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统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写Bayesian statistics代考|FNR6560

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|NOISELESS INFORMA TION

An experiment $X$ (or channel) is noiseless for $\theta$ if $H_\theta(X)=0$. I.e., knowledge of the true state or transmitted message removes all uncertainty regarding the outcome of $X$. Each outcome $x$ of $X$ may then be identified with the set of states $\theta$ such that $x$ occurs when $\theta$ obtains, and so $X$ is effectively a partition of $\theta$, the set of states or possible messages. Consider now sequences of experiments or repetitions of an experiment where at each step there are $n$ possible outcomes. Following Sneed (1967), I shall speak of $n$-ary questioning procedures. Given a noiseless channel, our problem may be to find the most efficient of all the $n$-ary questioning procedures ( $n$ is typically a function of the channel). It is not hard to see that the most efficient maximizes the $E S I$ or transmitted information. (This maximum is often called the channel capacity.) For noiseless channels, $T(X ; \theta)=T(\theta ; X)=H(X)-H_\theta(X)=H(X)$. The best questioning procedure therefore maximizes $H(X)$, the outcome entropy, at each step. In particular, this procedure will identify the true state or message in a minimum number of steps, provided all partitions are feasible. In general, we must distinguish between the average number of steps it takes a procedure to identify the true state and the number of steps it requires to identify the true state. The latter is found by assuming the a priori least favorable distribution of states – the uniform distribution. For equiprobable messages, the best questioning procedure partitions the set of live possibilities into equinumerous subsets. I refer to this principle as the uniform partition strategy. For the problem of locating a square on a checkerboard discussed earlier, this strategy directs us to divide the number of remaining squares in half at each step. The following example further illustrates the efficiency of the uniform partition strategy.

EXAMPLE 5 (the odd ball). Given twelve steel balls, eleven of which are of the same weight, the problem is to locate the odd ball in three weighings with a pan balance, and to determine whether the odd ball is heavier or lighter than the eleven standard weights. (Thus, we seek a 3-ary questioning procedure that requires only three steps.) I number the balls $1, \ldots, 12$, and assign each of the 24 possible states $1 H, 1 L, 2 H, 2 L, \ldots, 12 H, 12 L$ (‘ $H$ ‘ for ‘heavier’, ‘ $L$ ‘ for ‘lighter’) equal probability. To insure noiselessness, I permit only weighings of equal numbers of balls. (Before reading on, the reader may wish to attempt a solution of this problem by trial and error.)

Solution. The uniform partition strategy determines the best first weighing as four against four (not, as many people initially guess, six against six). Say we weigh $1,2,3,4$ against $5,6,7,8$. Then all three possible outcomes of the weighing are equiprobable and the set of 24 possibilities is uniformly partitioned into three sets of 8 elements each. E.g., if the left pan is heavier, the unexcluded possibilities are $1 H, 2 H, 3 H, 4 H, 5 L, 6 L, 7 L, 8 L$. Given this outcome, let us find a best second weighing. Since there are 8 remaining possibilities, the best second weighing will partition this set into three subsets of 3,3 and 2 elements, the best feasible approximation to a uniform partition. Weighing $1,2,9$ against $3,4,5$ achieves this most nearly uniform partition, and is therefore a best second weighing. (N.B., 9 is known to be a standard weight.) Whatever outcome this best second weighing produces, the true state can be found on a third weighing. E.g., if the pans balance on the second weighing, leaving the possibilities $6 L, 7 L, 8 L$, weigh ball 6 against ball 7. If they balance, you are left with $8 L$, etc. The reader is invited to find a best second weighing in the case where the pans balance on the first weighing. Pursuit of the uniform partition strategy will yield the solution in three weighings whatever the outcome of each weighing. I.e., this questioning procedure requires only three questions.

