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数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Analytic Computational Complexity

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Input Information, Algorithms, and Complexity

Consider the idealized computation model: Information $I_{n}(f)$ is given accurately, and the model $c$ is fixed. Here are some characteristics that are related to the lower and upper estimates of the error on the example of the passive pure minimax strategy $[102,253]$ (see Chap. 1 for more details):

  • $\rho_{\mu}(F, a)=\sup {f \in F} \rho\left(E{\mu}\left(I_{n}(f)\right), a\right)$ is an error of algorithm $a \in A$ on the class of the problems $F$ using information $I_{n}(f)$ (global error [270]).
  • $\rho_{\mu}(F, A)=\inf {a \in A} \rho{\mu}(F, a)$ is a lower boundary of error of algorithms of class $A$ in the class of problems $F$ using information $I_{n}(f)$ (radius of information [270])
    If there is an algorithm $a_{0} \in A$ for which $\rho_{\mu}\left(F, a_{0}\right)=\rho_{\mu}(F, A)$, then it is called accuracy optimal in class $F$ using information $I_{n}(f)$.

The narrowing of the $F$ class that is provided by the incompleteness of information (in relation to $f \in F) F_{n}(f)=\left{\varphi: I_{n}(\varphi)=I_{n}(f), \varphi, f \in F\right}$ allows to introduce the characteristics that are equivalent to the mentioned one above: $\rho_{\mu}\left(F_{n}(f), a\right)$ and $\rho_{\mu}\left(F_{n}(f), A\right)$, which are also called the local error and the local radius of information [270], respectively.

Let $U(f)$ be the multitude of solving problems from $F_{n}(f)$, and $\gamma(f)$ is the center of this multitude (the Chebyshev center). The algorithm $a^{\gamma} \in A$ is called a central one if $a^{y}\left(I_{n}(f)\right)=\gamma(f)$. These algorithms are accuracy optimal. Their important quality is that they minimize the local error of the algorithm:
\inf {a \in A} \sup {\varphi \in F_{n}(f)} \rho_{\mu}\left(I_{n}(f), a\right)=\rho_{\mu}\left(I_{n}(f), a^{\gamma}\right)=\operatorname{rad} U(f) .
Note that $A(\varepsilon) \neq \varnothing$ only when $\rho_{\mu}\left(F_{n}(f), A\right)<\varepsilon$.
Consider that class $A$ contains stable congruent algorithms and
\rho_{\mu}\left(F_{n}(f), a\right) \rightarrow 0 \text { при } n \rightarrow \infty
The algorithm $a$ is called asymptotically accuracy optimal (accuracy order optimal) if the condition is performed:
\rho_{\mu}\left(F_{n}(f), A\right) / \rho_{\mu}\left(F_{n}(f), a\right) \rightarrow 1(\leq \text { const }), \quad n \rightarrow \infty
Let $A(\varepsilon) \neq \varnothing$. The value $T(F, a, \varepsilon)=\sup {f \in F} T\left(I{n}(f), a, \varepsilon\right)$ is called $\varepsilon$-complexity of the algorithm $a \in A(\varepsilon)$ on the class of problems $F$ using information $I_{n}(f)$; $T(F, A, \varepsilon)=\inf {a \in A(\varepsilon)} T(F, a, \varepsilon)$ is $\varepsilon$-complexity of class $F$ problems using algorithms $A(\varepsilon)$ and information $I{n}(f)$. If there is an algorithm $a^{0} \in A(\varepsilon)$ for which

$T\left(F, a^{0}, \varepsilon\right)=T(F, A, \varepsilon)$, then it is called complexity optimal algorithm in this computational model. As in the case of error, it is possible to enter characteristics $T\left(F_{n}(f), a, \varepsilon\right)$ and $T\left(F_{n}(f), A, \varepsilon\right)$ on the class $F_{n}(f)$ and definitions of the optimal, asymptotically optimal, and complexity order optimal of the algorithm.

