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数学代写|matlab代写|Beginnings of Estimation Theory

The first method for forming an optimal estimate from noisy data is the method of least squares. Its discovery is generally attributed to Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) in 1795. The inevitability of measurement errors had been recognized since the time of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), but this was the first formal method for dealing with them. Although it is more commonly used for linear estimation problems, Gauss first used it for a nonlinear estimation problem in mathematical astronomy, which was part of a dramatic moment in the history of astronomy. The following narrative was gleaned from many sources, with the majority of the material from the account by Baker and Makemson [97]:
On January 1, 1801, the first day of the nineteenth century, the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi was checking an entry in a star catalog. Unbeknown to Piazzi, the entry had been added erroneously by the printer. While searching for the “missing” star, Piazzi discovered, instead, a new planet. It was Ceres – the largest of the minor planets and the first to be discovered-but Piazzi did not know that yet. He was able to track and measure its apparent motion against the “fixed” star background during 41 nights of viewing from Palermo before his work was interrupted. When he returned to his work, however, he was unable to find Ceres again.

Actually, it was not Bode, but Johann Tietz who first proposed this formula, in 1772 . At that time there were only six known planets. In 1781, Friedrich Herschel discovered Uranus, which fit nicely into this formula for $n=6$. No planet had been discovered for $n=3$. Spurred on by Bode, an association of European astronomers had been searching for the “missing” eighth planet for nearly 30 years. Piazzi was not part of this association, but he did inform Bode of his unintended discovery.

Piazzi’s letter did not reach Bode until March 20. (Electronic mail was discovered much later.) Bode suspected that Piazzi’s discovery might be the missing planet, but there was insufficient data for determining its orbital elements by the methods then available. It is a problem in nonlinear equations that Newton, himself, had declared as being among the most difficult in mathematical astronomy. Nobody had solved it and, as a result, Ceres was lost in space again.

Piazzi’s discoveries were not published until the autumn of 1801 . The possible discovery – and subsequent loss of a new planet, coinciding with the beginning of a new century, was exciting news. It contradicted a philosophical justification for there being only seven planets – the number known before Ceres and a number defended by the respected philosopher Georg Hegel, among others. Hegel had recently published a book in which he chastised the astronomers for wasting their time in searching for an eighth planet when there was a sound philosophical justification for there being only seven. The new planet became a subject of conversation in intellectual circles nearly everywhere. Fortunately, the problem caught the attention of a 24 -year-old mathematician at Göttingen named Carl Friedrich Gauss.

数学代写|matlab代写|Method of Least Squares

The following example of a least-squares problem is the one most often seen, although the method of least squares may be applied to a much greater range of problems.’In the meantime, the method of least squares had been discovered independently and published by Andricn-Maric Legendre (1752-1833) in France and Robert Adrian (1775-1855) in the United States [176]. [It had also been discovered and used before Gauss was born by the German-Swiss physicist Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777).] Such Jungian synchronicity (i.e., the phenomenon of multiple, nearsimultaneous discovery) was to be repeated for other breakthroughs in estimation theory, as well-for the Wicner filter and the Kalman filter.

then he could consider the problem of solving for that value of an estimate $\hat{x}$ (pronounced ” $x$-hat”) that minimizes the “estimated measurement error” $H \hat{x}-z$. He could characterize that estimation error in terms of its Euclidean vector norm $|H \hat{x}-z|$, or, equivalently, its square:
z^{2}(\hat{x}) &=|H \hat{x}-z|^{2} \
&=\sum_{i=1}^{m}\left[\sum_{j=1}^{n} h_{i j} \hat{x}{j}-z{i}\right]^{2},
which is a continuously differentiable function of the $n$ unknowns $\hat{x}{1}, \hat{x}{2}, \hat{x}{3}, \ldots, \hat{x}{n}$. This function $\varepsilon^{2}(\hat{x}) \rightarrow \infty$ as any component $\hat{x}{k} \rightarrow \pm \infty$. Consequently, it will achieve its minimum value where all its derivatives with respect to the $\hat{x}{k}$ are zero. There are $n$ such equations of the form
0=& \frac{\partial \varepsilon^{2}}{\partial \hat{x}{k}} \ &=2 \sum{i=1}^{m} h_{i k}\left[\sum_{j=1}^{n} h_{i j} \hat{x}{j}-z{i}\right]
for $k=1,2,3, \ldots, n$. Note that in this last equation the expression
\sum_{j=1}^{n} h_{i j} \hat{x}{j}-z{i}={H \hat{x}-z}_{i},
the $i$ th row of $H \hat{x}-z$, and the outermost summation is equivalent to the dot product of the $k$ th column of $H$ with $H \hat{x}-z$. Therefore Equation $1.7$ can be written as
0 &=2 H^{\mathrm{T}}[H \hat{x}-z] \
&=2 H^{\mathrm{T}} H \hat{x}-2 H^{\mathrm{T}} z
H^{\mathrm{T}} H \hat{x}=H^{\mathrm{T}} z,
where the matrix transpose $H^{\mathrm{T}}$ is defined as
h_{11} & h_{21} & h_{31} & \cdots & h_{m 1} \
h_{12} & h_{22} & h_{32} & \cdots & h_{m 2} \
h_{13} & h_{23} & h_{33} & \cdots & h_{m 3} \
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \
h_{1 n} & h_{2 n} & h_{3 n} & \cdots & h_{m n}

数学代写|matlab代写|Gramian Matrix and Observability

For the examples considered above, observability does not depend upon the measurable data (z). It depends only on the nonsingularity of the Gramian matrix $(\mathscr{G})$, which depends only on the linear constraint matrix $(H)$ between the unknowns and knowns.

