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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|COMP2610

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|COMP2610

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Equivalence and Isomorphism

The concepts of equivalence and isomorphism of codes are briefly discussed in Section 1.8. Generally, the term symmetry covers both of those concepts, especially when considering maps from a code onto itself, that is, automorphisms. Namely, such maps lead to groups under composition, and groups are essentially about symmetries. The group formed by all automorphisms of a code is, whenever the type of automorphisms is understood, simply called the automorphism group of the code. A subgroup of the automorphism group is called a group of automorphisms.

Symmetries play a central role when constructing as well as classifying codes: several types of constructions are essentially about prescribing symmetries, and one core part of classification is about dealing with maps and symmetries.

On a high level of abstraction, the same questions are asked for linear and unrestricted codes and analogous techniques are used. On a detailed level, however, there are significant differences between those two types of codes.

Consider codes of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$. We have seen in Definition $1.8 .8$ that equivalence of unrestricted codes is about permuting coordinates and the elements of the alphabet, individually within each coordinate. All such maps form a group that is isomorphic to the wreath product $S{q} \backslash S_{n}$. For linear codes on the other hand, the concepts of permutation equivalence, monomial equivalence, and equivalence lead to maps that form groups isomorphic to $\mathrm{S}{n}, \mathbb{F}{q}^{} \backslash \mathrm{S}{n}$, and the semidirect product $\left(\mathbb{F}{q}^{} \imath \mathrm{S}{n}\right) \rtimes{\theta}$ Aut $\left(\mathbb{F}{q}\right)$, respectively, where $\mathbb{F}{q}^{}$ is the multiplicative group of $\mathbb{F}{q}$ and $\theta: \operatorname{Aut}\left(\mathbb{F}{q}\right) \rightarrow \operatorname{Aut}\left(\mathbb{F}{q}^{} \backslash \mathrm{S}{n}\right)$ is a group homomorphism.
Remark 3.2.1 For binary linear codes, all three types of equivalence coincide.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Determining Symmetries

The obvious recurrent specific questions when studying equivalence (or isomorphism) of (linear and unrestricted) codes and the symmetries of such codes are the following:

  1. Given two codes, $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$, are these equivalent (isomorphic) or not?
  2. Given a code $\mathcal{C}$, what is the automorphism group of $\mathcal{C}$ ?
    The two questions are closely related, since if we are able to find all possible maps between two codes, $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$, we can answer both of them (the latter by letting $\mathcal{C}{1}=\mathcal{C}{2}=$ C).
    Invariants can be very useful in studying the first question.
    Definition 3.2.15 An invariant is a property of a code that depends only on the abstract structure, that is, two equivalent (isomorphic) codes necessarily have the same value of an invariant.

Remark 3.2.16 Two inequivalent (non-isomorphic) codes may or may not have the same value of an invariant.

Example 3.2.17 The distance distribution is an invariant of codes. This invariant can be used to show that the two unrestricted $(4,3,2){3}$ codes $\mathcal{C}{1}={0000,0120,2121}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}={1000,1111,2112}$ are inequivalent. Actually, to distinguish these codes an even less sensitive invariant suffices: the number of pairs of codewords with mutual Hamming distance 3 is 0 for $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and 1 for $\mathcal{C}_{2}$.

Since invariants are only occasionally able to provide the right answer to the first question above, alternative techniques are needed for providing the answer in all possible situations. One such technique relies on producing canonical representatives of codes.

Definition 3.2.18 Let $S$ be a set of possible codes, and let $r: S \rightarrow S$ be a map with the properties that (i) $r\left(\mathcal{C}{1}\right)=r\left(\mathcal{C}{2}\right)$ if and only if $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$ are equivalent (isomorphic) and (ii) $r(\mathcal{C})=r(r(\mathcal{C})$ ). The canonical representative (or canonical form) of a code $\mathcal{C} \in S$ with respect to this map is $r(\mathcal{C})$.

To test whether two codes are equivalent (isomorphic), it suffices to test their canonical representatives for equality.

Remark 3.2.19 The number of equivalence (isomorphism) classes that can be handled when comparing canonical representatives is limited by the amount of computer memory available. However, in the context of classifying codes, there are actually methods that do not require any comparison between codes; see [1090].

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Perfect Codes

Perfect codes were considered in the very first scientific papers in coding theory. We have already seen two types of perfect codes in Sections $1.10$ and 1.13. Hamming codes [895] have parameters
\left[n=\left(q^{m}-1\right) /(q-1), n-m, 3\right]{q} $$ and exist for $m \geq 2$ and prime powers $q$. Golay codes [820] have parameters $$ [23,12,7]{2} \text { and }[11,6,5]{3} \text {. } $$ There are also some families of trivial perfect codes: codes containing one word, codes containing all codewords in the space, and $(n, 2, n){2}$ codes for odd $n$. If the order of the alphabet $q$ is a prime power, these are in fact the only sets of parameters for which (linear and unrestricted) perfect codes exist [1805, 1949].

Theorem 3.3.1 The nontrivial perfect linear codes over $\mathbb{F}{q}$, where $q$ is a prime power, are precisely the Hamming codes with parameters (3.1) and the Golay codes with parameters $(3.2)$. A nontrivial perfect unrestricted code (over $\mathbb{F}{q}, q$ a prime power) that is not equivalent to a linear code has the same length, size, and minimum distance as a Hamming code (3.1).
Although the remarkable Theorem 3.3.1 gives us a rather solid understanding of perfect codes, there are still many open problems in this area, including the following (a code with different alphabet sizes for different coordinates is called mixed):

Research Problem 3.3.2 Solve the existence problem for perfect codes when the size of the alphabet is not a prime power.
Research Problem 3.3.3 Solve the existence problem for perfect mixed codes.
Research Problem 3.3.4 Classify perfect codes, especially for the parameters covered by Theorem 3.3.1.

Since Theorem 3.3.1 covers alphabet sizes that are prime powers, that is, exactly the sizes for which finite fields and linear codes exist, Research Problems $3.3 .2$ to $3.3 .4$ are essentially about unrestricted codes (although many codes studied for Research Problem $3.3 .3$ have clear algebraic structures and close connections to linear codes).

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|COMP2610


数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Equivalence and Isomorphism

代码的等价和同构的概念在 1.8 节中简要讨论。一般来说,对称性一词涵盖了这两个概念,特别是在考虑从代码到自身的映射时,即自同构。即,这样的映射导致组合下的组,而组本质上是关于对称的。由代码的所有自同构组成的群,只要理解自同构的类型,就简称为代码的自同构群。自同构群的一个子群称为自同构群。



考虑长度代码n超过Fq. 我们已经在定义中看到1.8.8无限制代码的等效性是关于在每个坐标中单独置换坐标和字母表的元素。所有这些映射形成一个与花环产品同构的组小号q∖小号n. 另一方面,对于线性码,置换等价、单项等价和等价的概念导致形成群同构的映射小号n,Fq∖小号n, 和半直积(Fq我小号n)⋊θ或者(Fq),分别在哪里Fq是乘法群Fq和θ:或者⁡(Fq)→或者⁡(Fq∖小号n)是群同态。
备注 3.2.1 对于二进制线性码,所有三种类型的等价一致。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Determining Symmetries


  1. 给定两个代码,C1和C2,这些是等价的(同构的)吗?
  2. 给定一个代码C, 什么是自同构群C?
    定义 3.2.15 不变量是仅依赖于抽象结构的代码的属性,即两个等价(同构)代码必然具有相同的不变量值。

备注 3.2.16 两个不等价(非同构)代码可能具有或不具有相同的不变量值。

例 3.2.17 距离分布是代码不变量。这个不变量可以用来证明两个不受限制的(4,3,2)3代码C1=0000,0120,2121和C2=1000,1111,2112是不等价的。实际上,为了区分这些代码,一个更不敏感的不变量就足够了:相互汉明距离为 3 的代码字对的数量为 0C1和 1 为C2.


定义 3.2.18 让小号是一组可能的代码,让r:小号→小号是具有以下属性的地图 (i)r(C1)=r(C2)当且仅当C1和C2是等价的(同构的)和(ii)r(C)=r(r(C))。代码的规范代表(或规范形式)C∈小号关于这张地图是r(C).


备注 3.2.19 在比较规范代表时可以处理的等价(同构)类的数量受到计算机可用内存量的限制。但是,在对代码进行分类的情况下,实际上有些方法不需要代码之间进行任何比较;见[1090]。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Perfect Codes

在编码理论的第一篇科学论文中考虑了完美的代码。我们已经在 Sections 中看到了两种完美的代码1.10和 1.13。汉明码 [895] 有参数

[n=(q米−1)/(q−1),n−米,3]q并且存在米≥2和主要权力q. Golay 码 [820] 有参数

[23,12,7]2 和 [11,6,5]3. 还有一些平凡完美码族:包含一个词的码,包含空间中所有码字的码,以及(n,2,n)2奇数的代码n. 如果按字母顺序q是一个主要的力量,这些实际上是唯一存在(线性和无限制)完美代码的参数集 [1805, 1949]。

定理 3.3.1 上的非平凡完美线性码Fq, 在哪里q是一个素幂,正是带参数的汉明码(3.1)和带参数的戈莱码(3.2). 一个非平凡的完美无限制代码(超过Fq,q不等价于线性码的素数幂)具有与汉明码(3.1)相同的长度、大小和最小距离。
尽管非凡的定理 3.3.1 让我们对完美编码有了相当扎实的理解,但在这方面仍然存在许多悬而未决的问题,包括以下问题(不同坐标的不同字母大小的编码称为混合):

研究问题 3.3.2 当字母的大小不是素数时,解决完美代码的存在性问题。
研究问题3.3.3 求解完美混合码的存在性问题。
研究问题 3.3.4 对完美代码进行分类,尤其是定理 3.3.1 所涵盖的参数。

由于定理 3.3.1 涵盖了作为素数的字母大小,也就是说,正是存在有限域和线性码的大小,研究问题3.3.2至3.3.4本质上是关于不受限制的代码(尽管为研究问题研究了许多代码3.3.3具有清晰的代数结构和与线性码的紧密联系)。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|ECE4042

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我们提供的编码理论Coding theory及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
  • Statistical Computing 统计计算
  • Advanced Probability Theory 高等概率论
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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|ECE4042

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Punctured Generalized Reed-Muller Codes

Binary Reed-Muller codes were introduced in Section 1.11. It is known that these codes are equivalent to the extended codes of some cyclic codes. In other words, after puncturing the binary Reed-Muller codes at a proper coordinate, the obtained codes are permutation equivalent to some cyclic codes. The purpose of this section is to introduce a family of cyclic codes of length $n=q^{m}-1$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ whose extended codes are the generalized Reed-Muller code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$.

Let $q$ be a prime power as before. For any integer $j=\sum_{i=0}^{m-1} j_{i} q^{i}$, where $0 \leq j_{i} \leq q-1$ for all $0 \leq i \leq m-1$ and $m$ is a positive integer, we define
\omega_{q}(j)=\sum_{i=0}^{m-1} j_{i}
where the sum is taken over the ring of integers, and is called the $q$-weight of $j$.
Let $\ell$ be a positive integer with $1 \leq \ell<(q-1) m$. The $\ell^{\text {th }}$ order punctured generalized Reed-Muller code $\mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}{q}(\ell, m)^{*}$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ is the cyclic code of length $n=q^{m}-1$ with generator polynomial
g(x)=\sum_{\substack{1 \leq j \leq n-1 \ \omega_{q}(j)<(q-1) m-\ell}}\left(x-\alpha^{j}\right),
where $\alpha$ is a generator of $\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}$. Since $\omega{q}(j)$ is a constant function on each $q$-cyclotomic coset modulo $n=q^{m}-1, g(x)$ is a polynomial over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$.

The parameters of the punctured generalized Reed-Muller code $\mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}_{q}(\ell, m)^{*}$ are known and summarized in the next theorem [71, Section 5.5].

Theorem 2.8.1 For any $\ell$ with $0 \leq \ell<(q-1) m, \mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}{q}(\ell, m)^{*}$ is a cyclic code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with length $n=q^{m}-1$, dimension
\kappa=\sum_{i=0}^{\ell} \sum_{j=0}^{m}(-1)^{j}\left(\begin{array}{c}
m \
i-j q+m-1 \
i-j q
and minimum weight $d=\left(q-\ell_{0}\right) q^{m-\ell_{1}-1}-1$, where $\ell=\ell_{1}(q-1)+\ell_{0}$ and $0 \leq \ell_{0}<q-1$.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Another Generalization of the Punctured Binary Reed-Muller Codes

The punctured generalized Reed-Muller codes are a generalization of the classical punctured binary Reed-Muller codes, and were introduced in the previous section. A new generalization of the classical punctured binary Reed-Muller codes was given recently in [561]. The task of this section is to introduce the newly generalized cyclic codes.

Let $n=q^{m}-1$. For any integer $a$ with $0 \leq a \leq n-1$, we have the following $q$-adic expansion
a=\sum_{j=0}^{m-1} a_{j} q^{j}
where $0 \leq a_{j} \leq q-1$. The Hamming weight of $a$, denoted by wt $\mathrm{H}{\mathrm{H}}(a)$, is the number of nonzero coordinates in the vector $\left(a{0}, a_{1}, \ldots, a_{m-1}\right)$.
Let $\alpha$ be a generator of $\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}^{*}$. For any $1 \leq h \leq m$, we define a polynomial $$ g(q, m, h)(x)=\prod{\substack{1 \leq n \leq n-1 \ 1 \leq w^{t} H(a) \leq h}}\left(x-\alpha^{\alpha}\right) .
$$ polynomial over $\mathbb{F}{q}$. By definition, $g{(q, m, h)}(x)$ is a divisor of $x^{n}-1$.
Let $\sigma(q, m, h)$ denote the cyclic code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with length $n$ and generator polynomial $g{(m, q, h)}(x)$. By definition, $g_{(q, m, m)}(x)=\left(x^{n}-1\right) /(x-1)$. Therefore, the code $\gamma(q, m, m)$ is trivial, as it has parameters $[n, 1, n]$ and is spanned by the all-1 vector. Below we consider the code $\delta(q, m, h)$ for $1 \leq h \leq m-1$ only.

Theorem 2.9.1 Let $m \geq 2$ and $1 \leq h \leq m-1$. Then $\mathcal{V}(q, m, h)$ has parameters $\left[q^{m}-\right.$ $1, \kappa, d]$, where
m \
\frac{q^{h+1}-1}{q-1} \leq d \leq 2 q^{h}-1 .
When $q=2$, the code $\delta(q, m, h)$ clearly becomes the classical punctured binary ReedMuller code $\mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}(m-1-h, m)^{*}$. Hence, $\delta(q, m, h)$ is indeed a generalization of the original punctured binary Reed-Muller code. In addition, when $q=2$, the lower bound and the upper bound in (2.3) become identical. It is conjectured that the lower bound on $d$ is the actual minimum distance.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Reversible Cyclic Codes

Definition 2.10.2 A polynomial $f(x)$ over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$ is called self-reciprocal if it equals its reciprocal $f^{\perp}(x)$.

