统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|POPULATIONS AND VARIABLES

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统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|POPULATIONS AND VARIABLES

统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|Qualitative Variables

Qualitative variables take on nonnumeric values and are usually used to represent a distinct quality of a population unit. When the possible values of a qualitative variable have no intrinsic ordering, the variable is called a nominal variable; when there is a natural ordering of the possible values of the variable, then the variable is called an ordinal variable. An example of a nominal variable is Blood Type where the standard values for blood type are $\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}, \mathrm{AB}$, and $\mathrm{O}$. Clearly, there is no intrinsic ordering of these blood types, and hence, Blood Type is a nominal variable. An example of an ordinal variable is the variable Pain where a subject is asked to describe their pain verbally as

  • No pain,
  • Mild pain,
  • Discomforting pain,
  • Distressing pain,
  • Intense pain,
  • Excruciating pain.
    In this case, since the verbal descriptions describe increasing levels of pain, there is a clear ordering of the possible values of the variable Pain levels, and therefore, Pain is an ordinal qualitative variable.
    Example 2.2
    In the Framingham Heart Study of coronary heart disease, the following two nominal qualitative variables were recorded:
    \text { Smokes }=\left{\begin{array}{l}
    \text { Yes } \
    \text { No }
  • and
  • $$
  • \text { Diabetes }=\left{\begin{array}{l}
  • \text { Yes } \
  • \text { No }
  • \end{array}\right.
  • $$
  • Example $2.3$
  • An example of an ordinal variable is the variable Baldness when measured on the Norwood-Hamilton scale for male-pattern baldness. The variable Baldness is measured according to the seven categories listed below:
  • I Full head of hair without any hair loss.
  • II Minor recession at the front of the hairline.
  • III Further loss at the front of the hairline, which is considered “cosmetically significant.”
  • IV Progressively more loss along the front hairline and at the crown.
  • V Hair loss extends toward the vertex.
  • VI Frontal and vertex balding areas merge into one and increase in size.
  • VII All hair is lost along the front hairline and crown.
  • Clearly, the values of the variable Baldness indicate an increasing degree of hair loss, and thus, Baldness as measured on the Norwood-Hamilton scale is an ordinal variable. This variable is also measured on the Offspring Cohort in the Framingham Heart Study.

统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|A quantitative variable

A quantitative variable is a variable that takes only numeric values. The values of a quantitative variable are said to be measured on an interval scale when the difference between two values is meaningful; the values of a quantitative variable are said to be measured on a ratio scale when the ratio of two values is meaningful. The key difference between a variable measured on an interval scale and a ratio scale is that on a ratio scale there is a “natural zero” representing absence of the attribute being measured, while there is no natural zero for variables measured on only an interval scale. Some scales of measurement will have natural zero and some will not. When a measurement scale has a natural zero, then the ratio of two measurements is a meaningful measure of how many times larger one value is than the other. For example, the variable Fat that represents the grams of fat in a food product is measured on a ratio scale because the value Fat $=0$ indicates that the unit contained absolutely no fat. When a scale of measurement does not have a natural zero, then only the difference between two measurements is a meaningful comparison of the values of the two measurements. For example, the variable Body Temperature is measured on a scale that has no natural zero since Body Temperature $=0$ does not indicate that the body has no temperature.

Since interval scales are ordered, the difference between two values measures how much larger one value is than another. A ratio scale is also an interval scale but has the additional property that the ratio of two values is meaningful. Thus, for a variable measured on an interval scale the difference of two values is the meaningful way to compare the values, and for a variable measured on a ratio scale both the difference and the ratio of two values are meaningful ways to compare difference values of the variable. For example, body temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is a variable that is measured on an interval scale so that it is meaningful to say that a body temperature of $98.6$ and a body temperature of $102.3$ differ by $3.7$ degrees; however, it would not be meaningful to say that a temperature of $102.3$ is $1.04$ times as much as a temperature of $98.6$. On the other hand, the variable weight in pounds is measured on a ratio scale, and therefore, it would be proper to say that a weight of $210 \mathrm{lb}$ is $1.4$ times a weight of $150 \mathrm{lb}$; it would also be meaningful to say that a weight of $210 \mathrm{lb}$ is $60 \mathrm{lb}$ more than a weight of $150 \mathrm{lb}$.

统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|Multivariate Data

In most research problems, there will be many variables that need to be measured. When the collection of variables measured on each unit consists of two or more variables, a data set is called a multivariate data set, and a multivariate data set consisting of only two variables is called a bivariate data set. In a multivariate data set, there is usually one variable that is of primary interest to a research question that is believed to be explained by some of the other variables measured in the study. The variable of primary interest is called a response variable and the variables believed to cause changes in the response are called explanatory variables or predictor variables. The explanatory variables are often referred to as the input variables and the response variable is often referred to as the output variable. Furthermore, in a statistical model, the response variable is the variable that is being modeled; the explanatory variables are the input variables in the model that are believed to cause or explain differences in the response variable. For example, in studying the survival of melanoma patients, the response variable might be Survival Time that is expected to be influenced by the explanatory variables Age, Gender, Clark’s Stage, and Tumor Size. In this case, a model relating Survival Time to the explanatory variables Age, Gender, Clark’s Stage, and Tumor Size might be investigated in the research study.