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|INFORMATION

Our discussion has by no means exhausted the measures of information that have been proposed. I have focused on what seem to me the most fundamental and most useful concepts, and on those which play a role in subsequent chapters. I have also wholly neglected the vast psychological literature dealing with applications of information theory to learning, perception and related problem areas. Much of this material is relevant to our concerns and highly suggestive, and so this is a serious omission. For a useful introduction to this literature, consult Atneave (1954), (1959), and Garner (1962). One would expect the ‘disinterested’ measures studied here to induce the same (or nearly the same) ranking of experiments, but I have not investigated the matter in detail (nor has anyone else, to my knowledge).
When we compare ‘interested’ with ‘disinterested’ measures, on the other hand, the matter is quite otherwise. The EVSI, we saw (Example 6), is not an increasing function of the $E S I$ and the two can induce opposite rankings of the same pair of experiments. Consider another ‘interested’ measure (Blackwell and Girshick, 1954) which ranks one experiment higher than another if any loss function attainable with the latter is at tainable with the former. As Lindley (1956) shows, one experiment ranked higher than another by this method must also have higher $E S I$, but the converse fails. Blackwell and Girshick show, for example, that in comparing the hypothesis that two traits $F$ and $G$ are unassociated with any alternative of dependence (where the proportions with which the two traits $F, G$ occur in the general population are known), it is most informative to sample that one of the four traits $F, G$, non- $F$, non- $G$ which is rarest in the considered population. This result can be verified directly for the ESI, and it follows from Lindley’s more general result.

If utility one is assigned to the ‘acceptance’ of a true hypothesis and utility zero to the ‘acceptance’ of a false hypothesis, then expected loss reduces to the expected proportion of errors (i.e., of false accepted hypotheses). Lindley’s result, seen in this light, is somewhat reassuring. On the other hand, as Marshak (1974) observes, if $a_i$ is the action of affirming $H_i$, and we posit the ‘disinterested’ utilities $U\left(a_i, s_j\right)=\delta_{i j}$ (Kronecker’s delta, which is 1 or 0 according as $i=j$ or $i \neq j$ ), then the $C V S I$ of outcome $x$ becomes
\text { (1.34) } \max _i P\left(H_i / x\right)-\max _i P\left(H_i\right)
as the reader can easily verify. However, not even this drastic constraint on the scientist’s utilities will insure that the $E V S I$ and $E S I$ induce the same ranking of two or more experiments. One has only to note that the entropy of one distribution can exceed that of a second even though the maximal element of the first also exceeds the maximal element of the second.

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写Bayesian statistics代考|FNR6560


统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|NOISELESS INFORMA TION

一个实验X(或通道)是无噪音的一世如果H一世(X)=0. 即,对真实状态或传输消息的了解消除了关于结果的所有不确定性X. 每一个结果X的X然后可以用一组状态来识别一世这样X发生时一世得到,所以X实际上是一个分区一世,一组状态或可能的消息。现在考虑实验序列或实验的重复,其中每一步都有n可能的结果。继 Sneed (1967) 之后,我将谈到n-ary 提问程序。给定一个无噪声信道,我们的问题可能是找到所有信道中最有效的n- 提问程序(n通常是通道的函数)。不难看出,最有效的最大化和小号我或传输的信息。(这个最大值通常称为信道容量。)对于无噪声信道,吨(X;一世)=吨(一世;X)=H(X)−H一世(X)=H(X). 因此,最好的提问程序最大化H(X),每一步的结果熵。特别是,如果所有分区都是可行的,则此过程将在最少的步骤中识别真实状态或消息。一般来说,我们必须区分一个过程识别真实状态所需的平均步骤数和识别真实状态所需的步骤数。后者是通过假设先验的最不利状态分布——均匀分布来找到的。对于等概率消息,最好的提问程序将一组活的可能性划分为等数的子集。我把这个原则称为统一分区策略。对于前面讨论过的在棋盘上定位一个正方形的问题,这个策略指导我们在每一步将剩余的正方形的数量分成两半。