The conclusions of the following theorem are known in the literature [1323, page 206] and are easy to prove.

Theorem 2.10.3 Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cyclic code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with generator polynomial $g(x)$. Then the following statements are equivalent. (a) $\mathcal{C}$ is reversible. (b) $g(x)$ is self-reciprocal. (c) $\beta^{-1}$ is a root of $g(x)$ for every root $\beta$ of $g(x)$ over the splitting field of $g(x)$. Furthermore, if $-1$ is a power of $q$ mod $n$, then every cyclic code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of length $n$ is reversible.

Now we give an exact count of reversible cyclic codes of length $n=q^{m}-1$ for odd primes $m$. Recall the $q$-cyclotomic cosets $C_{a}$ modulo $n$ given in Definition 1.12.7. It is straightforward that $-a=n-a \in C_{a}$ if and only if $a\left(1+q^{j}\right) \equiv 0(\bmod n)$ for some integer $j$. The following two lemmas are straightforward and hold whenever $\operatorname{gcd}(n, q)=1$.

Lemma 2.10.4 The irreducible polynomial $M_{\alpha^{a}}(x)$ is self-reciprocal if and only if $n-a \in$ $C_{a}$

Lemma 2.10.5 The least common multiple $\operatorname{lcm}\left(M_{\alpha^{a}}(x), M_{\alpha^{n-a}}(x)\right)$ is self-reciprocal for every $a \in \mathbb{Z}_{n}$.

Definition 2.10.6 The least nonnegative integer in a $q$-cyclotomic coset modulo $n$ is called the coset leader of this coset.
By Lemma 2.10.4, we have that
\operatorname{lcm}\left(M_{\alpha^{a}}(x), M_{\alpha^{n-a}}(x)\right)= \begin{cases}M_{\alpha^{a}}(x) & \text { if } n-a \in C_{a}, \ M_{\alpha^{a}}(x) M_{\alpha^{n-a}}(x) & \text { otherwise. }\end{cases}
Let $\Gamma_{(n, q)}$ denote the set of coset leaders of all $q$-cyclotomic cosets modulo $n$. Define
\Pi_{(n, q)}=\Gamma_{(n, q)} \backslash\left{\max {a, \operatorname{leader}(n-a)} \mid a \in \Gamma_{(n, q)}, n-a \notin C_{a}\right},
where leader $(i)$ denotes the coset leader of $C_{i}$. Then $\left{C_{a} \cup C_{n-a} \mid a \in \Pi_{(q, n)}\right}$ is a partition of $\mathbb{Z}_{n}$.

The following conclusion then follows directly from Lemmas $2.10 .4,2.10 .5$, and Theorem 2.10.3.

Theorem 2.10.7 The total number of reversible cyclic codes over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of length $n$ is equal to $2^{\left|\Pi{(\alpha, n)}\right|}$, including the zero code and the code $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$. Every reversible cyclic code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of length $n$ is generated by a polynomial
g(x)=\prod_{a \in S} \operatorname{lcm}\left(M_{\alpha^{a}}(x), M_{\alpha^{n-a}}(x)\right),
where $S$ is a (possibly empty) subset of $\Pi_{(q, n)}$.

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Punctured Generalized Reed-Muller Codes

1.11 节介绍了二进制 Reed-Muller 码。众所周知,这些码相当于一些循环码的扩展码。换句话说,在适当的坐标处对二进制 Reed-Muller 码进行穿孔后,得到的码是等价于一些循环码的置换。本节的目的是介绍一系列长度为的循环码n=q米−1超过Fq其扩展码是广义 Reed-Muller 码Fq.

让q像以前一样成为主要力量。对于任何整数j=∑一世=0米−1j一世q一世, 在哪里0≤j一世≤q−1对所有人0≤一世≤米−1和米是一个正整数,我们定义

其中总和被接管整数环,称为q- 重量j.
让ℓ是一个正整数1≤ℓ<(q−1)米. 这ℓth 顺序穿孔广义 Reed-Muller 码R米q(ℓ,米)∗超过Fq是长度的循环码n=q米−1用生成多项式

G(X)=∑1≤j≤n−1 ωq(j)<(q−1)米−ℓ(X−一个j),
在哪里一个是一个生成器Fq米. 自从ωq(j)是每个上的常数函数q-分圆陪集模n=q米−1,G(X)是一个多项式Fq.

穿孔广义 Reed-Muller 码的参数R米q(ℓ,米)∗在下一个定理 [71,第 5.5 节] 中已知和总结。

定理 2.8.1 对于任意ℓ和0≤ℓ<(q−1)米,R米q(ℓ,米)∗是一个循环码Fq有长度n=q米−1, 方面

ķ=∑一世=0ℓ∑j=0米(−1)j(米 j)(一世−jq+米−1 一世−jq)
和最小重量d=(q−ℓ0)q米−ℓ1−1−1, 在哪里ℓ=ℓ1(q−1)+ℓ0和0≤ℓ0<q−1.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Another Generalization of the Punctured Binary Reed-Muller Codes

打孔广义 Reed-Muller 码是经典打孔二进制 Reed-Muller 码的推广,在上一节中进行了介绍。最近在 [561] 中给出了经典穿孔二进制 Reed-Muller 码的新概括。本节的任务是介绍新的广义循环码。

让n=q米−1. 对于任何整数一个和0≤一个≤n−1, 我们有以下q-adic 扩展

在哪里0≤一个j≤q−1. 汉明权重一个, 表示为 wtHH(一个), 是向量中非零坐标的数量(一个0,一个1,…,一个米−1).
让一个成为Fq米∗. 对于任何1≤H≤米,我们定义一个多项式

G(q,米,H)(X)=∏1≤n≤n−1 1≤在吨H(一个)≤H(X−一个一个).多项式Fq. 根据定义,G(q,米,H)(X)是一个除数Xn−1.
让σ(q,米,H)表示循环码Fq有长度n和生成多项式G(米,q,H)(X). 根据定义,G(q,米,米)(X)=(Xn−1)/(X−1). 因此,代码C(q,米,米)很简单,因为它有参数[n,1,n]并且由全1向量跨越。下面我们考虑代码d(q,米,H)为了1≤H≤米−1只要。

定理 2.9.1 让米≥2和1≤H≤米−1. 然后在(q,米,H)有参数[q米− 1,ķ,d], 在哪里

ķ=q米−∑一世=0H(米 一世)(q−1)一世

什么时候q=2, 编码d(q,米,H)显然成为经典的穿孔二进制 ReedMuller 码R米(米−1−H,米)∗. 因此,d(q,米,H)确实是原始穿孔二进制 Reed-Muller 码的推广。此外,当q=2,(2.3)中的下界和上界变得相同。推测下限为d是实际的最小距离。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Reversible Cyclic Codes

定义 2.10.2 多项式F(X)超过Fq如果它等于它的倒数,则称为自倒数F⊥(X).

以下定理的结论在文献 [1323, page 206] 中是已知的并且很容易证明。

定理 2.10.3 让C是长度的循环码n超过Fq用生成多项式G(X). 那么下面的语句是等价的。(一个)C是可逆的。(二)G(X)是自我互惠的。(C)b−1是一个根G(X)对于每个根b的G(X)在分裂场上G(X). 此外,如果−1是一种力量q反对n,然后每个循环码Fq长度n是可逆的。

现在我们给出长度的可逆循环码的精确计数n=q米−1对于奇数素数米. 回想一下q-分圆陪集C一个模块n在定义 1.12.7 中给出。很简单−一个=n−一个∈C一个当且仅当一个(1+qj)≡0(反对n)对于某个整数j. 以下两个引理很简单,并且在任何时候都成立gcd⁡(n,q)=1.

引理 2.10.4 不可约多项式米一个一个(X)是自互的当且仅当n−一个∈ C一个

引理 2.10.5 最小公倍数厘米⁡(米一个一个(X),米一个n−一个(X))对每个人都是自互的一个∈从n.

定义 2.10.6 中的最小非负整数q-分圆陪集模n被称为这个陪集的陪集首领。
根据引理 2.10.4,我们有

厘米⁡(米一个一个(X),米一个n−一个(X))={米一个一个(X) 如果 n−一个∈C一个, 米一个一个(X)米一个n−一个(X) 否则。 
让Γ(n,q)表示所有的陪集首领的集合q-分圆陪集模n. 定义

\Pi_{(n, q)}=\Gamma_{(n, q)} \backslash\left{\max {a, \operatorname{leader}(na)} \mid a \in \Gamma_{(n, q )}, na \notin C_{a}\right},\Pi_{(n, q)}=\Gamma_{(n, q)} \backslash\left{\max {a, \operatorname{leader}(na)} \mid a \in \Gamma_{(n, q )}, na \notin C_{a}\right},
领导者在哪里(一世)表示陪集首领C一世. 然后\left{C_{a} \cup C_{na} \mid a \in \Pi_{(q, n)}\right}\left{C_{a} \cup C_{na} \mid a \in \Pi_{(q, n)}\right}是一个分区从n.

然后直接从引理得出以下结论2.10.4,2.10.5, 和定理 2.10.3。

定理 2.10.7 可逆循环码的总数Fq长度n等于2|圆周率(一个,n)|,包括零码和码Fqn. 每个可逆循环码Fq长度n由多项式生成


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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Minimum Distances of BCH Codes

It follows from Theorem 2.4.1 that a cyclic code with designed distance $\delta$ has minimum weight at least $\delta$. It is possible that the actual minimum distance is equal to the designed distance. Sometimes the actual minimum distance is much larger than the designed distance.
A codeword $\left(c_{0}, \ldots, c_{n-1}\right)$ of a linear code $\mathcal{C}$ is even-like if $\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} c_{j}=0$, and oddlike otherwise. The weight of an even-like (respectively odd-like) codeword is called an even-like weight (respectively odd-like weight). Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a primitive narrow-sense BCH code of length $n=q^{m}-1$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with designed distance $\delta$. The defining set is then $T(1, \delta)=C{1} \cup C_{2} \cup \cdots \cup C_{\delta-1}$. The following theorem provides useful information on the minimum weight of narrow-sense primitive BCH codes.

Theorem 2.6.4 Let $\mathcal{C}$ be the narrow-sense primitive $B C H$ code of length $n=q^{m}-1$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with designed distance $\delta$. Then the minimum weight of $\mathcal{C}$ is its minimum odd-like weight. The coordinates of the narrow-sense primitive BCH code $\mathcal{C}$ of length $n=q^{m}-1$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with designed distance $\delta$ can be indexed by the elements of $\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}^{}$, and the extended coordinate in the extended code $\widehat{\mathcal{C}}$ can be indexed by the zero element of $\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}$. The general affine group $\mathrm{GA}{1}\left(\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}\right)$ then acts on $\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}$ and also on $\widehat{\mathcal{C}}$ doubly transitively, where $$ \mathrm{GA}{1}\left(\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}\right)=\left{a x+b \mid a \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m}}^{}, b \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m}}\right} . $$ Since $\mathrm{GA}{1}\left(\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}\right)$ is transitive on $\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}$, it is a subgroup of the permutation automorphism group of $\widehat{\mathcal{C}}$. Theorem 2.6.4 then follows.

In the following cases, the minimum distance of the BCH code $\mathcal{C}_{(q, n, \delta, b)}$ is known. We first have the following [1323, p. 260].

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Dimensions of BCH Codes

The dimension of the BCH code $\mathcal{C}_{(q, n, \delta, b)}$ with defining set $T(b, \delta)$ in $(2.2)$ is $n-|T(b, \delta)|$. Since $|T(b, \delta)|$ may have a very complicated relation with $n, q, b$ and $\delta$, the dimension of the BCH code cannot be given exactly in terms of these parameters. The best one can do in general is to develop tight lower bounds on the dimension of BCH codes. The next theorem introduces such bounds [1008, Theorem 5.1.7].

Theorem 2.6.8 Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an $[n, \kappa] B C H$ code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of designed distance $\delta$. Then the following statements hold. (a) $\kappa \geq n-\operatorname{ord}{n}(q)(\delta-1)$.
(b) If $q=2$ and $\mathcal{C}$ is a narrow-sense $B C H$ code, then $\delta$ can be assumed odd; furthermore if $\delta=2 w+1$, then $\kappa \geq n-\operatorname{ord}_{n}(q) w$.

The bounds in Theorem $2.6 .8$ may not be improved for the general case, as demonstrated by the following example. However, in some special cases, they could be improved.

Example 2.6.9 Note that $m=\operatorname{ord}{15}(2)=4$, and the 2-cyclotomic cosets modulo 15 are $$ \begin{aligned} &C{0}={0}, C_{1}={1,2,4,8}, C_{3}={3,6,9,12}, \
&C_{5}={5,10}, C_{7}={7,11,13,14} .
Let $\gamma$ be a generator of $\mathbb{F}_{2^{4}}^{*}$ with $\gamma^{4}+\gamma+1=0$ and let $\alpha=\gamma^{\left(2^{4}-1\right) / 15}=\gamma$ be the primitive $15^{\text {th }}$ root of unity.

When $(b, \delta)=(0,3)$, the defining set $T(b, \delta)={0,1,2,4,8}$, and the binary cyclic code has parameters $[15,10,4]$ and generator polynomial $x^{5}+x^{4}+x^{2}+1$. In this case, the actual minimum weight is more than the designed distance, and the dimension is larger than the bound in Theorem 2.6.8(a).

When $(b, \delta)=(1,3)$, the defining set $T(b, \delta)={1,2,4,8}$, and the binary cyclic code has parameters $[15,11,3]$ and generator polynomial $x^{4}+x+1$. It is a narrow-sense BCH

code. In this case, the actual minimum weight is equal to the designed distance, and the dimension reaches the bound in Theorem $2.6 .8(\mathrm{~b})$.

When $(b, \delta)=(2,3)$, the defining set $T(b, \delta)={1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12}$, and the binary cyclic code has parameters $[15,7,5]$ and generator polynomial $x^{8}+x^{7}+x^{6}+x^{4}+1$. In this case, the actual minimum weight is more than the designed distance, and the dimension achieves the bound in Theorem 2.6.8(a).

When $(b, \delta)=(1,5)$, the defining set $T(b, \delta)={1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12}$, and the binary cyclic code has parameters $[15,7,5]$ and generator polynomial $x^{8}+x^{7}+x^{6}+x^{4}+1$. In this case, the actual minimum weight is equal to the designed distance, and the dimension is larger than the bound in Theorem 2.6.8(a). Note that the three pairs $\left(b_{1}, \delta_{1}\right)=(2,3),\left(b_{2}, \delta_{2}\right)=$ $(2,4)$ and $\left(b_{3}, \delta_{3}\right)=(1,5)$ define the same binary cyclic code with generator polynomial $x^{8}+x^{7}+x^{6}+x^{4}+1$. Hence the maximum designed distance of this $[15,7,5]$ cyclic code is $5 .$

When $(b, \delta)=(3,4)$, the defining set $T(b, \delta)={1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12}$, and the binary cyclic code has parameters $[15,5,7]$ and generator polynomial $x^{10}+x^{8}+x^{5}+x^{4}+x^{2}+x+1$. In this case, the actual minimum weight is more than the designed distance, and dimension is larger than the bound in Theorem 2.6.8(a).
The following is a general result on the dimension of BCH codes [47].

