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经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECON7400

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|The model

We consider two firms $i=1,2$ selling a homogeneous product. Firm $i$ is located at point $y_i$ of the $n$-dimensional space $\Re^{\prime \prime}$ (when the model is interpreted in the geographical context, we have $n=2$ ) and produces the product at a constant marginal cost $c_i$. It is supposed that firms are not located at the same point, that is, $y_1 \neq y_2$. Consumers are continuously distributed over a compact subset $X$ of $\Re^n$. The density of demand for the product at $x \in X$ is given by a (measurable) function $f(p$, $x$ ) of the full price $p$ (that is, the price gross of transportation costs) paid by the consumers, and of the location $x$. The transportation cost of one unit of the product is given by a strictly increasing non-negative function $t_i\left(|| y_i-x||\right)$ of the distance $\left|y_i-x\right|$, where $|$.$| is a norm defined on \Re^{\prime \prime}$ with $t_i(0)=0$. In the geographical context typically, because of scale economies in transportation, $t_i$ is a concave function of distance. Examples of norms that can be used are the Euclidean and the Manhattan norms. ${ }^6$

Two price policies are considered: uniform $(U)$ and discriminatory $(D)$. In the geographical context, uniform FOB pricing means that firm $i$ charges the same mill price $p_i$ to the consumers irrespective of their location. In this case, the full price of firm $i$ at $x \in X$ is equal to the mill price plus the transportation cost, that is, $p_i(x)=p_i+t_i\left(\left|y_i-x\right|\right)$. This is so, for instance, because the transportation is under the control of the consumers who use the services of independent carriers charging $t_i(\cdot)$ In the rest of the chapter, we refer to uniform FOB pricing as uniform pricing. ${ }^7$ Discriminatory pricing occurs when firm $i$ bears the transportation cost and chooses a price schedule $p_i(\cdot)$ which describes the delivered price $p_i(x)$ at which firm $i$ is willing to supply consumers at location $x \in X$. The full price of firm $i$ at $x$ is now given by $p_i(x)$. The mill price effectively paid by the consumers, that is, $p_i(x)-t_i\left(\left|y_i-x\right|\right)$, generally changes with their location $x$. In other words, the firm discriminates among consumers on the basis of their location.

When the model is interpreted as a model of product differentiation, uniform pricing is equivalent to firm $i$ ‘s selling a single product located at $y_i$ (in the characteristic space) and consumers paying a full price consisting of the price of the product plus the cost $t_i\left(\left|y_i-x\right|\right)$ incurred by the consumers in using the services of independent producers who adapt firm $i$ ‘s product to their requirements given by $x$. Now $t_i$ is better viewed as a convex function of distance. In the discriminatory case, firm $i$ bears the cost $t_i\left(\mid y_i-x |\right)$ of redesigning its basic product $\left(y_i\right)$ and offers the whole band of varieties. As product design is under its control, the firm may discriminate among consumers on the basis of their requirements. We say that price discrimination occurs when the price difference between two varieties does not correspond to the difference in the respective costs of redesigning the basic product.

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Simultaneous choice of policy and price

In this section we investigate whether discriminatory or uniform pricing arises in equilibrium when firms choose simultaneously pricing policy and price, that is, when firms compete in price schedules which are unrestricted. A strategy for firm $i$ is then a price schedule $p_i(\cdot)$ that specifies the delivered price at which firm $i$ is willing to supply consumers at location $x$ in $X$. The delivered price at $x$ must cover the total (production plus transport) marginal cost. If firm $i$ were to price below total marginal cost it could do at least as well, for any given price of the rival, by pricing at marginal cost. Formally, we assume $p_i(\cdot)$ to be in the set
$P_i \equiv\left{p_i(\cdot)\right.$ a non-negative function defined on $X$, measurable and such that, for all $\left.x \in X, p_i(x) \geq c_i+t_i\left(| y_i-x||\right)\right}$.
The potential market area of firm $i$ is the set of locations at which the firm faces a positive demand density when pricing at total marginal cost $m_i(x) \equiv c_i+t_i\left(\left|y_i-x\right|\right)$, that is, $A_i \equiv\left{x \in X ; f\left[m_i(x), x\right]>0\right}$.

The most interesting case occurs when the set of consumers who consider buying from either firm, that is, $A_1 \cap A_2$, is non-negligible (technically a non-zero measure set). Since the product is homogeneous, each consumer purchases from the firm with the lower delivered price. In the event of a price tie, we assume that consumers do the socially optimal thing and buy from the firm with the lower production and transportation cost. This may be rationalized noting that this firm can always price $\varepsilon$ below its rival’s total marginal cost. If, for some consumer location $x$, both firms have the same total marginal costs and charge the same delivered price, they split the local demand. Generically, the set of locations for which $m_i(x)=m_j(x)$ is negligible. To ease notation we will assume this to be the case.