The mentioned characteristics are about the so-called “worst”-case model. The estimates are focused on the “worst” (the most complex) problem of the class. Of course, these estimates are guaranteed, and they are achieved on any problem of class $\Pi$, but this problem can be atypical for a given class. Therefore, there are some possible situations where the $\varepsilon$-solution can be obtained at lower expenses $(T)$. Consequently, in order to minimize the computational complexity of the $\varepsilon$-solution construction, the current question of the problems of classes narrowing, the ways where input data is presented, and the use of a priori information on a problem is relevant.

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Computer Architecture and the Complexity

There is an opinion (see, for example, [218]) that the optimization of the mathematical support of applied problems and the progress of computing techniques make equal contributions to the increasing possibilities of complex solving problems, in a point of fact in decreasing the computational complexity.

Consider the effect of rounding of the numbers on the computational complexity. Hypothesis [22] on that it is enough to compute the estimate of function $f$ for obtaining the solution with accuracy $O(\varepsilon)$ and perform intermediate computations in implemented CA with $O\left(\ln \varepsilon^{-1}\right)$ binary digit bits found confirmation in solving many problems $[42,106,114]$.

Thus, in the building of the $\varepsilon$-solution, the program uses numeric arrays with a total volume of $N$ numbers, and then memory $O\left(N \ln \varepsilon^{-1}\right)$ is required to store them.
Next, there is a possibility to consider the example of separate classes of problems and how the rounding error affects the possibility of $\varepsilon$-solution computation and the complexity of CP.
\rho\left(E_{\mathrm{H}}\left(I_{n}(f), a, c\right) \leq \varepsilon_{1}<\varepsilon\right. \ \rho\left(E_{\mu \tau}\left(I_{n}(f), a, c\right)>\varepsilon_{2}, \quad \varepsilon_{2}=\varepsilon-\varepsilon_{1}\right.
where $E_{\mu \tau}=E_{\mu}+E_{\tau}, a \in A$, and the relations are performed (in a point of fact in the numerical integration of $\mathrm{ODE}$, the computation of integrals and other classes of problems) $[106,114]$;

E_{\mu}=O\left(n^{-p}\right), \quad E_{\tau}=O\left(n 2^{-\tau}\right),
where $p$ is the order of the numerical method accuracy, and $\tau$ is the length of the mantissa in binary number notation in the floating-point mode. Herewith,
\varepsilon_{\mu \tau}^{0}(\tau)=\min {n} \rho\left(E{\mu z}\left(I_{n}(f), a, c\right)=O\left(n_{0}^{-p}(\tau)\right),\right.
where $n_{0}(\tau)=O\left(2^{\tau /(p+1)}\right)$, and $E_{\mu}\left(n_{0}(\tau)\right)=O\left(n_{0}^{-p}(\tau)\right), E_{\tau}\left(n_{0}(\tau)\right)=O\left(n_{0}^{-p}(\tau)\right)$.
Method error predominates when $n \ll n_{0}$. It can be decreased using optimal sets $I_{n}$, increasing $n$ (considering (2.10)), using accuracy optimal and close to them CA, moving to another class of input data $I_{n}$ (to increase the order of accuracy) and relevant CA.

The rounding error predominates when $n \gg n_{0}$. The decreasing $\rho\left(E_{\mu \mathrm{r}}\right)$ can be achieved by immediate increasing $n$ (considering $(2.10)$ ) or using the same capabilities as when $n \gg n_{0}$ (except increasing), as well as by increasing of $\tau$. From the relations (2.9) and (2.10), it follows that the performance of the constrain $\varepsilon_{\mu \tau}^{0} \leq \varepsilon_{2}$ is related to the conditions:
n=O\left(\varepsilon_{2}^{-1 / p}\right), \quad \tau=O\left(\log \varepsilon_{2}^{-1}\right), \quad \varepsilon_{2} \rightarrow 0
Consider the case (2.6). Let $\varepsilon$-solution be computed on the one processor using a linear computational algorithm per hour:
where $T_{I}(\varepsilon)$ is the process time of computation of the set of functionals $I_{n}(f)$ (information complexity), and $T_{a}(\varepsilon)$ is the process time of CA implementation for given information $I_{n}(f)$ (combinatorial complexity). Thus,
T_{l}(\varepsilon)=n(\varepsilon) \beta_{f}(\varepsilon) \alpha(\varepsilon), \
T_{a}(\varepsilon)=n(\varepsilon) \beta_{a} \alpha(\varepsilon),
where $\alpha(\varepsilon)$ is the time performance of the “mean” operation in the computation of $\varepsilon$ solution; $\beta_{f}(\varepsilon)$ is an average number of computation operations of the functional $i_{j}$; and $\beta_{a}$ is an average number of operations that are related to the use of one function in implementation of CA.