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Duadic Codes

Duadic codes are a family of cyclic codes and are generalizations of the quadratic residue codes. Binary duadic codes were defined in [1220] and were generalized to arbitrary finite fields in $[1517,1519]$. Some duadic codes have very good parameters, while some have very bad parameters. The objective of this section is to give a brief introduction of duadic codes.
As before, let $n$ be a positive integer and $q$ a prime power with $g c d(n, q)=1$. Let $S_{1}$ and $S_{2}$ be two subsets of $Z_{n}$ such that

  • $S_{1} \cap S_{2}=\emptyset$ and $S_{1} \cup S_{2}=\mathbb{Z}_{n} \backslash{0}$, and
  • both $S_{1}$ and $S_{2}$ are a union of some $q$-cyclotomic cosets modulo $n$.
    If there is a unit $\mu \in \mathbb{Z}{n}$ such that $S{1} \mu=S_{2}$ and $S_{2} \mu=S_{1}$, then $\left(S_{1}, S_{2}, \mu\right)$ is called a splitting of $\mathbb{Z}_{n}$.

Recall that $m:=\operatorname{ord}{n}(q)$ and $\alpha$ is a primitive $n^{\text {th }}$ root of unity in $\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}$. Let $\left(S_{1}, S_{2}, \mu\right)$ be a splitting of $\mathbb{Z}{m}$. Define $$ g{i}(x)=\prod_{i \in S_{i}}\left(x-\alpha^{i}\right) \text { and } \tilde{g}{i}(x)=(x-1) g{i}(x)
for $i \in{1,2}$. Since both $S_{1}$ and $S_{2}$ are unions of $q$-cyclotomic cosets modulo $n$, both $g_{1}(x)$ and $g_{2}(x)$ are polynomials over $\mathbb{F}{q}$. The pair of cyclic codes $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$ of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with generator polynomials $g_{\widetilde{r}}(x)$ and $g_{2}(x)$ are called odd-like duadic codes, and the pair of cyclic codes $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}{1}$ and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}{2}$ of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with generator polynomials $\widetilde{g}{1}(x)$ and $\tilde{g}_{2}(x)$ are called even-like duadic codes.

By definition, $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$ have parameters $[n,(n+1) / 2]$ and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}{1}$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{C}}{2}$ have parameters $[n,(n-1) / 2]$. For odd-like duadic codes, we have the following result [1008, Theorem 6.5.2].
Theorem 2.7.1 (Square Root Bound) Let $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$ be a pair of odd-like duadic codes of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$. Let $d{o}$ be their (common) minimum odd-like weight. Then the following hold.
(a) $d_{o}^{2} \geq n$.
(b) If the splitting defining the duadic codes is given by $\mu=-1$, then $d_{o}^{2}-d_{o}+1 \geq n$.
(c) Suppose $d_{o}^{2}-d_{o}+1=n$, where $d_{o}>2$, and assume that the splitting defining the duadic codes is given by $\mu=-1$. Then $d_{o}$ is the minimum weight of both $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$.

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Minimum Distances of BCH Codes

从定理 2.4.1 可以得出,具有设计距离的循环码d至少有最小重量d. 实际最小距离可能等于设计距离。有时实际最小距离远大于设计距离。
一个码字(C0,…,Cn−1)线性码C是偶数如果∑j=0n−1Cj=0,否则很奇怪。类偶数(分别类奇数)码字的权重称为类偶数权重(分别类奇数权重)。让C是长度的原始狭义 BCH 码n=q米−1超过Fq设计距离d. 那么定义集是吨(1,d)=C1∪C2∪⋯∪Cd−1. 以下定理提供了有关狭义原始 BCH 码的最小权重的有用信息。

定理 2.6.4 让C是狭义的原语乙CH长度码n=q米−1超过Fq设计距离d. 那么最小重量为C是它的最小类奇重量。狭义原始 BCH 码的坐标C长度n=q米−1超过Fq设计距离d可以通过元素索引Fq米, 以及扩展代码中的扩展坐标C^可以由零元素索引Fq米. 一般仿射群G一个1(Fq米)然后作用于Fq米并且还在C^双传递,其中

\mathrm{GA}{1}\left(\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}\right)=\left{a x+b \mid a \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m} }^{}, b \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m}}\right} 。\mathrm{GA}{1}\left(\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}\right)=\left{a x+b \mid a \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m} }^{}, b \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m}}\right} 。自从G一个1(Fq米)是可传递的Fq米,它是置换自同构群的一个子群C^. 定理 2.6.4 随之而来。


数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Dimensions of BCH Codes

BCH码的维度C(q,n,d,b)带有定义集吨(b,d)在(2.2)是n−|吨(b,d)|. 自从|吨(b,d)|可能有很复杂的关系n,q,b和d,BCH码的维数不能根据这些参数准确给出。一般来说,最好的办法是在 BCH 代码的维度上制定严格的下限。下一个定理引入了这样的界限[1008,定理 5.1.7]。

定理 2.6.8 让C豆[n,ķ]乙CH代码结束Fq设计距离d. 那么下面的陈述成立。(一个)ķ≥n−单词⁡n(q)(d−1).
(b) 如果q=2和C是狭义的乙CH代码,然后d可以假设为奇数;此外,如果d=2在+1, 然后ķ≥n−单词n⁡(q)在.


示例 2.6.9 请注意米=单词⁡15(2)=4, 模 15 的 2-分圆陪集是

C0=0,C1=1,2,4,8,C3=3,6,9,12, C5=5,10,C7=7,11,13,14.
让C成为F24∗和C4+C+1=0然后让一个=C(24−1)/15=C成为原始人15th 团结的根。

什么时候(b,d)=(0,3), 定义集吨(b,d)=0,1,2,4,8, 二进制循环码有参数[15,10,4]和生成多项式X5+X4+X2+1. 在这种情况下,实际最小重量大于设计距离,尺寸大于定理2.6.8(a)中的界限。

什么时候(b,d)=(1,3), 定义集吨(b,d)=1,2,4,8, 二进制循环码有参数[15,11,3]和生成多项式X4+X+1. 是狭义的BCH

代码。在这种情况下,实际最小重量等于设计距离,并且尺寸达到定理中的界限2.6.8( b).

什么时候(b,d)=(2,3), 定义集吨(b,d)=1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12, 二进制循环码有参数[15,7,5]和生成多项式X8+X7+X6+X4+1. 在这种情况下,实际最小重量大于设计距离,尺寸达到定理2.6.8(a)的界限。

什么时候(b,d)=(1,5), 定义集吨(b,d)=1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12, 二进制循环码有参数[15,7,5]和生成多项式X8+X7+X6+X4+1. 在这种情况下,实际最小权重等于设计距离,并且尺寸大于定理 2.6.8(a) 中的界限。注意三对(b1,d1)=(2,3),(b2,d2)= (2,4)和(b3,d3)=(1,5)用生成多项式定义相同的二进制循环码X8+X7+X6+X4+1. 因此这个最大设计距离[15,7,5]循环码是5.

什么时候(b,d)=(3,4), 定义集吨(b,d)=1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12, 二进制循环码有参数[15,5,7]和生成多项式X10+X8+X5+X4+X2+X+1. 在这种情况下,实际最小权重大于设计距离,维度大于定理 2.6.8(a) 中的界限。
以下是关于 BCH 码维度的一般结果 [47]。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Duadic Codes

二元码是循环码族,是二次余数码的推广。二进制二元码在 [1220] 中定义,并被推广到任意有限域[1517,1519]. 一些二元代码具有非常好的参数,而有些则具有非常糟糕的参数。本节的目的是简要介绍二元代码。
和以前一样,让n是一个正整数并且q一个主要的力量GCd(n,q)=1. 让小号1和小号2是两个子集从n这样

  • 小号1∩小号2=∅和小号1∪小号2=从n∖0, 和
  • 两个都小号1和小号2是一些人的联合q-分圆陪集模n.
    如果有单位μ∈从n这样小号1μ=小号2和小号2μ=小号1, 然后(小号1,小号2,μ)被称为分裂从n.

回顾米:=单词⁡n(q)和一个是原始的nth 团结的根源Fq米. 让(小号1,小号2,μ)是一个分裂从米. 定义

G一世(X)=∏一世∈小号一世(X−一个一世) 和 G~一世(X)=(X−1)G一世(X)
为了一世∈1,2. 由于两者小号1和小号2是工会q-分圆陪集模n, 两个都G1(X)和G2(X)是多项式Fq. 循环码对C1和C2长度n超过Fq生成多项式Gr~(X)和G2(X)被称为奇数二元码,而这对循环码C~1和C~2长度n超过Fq生成多项式G~1(X)和G~2(X)被称为偶数二元码。

根据定义,C1和C2有参数[n,(n+1)/2]和C~1和C~2有参数[n,(n−1)/2]. 对于类似奇数的二元码,我们有以下结果 [1008, Theorem 6.5.2]。
定理 2.7.1(平方根界)让C1和C2是一对长度为奇数的二元码n超过Fq. 让d○是他们的(常见的)最小奇数重量。然后以下保持。
(b) 如果定义二元码的分裂由下式给出μ=−1, 然后d○2−d○+1≥n.
(c) 假设d○2−d○+1=n, 在哪里d○>2,并假设定义二元码的分裂由下式给出μ=−1. 然后d○是两者的最小权重C1和C2.

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Minimum Distances of Cyclic Codes

The length of a cyclic code is clear from its definition. However, determining the dimensions and minimum distances of cyclic codes is nontrivial. If a cyclic code $\mathcal{C}$ of length $n$ is defined by its generator polynomial $g(x)$, then the dimension of $\mathcal{C}$ equals $n-\operatorname{deg}(g)$. But it may be hard to find the degree of $g(x)$ when $g(x)$ is given as the least common multiple of a number of polynomials. If a cyclic code is defined in the trace form, it may also be difficult to determine the dimension. Determining the exact minimum distance of a cyclic code is more difficult. In the case that the minimum distance of a cyclic code cannot be settled, the best one could expect is to develop a good lower bound on the minimum distance. Unlike many other subclasses of linear codes, cyclic codes have some lower bounds on their

minimum distances. Some of the bounds are easy to use, while others are hard to employ. Below we introduce a few effective lower bounds on the minimum distances of cyclic codes.
Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cyclic code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with generator polynomial $$ g(x)=\prod{i \in T}\left(x-\alpha^{i}\right)
where $T$ is the union of some $q$-cyclotomic cosets modulo $n$, and is called the defining set of $\mathcal{C}$ relative to $\alpha$. The following is a simple but very useful lower bound ([248] and [968]).
Theorem 2.4.1 (BCH Bound) Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cyclic code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$ with defining set $T$ and minimum distance $d$. Assume $T$ contains $\delta-1$ consecutive integers for some integer $\delta$. Then $d \geq \delta$.

The BCH Bound depends on the choice of the primitive $n^{\text {th }}$ root of unity $\alpha$. Different choices of the primitive root may yield different lower bounds. When applying the BCH Bound, it is crucial to choose the right primitive root. However, it is open how to choose such a primitive root. In many cases the BCH Bound may be far away from the actual minimum distance. In such cases, the lower bound given in the following theorem may be much better. It was discovered by Hartmann and Tzeng [914]. To introduce this bound, we define
A+B={a+b \mid a \in A, b \in B},
where $A$ and $B$ are two subsets of the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{n}, n$ is a positive integer, and + denotes the integer addition modulo $n$.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Irreducible Cyclic Codes

Let $\mathcal{C}(q, n, i)$ denote the cyclic code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with parity check polynomial $M{\alpha^{i}}(x)$, which is the minimal polynomial of $\alpha^{i}$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$, and where $\alpha$ is a primitive $n^{\text {th }}$ root of unity over an extension field of $\mathbb{F}{q}$. These $\mathcal{C}(q, n, i)$ are called irreducible cyclic codes. Since the ideals $\left\langle\left(x^{n}-1\right) / M_{\alpha^{i}}(x)\right\rangle$ of $\mathcal{R}{(n, q)}$ are minimal, these $\mathcal{C}(q, n, i)$ are also called minimal cyclic codes. By Theorem 2.3.5, $\mathcal{C}(q, n, i)$ has the following trace representation: $$ \mathcal{C}(q, n, i)=\left{\left(\operatorname{Tr}{q^{m_{i}} / q}\left(a \beta^{0}\right), \operatorname{Tr}{q^{m{i}} / q}(a \beta), \ldots, \operatorname{Tr}{q^{m{i}} / q}\left(a \beta^{n-1}\right)\right) \mid a \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m{i}}}\right},
where $\beta=\alpha^{-i} \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m{i}}}$ and $m_{i}=\left|C_{i}\right|$.
Example 2.5.1 Let $n=\left(q^{m}-1\right) /(q-1)$ and $\alpha=\gamma^{q-1}$, where $\gamma$ is a generator of $\mathbb{F}_{q^{m}}^{*}$. If $\operatorname{gcd}(q-1, m)=1$, then $\mathcal{C}(q, n, 1)$ has parameters $\left[n, m, q^{m-1}\right]$ and is equivalent to the simplex code whose dual is the Hamming code. Hence, when $\operatorname{gcd}(q-1, m)=1$, the Hamming code is equivalent to a cyclic code.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|BCH Codes and Their Properties

BCH codes are a subclass of cyclic codes with special properties and are important in both theory and practice. Experimental data shows that binary and ternary BCH codes of certain lengths are the best cyclic codes in almost all cases; see [549, Appendix A]. BCH codes were briefly introduced in Section 1.14. This section treats $\mathrm{BCH}$ codes further and summarizes their basic properties.

Let $\delta$ be an integer with $2 \leq \delta \leq n$ and let $b$ be an integer. A BCH code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of length $n$ and designed distance $\delta$, denoted by $\mathcal{C}{(q, n, \delta, b)}$, is a cyclic code with defining set
T(b, \delta)=C_{b} \cup C_{b+1} \cup \cdots \cup C_{b+\delta-2}
relative to the primitive $n^{\text {th }}$ root of unity $\alpha$, where $C_{i}$ is the $q$-cyclotomic coset modulo $n$ containing $i$.

When $b=1$, the code $\mathcal{C}{(q, n, \delta, b)}$ with defining set in (2.2) is called a narrow-sense $\mathrm{BCH}$ code. If $n=q^{m}-1$, then $\mathcal{C}{(q, n, \delta, b)}$ is referred to as a primitive BCH code. The Reed-Solomon code introduced in Section $1.14$ is a primitive BCH code.

