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数学代考|金融数学代考Financial Mathematics代写|Upper and Lower Bounds

数学代考|金融数学代考Financial Mathematics代写|ABSTRACT

This study aimed to set upper and lower bounds for the expected present value of whole life annuities and whole life insurance policies from incomplete mortality data, generalizing previous results on life expectancy. Since its inception, in the $17^{\text {th }}$ century, actuarial science has been devoted to the study of annuities and insurance plans. Thus, setting intervals that provide an initial idea about the cost of these products using incomplete mortality data represents a theoretical contribution to the area and this may have major

applications in markets lacking historical records or those having little reliability of mortality data, as well as in new markets still poorly explored. For both the continuous and discrete cases, upper and lower bounds were constructed for the expected present value of whole life annuities and whole life insurance policies, contracted by a person currently aged $x$, based on information about the expected present value of these respective financial products subscribed to by a person of age $x+n$ and the probability that an individual of age $x$ survives to at least age $x+n$. Through the bounds of a continuous annuity, in an environment where the instantaneous interest rate is equal to zero, the results shown also set bounds for the complete life expectancy, which implies that the contribution of this research generalizes previous results in the literature. It was also found that, for both annuities and insurance plans, the length of constructed intervals increases as the data gap size increases and it decreases as the survival curve becomes more rectangular. Illustratively, bounds for life expectancy at 40 and 60 years of age, for the 10 municipalities showing the highest life expectancy at birth in Brazil in 2010, were constructed by using data available in the Atlas of Human Development in Brazil.

Keywords:-Actuarial mathematics; actuarial science; annuities; life insurance; mortality table.

数学代考|金融数学代考Financial Mathematics代写|INTRODUCTION

According to Pitacco, Denuit, Haberman and Olivieri (2009), actuarial science flourished in the mid-17th century, based on compound interest rate theory and probability theory, as well as observations on mortality. Also according to these authors, one of the first themes to be addressed by this new science was calculating the expected present value of annuities. Such interest arose because governments used to sell whole life annuities as a way to finance public enterprises.

Pitacco et al. (2009) also indicate that Jan de Witt, in 1671, was the precursor in the calculation of annuities using a hypothetical mortality table and a constant interest rate. However, as well emphasized by Haberman and Sibbet (1995), de Witt’s contribution had little repercussion at the time. The same, in turn, cannot be said of Edmund Halley’s work, in 1693, which, in addition to developing a mortality table by means of actual observations, also introduced a method for calculating the cost of annuities that reverberates up to the present day. The reader interested in historical aspects of actuarial science will benefit from the reading of Hald (1990) and Haberman and Sibbet (1995).

Thus, it can be noticed that actuarial science, since its inception, has taken as one of its central foci the study of annuities. To calculate the expected present value in an annuity for any given individual of age $x$, it is necessary to have access to a complete mortality table (having information from at least age $x$ ) or a survival function representative of the population to which the person belongs. In some instances, it is also possible to generate a complete table by means of abridged life tables and use the resulting complete table to calculate the cost of desired annuity or insurance (Baili, Micheli, Montanari, \& Capocaccia, 2005; Ibrahim, 2008).

However, when there is no data on the mortality probabilities (age after age) since age $x$, calculating the expected present value of desired annuity is compromised. The impossibility to obtain detailed mortality data for a sequence of ages may occur due to lack of historical records or little reliability of existing data or also because this is a new market that is still poorly explored, for instance.

The absence of complete mortality tables also hinders the calculation of longevity measures, as in the case of the complete life expectancy. In this way, Cohen (2011) established upper and lower bounds on life expectancy at a given age $x$, knowing only detailed mortality data from age $x+n$ (and, indeed, life expectancy at age $x+n$ ), as well as the probability that a person aged $x$ survives to at least age $x+n$.

数学代考|金融数学代考Financial Mathematics代写|THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

Suppose a complete mortality table that has $\omega$ as its maximum age, i.e. no individual is supposed to be alive at age $\omega$. Being $q x$ the probability that a person of age $x$ dies along that age, this implies that $q \omega-1=1$. In addition, $t p x$, for $0 \leq x \leq \omega$ an $t \geq 0$, indicates the probability that a person of age $x$ survives to at least age $x+t$. In the continuous case, $t p x$ is named as survival function. Of course, as a survival function, $t p x$ is a non-increasing function of $t$, i.e. as $t$ increases, $t p x$ decreases or remains at the same value. In addition, $t p x=1$ and $t p x=0$ whenever $\mathrm{t} \geq \omega-x$. In addition, being $\mu_{2}(t)=\lim _{d t \rightarrow 0} \frac{\Delta d x}{d t}$ the force of mortality (or instantaneous mortality rate) at age $x+$ $t$, for $\mathrm{t}>0$, then, the probability that a person of age $x$ survives to at least age $x$ $+t$ and dies instantaneously thereafter is defined by $t p x \mu x(t) d t$ (Dickson, Hardy, \& Waters, 2013). Finally, $\mathrm{i} \geq 0$ is the annual effective interest rate in a compound capitalization regime and $\delta \geq 0$ is the instantaneous interest rate in the continuous capitalization regime, so that $\ln (1+i)=\delta$. In this way, the financial decapitalization factor is defined as $v=1 /(1+i)=e-\delta$.

