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统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Experiments Involving Comparisons

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Agricultural Systems

Experiments involving the comparison of systems, such as agricultural systems, medical treatments systems, educational systems, etc., require a multi-faceted approach for setting up the goals of the investigation, in designing the experiment, and in performing the necessary statistical analyses. (See, e.g., Kass, 1978, Mead and Riley, 1981, Balaam, 1986, Federer, 1987, 1989, 1993a, 1993b, hereafter referred to as Volume I, and references therein.) When performing experiments comparing agricultural systems, the researcher needs to consider goals involving efficiency of land use, nutritional values, economic values, sustainablity of yields in the system, insect and disease control, soil structure and erosion, spatial arrangements of the system, density and intimacy considerations, competition, mixing abilities of components of the system, and/or perhaps other characteristics. In most cases, it is not be possible to generalize from monocultures to polycultures, from pairs of cultivars to mixtures of more than two, and so forth. Four rules to keep in mind when conducting intercropping experiments are as follows:

Rule 1. Understand the concepts, design, and analyses for mixtures of two crops before proceeding to mixtures of three or more cultivars.
Rule 2. Do not attempt to generalize from monocultures to pairs of cultivars, from pairs to triplets of cultivars, from triplets to quartets of cultivars, from one set of cultivars to another, and so on, as this may lead to gross errors.

Experiments need to be conducted for the specific mixture size and the specific cultivars under study.
Rule 3. Be prepared for the increasing difficulty of design, analysis, and interpretation involved, as the degree of difficulty increases by an order of magnitude in going from monocrops to mixtures of two, by another order of magnitude in going from pairs to triplets, etc.
Rule 4. Be prepared for and look for surprises, as many intercropping experiments produce quite unexpected results, as was exhibited in the examples in Volume I and in the examples presented herein.

Intercropping is an age-old practice going back at least to early Biblical times (The Holy Bible, 1952). It is a farming system that is popular in many areas of planet Earth, especially in tropical agriculture but is present in some form all over the world. Even in temperate zone agriculture, intercropping is common in hay crops, in orchard cover crops, in crop rotations, and in cover crops for such crops as alfalfa. Many gardeners use crop mixtures and sequences for a variety of reasons, one being insect and disease control. In making comparisons among agricultural systems, a variety of statistical designs and analyses will be required and will be demonstrated in the following chapters. But first let us consider some of the goals, uses, and other considertions of intercropping systems investigations.

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Land Use and Agronomic Goals

As Earth’s populations tend to increase and with agricultural land area being depleted by urbanization and salinization, it is necessary to make more and more efficient use of the available agricultural land area. A measure for efficiency of land use is the relative yield (de Wit and van den Bergh, 1965) or land equivalent ratio (Willey and Osiru, 1972). A land equivalent ratio (LER) is an agronomic characteristic of an intercropping experiment. It is the sum of ratios of yields of a crop, say $i$, in a mixture, say $Y_{m i}$, to its yield as a sole crop, say $Y_{s i}$. Then, for $n$ crops, an LER is
\mathrm{LER}=\sum_{i=1}^{n} Y_{m i} / Y_{s i}=\sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathrm{LER}{i} $$ Instead of using the yield of the sole as the denominator, another form of an LER could be obtained by using the yield of crop $i$ in a standard mixture. A variety of other values could be used for $Y{s i}$ in (11.1) such as

  • individual plot yields of the sole crop,
  • mean yields from $r$ replicates for the sole crop,
  • a theoretical “optimum value” for the sole crop,
  • farmer’s yields averaged over y years or for a single year for the sole crop, or
  • some other value.

As is obvious, there are many possible LERs. Therefore, it is imperative that the experimenter understands the properties of and consequences of using the LER selected for the determination of land use efficiency of a cropping system.

When only the numerators in an LER are random variables and the denominators are fixed constants, then standard statistical procedures are available for use as explained in Volume I. When both numerators and denominators in the LER are random variables, little is known about the statistical distribution of the LERs. If the numerators and denominators are random normal deviates from a multivariate normal distribution, then the statistic in (11.1) has a Cauchy distribution (Federer and Schwager, 1982) which has infinite variance. If the numerators and denominators come from log-normal distributions, Morales (1993) has obtained the statistical distribution for two crops in the mixture. Presently, work is being done considering the distributions of sums of ratios of gamma-distributed random variables, but at this writing, this research is not at the stage of practical usefulness. A normal distribution ranges from plus to minus infinity. Hence, crop responses not having this range as a possibility cannot be normally distributed. Gamma random variables range from zero to plus infinity, which has a realistic starting point, zero, for yield, counts, etc.