Sometimes $T\left(b_{1}, \delta_{1}\right)=T\left(b_{2}, \delta_{2}\right)$ for two distinct pairs $\left(b_{1}, \delta_{1}\right)$ and $\left(b_{2}, \delta_{2}\right)$. The maximum designed distance of a $\mathrm{BCH}$ code is defined to be the largest $\delta$ such that the set $T(b, \delta)$ in (2.2) defines the code for some $b \geq 0$. The maximum designed distance of a BCH code is also called the Bose distance.

Given the canonical factorization of $x^{n}-1$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ in (2.1), we know that the total number of nonzero cyclic codes of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ is $2^{t+1}-1$. Then the following two natural questions arise:

  1. How many of the $2^{t+1}-1$ cyclic codes are BCH codes?
  2. Which of the $2^{t+1}-1$ cyclic codes are BCH codes?The first question is open. Regarding the second question, we have the next result whose proof is straightforward.
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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Minimum Distances of Cyclic Codes

循环码的长度从其定义中可以清楚地看出。然而,确定循环码的维度和最小距离并非易事。如果是循环码C长度n由它的生成多项式定义G(X), 那么维度C等于n−你⁡(G). 但可能很难找到程度G(X)什么时候G(X)被给出为多个多项式的最小公倍数。如果以迹线形式定义循环码,也可能难以确定维数。确定循环码的确切最小距离更加困难。在循环码的最小距离无法确定的情况下,最好的办法是制定一个良好的最小距离下界。与许多其他线性码子类不同,循环码有一些下界


在哪里吨是一些人的联合q-分圆陪集模n, 称为定义集C关系到一个. 以下是一个简单但非常有用的下限([248] 和 [968])。
定理 2.4.1(BCH 绑定)让C是长度的循环码n超过Fq带有定义集吨和最小距离d. 认为吨包含d−1某个整数的连续整数d. 然后d≥d.

BCH Bound 取决于原语的选择nth 团结之根一个. 原根的不同选择可能产生不同的下界。应用 BCH Bound 时,选择正确的原始根至关重要。但是,如何选择这样的原始根是开放的。在许多情况下,BCH Bound 可能远离实际的最小距离。在这种情况下,以下定理中给出的下限可能要好得多。它是由 Hartmann 和 Tzeng [914] 发现的。为了引入这个界限,我们定义

在哪里一个和乙是环的两个子集从n,n是一个正整数,+ 表示整数加法模n.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Irreducible Cyclic Codes

让C(q,n,一世)表示长度的循环码n超过Fq带有奇偶校验多项式米一个一世(X),它是的最小多项式一个一世超过Fq,以及在哪里一个是原始的nth 一个外延域上的统一根Fq. 这些C(q,n,一世)称为不可约循环码。自从有了理想⟨(Xn−1)/米一个一世(X)⟩的R(n,q)是最小的,这些C(q,n,一世)也称为最小循环码。根据定理 2.3.5,C(q,n,一世)具有以下跟踪表示:

\mathcal{C}(q, n, i)=\left{\left(\operatorname{Tr}{q^{m_{i}} / q}\left(a \beta^{0}\right), \operatorname{Tr}{q^{m{i}} / q}(a \beta), \ldots, \operatorname{Tr}{q^{m{i}} / q}\left(a \beta^ {n-1}\right)\right) \mid a \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m{i}}}\right},\mathcal{C}(q, n, i)=\left{\left(\operatorname{Tr}{q^{m_{i}} / q}\left(a \beta^{0}\right), \operatorname{Tr}{q^{m{i}} / q}(a \beta), \ldots, \operatorname{Tr}{q^{m{i}} / q}\left(a \beta^ {n-1}\right)\right) \mid a \in \mathbb{F}{q^{m{i}}}\right},
示例 2.5.1 让n=(q米−1)/(q−1)和一个=Cq−1, 在哪里C是一个生成器Fq米∗. 如果gcd⁡(q−1,米)=1, 然后C(q,n,1)有参数[n,米,q米−1]并且等价于对偶是汉明码的单纯形码。因此,当gcd⁡(q−1,米)=1,汉明码等价于循环码。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|BCH Codes and Their Properties

BCH码是具有特殊性质的循环码的子类,在理论和实践中都很重要。实验数据表明,在几乎所有情况下,一定长度的二进制和三进制 BCH 码都是最好的循环码;见 [549,附录 A]。1.14 节简要介绍了 BCH 码。本节处理乙CH进一步编码并总结它们的基本属性。

让d是一个整数2≤d≤n然后让b是一个整数。一个 BCH 代码Fq长度n和设计距离d,表示为C(q,n,d,b), 是具有定义集的循环码

相对于原始nth 团结之根一个, 在哪里C一世是个q-分圆陪集模n包含一世.

什么时候b=1, 编码C(q,n,d,b)在(2.2)中定义集合称为狭义乙CH代码。如果n=q米−1, 然后C(q,n,d,b)被称为原始 BCH 码。章节中介绍的 Reed-Solomon 码1.14是原始 BCH 代码。

有时吨(b1,d1)=吨(b2,d2)对于两个不同的对(b1,d1)和(b2,d2). 最大设计距离乙CH代码被定义为最大d这样集合吨(b,d)在 (2.2) 中定义了一些代码b≥0. BCH码的最大设计距离也称为玻色距离。

给定的规范分解Xn−1超过Fq在(2.1)中,我们知道长度为非零的循环码的总数n超过Fq是2吨+1−1. 那么自然会产生以下两个问题:

  1. 其中有多少2吨+1−1循环码是BCH码吗?
  2. 哪一个2吨+1−1循环码是 BCH 码吗?第一个问题是开放的。关于第二个问题,我们有下一个证明很简单的结果。
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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Notation and Introduction

A brief introduction to cyclic codes over finite fields was given in Section 1.12. The objective of this chapter is to introduce several important families of cyclic codes over finite fields. We will follow the notation of Chapter 1 as closely as possible.

By an $[n, \kappa, d]{q}$ code, we mean a linear code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with length $n$, dimension $\kappa$ and minimum distance $d$. Notice that the minimum distance of a linear code is equal to the minimum nonzero weight of the code. By the parameters of a linear code, we mean its length, dimension and minimum distance. An $[n, \kappa, d]{q}$ code is said to be distance-optimal (respectively dimension-optimal) if there is no $[n, \kappa, d+1]{q}$ (respectively $[n, \kappa+1, d]{q}$ ) code. By the best known parameters of $[n, \kappa]$ linear codes over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ we mean an $[n, \kappa, d]_{q}$ code with the largest known $d$ reported in the tables of linear codes maintained at [845].

In this chapter, we deal with cyclic codes of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ and always assume that $\operatorname{gcd}(n, q)=1$. Under this assumption, $x^{n}-1$ has no repeated factors over $\mathbb{F}{q}$. Denote by $C_{i}$ the $q$-cyclotomic coset modulo $n$ that contains $i$ for $0 \leq i \leq n-1$. Put $m=\operatorname{ord}{n}(q)$, and let $\gamma$ be a generator of $\mathbb{F}{q^{m}}^{*}:=\mathbb{F}{q^{m}} \backslash{0}$. Define $\alpha=\gamma^{\left(q^{m}-1\right) / n}$. Then $\alpha$ is a primitive $n^{\text {th }}$ root of unity. The canonical factorization of $x^{n}-1$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ is given by
x^{n}-1=M_{\alpha^{i_{0}}}(x) M_{\alpha^{i_{1}}}(x) \cdots M_{\alpha^{i_{t}}}(x),

where $i_{0}, i_{1}, \ldots, i_{t}$ are representatives of the $q$-cyclotomic cosets modulo $n$, and
M_{\alpha^{i_{j}}}(x)=\prod_{h \in C_{i_{j}}}\left(x-\alpha^{h}\right)
which is the minimal polynomial of $\alpha^{i_{j}}$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ and is irreducible over $\mathbb{F}{q \text { : }}$.
Throughout this chapter, we define $\mathcal{R}{(n, q)}=\mathbb{F}{q}[x] /\left\langle x^{n}-1\right\rangle$ and use $\operatorname{Tr}{q^{m} / q}$ to denote the trace function from $F{q^{m}}$ to $F_{q}$ defined by $\operatorname{Tr}{q^{m} / q}(x)=\sum{j=0}^{m-1} x^{q^{j}}$. The ring of integers modulo $n$ is denoted by $\mathbb{Z}_{n}={0,1, \ldots, n-1}$.

Cyclic codes form an important subclass of linear codes over finite fields. Their algebraic structure is richer. Because of their cyclic structure, they are closely related to number theory. In addition, they have efficient encoding and decoding algorithms and are the most studied linear codes. In fact, most of the important families of linear codes are either cyclic codes or extended cyclic codes.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Subfield Subcodes

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an $[n, \kappa]{q^{\pm}}$code. The subfield subcode $\left.\mathcal{C}\right|{\mathbb{F}{q}}$ of $\mathcal{C}$ with respect to $\mathbb{F}{q}$ is the set of codewords in $\mathcal{C}$ each of whose components is in $\mathbb{F}{q}$. Since $\mathcal{C}$ is linear over $\mathbb{F}{q^{2}},\left.\mathcal{C}\right|{\mathbb{F}{q}}$ is a linear code over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$.

The dimension, denoted $\kappa_{q}$, of the subfield subcode $\left.\mathcal{C}\right|{F{q}}$ may not have an elementary relation with that of the code $\mathcal{C}$. However, we have the following lower and upper bounds on $\kappa_{q}$.

Theorem 2.2.1 Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an $[n, \kappa]{q^{t}}$ code. Then $\left.\mathcal{C}\right|{\mathbb{F}{q}}$ is an $\left[n, \kappa{q}\right]$ code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$, where $\kappa \geq \kappa{q} \geq n-t(n-\kappa)$. If $\mathcal{C}$ has a basis of codewords in $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$, then this is also a basis of $\left.\mathcal{C}\right|{\mathbb{F}{q}}$ and $\left.\mathcal{C}\right|{F_{q}}$ has dimension $\kappa$.

Example 2.2.2 The Hamming code $\mathcal{H}{3,2^{2}}$ over $\mathbb{F}{2^{2}}$ has parameters $[21,18,3]{4}$. The subfield subcode $\left.\mathcal{H}{3,2^{2}}\right|{\mathbb{F}{2}}$ is a $[21,16,3]{2}$ code with parity check matrix $$ \left[\begin{array}{lllllllllllllllllllll} 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right] . $$ In this case, $n=21, \kappa=18$, and $n-t(n-\kappa)=15$. Hence $\kappa{q}=16$, which is very close to $n-t(n-\kappa)=15$.

The following is called Delsarte’s Theorem, which exhibits a dual relation between subfield subcodes and trace codes. This theorem is very useful in the design and analysis of linear codes.
Theorem 2.2.3 (Delsarte) Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a linear code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q^{*}}$. Then $$ \left(\left.\mathcal{C}\right|{F_{q}}\right)^{\perp}=\operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q}\left(\mathcal{C}^{\perp}\right), $$ where $\operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q}\left(\mathcal{C}^{\perp}\right)=\left{\left(\operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q}\left(v{1}\right), \ldots, \operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q}\left(v{n}\right)\right) \mid\left(v_{1}, \ldots, v_{n}\right) \in \mathcal{C}^{\perp}\right}$.
Theorems $2.2 .1$ and $2.2 .3$ work for all linear codes, including cyclic codes. Their proofs could be found in [1008, Section 3.8]. We shall need them later.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Fundamental Constructions of Cyclic Codes

In Section 1.12, it was shown that every cyclic code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ can be generated by a generator polynomial $g(x) \in F{q}[x]$. The objective of this section is to describe several other fundamental constructions of cyclic codes over finite fields. By a fundamental construction, we mean a construction method that can produce every cyclic code over any finite field.

An element $e$ in a commutative ring $\mathcal{R}$ is called an idempotent if $e^{2}=e$. The ring $\mathcal{R}{(n, q)}$ has in general quite a number of idempotents. Besides its generator polynomial, many other polynomials can generate a cyclic code $\mathcal{C}$. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cyclic code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with generator polynomial $g(x)$. It is easily seen that a polynomial $f(x) \in \mathbb{F}_{q}[x]$ generates $\mathcal{C}$ if and only if $\operatorname{gcd}\left(f(x), x^{n}-1\right)=g(x)$.

If an idempotent $e(x) \in \mathcal{R}{(n, q)}$ generates a cyclic code $\mathcal{C}$, it is then unique in this ring and called the generating idempotent. Given the generator polynomial of a cyclic code, one can compute its generating idempotent with the following theorem [1008, Theorem 4.3.3]. Theorem 2.3.1 Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cyclic code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with generator polynomial $g(x)$. Let $h(x)=\left(x^{n}-1\right) / g(x)$. Then $\operatorname{gcd}(g(x), h(x))=1$, as it was assumed that $\operatorname{gcd}(n, q)=1$. Employing the Extended Euclidean Algorithm, one computes two polynomials a $(x) \in \mathbb{F}{q}[x]$ and $b(x) \in \mathbb{F}{q}[x]$ such that $1=a(x) g(x)+b(x) h(x)$. Then $e(x)=a(x) g(x) \bmod \left(x^{n}-1\right)$ is the generating idempotent of $\mathcal{C}$.

The polynomial $h(x)$ in Theorem $2.3 .1$ is called the parity check polynomial of $\mathcal{C}$. Given the generating idempotent of a cyclic code, one obtains the generator polynomial of this code as follows [1008, Theorem 4.3.3].

Theorem 2.3.2 Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a cyclic code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ with generating idempotent e(x). Then the generator polynomial of $\mathcal{C}$ is given by $g(x)=\operatorname{gcd}\left(e(x), x^{n}-1\right)$, which is computed in $\mathbb{F}{q}[x]$.
Example 2.3.3 The cyclic code $\mathcal{C}$ of length 11 over $\mathbb{F}_{3}$ with generator polynomial $g(x)=$ $x^{5}+x^{4}+2 x^{3}+x^{2}+2$ has parameters $[11,6,5]$ and parity check polynomial $h(x)=x^{6}+$ $2 x^{5}+2 x^{4}+2 x^{3}+x^{2}+1 .$

Let $a(x)=2 x^{5}+x^{4}+x^{2}$ and $b(x)=x^{4}+x^{3}+1$. It is then easily verified that $1=$ $a(x) g(x)+b(x) h(x)$. Hence
e(x)=a(x) g(x) \bmod \left(x^{11}-1\right)=2 x^{10}+2 x^{8}+2 x^{7}+2 x^{6}+2 x^{2}
which is the generating idempotent of $\mathcal{C}$. On the other hand, we have $g(x)=\operatorname{gcd}\left(e(x), x^{11}-\right.$ 1).

A generator matrix of a cyclic code can be derived from its generating idempotent as follows [1008, Theorem 4.3.6].