Note that $\beta_{f}(\varepsilon)$ does not depend on $\varepsilon$ if the functionals in $I_{n}(f)$ can be computed closely to the accurate arithmetical operations. Then,
T(\varepsilon)=n(\varepsilon) \beta \alpha(\varepsilon), \quad \beta=\beta_{f}+\beta_{a} .

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Optical Models of Computations

Optical Models of Computations Dynamic holography [102] is a promising way of implementing a variety of optical converters. For instance, the effect of the energy transfer of a beam of light into another coherent light of beam that goes in the other direction (courtesy of their transverse in a dynamic environment) is an optical analogue of the transistor. It is possible to control the temporal variations in its intensity by changing the intensity of the amplifying beam. In another variant of the optical analogue of the electronic transistor, such control is achieved by changing not the intensity but the phase of the intensity beam.

Another example can be an optical switching device that is similar to a high-speed electronic commutator that is an inherent part of the most important devices of the computing techniques.

The advantage of holography is the possibility of a single transformation of the most complex images and not just the primary plane or spherical waves.

For today, the experiments have been performed on the creation of optical of bistable devices that switch $10^{-12}$ with elements of optical fiber communication lines, the information of which is moved with the help of optical solutions with the duration of reaching $10^{-13}$. With such a switching time, the productivity of a digital optical processor $10^{5}-10^{6}$ has simultaneous channels that would be equal to $10^{18}$ operations per second; in other words, it is on six order higher than the productive potential of electronic schemes. Examples of primitive actions for an optical computer include addition and subtraction of mappings, computation of Fourier transform, mapping identification, and so on.

Development of Multimodal Machine Learning Potentials: Toward a  Physics-Aware Artificial Intelligence | Accounts of Chemical Research
数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Analytic Computational Complexity


数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Input Information, Algorithms, and Complexity

考虑理想化的计算模型:信息一世n(F)准确给出,模型C是固定的。以下是与被动纯极小极大策略示例中误差的上下估计相关的一些特征[102,253](有关详细信息,请参阅第 1 章):

  • ρμ(F,一种)=支持F∈Fρ(和μ(一世n(F)),一种)是算法错误一种∈一种关于问题的类别F使用信息一世n(F)(全局错误 [270])。
  • ρμ(F,一种)=信息一种∈一种ρμ(F,一种)是类算法的误差下界一种在问题类别中F使用信息一世n(F)(信息半径[270])

收窄的F由信息的不完整性提供的类别(关于f \in F) F_{n}(f)=\left{\varphi: I_{n}(\varphi)=I_{n}(f), \varphi, f \in F\right}f \in F) F_{n}(f)=\left{\varphi: I_{n}(\varphi)=I_{n}(f), \varphi, f \in F\right}允许引入与上述特征等效的特征:ρμ(Fn(F),一种)和ρμ(Fn(F),一种),也分别称为局部误差和局部信息半径[270]。

让在(F)成为众多解决问题的人Fn(F), 和C(F)是这群人的中心(切比雪夫中心)。算法一种C∈一种被称为中心的,如果一种是(一世n(F))=C(F). 这些算法是精度最优的。它们的重要品质是它们使算法的局部误差最小化:
приρμ(Fn(F),一种)→0 在 n→∞
ρμ(Fn(F),一种)/ρμ(Fn(F),一种)→1(≤ 常量 ),n→∞
让一种(e)≠∅. 价值吨(F,一种,e)=支持F∈F吨(一世n(F),一种,e)叫做e- 算法的复杂性一种∈一种(e)关于问题的类别F使用信息一世n(F); 吨(F,一种,e)=信息一种∈一种(e)吨(F,一种,e)是e- 类的复杂性F使用算法的问题一种(e)和信息一世n(F). 如果有算法一种0∈一种(e)为此