As described in Volume I, one way out of this dilemma is when one sole crop can be used as a base sole crop, say $Y_{s 1}$. Then, use ratios of yields of sole crops to the base sole crop, say crop 1, as follows to obtain a relative land equivalent ratio (RLER):
\mathrm{RLER}=\sum_{i=1}^{n} Y_{s 1} Y_{m i} / Y_{s i}=\sum_{i=1}^{n} R_{i} Y_{m i}=\sum_{i=1}^{n} \operatorname{RLER}{i} $$ A RLER is useful in comparing cropping systems and statistical analyses but needs to be converted to an LER for actual land-use considerations. Ratios of yields and prices, e.g., are much more stable than are actual yields and prices (Ezumah and Federer, 1991). Since this is true, the ratios $R{i}$ may be regarded as fixed constants rather than as random variables, and the problem of the distribution of sums of ratios of random variables is bypassed to one which is simply a linear combination of random variables.

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Crop Value and Economic Goals

Various values may be assigned to the yield of each crop in a mixture. For many people, value means monetary value. For others, value could be related to how well dietary goals of a family are satisfied with regard to taste and variety of foods in a diet. Crop value for others could be related to frequency of produce for sale or barter throughout the year. Whatever value system is used, consider the value, monetary or otherwise, of crop $i$ to be $P_{i}$ per crop unit, such as a kilogram or individual fruit. The value of a crop will then be $P_{i} Y_{m i}$, where $Y_{m i}$ is the total yield or number of fruit per experimental unit (e.u.). Then, the value of the crops in a
4 11. Introduction to Volume II
mixture of $n$ crops is
\text { Crop value }=V=\sum_{i=1}^{n} P_{i} Y_{m i} \text {. }
Although prices or other crop values may fluctuate considerably from year to year, ratios of prices or values may not (Ezumah and Federer, 1991). Hence, for comparative purposes, relative crop values may be used and the difficulties of random fluctuations in prices avoided. As for RLER, a base crop price is selected, say $P_{1}$, and ratios of crop values are used to obtain a relative crop value, RV, for a mixture of $n$ crops as
\mathrm{RV}=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(P_{i} / P_{1}\right) Y_{m i} .
The goal would be to select that mixture maximizing $V$ or, equivalently, RV. In making comparisons of the $v$ mixtures in an experiment, it is recommended that RLER and RV be utilized in order to circumvent statistical distribution problems. Their use will also ease presentation problems of the several analyses required to summarize the information from intercropping experiments.

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Experiments Involving Comparisons


统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Agricultural Systems

涉及系统比较的实验,如农业系统、医疗系统、教育系统等,需要多方面的方法来设定调查目标、设计实验和进行必要的统计分析。(参见,例如,Kass, 1978, Mead and Riley, 1981, Balaam, 1986, Federer, 1987, 1989, 1993a, 1993b,以下称为第 I 卷,以及其中的参考文献。)在进行比较农业系统的实验时,研究人员需要考虑的目标涉及土地利用效率、营养价值、经济价值、系统产量的可持续性、病虫害控制、土壤结构和侵蚀、系统的空间安排、密度和亲密度考虑、竞争、组分的混合能力系统的,和/或其他特征。在大多数情况下,不可能从单一栽培推广到混合栽培,从一对栽培品种推广到两种以上的混合物,等等。进行间作试验时要牢记以下四个规则:

规则 1. 了解两种作物混合物的概念、设计和分析,然后再进行三种或更多品种的混合物。
规则 2. 不要试图从单一栽培到成对的栽培品种、从成对的栽培品种到三胞胎、从三胞胎到四个栽培品种、从一组栽培品种到另一组栽培品种等等,因为这可能会导致严重错误。

规则 3. 为所涉及的设计、分析和解释难度的增加做好准备,因为从单一作物到两种作物的混合,难度增加了一个数量级,从成对到三胞胎的难度增加了另一个数量级,规则
4. 准备好并寻找惊喜,因为许多间作试验会产生非常意想不到的结果,正如第一卷中的示例和本文介绍的示例中所展示的那样。


统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Land Use and Agronomic Goals

随着地球人口趋于增加以及农业用地面积因城市化和盐碱化而枯竭,有必要越来越有效地利用可用的农业用地面积。土地利用效率的衡量标准是相对产量(de Wit 和 van den Bergh,1965 年)或土地当量比(Willey 和 Osiru,1972 年)。土地当量比 (LER) 是间作试验的农艺特性。它是作物产量比率的总和,比如说一世, 在混合物中, 说是米一世, 以它作为单一作物的产量为例是s一世. 那么,对于n作物,LER 是
大号和R=∑一世=1n是米一世/是s一世=∑一世=1n大号和R一世不使用单一的产量作为分母,另一种形式的 LER 可以通过使用作物的产量来获得一世在标准混合物中。各种其他值可用于是s一世在(11.1)中,例如