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Notation and Introduction

1.12 节简要介绍了有限域上的循环码。本章的目的是介绍有限域上几个重要的循环码族。我们将尽可能地遵循第 1 章的符号。

由一个[n,ķ,d]q代码,我们的意思是线性代码Fq有长度n, 方面ķ和最小距离d. 请注意,线性代码的最小距离等于代码的最小非零权重。线性码的参数是指它的长度、尺寸和最小距离。一个[n,ķ,d]q如果没有,则称代码是距离最优的(分别是维度最优的)[n,ķ,d+1]q(分别[n,ķ+1,d]q) 代码。通过最知名的参数[n,ķ]线性码超过Fq我们的意思是[n,ķ,d]q已知最大的代码d在[845]维护的线性代码表中报告。

在本章中,我们处理长度为的循环码n超过Fq并且总是假设gcd⁡(n,q)=1. 在这个假设下,Xn−1没有重复的因素Fq. 表示为C一世这q-分圆陪集模n包含一世为了0≤一世≤n−1. 放米=单词⁡n(q), 然后让C成为Fq米∗:=Fq米∖0. 定义一个=C(q米−1)/n. 然后一个是原始的nth 团结的根。的规范分解Xn−1超过Fq是(谁)给的


在哪里一世0,一世1,…,一世吨是代表q-分圆陪集模n, 和

这是的最小多项式一个一世j超过Fq并且不可约Fq : .
在本章中,我们定义R(n,q)=Fq[X]/⟨Xn−1⟩并使用Tr⁡q米/q表示跟踪函数Fq米至Fq被定义为Tr⁡q米/q(X)=∑j=0米−1Xqj. 整数环模n表示为从n=0,1,…,n−1.


数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Subfield Subcodes

让C豆[n,ķ]q±代码。子字段子代码C|Fq的C关于Fq是代码字的集合C每个组件都在Fq. 自从C是线性的Fq2,C|Fq是一个线性码Fq.

尺寸,表示ķq, 子域子代码 $\left.\mathcal{C}\right| {F {q}}米一个是n○吨H一个在和一个n和l和米和n吨一个r是r和l一个吨一世○n在一世吨H吨H一个吨○F吨H和C○d和\数学{C}.H○在和在和r,在和H一个在和吨H和F○ll○在一世nGl○在和r一个nd在pp和rb○在nds○n\kappa_{q}$

定理 2.2.1 令C豆[n,ķ]q吨代码。然后C|Fq是一个[n,ķq]代码结束Fq, 在哪里ķ≥ķq≥n−吨(n−ķ). 如果C有一个码字的基础Fqn, 那么这也是一个基础C|Fq和C|Fq有维度ķ.

例 2.2.2 汉明码H3,22超过F22有参数[21,18,3]4. 子字段子代码H3,22|F2是一个[21,16,3]2带有奇偶校验矩阵的代码

[100110011001111001101 010010110011010011001 001100110011001100110 000001111000000001111 000000000111111110000].在这种情况下,n=21,ķ=18, 和n−吨(n−ķ)=15. 因此ķq=16, 非常接近n−吨(n−ķ)=15.

定理 2.2.3 (Delsarte) 让C是长度的线性码n超过Fq∗. 然后

(C|Fq)⊥=Tr⁡q吨/q(C⊥),在哪里\operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q}\left(\mathcal{C}^{\perp}\right)=\left{\left(\operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q }\left(v{1}\right), \ldots, \operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q}\left(v{n}\right)\right) \mid\left(v_{1 }, \ldots, v_{n}\right) \in \mathcal{C}^{\perp}\right}\operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q}\left(\mathcal{C}^{\perp}\right)=\left{\left(\operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q }\left(v{1}\right), \ldots, \operatorname{Tr}{q^{t} / q}\left(v{n}\right)\right) \mid\left(v_{1 }, \ldots, v_{n}\right) \in \mathcal{C}^{\perp}\right}.
定理2.2.1和2.2.3适用于所有线性码,包括循环码。他们的证明可以在 [1008, Section 3.8] 中找到。我们稍后会需要它们。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Fundamental Constructions of Cyclic Codes

在 1.12 节中,证明了每个长度为n超过Fq可以由生成多项式生成G(X)∈Fq[X]. 本节的目的是描述有限域上循环码的其他几个基本结构。基本构造是指一种构造方法,它可以在任何有限域上生成每个循环码。

一个元素和在交换环中R被称为幂等如果和2=和. 戒指R(n,q)通常具有相当多的幂等性。除了它的生成多项式,许多其他多项式也可以生成循环码C. 让C是一个循环码Fq用生成多项式G(X). 很容易看出,多项式F(X)∈Fq[X]生成C当且仅当gcd⁡(F(X),Xn−1)=G(X).

如果一个幂等和(X)∈R(n,q)生成循环码C,则它在这个环中是唯一的,称为生成幂等。给定循环码的生成多项式,可以使用以下定理 [1008,定理 4.3.3] 计算其生成幂等性。定理 2.3.1 令C是长度的循环码n超过Fq用生成多项式G(X). 让H(X)=(Xn−1)/G(X). 然后gcd⁡(G(X),H(X))=1,因为假设gcd⁡(n,q)=1. 使用扩展欧几里得算法,计算两个多项式(X)∈Fq[X]和b(X)∈Fq[X]这样1=一个(X)G(X)+b(X)H(X). 然后和(X)=一个(X)G(X)反对(Xn−1)是生成幂等C.

多项式H(X)定理2.3.1称为奇偶校验多项式C. 给定循环码的生成幂等性,可以按如下方式获得该码的生成多项式 [1008,定理 4.3.3]。

定理 2.3.2 令C是一个循环码Fq生成幂等 e(x)。然后生成多项式C是(谁)给的G(X)=gcd⁡(和(X),Xn−1), 计算在Fq[X].
例 2.3.3 循环码C长度超过 11F3用生成多项式G(X)= X5+X4+2X3+X2+2有参数[11,6,5]和奇偶校验多项式H(X)=X6+ 2X5+2X4+2X3+X2+1.

让一个(X)=2X5+X4+X2和b(X)=X4+X3+1. 然后很容易验证1= 一个(X)G(X)+b(X)H(X). 因此

这是生成幂等C. 另一方面,我们有G(X)=gcd⁡(和(X),X11− 1).

循环码的生成矩阵可以从其生成幂等推导出如下 [1008,定理 4.3.6]。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


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我们提供的编码理论Coding theory及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Asymptotic Bounds

We now describe what happens to the bounds, excluding the Griesmer Bound, as the code length approaches infinity; these bounds are termed asymptotic bounds. We first need some terminology.

Definition 1.9.26 The information rate, or simply rate, of an $(n, M, d){q}$ code is defined to be $\frac{\log {q} M}{n}$. If the code is actually an $[n, k, d]_{q}$ linear code, its rate is $\frac{k}{n}$, measuring the number of information coordinates relative to the total number of coordinates. In either the linear or nonlinear case, the higher the rate, the higher the proportion of coordinates in a codeword that actually contain information rather than redundancy. The ratio $\frac{d}{n}$ is called the relative distance of the code; as we will see later, the relative distance is a measure of the error-correcting capability of the code relative to its length.

Each asymptotic bound will be either an upper or lower bound on the largest possible rate for a family of (possibly nonlinear) codes over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of lengths going to infinity with relative distances approaching $\delta$. The function, called the asymptotic normalized rate function, that determines this rate is $$ \alpha{q}(\delta)=\limsup {n \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\log {q} A_{q}(n, \delta n)}{n} .
As the exact value of $\alpha_{q}(\delta)$ is unknown, we desire upper and lower bounds on this function. An upper bound would indicate that all families with relative distances approaching $\delta$ have rates, in the limit, at most this upper bound. A lower bound indicates that there exists a family of codes of lengths approaching infinity and relative distances approaching $\delta$ whose rates are at least this bound. Three of the bounds in the next theorem involve the entropy function.
Definition 1.9.27 The entropy function is defined for $0 \leq x \leq r=1-q^{-1}$ by
H_{q}(x)= \begin{cases}0 & \text { if } x=0, \ x \log {q}(q-1)-x \log {q} x-(1-x) \log _{q}(1-x) & \text { if } 02$.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Hamming Codes

A binary code permutation equivalent to the code of Example $1.4 .9$ was discovered in 1947 by R. W. Hamming while working at Bell Telephone Laboratories. Because of patent considerations, his work was not published until 1950 ; see [895]. This Hamming code actually appeared earlier in C. E. Shannon’s seminal paper [1661]. It was also generalized to codes over fields of prime order by M. J. E. Golay [820].

Given a positive integer $m$, if one takes an $m \times n$ binary matrix whose columns are nonzero and distinct, the binary code with this parity check matrix must have minimum weight at least 3 by Theorem 1.6.11. Binary Hamming codes $\mathcal{H}_{m, 2}$ arise by choosing an $m \times n$ parity check matrix with the maximum number of columns possible that are distinct and nonzero.

Definition 1.10.1 Let $m \geq 2$ be an integer and $n=2^{m}-1$. Let $H_{m, 2}$ be an $m \times n$ matrix whose columns are all $2^{m}-1$ distinct nonzero binary $m$-tuples. A code with this parity check matrix is called a binary Hamming code. Changing the column order of $H_{m, 2}$ produces a set of pairwise permutation equivalent codes. Any code in this list is denoted $\mathcal{H}{m, 2}$ and is a $\left[2^{m}-1,2^{m}-1-m, 3\right]{2}$ code.

The code $\mathcal{H}{3,2}$ of Example $1.4 .9$ is indeed a binary Hamming code. These codes are generalized to Hamming codes $\mathcal{H}{m, q}$ over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$, all with minimum weight 3 again from Theorem 1.6.11.

Definition 1.10.2 Let $m \geq 2$ be an integer and $n=\left(q^{m}-1\right) /(q-1)$. There are a total of $n$ 1-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{F}{q}^{m}$. Let $H{m, q}$ be an $m \times n$ matrix whose columns are all nonzero $m$-tuples with one column from each of the distinct 1-dimensional subspaces of $F_{q}^{m}$. A code with this parity check matrix is called a Hamming code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$. Re-scaling columns and/or changing column order of $H{m, q}$ produces a set of pairwise monomially equivalent codes. Any code in this list is denoted $\mathcal{H}{m, q}$ and is a $\left[\left(q^{m}-1\right) /(q-1),\left(q^{m}-1\right) /(q-1)-m, 3\right]{q}$ code. The code $\mathcal{H}{m, q}^{\perp}$ is called a simplex code. Example 1.10.3 The parity check matrix of the code in Example 1.9.14 is $$ \left[\begin{array}{cc|cc} -1 & -1 & 1 & 0 \ -1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \end{array}\right] . $$ This code satisfies the definition of a Hamming $[4,2,3]{3}$ code, and so $\mathcal{H}_{2,3}$ is the appropriate labeling of this code.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Reed-Muller Codes

In 1954 the binary Reed-Muller codes were first constructed and examined by D. E. Muller [1409], and a majority logic decoding algorithm for them was described by I. S. Reed [1581]. The non-binary Reed-Muller codes, called generalized Reed-Muller codes, were developed in $[1089,1887]$; see also Example 16.4.11 and Section 2.8. We define binary Reed-Muller codes recursively based on the $(\mathbf{u} \mid \mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v})$ construction; see [1323]. Other constructions of Reed-Muller codes can be found in Chapters 2,16 , and 20 .

Definition 1.11.1 For $i \in{1,2}$, let $\mathcal{C}{i}$ be linear codes both of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$. The $(\mathbf{u} \mid \mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v})$ construction produces the linear code $\mathcal{C}$ of length $2 n$ given by $\mathcal{C}={(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v}) \mid$ $\left.\mathbf{u} \in \mathcal{C}{1}, \mathbf{v} \in \mathcal{C}{2}\right}$

Remark 1.11.2 Let $\mathcal{C}{i}$, for $i \in{1,2}$, be $\left[n, k{i}, d_{i}\right]{q}$ codes with generator and parity check matrices $G{i}$ and $H_{i}$, respectively. $\mathcal{C}$ obtained by the $(\mathbf{u} \mid \mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v})$ construction is a $\left[2 n, k_{1}+\right.$ $\left.k_{2}, \min \left{2 d_{1}, d_{2}\right}\right]{q}$ code with generator and parity check matrices $$ G=\left[\begin{array}{c|c} G{1} & G_{1} \
\hline \mathbf{0}{k{2} \times n} & G_{2}
\end{array}\right] \text { and } H=\left[\begin{array}{c|c}
H_{1} & \mathbf{0}{\left(n-k{1}\right) \times n} \
\hline-H_{2} & H_{2}
We now define the binary Reed-Muller codes.
Definition 1.11.3 Let $r$ and $m$ be integers with $0 \leq r \leq m$ and $1 \leq m$. The $r^{\text {th }}$ order binary Reed-Muller (RM) code of length $2^{m}$, denoted $\mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}(r, m)$, is defined recursively. The code $\mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}(0, m)={\mathbf{0}, 1}$, the $\left[2^{m}, 1,2^{m}\right]{2}$ binary repetition code, and $\mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}(m, m)=\mathbb{F}{q}^{2^{m}}$, a $\left[2^{m}, 2^{m}, 1\right]_{2}$ code. For $1 \leq r<m$, define
\mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}(r, m)={(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v}) \mid \mathbf{u} \in \mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}(r, m-1), \mathbf{v} \in \mathcal{R} \mathcal{M}(r-1, m-1)}

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Asymptotic Bounds

我们现在描述当代码长度接近无穷大时边界会发生什么,不包括 Griesmer 边界;这些界限被称为渐近界限。我们首先需要一些术语。

定义 1.9.26 信息速率,或简称为速率,(n,米,d)q代码被定义为日志⁡q米n. 如果代码实际上是[n,ķ,d]q线性码,其速率为ķn,测量相对于坐标总数的信息坐标数。在线性或非线性情况下,速率越高,码字中实际包含信息而不是冗余的坐标比例就越高。比例dn称为代码的相对距离;正如我们稍后将看到的,相对距离是代码相对于其长度的纠错能力的量度。

每个渐近界将是一系列(可能是非线性)代码的最大可能速率的上限或下限Fq随着相对距离的接近,长度趋于无穷d. 确定该速率的函数称为渐近归一​​化速率函数是

定义 1.9.27 熵函数定义为0≤X≤r=1−q−1由
H_{q}(x)= \begin{cases}0 & \text { if } x=0, \ x \log {q}(q-1)-x \log {q} x-(1 -x) \log _{q}(1-x) & \text { 如果 } 02$。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Hamming Codes

等效于示例代码的二进制代码排列1.4.9由 RW Hamming 于 1947 年在贝尔电话实验室工作时发现。由于专利的考虑,他的作品直到 1950 年才出版;见[895]。这个汉明码实际上早先出现在 CE Shannon 的开创性论文 [1661] 中。它也被 MJE Golay [820] 推广到素数域上的代码。

