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物理代写|量子场论代写Quantum field theory代考|PHYSICS 3544

物理代写|量子场论代写Quantum field theory代考|Dirac’s Formalism

It is regrettable that neither the position nor the momentum operator has a basis of eigenvectors, for this would indeed be very convenient. Paul Dirac invented a remarkable formalism to deal with this problem. It is used in almost every physics textbook, where it is typically considered as self-evident. We try to explain some of the basic features and meaning of this formalism here, striving as usual to explain what this means, but with no serious attempt to make matters rigorous.

Dirac’s formalism works beautifully. It allows a great economy of thought and notation. It is however unfriendly to mathematicians, and the mathematically inclined reader must brace for a kind of cold shower, as things are likely to look horrendously confusing at first. Let us stress that it is not necessary to master this formalism to follow most of the rest of this book. Still, we will use it at times, if only to formulate results in the same language as they are found in physics textbooks. The reader who finds the present section overwhelming is encouraged to move on and to come back when the need arises.

As a consequence of the use of Dirac’s formalism, if one looks at a physics textbook discussing (say) particles on the real line, one may find it difficult to recognize any of the previous material. First, one is likely to find very early the sentence “let $|x\rangle$ denote the state of a particle located at $x . . . “$. An element of the position state space $\mathcal{H}=L^{2}(\mathbb{R}$, $\mathrm{d} x)$ that could be said to be located at $x$ would have to be an eigenvector of the position operator $X$ with eigenvalue $x$ and these do not exist. The expression $|x\rangle$ can however be given a meaning in a kind of “distributional sense”. It makes sense only when integrated against a Schwartz function $f$, that is for such a function the integral $\int \mathrm{d} x|x\rangle f(x)$ makes sense as an element of $\mathcal{H}$. The value of this integral is simply the function $f$ seen as an element of $\mathcal{H}$. Quite naturally, we denote by
$|f\rangle$ the function $f \in \mathcal{S}$ seen as an element of $\mathcal{H}$,
so that
|f\rangle=\int \mathrm{d} x|x\rangle f(x) .
This should certainly remind us of a basis expansion $f=\sum_{i}\left(f, e_{i}\right) e_{i}=\sum_{i} e_{i}\left(f, e_{i}\right)$, and physicists think of $|x\rangle$ as a “continuous basis”. In this manner we have given a meaning to the quantity $|x\rangle$ as “an element of $\mathcal{H}$ in the distributional sense”. The principle at work here is important enough to be stated clearly: ${ }^{41}$

物理代写|量子场论代写Quantum field theory代考|Why Are Unitary Transformations Ubiquitous

Let us go back to the setting of a general Hilbert space, whose elements are denoted $x, y, z, \ldots$. To each observable is associated a self-adjoint operator. Conversely, to each self-adjoint operator is associated an observable (although it is another matter in concrete situations to design an experiment that actually measures it). We now describe a fundamental class of such observables. Given $x \in \mathcal{H}$ of norm $1,(x, x)=1$, the projector $P_{x}(y):=(x, y) x$ is Hermitian since
\left(z, P_{x}(y)\right)=(z, x)(x, y)=(x, z)^{*}(x, y)=((x, z) x, y)=\left(P_{x}(z), y\right)
Exercise 2.9.1 In Dirac’s formalism for a norm-1 vector $|\alpha\rangle$ one writes the projector $P_{\alpha}=|\alpha\rangle\langle\alpha|$. Why does it seem to require no proof that $P_{\alpha}$ is Hermitian?

Thus the operator $P_{x}$ corresponds to an observable $\mathcal{O}$. The possible values of $\mathcal{O}$ are the eigenvalues of $P$, namely 0 and 1 . We may describe $\mathcal{O}$ as asking the question: Is the state of the system equal to $x ?^{48}$ The average value of this operator in state $y$ is given by $\left(y, P_{x}(y)\right)=(y, x)(x, y)=|(x, y)|^{2}$ and is the probability to obtain the answer “yes” to your question. It is called the transition probability between $x$ and $y^{49}$ In physics, the inner product $(x, y)$ is often called an amplitude, so that the transition probability is the square of the modulus of the amplitude. ${ }^{50}$ The transition probability does not change if one multiplies $x$ and $y$ by complex numbers of modulus 1 , as expected from the fact that this multiplication does not change the state represented by either $x$ or $y$.