Observability of a set of unknown variables is the issue of whether or not their values are uniquely determinable from a given set of constraints, expressed as equations involving functions of the unknown variables. The unknown variables are said to be observable if their values are uniquely determinable from the given constraints, and they are said to be unobservable if they are not uniquely determinable from the given constraints.

The condition of nonsingularity (or “full rank”) of the Gramian matrix is an algebraic characterization of observability when the constraining equations are linear in the unknown variables. It also applies to the case that the constraining equations are not exact, due to errors in the values of the allegedly known parameters of the equations.

The Gramian matrix will be used in Chapter 2 to define observability of the states of dynamic systems in continuous time and discrete time.



数学代写|matlab代写|Beginnings of Estimation Theory

从噪声数据形成最佳估计的第一种方法是最小二乘法。它的发现通常归功于 1795 年的卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯 (Carl Friedrich Gauss) (1777-1855)。自伽利略·伽利莱 (1564-1642) 时代就已经认识到测量误差的必然性,但这是处理它们的第一个正式方法。虽然它更常用于线性估计问题,但高斯首先将其用于数学天文学中的非线性估计问题,这是天文学史上一个戏剧性时刻的一部分。以下叙述是从许多来源收集的,其中大部分材料来自 Baker 和 Makemson [97] 的叙述:
1801 年 1 月 1 日,即 19 世纪的第一天,意大利天文学家朱塞佩·皮亚齐正在检查星表中的条目。Piazzi 不知道,该条目是由打印机错误地添加的。在寻找“失踪”的恒星时,皮亚齐发现了一颗新行星。它是谷神星——最大的小行星,也是第一个被发现的——但皮亚齐还不知道。在他的工作被打断之前,他能够在巴勒莫的 41 晚观看期间跟踪和测量其在“固定”恒星背景下的明显运动。然而,当他回到工作岗位时,他再也找不到谷神星了。

实际上,1772 年第一个提出这个公式的不是 Bode,而是 Johann Tietz。那时只有六颗已知的行星。1781 年,弗里德里希·赫歇尔发现了天王星,它非常适合这个公式n=6. 没有发现任何行星n=3. 在博德的推动下,一个欧洲天文学家协会近 30 年来一直在寻找“失踪”的第八颗行星。Piazzi 不属于这个协会,但他确实将他的意外发现告知了 Bode。

Piazzi 的信直到 3 月 20 日才到达 Bode。(电子邮件是在很久以后才发现的。) Bode 怀疑 Piazzi 的发现可能是这颗失踪的行星,但没有足够的数据来通过当时可用的方法确定其轨道元素。这是一个非线性方程中的问题,牛顿本人曾宣称它是数学天文学中最困难的问题之一。没有人解决它,结果,谷神星再次迷失在太空中。

皮亚齐的发现直到 1801 年秋天才发表。可能的发现——以及随后在新世纪开始之际失去一颗新行星,是令人振奋的消息。它与只有七颗行星的哲学理由相矛盾——在谷神星之前已知的数字和受尊敬的哲学家格奥尔格·黑格尔等人捍卫的数字。黑格尔最近出版了一本书,他在书中谴责天文学家浪费时间寻找第八颗行星,而只有七颗行星有合理的哲学理由。这颗新星球几乎成为了世界各地知识界的话题。幸运的是,这个问题引起了哥廷根一位名叫卡尔弗里德里希高斯的 24 岁数学家的注意。

数学代写|matlab代写|Method of Least Squares

下面的最小二乘问题示例是最常见的示例,尽管最小二乘方法可能适用于更大范围的问题。与此同时,最小二乘方法已被独立发现并由法国的 Andricn-Maric Legendre (1752-1833) 和美国的 Robert Adrian (1775-1855) [176]。[在高斯出生之前,德国-瑞士物理学家约翰·海因里希·兰伯特 (Johann Heinrich Lambert,1728-1777) 也发现并使用了它。] 这种荣格的同步性(即多重、近乎同时发现的现象)将被重复用于其他领域的突破。估计理论,以及 Wicner 滤波器和 Kalman 滤波器。

然后他可以考虑求解该估计值的问题X^(发音为“X-hat”),最大限度地减少“估计的测量误差”HX^−和. 他可以用欧几里得矢量范数来描述估计误差|HX^−和|,或者,等价地,它的平方:
和2(X^)=|HX^−和|2 =∑一世=1米[∑j=1nH一世jX^j−和一世]2,
这是一个连续可微的函数n未知数X^1,X^2,X^3,…,X^n. 这个功能e2(X^)→∞作为任何组件X^ķ→±∞. 因此,它将达到其最小值,其中它的所有导数相对于X^ķ为零。有n这种形式的方程
0=∂e2∂X^ķ =2∑一世=1米H一世ķ[∑j=1nH一世jX^j−和一世]
为了ķ=1,2,3,…,n. 请注意,在最后一个等式中,表达式
这一世第 行HX^−和, 最外层的和等价于ķ第 列H和HX^−和. 因此方程1.7可以写成
0=2H吨[HX^−和] =2H吨HX^−2H吨和
H吨=[H11H21H31⋯H米1 H12H22H32⋯H米2 H13H23H33⋯H米3 ⋮⋮⋮⋱⋮ H1nH2nH3n⋯H米n]

数学代写|matlab代写|Gramian Matrix and Observability

对于上面考虑的示例,可观察性不依赖于可测量的数据 (z)。它仅取决于 Gramian 矩阵的非奇异性(G),仅取决于线性约束矩阵(H)在未知与已知之间。



第 2 章将使用 Gramian 矩阵来定义动态系统在连续时间和离散时间中的状态的可观测性。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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