里,假设在一个积分域中1≠0(即,零环不被认为是一个积分域)。同样,为了使条件 (3) 等价于 (1) 和 (2),人们理所当然地认为素理想总是正确的。通过适当使用 Zorn 引理(Kuratowski-Zorn 引理:一个部分有序的集合,使得每个完全有序的子集都有一个上限,必然包含至少一个最大元素)。



证明。让我⊂R成为一个理想。清楚地,我包含在任何包含我. 反之,让在∈R∖我并设置S=\left{u^{n} \mid n \geq 0\right}S=\left{u^{n} \mid n \geq 0\right}. 根据假设,我∩小号=∅. 通过 Zorn 引理的现成应用,可以找到一个理想的磷⊂R(非空)理想族中的最大值,包含我并且不相交小号. 如果有人表明,证明将完成磷从那时起是一个主要理想磷将是一个包含我这样在∉磷. 因此,让一个,b∈R是这样的一个b∈磷, 但两者都不一个也不b属于磷. 然后是理想(磷,一个)和(磷,b)都严格大于磷, 因此通过极大假设两者相交小号. 让米,n是合适的整数,使得在米∈(磷,一个)和在n∈(磷,b). 写下这两个条件,将它们相乘并使用条件一个b∈磷产量在米+n∈磷, 与假设相矛盾在∉磷.

数学代写|交换代数代写commutative algebra代考|A source of examples: monomial ideals

本书中最重要的环示例之一是多项式环n不确定,在一个领域ķ. 符号:R=ķ[X1,…,Xn]. 这个戒指,连同它的残留类戒指,将在接下来的部分中进行彻底检查。在这里,人们希望挑出一个特定的理想家庭R,它在现代交换代数及其计算方面具有独特的作用。这是一类单项理想,现在进行简要的考察。

一个理想我⊂R=ķ[X1,…,Xn]如果它可以由一组有限的单项式生成,则称为单项式理想X一个=X1一个1⋯Xn一个n, 对于不同的一个=(一个1,…,一个n)∈ñn. 支持这样一个单项式X一个是变量集X一世(或它们各自的索引)使得一个一世>0. 表示为X一个支持单项式的变量的乘积X一个.

让我⊂R成为一个理想。一个基本的标准我成为单项式理想是,每当F∈我然后每一个 nonzern 项 (= 单项式 hy a 系数从ķ) 的F也属于我. 此外,给定一个集合在单项理想的单项生成元我, 如果F∈我那么每个非零项F是某个单项式的倍数在. 这不仅是计算中的一个很好的促进者。

特别是,单项式理想的一个优点是不需要与不同的最小生成器集一起跳舞。准确地说,如果G和H是一组理想的单项式生成元,它们在可分性方面都是最小的(即,如果在,在∈G, 那么两者都不在∉(在), 也不在∉(在)), 然后G=H.



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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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