给定一个正整数米, 如果一个人拿米×n根据定理 1.6.11,其列非零且不同的二进制矩阵,具有该奇偶校验矩阵的二进制码必须具有至少 3 的最小权重。二进制汉明码H米,2通过选择一个米×n具有最大可能不同且非零列数的奇偶校验矩阵。

定义 1.10.1 让米≥2是一个整数并且n=2米−1. 让H米,2豆米×n列全部为的矩阵2米−1不同的非零二进制米-元组。具有这种奇偶校验矩阵的代码称为二进制汉明码。更改的列顺序H米,2产生一组成对置换等效码。此列表中的任何代码都表示H米,2并且是一个[2米−1,2米−1−米,3]2代码。

编码H3,2示例1.4.9确实是二进制汉明码。这些代码被推广到汉明码H米,q超过Fq,从定理 1.6.11 再次具有最小权重 3。

定义 1.10.2 让米≥2是一个整数并且n=(q米−1)/(q−1). 共有n的一维子空间Fq米. 让H米,q豆米×n列全部为非零的矩阵米- 元组中每个不同的一维子空间中的一列Fq米. 具有这种奇偶校验矩阵的代码称为汉明码Fq. 重新缩放列和/或更改列顺序H米,q产生一组成对的单项式等价码。此列表中的任何代码都表示H米,q并且是一个[(q米−1)/(q−1),(q米−1)/(q−1)−米,3]q代码。编码H米,q⊥称为单纯形码。例 1.10.3 例 1.9.14 中代码的奇偶校验矩阵为

[−1−110 −1101].该代码满足汉明的定义[4,2,3]3代码,等等H2,3是此代码的适当标记。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Reed-Muller Codes

1954 年,DE Muller [1409] 首次构建和检查了二进制 Reed-Muller 码,IS Reed [1581] 描述了它们的多数逻辑解码算法。非二进制 Reed-Muller 码,称为广义 Reed-Muller 码,是在[1089,1887]; 另见示例 16.4.11 和第 2.8 节。我们基于递归定义二进制 Reed-Muller 码(在∣在+在)建造; 见[1323]。Reed-Muller 码的其他结构可以在第 2,16 和 20 章中找到。

定义 1.11.1 对于一世∈1,2, 让C一世都是长度的线性码n超过Fq. 这(在∣在+在)构造产生线性代码C长度2n由\mathcal{C}={(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v}) \mid$ $\left.\mathbf{u} \in \mathcal{C}{1}, \ mathbf{v} \in \mathcal{C}{2}\right}\mathcal{C}={(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{u}+\mathbf{v}) \mid$ $\left.\mathbf{u} \in \mathcal{C}{1}, \ mathbf{v} \in \mathcal{C}{2}\right}

备注 1.11.2 让C一世, 为了一世∈1,2, 是[n,ķ一世,d一世]q带有生成器和奇偶校验矩阵的代码G一世和H一世, 分别。C获得的(在∣在+在)建筑是一个[2n,ķ1+ \left.k_{2}, \min \left{2 d_{1}, d_{2}\right}\right]{q}\left.k_{2}, \min \left{2 d_{1}, d_{2}\right}\right]{q}带有生成器和奇偶校验矩阵的代码

G=\left[\begin{array}{c|c} G{1} & G_{1} \ \hline \mathbf{0}{k{2} \times n} & G_{2} \end{array }\right] \text { 和 } H=\left[\begin{array}{c|c} H_{1} & \mathbf{0}{\left(nk{1}\right) \times n} \ \hline-H_{2} & H_{2} \end{array}\right]G=\left[\begin{array}{c|c} G{1} & G_{1} \ \hline \mathbf{0}{k{2} \times n} & G_{2} \end{array }\right] \text { 和 } H=\left[\begin{array}{c|c} H_{1} & \mathbf{0}{\left(nk{1}\right) \times n} \ \hline-H_{2} & H_{2} \end{array}\right]
我们现在定义二进制 Reed-Muller 码。
定义 1.11.3 让r和米是整数0≤r≤米和1≤米. 这rth 顺序二进制 Reed-Muller (RM) 代码长度2米, 表示R米(r,米), 是递归定义的。编码R米(0,米)=0,1, 这[2米,1,2米]2二进制重复码,和R米(米,米)=Fq2米, 一个[2米,2米,1]2代码。为了1≤r<米, 定义


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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|MTH 3018

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Sphere Packing Bound

The Sphere Packing Bound, also called the Hamming Bound, is based on packing $F_{q}^{n}$ with non-overlapping spheres.

Definition 1.9.3 The sphere of radius $r$ centered at $\mathbf{u} \in F_{q}^{n}$ is the set $S_{q, n, r}(\mathbf{u})=$ $\left{\mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n} \mid \mathrm{d}{\mathbf{H}}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}) \leq r\right}$ of all vectors in $\mathbb{F}_{q}^{n}$ whose distance from $\mathbf{u}$ is at most $r$.
We need the size of a sphere, which requires use of binomial coefficients.
Definition 1.9.4 For $a, b$ integers with $0 \leq b \leq a,\left(\begin{array}{l}a \ b\end{array}\right)$ is the number of $b$-element subsets in an $a$-element set. $\left(\begin{array}{l}a \ b\end{array}\right)=\frac{a !}{b !(a-b) !}$ and is called a binomial coefficient.

The next result is the basis of the Sphere Packing Bound; part (a) is a direct count and part (b) follows from the triangle inequality of Theorem 1.6.2.
Theorem 1.9.5 The following hold.
(a) For $\mathbf{u} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n},\left|S{q, n, r}(\mathbf{u})\right|=\sum_{i=0}^{r}\left(\begin{array}{l}n \ i\end{array}\right)(q-1)^{i}$.
(b) If $\mathcal{C}$ is an $(n, M, d)_{q}$ code and $t=\left\lfloor\frac{d-1}{2}\right\rfloor$, then spheres of radius $t$ centered at distinct codewords are disjoint.

Theorem 1.9.6 (Sphere Packing (or Hamming) Bound) Let $d \geq 1 .$ If $t=\left\lfloor\frac{d-1}{2}\right\rfloor$, then
B_{q}(n, d) \leq A_{q}(n, d) \leq \frac{q^{n}}{\sum_{i=0}^{t}\left(\begin{array}{c}
n \
Proof: Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an $(n, M, d){q}$ code. By Theorem $1.9 .5$, the spheres of radius $t$ centered at distinct codewords are disjoint, and each such sphere has $\alpha=\sum{i=0}^{t}\left(\begin{array}{l}n \ i\end{array}\right)(q-1)^{i}$ total vectors. Thus $M \alpha$ cannot exceed the number $q^{n}$ of vectors in $\mathbb{F}_{q}^{n}$. The result is now clear.

Remark 1.9.7 The Sphere Packing Bound is an upper bound on the size of a code given its length and minimum distance. Additionally the Sphere Packing Bound produces an upper bound on the minimum distance $d$ of an $(n, M){q}$ code in the following sense. Given $n, M$, and $q$, compute the smallest positive integer $s$ with $M>\frac{q^{n}}{\sum{i=0}^{s}\left(\begin{array}{c}n \ i\end{array}\right)(q-1)^{i}} ;$ for an $(n, M, d)_{q}$ code to exist, $d<2 s-1$.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Singleton Bound

The Singleton Bound was formulated in [1717]. As with the Sphere Packing Bound, the Singleton Bound is an upper bound on the size of a code.

Theorem 1.9.10 (Singleton Bound) For $d \leq n, A_{q}(n, d) \leq q^{n-d+1}$. Furthermore, if an $[n, k, d]{q}$ linear code exists, then $k \leq n-d+1$; i.e., $k{q}(n, d) \leq n-d+1$.

Remark 1.9.11 In addition to providing an upper bound on code size, the Singleton Bound yields the upper bound $d \leq n-\log {q}(M)+1$ on the minimum distance of an $(n, M, d){q}$ code.
Definition 1.9.12 A code for which equality holds in the Singleton Bound is called maximum distance separable (MDS). No code of length $n$ and minimum distance $d$ has more codewords than an MDS code with parameters $n$ and $d$; equivalently, no code of length $n$ with $M$ codewords has a larger minimum distance than an MDS code with parameters $n$ and $M$. MDS codes are discussed in Chapters $3,6,8,14$, and 33 .
The following theorem is proved using Theorem 1.6.11.
Theorem $1.9 .13 \mathcal{C}$ is an $[n, k, n-k+1]{q} M D S$ code if and only if $\mathcal{C}^{\perp}$ is an $[n, n-k, k+1]{q}$ MDS code.
Example 1.9.14 Let $\mathcal{H}{2,3}$ be the $[4,2]{3}$ ternary linear code with generator matrix
1 & 0 & 1 & 1 \
0 & 1 & 1 & -1
\end{array}\right] .
Examining inner products of the rows of $G_{2,3}$, we see that $\mathcal{H}{2,3}$ is self-orthogonal of dimension half its length; so it is self-dual. Using Theorem $1.6 .2(\mathrm{~h}), A{0}\left(\mathcal{H}{2,3}\right)=1, A{3}\left(\mathcal{H}{2,3}\right)=8$, and $A{i}\left(\mathcal{H}{2,3}\right)=0$ otherwise. In particular $\mathcal{H}{2,3}$ is a $[4,2,3]_{3}$ code and hence is MDS.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Griesmer Bound

The Griesmer Bound $[855]$ is a lower bound on the length of a linear code given its dimension and minimum weight.

Theorem 1.9.18 (Griesmer Bound) Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an $[n, k, d]{q}$ linear code with $k \geq 1$. Then $$ n \geq \sum{i=0}^{k-1}\left[\frac{d}{q^{i}}\right] .
Remark 1.9.19 One can interpret the Griesmer Bound as an upper bound on the code size given its length and minimum weight. Specifically, $B_{q}(n, d) \leq q^{k}$ where $k$ is the largest positive integer such that $n \geq \sum_{i=0}^{k-1}\left\lceil\frac{d}{q^{2}}\right\rceil$. This bound can also be interpreted as a lower bound on the length of a linear code of given dimension and minimum weight; that is, $n_{q}(k, d) \geq \sum_{i=0}^{k-1}\left\lceil\frac{d}{q^{2}}\right\rceil$. Finally, the Griesmer Bound can be understood as an upper bound on the minimum weight given the code length and dimension; given $n$ and $k, d_{q}(n, k)$ is at most the largest $d$ for which the bound holds.

Example 1.9.20 Suppose we wish to find the smallest code length $n$ such that an $[n, 4,3]{2}$ code can exist. By the Griesmer Bound $n \geq\left\lceil\frac{3}{1}\right\rceil+\left\lceil\frac{3}{2}\right\rceil+\left\lceil\frac{3}{4}\right\rceil+\left\lceil\frac{3}{8}\right\rceil=3+2+1+1=7$. Note that equality in this bound is attained by the $[7,4,3]{2}$ code $\mathcal{H}_{3,2}$ of Examples 1.4.9 and 1.6.10.

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Sphere Packing Bound

Sphere Packing Bound,也称为 Hamming Bound,是基于 PackingFqn具有不重叠的球体。

定义 1.9.3 半径球体r以在∈Fqn是集合小号q,n,r(在)= \left{\mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n} \mid \mathrm{d}{\mathbf{H}}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}) \ leq r\right}\left{\mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n} \mid \mathrm{d}{\mathbf{H}}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}) \ leq r\right}中的所有向量Fqn谁的距离在最多是r.
定义 1.9.4 对于一个,b整数与0≤b≤一个,(一个 b)是数量b-元素子集一个-元素集。(一个 b)=一个!b!(一个−b)!称为二项式系数。

下一个结果是 Sphere Packing Bound 的基础;(a) 部分是直接计数,(b) 部分来自定理 1.6.2 的三角不等式。
定理 1.9.5 以下成立。
(a) 为在∈Fqn,|小号q,n,r(在)|=∑一世=0r(n 一世)(q−1)一世.
(b) 如果C是一个(n,米,d)q代码和吨=⌊d−12⌋, 然后是半径球吨以不同码字为中心是不相交的。

定理 1.9.6(球形包装(或汉明)约束)让d≥1.如果吨=⌊d−12⌋, 然后

乙q(n,d)≤一个q(n,d)≤qn∑一世=0吨(n 一世)(q−1)一世
证明:让C豆(n,米,d)q代码。按定理1.9.5, 半径球体吨以不同的码字为中心是不相交的,每个这样的球体都有一个=∑一世=0吨(n 一世)(q−1)一世总向量。因此米一个不能超过数量qn中的向量Fqn. 结果现在很清楚了。

备注 1.9.7 Sphere Packing Bound 是给定代码长度和最小距离的代码大小的上限。此外,Sphere Packing Bound 产生最小距离的上限d一个(n,米)q以下意义上的代码。给定n,米, 和q, 计算最小的正整数s和米>qn∑一世=0s(n 一世)(q−1)一世;为(n,米,d)q存在的代码,d<2s−1.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Singleton Bound

Singleton Bound 是在 [1717] 中制定的。与 Sphere Packing Bound 一样,Singleton Bound 是代码大小的上限。

定理 1.9.10(单例界)对于d≤n,一个q(n,d)≤qn−d+1. 此外,如果一个[n,ķ,d]q存在线性码,则ķ≤n−d+1; IE,ķq(n,d)≤n−d+1.

备注 1.9.11 除了提供代码大小的上限之外,Singleton Bound 还会产生上限d≤n−日志⁡q(米)+1在最小距离上(n,米,d)q代码。
定义 1.9.12 在 Singleton Bound 中相等的代码称为最大可分离距离 (MDS)。没有长度代码n和最小距离d比带参数的 MDS 代码有更多的代码字n和d; 等效地,没有长度代码n和米码字的最小距离大于带参数的 MDS 码n和米. MDS 代码在章节中讨论3,6,8,14, 和 33 .
使用定理 1.6.11 证明了以下定理。
定理1.9.13C是一个[n,ķ,n−ķ+1]q米D小号编码当且仅当C⊥是一个[n,n−ķ,ķ+1]qMDS 代码。
示例 1.9.14 让H2,3成为[4,2]3带生成矩阵的三元线性码

G2,3=[1011 011−1].
检查行的内积G2,3, 我们看到H2,3是其长度一半的自正交;所以它是自对偶的。使用定理1.6.2( H),一个0(H2,3)=1,一个3(H2,3)=8, 和一个一世(H2,3)=0否则。尤其是H2,3是一个[4,2,3]3代码,因此是 MDS。

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|The Griesmer Bound

Griesmer 绑定[855]是给定其尺寸和最小权重的线性代码长度的下限。

定理 1.9.18 (Griesmer Bound) 让C豆[n,ķ,d]q线性码ķ≥1. 然后

备注 1.9.19 可以将 Griesmer Bound 解释为给定长度和最小权重的代码大小的上限。具体来说,乙q(n,d)≤qķ在哪里ķ是最大的正整数,使得n≥∑一世=0ķ−1⌈dq2⌉. 该界限也可以解释为给定尺寸和最小重量的线性代码长度的下限;那是,nq(ķ,d)≥∑一世=0ķ−1⌈dq2⌉. 最后,Griesmer Bound 可以理解为给定代码长度和维度的最小权重的上限;给定n和ķ,dq(n,ķ)最多是最大的d界限成立。

示例 1.9.20 假设我们希望找到最小的代码长度n这样一个[n,4,3]2代码可以存在。由 Griesmer 绑定n≥⌈31⌉+⌈32⌉+⌈34⌉+⌈38⌉=3+2+1+1=7. 请注意,此范围内的平等是由[7,4,3]2代码H3,2示例 1.4.9 和 1.6.10。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|COMP2610

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我们提供的编码理论Coding theory及其相关学科的代写,服务范围广, 其中包括但不限于:

  • Statistical Inference 统计推断
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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|COMP2610

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Puncturing, Extending, and Shortening Codes

There are several methods to obtain a longer or shorter code from a given code; while this can be done for both linear and nonlinear codes, we focus on linear ones. Two codes can be combined into a single code, for example as described in Section 1.11.