We should expect that any transformation ${ }^{51}$ which preserves the physical properties of a system preserves the transition probabilities. Transition probabilities are preserved by unitary transformations, since for such a transformation $|(U x, U y)|^{2}=|(x, y)|^{2}$. They are also preserved under anti-unitary transformations, i.e. anti-linear operators which preserve the inner product. Conversely, which are the transformations of $\mathcal{H}$ which preserve transition probabilities? A deep theorem of Eugene Wigner [92, appendix to Chapter 20] shows that this is the case only for unitary and anti-unitary transformations. ${ }^{52}$ A fundamental consequence is that any transformation which preserves the physics of the system corresponds to a unitary or anti-unitary transformation. As we explain in the next section, there are many of these, corresponding to the symmetries of Nature. The symmetries of Nature of a certain type naturally form a group, bringing us to group theory. Furthermore time-evolution will also be represented by a unitary transformation.

物理代写|量子场论代写Quantum field theory代考|Unitary Representations of Groups

Certain types of invariance in Nature are among the most important guiding principles in developing physical theories about the real world. This will be a recurring theme in this book. It forces us to choose models which satisfy certain symmetries and this implies extremely strict restrictions on the possible forms of physical theories.

In this section we start to use this principle in the simplest case, translation invariance. In physics each observer uses a reference frame to describe the positions of points in space (or in space-time). These reference frames need not have the same origin, may use different privileged directions and may even move with respect to each other. ${ }^{53}$ Here we just consider the situation of different origins. If you study the motion of an object using a different origin for your reference frame than mine, we may disagree on the coordinates of the object, but we should agree that it follows the same laws of physics. Mathematically, the space $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ acts on itself by translations, and we examine first the effect of these translations at a purely classical level. Suppose that the system you are studying is translated by a vector $a^{54}$ The object at position $\boldsymbol{x}$ that you were studying has now been moved to position $\boldsymbol{x}+\boldsymbol{a}$. Say that you use a function $f$ on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ to measure e.g. the electrical potential at a point of space. Before you translate the system, the value $f(\boldsymbol{x})$ measures the potential at the point $\boldsymbol{x}$. After the translation this value of the potential occurs at the point $\boldsymbol{x}+\boldsymbol{a}$. Thus the value of the new function $U(a)(f)$ you use to measure the potential at this point $x+a$ equals the value of the old function $f$ at the point $x$ :
U(a)(f)(x)=f(x-a) .
Observe the all-important minus sign and note the fundamental property $U(\boldsymbol{a}+\boldsymbol{b})=$ $U(\boldsymbol{a}) U(\boldsymbol{b})$

Suppose now that more generally we study a system whose state is described by a vector $x$ in a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. If the system is translated by a vector $a$ we expect that the system will be described by a new state $U(a)(x)$. This new description should not change the physics. The transition probability between $x$ and $y$ should be the same as the transition probability between $U(a)(x)$ and $U(a)(y)$, i.e. $|(x, y)|^{2}=|(U(a)(x), U(a)(y))|^{2}$. According to the discussion of the previous section, $U(a)$ is either unitary or anti-unitary. Moreover, it is obvious that $U(0)$ should be the identity. What becomes very interesting is when we perform two such translations in succession, first by a vector $a$ and then by a vector $b$. The state $x$ is transformed first in $U(a)(x)$ and then in $U(b)(U(a)(x))$. This also amounts to perform the translation by the vector $\boldsymbol{a}+\boldsymbol{b}$, and this transforms the state $x$ into the state $U(\boldsymbol{a}+\boldsymbol{b})(x)$. Therefore $U(b) U(\boldsymbol{a})$ and $U(\boldsymbol{a}+\boldsymbol{b})$ should represent the same transformation of the system.

物理代写|量子场论代写Quantum field theory代考|PHYSICS 3544


物理代写|量子场论代写Quantum field theory代考|Dirac’s Formalism



由于使用了狄拉克的形式主义,如果你看一本物理教科书讨论(比如说)实线上的粒子,你可能会发现很难识别任何以前的材料。首先,人们很可能很早就发现“让|X⟩表示粒子的状态位于X…“. 位置状态空间的一个元素H=大号2(R, dX)可以说位于X必须是位置算子的特征向量X有特征值X而这些都不存在。表达方式|X⟩然而,可以赋予某种“分配意义”的含义。只有在与 Schwartz 函数集成时才有意义F,即对于这样的函数,积分∫dX|X⟩F(X)作为一个元素是有意义的H. 这个积分的值就是函数F被视为一个元素H. 很自然,我们表示为