  • 单一作物的个别地块产量,
  • 平均产量r复制单一作物,
  • 单一作物的理论“最佳值”,
  • 农民 y 年或单一作物一年的平均单产,或
  • 一些其他的价值。

很明显,有许多可能的 LER。因此,实验者必须了解使用为确定种植系统的土地利用效率而选择的 LER 的特性和后果。

当 LER 中只有分子是随机变量而分母是固定常数时,可以使用标准统计程序,如第一卷中所述。当 LER 中的分子和分母都是随机变量时,对统计分布知之甚少的 LER。如果分子和分母是偏离多元正态分布的随机正态分布,则 (11.1) 中的统计量具有无限方差的柯西分布 (Federer and Schwager, 1982)。如果分子和分母来自对数正态分布,Morales (1993) 获得了混合物中两种作物的统计分布。目前,正在考虑伽玛分布随机变量的比率之和的分布,但在撰写本文时,这项研究尚未处于实用阶段。正态分布的范围从正无穷到负无穷。因此,没有这个范围的作物响应不可能是正态分布的。Gamma 随机变量的范围从零到正无穷大,它有一个实际的起点,零,用于产量、计数等。

如第一卷所述,摆脱这种困境的一种方法是,一种单一作物可以用作基本单一作物,例如是s1. 然后,使用单一作物的产量与基础单一作物(例如作物 1)的产量比率,以获得相对土地当量比 (RLER):
R大号和R=∑一世=1n是s1是米一世/是s一世=∑一世=1nR一世是米一世=∑一世=1nRLER⁡一世RLER 在比较种植系统和统计分析时很有用,但需要根据实际土地利用考虑将其转换为 LER。例如,产量和价格的比率比实际产量和价格要稳定得多(Ezumah 和 Federer,1991)。既然这是真的,那么比率R一世可以将其视为固定常数而不是随机变量,并且将随机变量的比率之和的分布问题绕过到一个简单的随机变量线性组合的问题。

统计代写|实验设计与分析作业代写Design and Analysis of Experiments代考|Crop Value and Economic Goals

可以为混合物中每种作物的产量分配不同的值。对于许多人来说,价值意味着货币价值。对于其他人来说,价值可能与家庭的饮食目标对饮食中食物的口味和种类的满足程度有关。其他人的作物价值可能与全年出售或易货的产品频率有关。无论使用何种价值体系,都要考虑作物的货币价值或其他价值一世成为磷一世每个作物单位,例如一公斤或单个水果。作物的价值将是磷一世是米一世, 在哪里是米一世是每个实验单位 (eu) 的总产量或果实数量。那么,农作物的价值在
4 11。介绍卷二
 作物价值 =五=∑一世=1n磷一世是米一世. 
尽管价格或其他作物价值每年可能会有很大波动,但价格或价值的比率可能不会(Ezumah 和 Federer,1991 年)。因此,为了比较的目的,可以使用相对作物价值,避免价格随机波动的困难。至于 RLER,选择基本作物价格,例如磷1, 和作物价值的比率用于获得相对作物价值, RV, 对于一个混合物n农作物作为
目标是选择最大化的混合物五或者,等效地,RV。在进行比较时v在实验中混合,建议使用 RLER 和 RV 以规避统计分布问题。它们的使用还将缓解总结间作试验信息所需的几种分析的呈现问题。

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在概率论概念中,随机过程随机变量的集合。 若一随机系统的样本点是随机函数,则称此函数为样本函数,这一随机系统全部样本函数的集合是一个随机过程。 实际应用中,样本函数的一般定义在时间域或者空间域。 随机过程的实例如股票和汇率的波动、语音信号、视频信号、体温的变化,随机运动如布朗运动、随机徘徊等等。


贝叶斯统计概念及数据分析表示使用概率陈述回答有关未知参数的研究问题以及统计范式。后验分布包括关于参数的先验分布,和基于观测数据提供关于参数的信息似然模型。根据选择的先验分布和似然模型,后验分布可以解析或近似,例如,马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗 (MCMC) 方法之一。贝叶斯统计概念及数据分析使用后验分布来形成模型参数的各种摘要,包括点估计,如后验平均值、中位数、百分位数和称为可信区间的区间估计。此外,所有关于模型参数的统计检验都可以表示为基于估计后验分布的概率报表。





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基础数据: $N$ 个样本, $P$ 个变量数的单样本,组成的横列的数据表
变量定性: 分类和顺序;变量定量:数值
数学公式的角度分为: 因变量与自变量


随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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