Definition 1.7.1 Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an $[n, k, d]{q}$ linear code with generator matrix $G$ and parity check matrix $H$. (a) For some $i$ with $1 \leq i \leq n$, let $\mathcal{C}^{}$ be the codewords of $\mathcal{C}$ with the $i^{\text {th }}$ component deleted. The resulting code, called a punctured code, is an $\left[n-1, k^{}, d^{}\right]$ code. If $d>1, k^{}=k$, and $d^{}=d$ unless $\mathcal{C}$ has a minimum weight codeword that is nonzero on coordinate $i$, in which case $d^{}=d-1$. If $d=1, k^{}=k$ and $d^{}=1$ unless $\mathcal{C}$ has a weight 1 codeword that is nonzero on coordinate $i$, in which case $k^{}=k-1$ and $d^{} \geq 1$ as long as $\mathcal{C}^{}$ is nonzero. A generator matrix for $\mathcal{C}^{}$ is obtained from $G$ by deleting column $i$; $G^{}$ will have dependent rows if $d^{}=1$ and $k^{*}=k-1$. Puncturing is often done on multiple coordinates in an analogous manner, one coordinate at a time.
(b) Define $\widehat{\mathcal{C}}=\left{c{1} c_{2} \cdots c_{n+1} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n+1} \mid c{1} c_{2} \cdots c_{n} \in \mathcal{C}\right.$ where $\left.\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} c_{i}=0\right}$, called the extended code. This is an $[n+1, k, \widehat{d}]_{q}$ code where $\hat{d}=d$ or $d+1$. A generator

matrix $\widehat{G}$ for $\widehat{\mathcal{C}}$ is obtained by adding a column on the right of $G$ so that every row sum in this $k \times(n+1)$ matrix is 0. A parity check matrix $\hat{H}$ for $\widehat{\mathcal{C}}$ is
1 & \cdots & 1 & 1 \
\hline & & 0 \
& H & & \vdots \
& & & 0
(c) Let $S$ be any set of $s$ coordinates. Let $\mathcal{C}(S)$ be all codewords in $\mathcal{C}$ that are zero on $S$. Puncturing $\mathcal{C}(S)$ on $S$ results in the $\left[n-s, k_{S}, d_{S}\right]{q}$ shortened code $\mathcal{C}{S}$ where $d_{S} \geq d$. If $\mathcal{C}^{\perp}$ has minimum weight $d^{\perp}$ and $s<d^{\perp}$, then $k_{S}=k-s$.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Equivalence and Automorphisms

Two vector spaces over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$ are considered the same (that is, isomorphic) if there is a nonsingular linear transformation from one to the other. For linear codes to be considered the same, we want these linear transformations to also preserve weights of codewords. In Theorem 1.8.6, we will see that these weight preserving linear transformations are directly related to monomial matrices. This leads to two different concepts of code equivalence for linear codes.

Definition 1.8.1 If $P \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n \times n}$ has exactly one 1 in each row and column and 0 elsewhere, $P$ is a permutation matrix. If $M \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n \times n}$ has exactly one nonzero entry in each row and column, $M$ is a monomial matrix. If $\mathcal{C}$ is a code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of length $n$ and $A \in$ $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n \times n}$, then $\mathcal{C} A={\mathbf{c} A \mid \mathbf{c} \in \mathcal{C}} .$ Let $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$ be linear codes over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of length $n$. $\mathcal{C}{1}$ is permutation equivalent to $\mathcal{C}{2}$ provided $\mathcal{C}{2}=\mathcal{C}{1} P$ for some permutation matrix $P \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n \times n} \cdot \mathcal{C}{1}$ is monomially equivalent to $\mathcal{C}{2}$ provided $\mathcal{C}{2}=\mathcal{C}{1} M$ for some monomial $\operatorname{matrix} M \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{n \times n}$.Remark 1.8.2 Applying a permutation matrix to a code simply permutes the coordinates; applying a monomial matrix permutes and re-scales coordinates. Applying either a permutation or monomial matrix to a vector does not change its weight. Also applying either a permutation or monomial matrix to two vectors does not change the distance between these two vectors. There is a third more general concept of equivalence, involving semi-linear transformations, where two linear codes $\mathcal{C}{1}$ and $\mathcal{C}{2}$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ are equivalent provided one can be obtained from the other by permuting and re-scaling coordinates and then applying an automorphism of the field $\mathbb{F}{q}$. Note that applying such maps to a vector or to a pair of vectors preserves the weight of the vector and the distance between the two vectors, respectively; see [1008, Section 1.7] for further discussion of this type of equivalence. There are other concepts of equivalence that arise when the code may not be linear but has some specific algebraic structure (e.g., additive codes over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$ that are closed under vector addition but not necessarily closed under scalar multiplication). The common theme when defining equivalence of such codes is to use a set of maps which preserve distance between the two vectors, which preserve the algebraic structure under consideration, and which form a group under composition of these maps. We will follow this theme when we define equivalence of unrestricted codes at the end of this section.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Bounds on Codes

In this section we present seven bounds relating the length, dimension or number of codewords, and minimum distance of an unrestricted code. The first five are considered upper bounds on the code size given length, minimum distance, and field size. By this, we mean that there does not exist a code of size bigger than the upper bound with the specified length, minimum distance, and field size. The last two are lower bounds on the size of a linear code. This means that a linear code can be constructed with the given length and minimum distance over the specified field having size equalling or exceeding the lower bound. We also give asymptotic versions of these bounds. Some of these bounds will be described using $A_{q}(n, d)$ and $B_{q}(n, d)$, which we now define.

Definition 1.9.1 For positive integers $n$ and $d, A_{q}(n, d)$ is the largest number of codewords in an $(n, M, d){q}$ code, linear or nonlinear. $B{q}(n, d)$ is the largest number of codewords in a $[n, k, d]{q}$ linear code. An $(n, M, d){q}$ code is optimal provided $M=A_{q}(n, d)$; an $[n, k, d]{q}$ linear code is optimal if $q^{k}=B{q}(n, d)$. The concept of ‘optimal’ can also be used in other contexts. Given $n$ and $d, k_{q}(n, d)$ denotes the largest dimension of a linear code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of length $n$ and minimum weight $d$; an $\left[n, k{q}(n, d), d\right]{q}$ code could be called ‘optimal in dimension’. Notice that $k{q}(n, d)=\log {q} B{q}(n, d)$. Similarly, $d_{q}(n, k)$ denotes the largest minimum distance of a linear code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of length $n$ and dimension $k$; an $\left[n, k, d{q}(n, k)\right]{q}$ may be called ‘optimal in distance’. Analogously, $n{q}(k, d)$ denotes the smallest length of a linear code over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ of dimension $k$ and minimum weight $d$; an $\left[n{q}(k, d), k, d\right]_{q}$ code might be called ‘optimal in length’.

Clearly $B_{q}(n, d) \leq A_{q}(n, d)$. On-line tables relating parameters of various types of codes are maintained by M. Grassl [845].

The following basic properties of $A_{q}(n, d)$ and $B_{q}(n, d)$ are easily derived; see [1008, Chapter 2.1].

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Puncturing, Extending, and Shortening Codes

有几种方法可以从给定的代码中获取更长或更短的代码;虽然这对于线性和非线性代码都可以做到,但我们专注于线性代码。两个代码可以组合成一个代码,例如第 1.11 节所述。

定义 1.7.1 让C豆[n,ķ,d]q带有生成矩阵的线性代码G和奇偶校验矩阵H. (a) 对于一些一世和1≤一世≤n, 让C是的代码字C与一世th 组件被删除。生成的代码,称为打孔代码,是[n−1,ķ,d]代码。如果d>1,ķ=ķ, 和d=d除非C具有在坐标上非零的最小权重码字一世, 在这种情况下d=d−1. 如果d=1,ķ=ķ和d=1除非C坐标上的权重为 1 的码字非零一世, 在这种情况下ķ=ķ−1和d≥1只要C是非零的。生成矩阵C是从G通过删除列一世; G如果d=1和ķ∗=ķ−1. 穿孔通常以类似的方式在多个坐标上进行,一次一个坐标。
(b) 定义\widehat{\mathcal{C}}=\left{c{1} c_{2} \cdots c_{n+1} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n+1} \mid c{1 } c_{2} \cdots c_{n} \in \mathcal{C}\right.$ 其中 $\left.\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} c_{i}=0\right}\widehat{\mathcal{C}}=\left{c{1} c_{2} \cdots c_{n+1} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n+1} \mid c{1 } c_{2} \cdots c_{n} \in \mathcal{C}\right.$ 其中 $\left.\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} c_{i}=0\right},称为扩展代码。这是个[n+1,ķ,d^]q代码在哪里d^=d或者d+1. 发电机


\hat{H}=\left[\begin{数组}{ccc|c} 1 & \cdots & 1 & 1 \ \hline & & 0 \ & H & & \vdots \ & & & 0 \end{数组} \正确的]\hat{H}=\left[\begin{数组}{ccc|c} 1 & \cdots & 1 & 1 \ \hline & & 0 \ & H & & \vdots \ & & & 0 \end{数组} \正确的]
(c) 让小号是任何一组s坐标。让C(小号)是所有的代码字C是零小号. 穿刺C(小号)上小号结果是[n−s,ķ小号,d小号]q缩短的代码C小号在哪里d小号≥d. 如果C⊥有最小重量d⊥和s<d⊥, 然后ķ小号=ķ−s.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Equivalence and Automorphisms

两个向量空间Fq如果存在从一个到另一个的非奇异线性变换,则认为它们是相同的(即同构)。对于被认为相同的线性码,我们希望这些线性变换也能保留码字的权重。在定理 1.8.6 中,我们将看到这些保持权重的线性变换与单项矩阵直接相关。这导致了线性码的两种不同的码等价概念。

定义 1.8.1 如果磷∈Fqn×n每行和每列正好有一个 1,其他地方正好有 0,磷是一个置换矩阵。如果米∈Fqn×n在每一行和每一列中恰好有一个非零条目,米是一个单项矩阵。如果C是代码结束Fq长度n和一个∈ Fqn×n, 然后C一个=C一个∣C∈C.让C1和C2是线性码Fq长度n. C1是置换等价于C2假如C2=C1磷对于一些置换矩阵磷∈Fqn×n⋅C1单项式等价于C2假如C2=C1米对于一些单项式矩阵⁡米∈Fqn×n.Remark 1.8.2 将置换矩阵应用于代码只是置换坐标;应用单项矩阵置换和重新缩放坐标。对向量应用置换矩阵或单项矩阵都不会改变其权重。对两个向量应用置换矩阵或单项矩阵也不会改变这两个向量之间的距离。还有第三个更一般的等价概念,涉及半线性变换,其中两个线性码C1和C2超过Fq是等价的,前提是可以通过置换和重新缩放坐标然后应用场的自同构从另一个获得一个Fq. 请注意,将此类映射应用于一个向量或一对向量会分别保留向量的权重和两个向量之间的距离;有关此类等价的进一步讨论,请参见 [1008, Section 1.7]。当代码可能不是线性的但具有某些特定的代数结构(例如,加法代码超过Fq在向量加法下闭合但在标量乘法下不一定闭合)。定义此类代码等价时的共同主题是使用一组映射,这些映射保留两个向量之间的距离,保留所考虑的代数结构,并在这些映射的组合下形成一个组。当我们在本节末尾定义无限制代码的等价时,我们将遵循这个主题。

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定义 1.9.1 对于正整数n和d,一个q(n,d)是最大码字数(n,米,d)q代码,线性或非线性。乙q(n,d)是a中的最大码字数[n,ķ,d]q线性码。一个(n,米,d)q提供的代码是最优的米=一个q(n,d); 一个[n,ķ,d]q线性码是最优的,如果qķ=乙q(n,d). “最佳”的概念也可以在其他情况下使用。给定n和d,ķq(n,d)表示线性码的最大维度Fq长度n和最小重量d; 一个[n,ķq(n,d),d]q代码可以称为“维度最佳”。请注意ķq(n,d)=日志⁡q乙q(n,d). 相似地,dq(n,ķ)表示线性码的最大最小距离Fq长度n和尺寸ķ; 一个[n,ķ,dq(n,ķ)]q可以称为“距离最优”。类似地,nq(ķ,d)表示线性码的最小长度Fq维度的ķ和最小重量d; 一个[nq(ķ,d),ķ,d]q代码可能被称为“最佳长度”。

清楚地乙q(n,d)≤一个q(n,d). M. Grassl [845] 维护了与各种类型代码的参数相关的在线表格。

下列基本性质一个q(n,d)和乙q(n,d)很容易推导出来;见 [1008,第 2.1 章]。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。


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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Finite Fields

Finite fields play an essential role in coding theory. The theory and construction of finite fields can be found, for example, in [1254] and [1408, Chapter 2]. Finite fields, as related specifically to codes, are described in [1008, 1323, 1602]. In this section we give a brief introduction.