这当然应该提醒我们基础扩展F=∑一世(F,和一世)和一世=∑一世和一世(F,和一世), 物理学家认为|X⟩作为“持续的基础”。通过这种方式,我们赋予了数量一个含义|X⟩作为“一个元素H在分配意义上”。这里的工作原理很重要,可以清楚地说明:41

物理代写|量子场论代写Quantum field theory代考|Why Are Unitary Transformations Ubiquitous

让我们回到一般希尔伯特空间的设置,其元素表示为X,是,和,…. 每个 observable 都关联一个自伴算子。相反,每个自伴算子都与一个可观察的相关联(尽管在具体情况下设计一个实际测量它的实验是另一回事)。我们现在描述一个基本类的这种可观察对象。给定X∈H规范的1,(X,X)=1, 投影仪磷X(是):=(X,是)X是 Hermitian,因为

练习 2.9.1 在狄拉克的范数 1 向量形式中|一个⟩一个写投影仪磷一个=|一个⟩⟨一个|. 为什么它似乎不需要证明磷一个是厄米特?

因此运营商磷X对应于一个可观察的○. 的可能值○是的特征值磷,即 0 和 1 。我们可以描述○问这个问题:系统的状态是否等于X?48该算子在状态的平均值是是(谁)给的(是,磷X(是))=(是,X)(X,是)=|(X,是)|2是您的问题得到“是”答案的概率。称为之间的转移概率X和是49在物理学中,内积(X,是)通常称为幅度,因此转移概率是幅度模数的平方。50如果一个乘以,转移概率不会改变X和是由模 1 的复数组成,正如预期的那样,这种乘法不会改变任何一个表示的状态X或者是.

我们应该期望任何转变51它保留了系统的物理特性,保留了转换概率。转移概率由酉变换保留,因为对于这样的变换|(在X,在是)|2=|(X,是)|2. 它们还在反酉变换下保留,即保留内积的反线性算子。反之,哪些是变换H哪个保留转换概率?Eugene Wigner [92,第 20 章附录] 的一个深层定理表明,这仅适用于酉和反酉变换。52一个基本的结果是,任何保留系统物理特性的变换都对应于酉变换或反酉变换。正如我们在下一节中解释的那样,其中有很多,对应于自然的对称性。某种类型的自然对称性自然形成一个群,将我们带到群论。此外,时间演化也将由酉变换表示。

物理代写|量子场论代写Quantum field theory代考|Unitary Representations of Groups


在本节中,我们开始在最简单的情况下使用这个原则,即平移不变性。在物理学中,每个观察者都使用参考系来描述点在空间(或时空)中的位置。这些参考系不必具有相同的原点,可以使用不同的特权方向,甚至可以相对于彼此移动。53这里我们只考虑不同来源的情况。如果您使用与我的参考系不同的原点来研究物体的运动,我们可能不同意物体的坐标,但我们应该同意它遵循相同的物理定律。数学上,空间R3通过翻译作用于自身,我们首先在纯粹的古典水平上考察这些翻译的效果。假设你正在研究的系统是由一个向量翻译的一个54位置的对象X你正在学习的现在已经移动到位置X+一个. 假设你使用一个函数F上R3例如测量空间点的电势。在翻译系统之前,值F(X)测量该点的电位X. 平移后,该电位值出现在该点X+一个. 因此新函数的值在(一个)(F)你用来衡量此时的潜力X+一个等于旧函数的值F在这一点上X :


观察最重要的减号并注意基本属性在(一个+b)= 在(一个)在(b)

现在假设更一般地我们研究一个状态由向量描述的系统X在希尔伯特空间H. 如果系统由向量平移一个我们期望系统将由一个新的状态来描述在(一个)(X). 这种新的描述不应该改变物理学。之间的转移概率X和是应该与之间的转移概率相同在(一个)(X)和在(一个)(是), IE|(X,是)|2=|(在(一个)(X),在(一个)(是))|2. 根据上一节的讨论,在(一个)要么是单一的,要么是反单一的。此外,很明显,在(0)应该是身份。变得非常有趣的是,当我们连续执行两个这样的翻译时,首先是一个向量一个然后通过一个向量b. 国家X首先转化为在(一个)(X)然后在在(b)(在(一个)(X)). 这也相当于通过向量执行翻译一个+b,这改变了状态X进入状态在(一个+b)(X). 所以在(b)在(一个)和在(一个+b)应该代表系统的相同转换。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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