So, as well taught by Dickson, Hardy and Waters (2013), the expected present value of whole life continuous annuity subscribed to by a person aged $x$ is given by:
\bar{a}{z}=\int{0}^{\omega-x} p_{x} \cdot e^{-t d} d t .
The discrete case, i.e. the net single premium for a whole life annuitydue subscribed to by a person aged $x$ is defined as:
\ddot{a}{x}=\sum{t=0}^{\omega-x-1}{ }{t} p{x} \cdot v^{t} \text {. }

数学代考|金融数学代考Financial Mathematics代写|Upper and Lower Bounds


数学代考|金融数学代考Financial Mathematics代写|ABSTRACT

本研究旨在从不完整的死亡率数据中为终身年金和终身寿险保单的预期现值设定上限和下限,概括以前的预期寿命结果。自成立以来,在17th 世纪以来,精算学一直致力于年金和保险计划的研究。因此,设置使用不完整死亡率数据提供有关这些产品成本的初步想法的间隔代表了对该地区的理论贡献,这可能具有重大意义

在缺乏历史记录的市场或死亡率数据可靠性低的市场中以及在新市场中的应用仍然缺乏探索。对于连续和离散的情况,为当前年龄较大的人签订的终身年金和终身寿险保单的预期现值构建了上限和下限X,基于有关老年人认购的这些金融产品的预期现值的信息X+n以及某个年龄个体的概率X活到至少年龄X+n. 通过连续年金的界限,在瞬时利率为零的环境中,显示的结果也为完整的预期寿命设定了界限,这意味着本研究的贡献概括了文献中的先前结果。还发现,对于年金和保险计划,构造间隔的长度随着数据间隙大小的增加而增加,并且随着生存曲线变得更加矩形而减小。例如,2010 年巴西出生时预期寿命最高的 10 个城市在 40 岁和 60 岁时的预期寿命界限是通过使用巴西人类发展地图集中的可用数据构建的。

关键词:-精算;精算学;年金;人寿保险; 死亡率表。

数学代考|金融数学代考Financial Mathematics代写|INTRODUCTION

根据 Pitacco、Denuit、Haberman 和 Olivieri(2009 年)的说法,精算科学在 17 世纪中叶蓬勃发展,其基础是复利率理论和概率论,以及对死亡率的观察。根据这些作者的说法,这门新科学首先要解决的主题之一是计算年金的预期现值。之所以产生这种兴趣,是因为政府过去常常出售终身年金作为为公共企业融资的一种方式。

Pitacco 等人。(2009) 还指出,1671 年的 Jan de Witt 是使用假设死亡率表和恒定利率计算年金的先驱。然而,正如 Haberman 和 Sibbet (1995) 所强调的那样,de Witt 的贡献在当时没有什么反响。反过来,埃德蒙·哈雷 (Edmund Halley) 在 1693 年的工作也不能说同样的话,他除了通过实际观察制定死亡率表外,还引入了一种计算年金成本的方法,这种方法一直流传至今。对精算科学的历史方面感兴趣的读者将从阅读 Hald (1990) 以及 Haberman 和 Sibbet (1995) 中受益。

因此,可以看出,精算学自诞生之日起,就将年金研究作为其中心焦点之一。计算任何给定年龄个人的年金预期现值X,有必要获得完整的死亡率表(至少包含年龄的信息X)或代表该人所属人口的生存函数。在某些情况下,还可以通过精简的生命表生成完整的表,并使用生成的完整表来计算所需年金或保险的成本(Baili, Micheli, Montanari, \& Capocaccia, 2005; Ibrahim, 2008 )。


没有完整的死亡率表也妨碍了寿命测量的计算,就像完整的预期寿命一样。通过这种方式,Cohen (2011) 确定了给定年龄预期寿命的上限和下限X,只知道年龄的详细死亡率数据X+n(事实上​​,年龄的预期寿命X+n),以及一个人变老的概率X活到至少年龄X+n.

数学代考|金融数学代考Financial Mathematics代写|THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

假设一个完整的死亡率表有ω作为它的最大年龄,即没有人应该在这个年龄还活着ω. 存在qX一个人的年龄X在那个年龄死去,这意味着qω−1=1. 此外,吨pX, 为了0≤X≤ω一个吨≥0, 表示一个人的年龄X活到至少年龄X+吨. 在连续情况下,吨pX被命名为生存函数。当然,作为生存函数,吨pX是一个非增函数吨,即作为吨增加,吨pX减少或保持相同的值。此外,吨pX=1和吨pX=0每当吨≥ω−X. 此外,作为μ2(吨)=林d吨→0ΔdXd吨年龄的死亡率(或瞬时死亡率)X+ 吨, 为了吨>0, 那么, 一个人的年龄X活到至少年龄X +吨并立即死亡,其定义为吨pXμX(吨)d吨(迪克森,哈代,\&沃特斯,2013)。最后,一世≥0是复合资本化制度中的年实际利率,并且d≥0是连续资本化制度下的瞬时利率,因此ln⁡(1+一世)=d. 这样,财务减资因子定义为在=1/(1+一世)=和−d.

因此,正如迪克森、哈代和沃特斯 (Dickson, Hardy and Waters) (2013) 所教导的那样,老年人认购的终身连续年金的预期现值X是(谁)给的:



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有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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