例 5(奇数球)。给定 12 个钢球,其中 11 个重量相同,问题是用平秤在 3 次称重中定位奇数球,并确定奇数球比 11 个标准砝码重还是轻。(因此,我们寻求只需要三个步骤的三元提问程序。)我给球编号1,…,12, 并分配 24 个可能的状态中的每一个1H,1大号,2H,2大号,…,12H,12大号 (‘ H’对于’更重’,’大号’代表’打火机’)等概率。为了确保无噪音,我只允许称量相同数量的球。(在继续阅读之前,读者可能希望尝试通过反复试验来解决这个问题。)

解决方案。统一分区策略将最佳的第一个权重确定为四对四(而不是像许多人最初猜测的那样,六对六)。说我们称重1,2,3,4反对5,6,7,8. 那么所有三种可能的称重结果都是等概率的,并且这组 24 种可能性被均匀地划分为三组,每组 8 个元素。例如,如果左锅较重,则不可排除的可能性是1H,2H,3H,4H,5大号,6大号,7大号,8大号. 鉴于此结果,让我们找到最佳的第二次称重。由于还有 8 种可能性,最好的第二次加权将把这个集合划分为 3,3 和 2 个元素的三个子集,这是对均匀划分的最佳可行近似。称重1,2,9反对3,4,5实现了这种最接近均匀的划分,因此是最佳的第二次称重。(注意,9 是已知的标准重量。)无论这种最佳的第二次称重产生什么结果,都可以在第三次称重中找到真实状态。例如,如果平底锅在第二次称重时保持平衡,则可能6大号,7大号,8大号,将球 6 与球 7 称重。如果它们平衡,则剩下8大号等。请读者在第一次称量时平底锅平衡的情况下找到最佳的第二次称量。无论每次称重的结果如何,追求统一分区策略都会在三个称重中产生解决方案。即,这个提问过程只需要三个问题。

统计代写|贝叶斯统计代写beyesian statistics代考|INFORMATION

我们的讨论并没有穷尽所提出的信息量度。我专注于在我看来最基础和最有用的概念,以及那些在后续章节中发挥作用的概念。我也完全忽略了处理信息论在学习、感知和相关问题领域应用的大量心理学文献。这些材料中的大部分内容与我们的关注点相关并且具有高度暗示性,因此这是一个严重的遗漏。有关该文献的有用介绍,请参阅 Atneave (1954)、(1959) 和 Garner (1962)。人们会期望这里研究的“无私”措施会引起相同(或几乎相同)的实验排名,但我没有详细调查此事(据我所知,其他任何人也没有)。
另一方面,当我们将“有兴趣”与“无兴趣”措施进行比较时,情况就完全不同了。我们看到(例 6)的 EVSI 不是和小号我并且两者可以诱导同一对实验的相反排名。考虑另一种“感兴趣的”度量(Blackwell 和 Girshick,1954 年),如果后者可达到的任何损失函数与前者可实现,则该方法将一个实验排名高于另一个实验。正如 Lindley (1956) 所表明的,通过这种方法排名高于另一个的一个实验也必须具有更高的和小号我,但反过来失败。例如,Blackwell 和 Girshick 表明,在比较两个特征的假设时,F和G与依赖的任何选择无关(其中两个特征的比例F,G发生在一般人群中是已知的),对四个特征之一进行抽样是最有用的F,G, 非F, 非G这在所考虑的人群中是最罕见的。这个结果可以直接为 ESI 验证,它来自 Lindley 的更一般的结果。

如果效用 1 被分配给“接受”一个真假设,而效用 0 被分配给“接受”一个错误假设,那么预期损失会减少到错误的预期比例(即错误接受的假设)。林德利的结果,从这个角度来看,还是有些让人放心的。另一方面,正如 Marshak (1974) 所观察到的,如果一个一世是肯定的动作H一世, 我们假设“无私”的效用在(一个一世,sj)=d一世j(克罗内克三角洲,根据下式为 1 或 0一世=j或者一世≠j),那么C在小号我结果的X变成

 (1.34) 最大限度一世磷(H一世/X)−最大限度一世磷(H一世)

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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