Given the strategies $p_i(\cdot)$ and $p_j(\cdot)$ of the two firms, the market area of firm $i$, $M_i\left(p_i(\cdot), p_j(\cdot)\right)$, is then the set of locations in the potential market area $A_i$ for which, either firm $i$ quotes the lower-delivered price or, if both firms quote the same price, firm $i$ has the lower-total marginal cost. Firm i’s profits are, therefore, equal to
\Pi_i\left(p_i(\cdot), p_j(\cdot)\right)=\int_{M_i\left(p_i(\cdot), p_j(\cdot)\right)}\left[p_i(x)-m_i(x)\right] \times f\left[p_i(x), x\right] d x

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECON7400



我们考虑两家公司$i=1,2$销售同一种产品。公司$i$位于$n$ -维空间$\Re^{\prime \prime}$的$y_i$点(当模型在地理环境中解释时,我们有$n=2$),并以恒定的边际成本$c_i$生产产品。假设公司不在同一个地点,即$y_1 \neq y_2$。消费者连续分布在一个紧凑的子集$X$和$\Re^n$上。产品在$x \in X$上的需求密度由消费者支付的全价$p$(即运输成本的总价)和地点$x$的(可测量的)函数$f(p$, $x$给出。单位产品的运输成本由距离$\left|y_i-x\right|$的严格递增非负函数$t_i\left(|| y_i-x||\right)$给出,其中$|$。$| is a norm defined on \Re^{\prime \prime}$和$t_i(0)=0$。在典型的地理环境中,由于交通的规模经济,$t_i$是一个距离的凹函数。可以使用的规范的例子有欧几里得规范和曼哈顿规范。${ }^6$

考虑两种价格政策:统一$(U)$和歧视性$(D)$。在地理环境下,统一的FOB价格意味着公司$i$向消费者收取相同的工厂价格$p_i$,而不考虑他们的位置。在这种情况下,企业$i$在$x \in X$的全价等于工厂价格加上运输成本,即$p_i(x)=p_i+t_i\left(\left|y_i-x\right|\right)$。这是这样的,例如,因为运输是在消费者的控制下使用服务的独立承运人收费$t_i(\cdot)$在本章的其余部分,我们把统一的FOB价格称为统一定价。${ }^7$歧视性定价发生在公司$i$承担运输成本并选择价格表$p_i(\cdot)$,其中描述了公司$i$愿意在地点$x \in X$向消费者提供的交货价格$p_i(x)$。公司$i$在$x$的全价现在由$p_i(x)$提供。磨坊价格实际上是由消费者支付的,即$p_i(x)-t_i\left(\left|y_i-x\right|\right)$,通常随着他们的位置$x$而变化。换句话说,该公司根据消费者的地理位置来区分他们

当该模型被解释为产品差异化模型时,统一定价相当于企业$i$出售位于$y_i$(在特征空间中)的单一产品,消费者支付全价,包括产品价格加上消费者使用独立生产者的服务时产生的成本$t_i\left(\left|y_i-x\right|\right)$,这些生产者将企业$i$的产品调整为$x$给出的他们的需求。现在,$t_i$更好地被看作是距离的凸函数。在歧视性案例中,公司$i$承担了重新设计其基础产品$\left(y_i\right)$的成本$t_i\left(\mid y_i-x |\right)$,并提供了整个系列的品种。由于产品设计在公司的控制之下,公司可能会根据消费者的需求对他们进行歧视。我们说,当两个品种之间的价格差异不对应于各自基础产品重新设计成本的差异时,就发生了价格歧视


.政策与价格的同时选择 在本节中,我们将研究当企业同时选择定价政策和价格时,即当企业在不受限制的价格表中竞争时,均衡中是否会出现歧视性定价或统一定价。企业$i$的策略是价格表$p_i(\cdot)$,其中规定了企业$i$愿意以何种价格向$X$中地址$x$的消费者提供产品。$x$上的交货价格必须包括总(生产加运输)边际成本。如果企业$i$的定价低于总边际成本,对于竞争对手的任何给定价格,它至少可以通过以边际成本定价来达到同样的效果。正式地,我们假设$p_i(\cdot)$在集合
$P_i \equiv\left{p_i(\cdot)\right.$一个在$X$上定义的非负函数,可测量,并且对于所有$\left.x \in X, p_i(x) \geq c_i+t_i\left(| y_i-x||\right)\right}$
企业$i$的潜在市场面积是该企业在以总边际成本$m_i(x) \equiv c_i+t_i\left(\left|y_i-x\right|\right)$定价时面临正需求密度的位置集合,即$A_i \equiv\left{x \in X ; f\left[m_i(x), x\right]>0\right}$ 最有趣的情况发生在考虑从任何一家公司购买的消费者集(即$A_1 \cap A_2$)不可忽略(技术上是非零度量集)的情况下。由于产品是同质的,每个消费者都从该公司购买较低的交货价格。在价格持平的情况下,我们假设消费者会做社会最优的事情,从生产和运输成本较低的公司购买产品。这可能是合理的,注意到该公司的价格总是低于其竞争对手的总边际成本$\varepsilon$。如果,对于某个消费地点$x$,两家公司有相同的总边际成本和收取相同的交货价格,他们平分当地需求。一般来说,$m_i(x)=m_j(x)$可以忽略不计的位置集。为了方便记法,我们假定是这样 给定两家公司的策略$p_i(\cdot)$和$p_j(\cdot)$,公司$i$, $M_i\left(p_i(\cdot), p_j(\cdot)\right)$的市场区域是潜在市场区域$A_i$中的一组位置,其中,公司$i$报价较低的交付价格,或者,如果两家公司报价相同,公司$i$的总边际成本较低。因此,公司i的利润等于
\Pi_i\left(p_i(\cdot), p_j(\cdot)\right)=\int_{M_i\left(p_i(\cdot), p_j(\cdot)\right)}\left[p_i(x)-m_i(x)\right] \times f\left[p_i(x), x\right] d x

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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