Definition 1.2.1 A field $\mathbb{F}$ is a nonempty set with two binary operations, denoted $+$ and $\because$, satisfying the following properties.
(a) For all $\alpha, \beta, \gamma \in \mathbb{F}, \alpha+\beta \in \mathbb{F}, \alpha \cdot \beta \in \mathbb{F}, \alpha+\beta=\beta+\alpha, \alpha \cdot \beta=\beta \cdot \alpha, \alpha+(\beta+\gamma)=(\alpha+\beta)+\gamma$, $\alpha \cdot(\beta \cdot \gamma)=(\alpha \cdot \beta) \cdot \gamma$, and $\alpha \cdot(\beta+\gamma)=\alpha \cdot \beta+\alpha \cdot \gamma$.
(b) $\mathbb{F}$ possesses an additive identity or zero, denoted 0 , and a multiplicative identity or unity, denoted 1 , such that $\alpha+0=\alpha$ and $\alpha \cdot 1=\alpha$ for all $\alpha \in \mathbb{F}_{q}$.
(c) For all $\alpha \in \mathbb{F}$ and all $\beta \in \mathbb{F}$ with $\beta \neq 0$, there exists $\alpha^{\prime} \in \mathbb{F}$, called the additive inverse of $\alpha$, and $\beta^{} \in \mathbb{F}$, called the multiplicative inverse of $\beta$, such that $\alpha+\alpha^{\prime}=0$ and $\beta \cdot \beta^{}=1 .$

The additive inverse of $\alpha$ will be denoted $-\alpha$, and the multiplicative inverse of $\beta$ will be denoted $\beta^{-1}$. Usually the multiplication operation will be suppressed; that is, $\alpha \cdot \beta$ will be denoted $\alpha \beta$. If $n$ is a positive integer and $\alpha \in \mathbb{F}, n \alpha=\alpha+\alpha+\cdots+\alpha$ ( $n$ times), $\alpha^{n}=\alpha \alpha \cdots \alpha$ ( $n$ times), and $\alpha^{-n}=\alpha^{-1} \alpha^{-1} \cdots \alpha^{-1}$ ( $n$ times when $\alpha \neq 0$ ). Also $\alpha^{0}=1$ if $\alpha \neq 0$. The usual rules of exponentiation hold. If $\mathbb{F}$ is a finite set with $q$ elements, $\mathbb{F}$ is called a finite field of order $q$ and denoted $\mathbb{F}_{q}$.

Example 1.2.2 Fields include the rational numbers $\mathbb{Q}$, the real numbers $\mathbb{R}$, and the complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$. Finite fields include $\mathbb{Z}_{p}$, the set of integers modulo $p$, where $p$ is a prime.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Codes

In this section we introduce the concept of codes over finite fields. We begin with some notation.

The set of $n$-tuples with entries in $\mathbb{F}{q}$ forms an $n$-dimensional vector space, denoted $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}=\left{x_{1} x_{2} \cdots x_{n} \mid x_{i} \in \mathbb{F}{q}, 1 \leq i \leq n\right}$, under componentwise addition of $n$-tuples and componentwise multiplication of $n$-tuples by scalars in $\mathbb{F}{q}$. The vectors in $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$ will often be denoted using bold Roman characters $\mathbf{x}=x{1} x_{2} \cdots x_{n}$. The vector $\mathbf{0}=00 \cdots 0$ is the zero vector in $\mathbb{F}_{q}^{n}$.

For positive integers $m$ and $n, \mathbb{F}{q}^{m \times n}$ denotes the set of all $m \times n$ matrices with entries in $\mathbb{F}{q}$. The matrix in $\mathbb{F}{q}^{m \times n}$ with all entries 0 is the zero matrix denoted $\mathbf{0}{m \times n}$. The identity matrix of $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n \times n}$ will be denoted $I{n}$. If $A \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{m \times n}, A^{\mathrm{T}} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n \times m}$ will denote the transpose of $A$. If $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{m}, \mathbf{x}^{\top}$ will denote $\mathbf{x}$ as a column vector of length $m$, that is, an $m \times 1$ matrix. The column vector $\mathbf{0}^{\top}$ and the $m \times 1$ matrix $\mathbf{0}{m \times 1}$ are the same.
If $S$ is any finite set, its order or size is denoted $|S|$.
Definition 1.3.1 A subset $\mathcal{C} \subseteq \mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$ is called a code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q} ; \mathbb{F}{q}$ is called the alphabet of $\mathcal{C}$, and $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$ is the ambient space of $\mathcal{C}$. Codes over $\mathbb{F}{q}$ are also called $q$-ary codes. If the alphabet is $\mathbb{F}{2}, \mathcal{C}$ is binary. If the alphabet is $\mathbb{F}{3}, \mathcal{C}$ is ternary. The vectors in $\mathcal{C}$ are the codewords of $\mathcal{C}$. If $\mathcal{C}$ has $M$ codewords (that is, $|\mathcal{C}|=M) \mathcal{C}$ is denoted an $(n, M){q}$ code, or, more simply, an $(n, M)$ code when the alphabet $\mathbb{F}{q}$ is understood. If $\mathcal{C}$ is a linear subspace of $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$, that is $\mathcal{C}$ is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication, $\mathcal{C}$ is called a linear code of length $n$ over $\mathbb{F}{q}$. If the dimension of the linear code $\mathcal{C}$ is $k, \mathcal{C}$ is denoted an $[n, k]{q}$ code, or, more simply, an $[n, k]$ code. An $(n, M){q}$ code that is also linear is an $[n, k]{q}$ code where $M=q^{k}$. An $(n, M){q}$ code may be referred to as an unrestricted code; a specific unrestricted code may be either linear or nonlinear. When referring to a code, expressions such as $(n, M),(n, M){q},[n, k]$, or $[n, k]_{q}$ are called the parameters of the code.

Example 1.3.2 Let $\mathcal{C}={1100,1010,1001,0110,0101,0011} \subseteq \mathbb{F}{2}^{4}$. Then $\mathcal{C}$ is a $(4,6){2}$ binary nonlinear code. Let $\mathcal{C}{1}=\mathcal{C} \cup{0000,1111}$. Then $\mathcal{C}{1}$ is a $(4,8){2}$ binary linear code. As $\mathcal{C}{1}$ is a subspace of $\mathbb{F}{2}^{4}$ of dimension $3, \mathcal{C}{1}$ is also a $[4,3]_{2}$ code.

数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Orthogonality

There is a natural inner product on $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$ that often proves useful in the study of codes. ${ }^{2}$ Definition 1.5.1 The ordinary inner product, also called the Euclidean inner product, on $\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$ is defined by $\mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{y}=\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i} y_{i}$ where $\mathbf{x}=x_{1} x_{2} \cdots x_{n}$ and $\mathbf{y}=y_{1} y_{2} \cdots y_{n}$. Two vectors $\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{F}{q}^{n}$ are orthogonal if $\mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{y}=0$. If $\mathcal{C}$ is an $[n, k]{q}$ code,
\mathcal{C}^{\perp}=\left{\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{n} \mid \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{c}=0 \text { for all } \mathbf{c} \in \mathcal{C}\right}

is the orthogonal code or dual code of $\mathcal{C}$. $\mathcal{C}$ is self-orthogonal if $\mathcal{C} \subseteq \mathcal{C}^{\perp}$ and self-dual if $\mathcal{C}=\mathcal{C}^{\perp}$.

Theorem 1.5.2 ([1323, Chapter 1.8]) Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an $[n, k]{q}$ code with generator and parity check matrices $G$ and $H$, respectively. Then $\mathcal{C}^{\perp}$ is an $[n, n-k]{q}$ code with generator and parity check matrices $H$ and $G$, respectively. Additionally $\left(\mathcal{C}^{\perp}\right)^{\perp}=\mathcal{C}$. Furthermore $\mathcal{C}$ is self-dual if and only if $\mathcal{C}$ is self-orthogonal and $k=\frac{n}{2}$.

Example $1.5 .3 \mathcal{C}{2}$ from Example $1.4 .8$ is a $[4,2]{2}$ self-dual code with generator and parity check matrices both equal to
1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \
0 & 0 & 1 & 1
\end{array}\right] \text {. }
The dual of the Hamming $[7,4]{2}$ code in Example $1.4 .9$ is a $[7,3]{2}$ code $\mathcal{H}{3,2}^{\perp} . H{3,2}$ is a generator matrix of $\mathcal{H}{3,2}^{\perp}$. As every row of $H{3,2}$ is orthogonal to itself and every other row of $H_{3,2}, \mathcal{H}{3,2}^{\perp}$ is self-orthogonal. As $\mathcal{H}{3,2}^{\perp}$ has dimension 3 and $\left(\mathcal{H}{3,2}^{\perp}\right)^{\perp}=\mathcal{H}{3,2}$ has dimension 4, $\mathcal{H}_{3,2}^{\perp}$ is not self-dual.

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数学代写|编码理论代写Coding theory代考|Finite Fields

有限域在编码理论中起着至关重要的作用。例如,在 [1254] 和 [1408,第 2 章] 中可以找到有限域的理论和构造。在 [1008, 1323, 1602] 中描述了具体与代码相关的有限域。本节我们做一个简单的介绍。

定义 1.2.1 一个字段F是具有两个二元运算的非空集,记为+和∵,满足以下性质。
(a) 对所有人一个,b,C∈F,一个+b∈F,一个⋅b∈F,一个+b=b+一个,一个⋅b=b⋅一个,一个+(b+C)=(一个+b)+C, 一个⋅(b⋅C)=(一个⋅b)⋅C, 和一个⋅(b+C)=一个⋅b+一个⋅C.
(二)F拥有一个加法单位或零,表示为 0 ,和一个乘法单位或单位,表示为 1 ,使得一个+0=一个和一个⋅1=一个对所有人一个∈Fq.
(c) 对所有人一个∈F和所有b∈F和b≠0, 那里存在一个′∈F,称为加法逆一个, 和b∈F,称为乘法逆b, 这样一个+一个′=0和b⋅b=1.

的加法逆一个将表示−一个, 和乘法逆b将表示b−1. 通常乘法运算会被抑制;那是,一个⋅b将表示一个b. 如果n是一个正整数并且一个∈F,n一个=一个+一个+⋯+一个 ( n次),一个n=一个一个⋯一个(n次),和一个−n=一个−1一个−1⋯一个−1(n有时一个≠0)。还一个0=1如果一个≠0. 通常的求幂规则成立。如果F是一个有限集q元素,F称为有限序域q并表示Fq.

示例 1.2.2 字段包括有理数问, 实数R, 和复数C. 有限域包括从p, 整数集取模p, 在哪里p是一个素数。

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该组n- 包含条目的元组Fq形成一个n维向量空间,表示为\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}=\left{x_{1} x_{2} \cdots x_{n} \mid x_{i} \in \mathbb{F}{q}, 1 \leq我 \leq n\right}\mathbb{F}{q}^{n}=\left{x_{1} x_{2} \cdots x_{n} \mid x_{i} \in \mathbb{F}{q}, 1 \leq我 \leq n\right}, 在逐个添加的情况下n-元组和组件乘法n- 元组中的标量Fq. 中的向量Fqn通常使用粗体罗马字符表示X=X1X2⋯Xn. 向量0=00⋯0是零向量Fqn.

对于正整数米和n,Fq米×n表示所有的集合米×n包含条目的矩阵Fq. 中的矩阵Fq米×n所有条目 0 是表示的零矩阵0米×n. 的单位矩阵Fqn×n将表示我n. 如果一个∈Fq米×n,一个吨∈Fqn×米将表示转置一个. 如果X∈Fq米,X⊤将表示X作为长度的列向量米,也就是说,一个米×1矩阵。列向量0⊤和米×1矩阵0米×1是相同的。
定义 1.3.1 一个子集C⊆Fqn称为长度码n超过Fq;Fq被称为字母表C, 和Fqn是环境空间C. 代码结束Fq也被称为q-ary 代码。如果字母表是F2,C是二进制的。如果字母表是F3,C是三元的。中的向量C是的代码字C. 如果C有米码字(即|C|=米)C表示为(n,米)q代码,或者更简单地说,一个(n,米)码当字母Fq被理解。如果C是一个线性子空间Fqn, 那是C在向量加法和标量乘法下是闭合的,C称为长度的线性码n超过Fq. 如果线性码的维数C是ķ,C表示为[n,ķ]q代码,或者更简单地说,一个[n,ķ]代码。一个(n,米)q也是线性的代码是[n,ķ]q代码在哪里米=qķ. 一个(n,米)q代码可以称为不受限制的代码;一个特定的无限制代码可以是线性的也可以是非线性的。引用代码时,诸如(n,米),(n,米)q,[n,ķ], 或者[n,ķ]q被称为代码的参数。

示例 1.3.2 让C=1100,1010,1001,0110,0101,0011⊆F24. 然后C是一个(4,6)2二进制非线性码。让C1=C∪0000,1111. 然后C1是一个(4,8)2二进制线性码。作为C1是一个子空间F24维度的3,C1也是一个[4,3]2代码。

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有天然内积Fqn这通常在代码研究中被证明是有用的。2定义 1.5.1 普通内积,也称为欧几里得内积,在Fqn定义为X⋅是=∑一世=1nX一世是一世在哪里X=X1X2⋯Xn和是=是1是2⋯是n. 两个向量X,是∈Fqn是正交的,如果X⋅是=0. 如果C是一个[n,ķ]q代码,

\mathcal{C}^{\perp}=\left{\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{n} \mid \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{c}=0 \text { 对于所有 } \mathbf{c} \in \mathcal{C}\right}\mathcal{C}^{\perp}=\left{\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{F}_{q}^{n} \mid \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathbf{c}=0 \text { 对于所有 } \mathbf{c} \in \mathcal{C}\right}

是正交码或双码C. C是自正交的,如果C⊆C⊥和自对偶如果C=C⊥.

定理 1.5.2 ([1323, Chapter 1.8]) 让C豆[n,ķ]q带有生成器和奇偶校验矩阵的代码G和H, 分别。然后C⊥是一个[n,n−ķ]q带有生成器和奇偶校验矩阵的代码H和G, 分别。此外(C⊥)⊥=C. 此外C是自对偶当且仅当C是自正交的并且ķ=n2.


[1100 0011]. 
汉明的对偶[7,4]2示例中的代码1.4.9是一个[7,3]2代码H3,2⊥.H3,2是一个生成矩阵H3,2⊥. 作为每一行H3,2正交于自身和每隔一行H3,2,H3,2⊥是自正交的。作为H3,2⊥具有维度 3 和(H3,2⊥)⊥=H3,2维度为 4,H3,2⊥不是自对偶。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


MATLAB 是一种用于技术计算的高性能语言。它将计算、可视化和编程集成在一个易于使用的环境中,其中问题和解决方案以熟悉的数学符号表示。典型用途包括:数学和计算算法开发建模、仿真和原型制作数据分析、探索和可视化科学和工程图形应用程序开发,包括图形用户界面构建MATLAB 是一个交互式系统,其基本数据元素是一个不需要维度的数组。这使您可以解决许多技术计算问题,尤其是那些具有矩阵和向量公式的问题,而只需用 C 或 Fortran 等标量非交互式语言编写程序所需的时间的一小部分。MATLAB 名称代表矩阵实验室。MATLAB 最初的编写目的是提供对由 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目开发的矩阵软件的轻松访问,这两个项目共同代表了矩阵计算软件的最新技术。MATLAB 经过多年的发展,得到了许多用户的投入。在大学环境中,它是数学、工程和科学入门和高级课程的标准教学工具。在工业领域,MATLAB 是高效研究、开发和分析的首选工具。MATLAB 具有一系列称为工具箱的特定于应用程序的解决方案。对于大多数 MATLAB 用户来说非常重要,工具箱允许您学习应用专业技术。工具箱是 MATLAB 函数(M 文件)的综合集合,可扩展 MATLAB 环境以解决特定类别的问题。可用工具箱的领域包括信号处理、控制系统、神经网络、模糊逻辑、小波、仿真等。