A multivariate data set often consists of a mixture of qualitative and quantitative variables. For example, in a biomedical study, several variables that are commonly measured are a subject’s age, race, gender, height, and weight. When data have been collected, the multivariate data set is generally stored in a spreadsheet with the columns containing the data on each variable and the rows of the spreadsheet containing the observations on each subject in the study.

In studying the response variable, it is often the case that there are subpopulations that are determined by a particular set of values of the explanatory variables that will be important in answering the research questions. In this case, it is critical that a variable be included in the data set that identifies which subpopulation each unit belongs to. For example, in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study, the distribution of the weight of female children was studied. The response variable in this study was weight and some of the explanatory variables measured in this study were height, age, and gender. The result of this part of the NHANES study was a distribution of the weights of females over a certain range of age. The resulting distributions were summarized in the chart given in Figure $2.2$ that shows the weight ranges for females for several different ages.

统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|POPULATIONS AND VARIABLES


统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|Qualitative Variables

定性变量采用非数字值,通常用于表示人口单位的不同质量。当定性变量的可能值没有内在顺序时,该变量称为名义变量;当变量的可能值具有自然顺序时,该变量称为序数变量。名义变量的一个例子是血型,其中血型的标准值是一个,乙,一个乙, 和○. 显然,这些血型没有内在的顺序,因此,血型是一个名义变量。序数变量的一个示例是变量疼痛,其中要求受试者口头描述他们的疼痛为

  • 不痛,
  • 轻微的疼痛,
  • 令人不适的疼痛,
  • 让人心疼的痛,
  • 剧烈的疼痛,
  • 难以忍受的疼痛。
    例 2.2
    \text { Smokes }=\left{ 是的   不 \正确的。
  • $$
  • \text { 糖尿病 }=\left{\begin{array}{l}
  • \文本{是} \
  • \文本{没有}
  • \end{数组}\对。
  • $$
  • 例子2.3
  • 序数变量的一个例子是变量 Baldness,当用 Norwood-Hamilton 量表测量男性型秃发时。变量秃头根据以下列出的七个类别进行测量:
  • 我满头的头发没有任何脱发。
  • II 发际线前部的轻微后退。
  • III 发际线前部的进一步损失,这被认为是“具有美容意义的”。
  • IV 沿着前发际线和头顶逐渐减少。
  • V 脱发向顶点延伸。
  • VI 前额和头顶秃发区域合并为一个并增加大小。
  • VII 所有的头发都沿着前发际线和头顶脱落。
  • 显然,变量秃头的值表明脱发程度的增加,因此,在诺伍德-汉密尔顿量表上测量的秃头是一个序数变量。这个变量也在弗雷明汉心脏研究的后代队列中测量。

统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|A quantitative variable

定量变量是只取数值的变量。当两个值之间的差异有意义时,就说定量变量的值是在区间尺度上测量的;当两个值的比率有意义时,就可以说定量变量的值是在比率尺度上测量的。在区间尺度和比率尺度上测量的变量之间的主要区别在于,在比率尺度上,有一个“自然零”表示不存在被测量的属性,而仅在区间尺度上测量的变量没有自然零. 一些测量尺度将具有自然零,而一些则没有。当测量尺度具有自然零时,两个测量值的比率是一个有意义的度量,用于衡量一个值比另一个值大多少倍。例如,=0表示该单位绝对不含脂肪。当测量尺度没有自然零时,只有两次测量之间的差异才是两次测量值的有意义的比较。例如,变量体温是在一个没有自然零的标度上测量的,因为体温=0并不表示身体没有温度。

由于区间尺度是有序的,因此两个值之间的差值衡量一个值比另一个值大多少。比率刻度也是一个区间刻度,但具有两个值的比率有意义的附加属性。因此,对于在区间尺度上测量的变量,两个值的差异是比较值的有意义的方式,而对于在比率尺度上测量的变量,两个值的差异和比率都是比较差异值的有意义的方式变量。例如,以华氏度为单位的体温是一个在区间尺度上测量的变量,因此说体温为98.6和体温102.3区别于3.7学位;然而,说温度为102.3是1.04温度的几倍98.6. 另一方面,以磅为单位的可变重量是在比例尺度上测量的,因此,可以说重量为210lb是1.4重量的倍150lb; 说一个重量210lb是60lb超过一个重量150lb.

统计代写|生物统计代写biostatistics代考|Multivariate Data



在研究响应变量时,通常存在由一组特定的解释变量值确定的子群体,这些解释变量对回答研究问题很重要。在这种情况下,关键是要在数据集中包含一个变量,以识别每个单元属于哪个亚群。例如,在全国健康和营养检查调查 (NHANES) 研究中,研究了女童的体重分布。本研究中的响应变量是体重,本研究中测量的一些解释变量是身高、年龄和性别。NHANES 研究的这一部分的结果是女性在一定年龄范围内的体重分布。得到的分布总结在图中给出的图表中2.2这显示了几个不同年龄的女性的体重范围。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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