提到的特征是关于所谓的“最坏”情况模型。估计集中在班级中“最糟糕”(最复杂)的问题上。当然,这些估计是有保证的,并且在任何类问题上都可以实现圆周率,但是对于给定的类,这个问题可能是非典型的。因此,有一些可能的情况e- 可以以较低的费用获得解决方案(吨). 因此,为了最小化计算复杂度e-解决方案的构建,当前的类别缩小问题,输入数据的呈现方式以及对问题的先验信息的使用是相关的。

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Computer Architecture and the Complexity

有一种观点(例如,参见 [218])认为,应用问题的数学支持的优化和计算技术的进步对增加复杂解决问题的可能性做出了同等贡献,事实上在减少计算复杂度。

考虑数字舍入对计算复杂度的影响。假设 [22] 计算函数的估计就足够了F准确地获得解决方案这(e)并在已实现的 CA 中执行中间计算这(ln⁡e−1)二进制数字位在解决许多问题中得到确认[42,106,114].

接下来,有可能考虑不同类别问题的示例以及舍入误差如何影响e- 解计算和 CP 的复杂性。

ρ(和H(一世n(F),一种,C)≤e1<e ρ(和μτ(一世n(F),一种,C)>e2,e2=e−e1
在哪里和μτ=和μ+和τ,一种∈一种, 并执行关系(实际上在数值积分中这D和, 积分计算和其他类型的问题)[106,114];和μ=这(n−p),和τ=这(n2−τ),
在哪里n0(τ)=这(2τ/(p+1)), 和和μ(n0(τ))=这(n0−p(τ)),和τ(n0(τ))=这(n0−p(τ)).
方法错误占主导地位时n≪n0. 可以使用最优集来减少它一世n, 增加n(考虑(2.10)),使用最佳精度并接近它们 CA,移动到另一类输入数据一世n(以提高准确性的顺序)和相关的 CA。

舍入误差占主导地位时n≫n0. 递减ρ(和μr)可以通过立即增加来实现n(考虑到(2.10)) 或使用与时相同的功能n≫n0(除了增加),以及通过增加τ. 从关系式 (2.9) 和 (2.10) 可以看出,约束的性能eμτ0≤e2与条件有关:
考虑情况(2.6)。让e- 每小时使用线性计算算法在一个处理器上计算解决方案:
在哪里吨一世(e)是函数集计算的处理时间一世n(F)(信息复杂性),以及吨一种(e)是给定信息的 CA 实施的过程时间一世n(F)(组合复杂性)。因此,
吨l(e)=n(e)bF(e)一种(e), 吨一种(e)=n(e)b一种一种(e),
在哪里一种(e)是计算中“均值”操作的时间性能e解决方案;bF(e)是函数的平均计算操作数一世j; 和b一种是与在 CA 实现中使用一个功能相关的平均操作数。


数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Optical Models of Computations

计算的光学模型 动态全息术 [102] 是一种实现各种光学转换器的有前途的方法。例如,一束光束的能量转移到另一个相干光束的另一个方向上的效果(由它们在动态环境中的横向提供)是晶体管的光学模拟。可以通过改变放大光束的强度来控制其强度的时间变化。在电子晶体管的光学模拟的另一个变体中,这种控制是通过不改变强度而是改变强度光束的相位来实现的。



今天,已经进行了关于创建可切换的双稳态设备的光学实验10−12带有光纤通信线路的元件,其信息在光学解决方案的帮助下移动,持续时间达到10−13. 有了这样的切换时间,数字光学处理器的生产力105−106具有等于​​的同时通道1018每秒操作数;换句话说,它比电子方案的生产潜力高出六个数量级。光学计算机的原始动作示例包括映射的加法和减法、傅里叶变换的计算、映射识别等。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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