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统计代写|强化学习作业代写Reinforcement Learning代考|Off-Policy MC Control

统计代写|强化学习作业代写Reinforcement Learning代考|Off-Policy MC Control

In GLIE, we saw that to explore enough, we needed to use $\varepsilon$-greedy policies so that all state actions are visited often enough in limit. The policy learned at the end of the loop is used to generate the episodes for the next iteration of the loop. We are using the same policy to explore as the one that is being maximized. Such an approach is called onpolicy where samples are generated from the same policy that is being optimized.
There is another approach in which the samples are generated using a policy that is more exploratory with a higher $\varepsilon$, while the policy being optimized is the one that may have a lower $\varepsilon$ or could even be a fully deterministic one. Such an approach of using a different policy to learn than the one being optimized is called off-policy learning. The policy being used to generate the samples is called the behavior policy, and the one being learned (maximized) is called the target policy. Let’s look at Figure $4-7$ for the pseudocode of the off-policy MC control algorithm.

统计代写|强化学习作业代写Reinforcement Learning代考|Temporal Difference Learning Methods

Refer to Figure 4-1 to study the backup diagrams of the DP and MC methods. In DP, we back up the values over only one step using values from the successor states to estimate the current state value. We also take an expectation over action probabilities based on the policy being followed and then from the $(s, a)$ pair to all possible rewards and successor states.
v_{\pi}(s)=\sum_{a} \pi(a \mid s) \sum_{s^{\prime}, r} p\left(s^{\prime}, r \mid s, a\left[r+\gamma v_{\pi}\left(s^{\prime}\right)\right]\right.
The value of a state $v_{\pi}(s)$ is estimated based on the current estimate of the successor states $v_{\pi}(s)$. This is known as bootstrapping. The estimate is based on another set of estimates. The two sums are the ones that are represented as branch-off nodes in the DP backup diagram in Figure 4-1. Compared to DP, MC is based on starting from a state and sampling the outcomes based on the current policy the agent is following. The value estimates are averages over multiple runs. In other words, the sum over model transition probabilities is replaced by averages, and hence the backup diagram for MC is a single long path from one state to the terminal state. The $\mathrm{MC}$ approach allowed us to build a scalable learning approach while removing the need to know the exact model dynamics. However, it created two issues: the MC approach works only for episodic environments, and the updates happen only at the end of the termination of an episode. DP had the advantage of using an estimate of the successor state to update the current state value without waiting for an episode to finish.

Temporal difference learning is an approach that combines the benefits of both DP and $\mathrm{MC}$, using bootstrapping from DP and the sample-based approach from $\mathrm{MC}$. The update equation for TD is as follows:
V(s)=V(s)+\alpha\left[R+\gamma * V\left(s^{\prime}\right)-V(s)\right]
The current estimate of the total return for state $S=s$, i.e., $G_{b}$, is now given by bootstrapping from the current estimate of the successor state $(s)$ shown in the sample run. In other words, $G_{t}$ in equation (4.2) is replaced by $R+\gamma * V(s)$, an estimate. Compared to this, in the MC method, $G_{t}$ was the discounted total return for the sample run.

统计代写|强化学习作业代写Reinforcement Learning代考|Temporal Difference Control

This section will start taking you into the realm of the real algorithms used in the RL world. In the remaining sections of the chapter, we will look at various methods used in TD learning. We will start with a simple one-step on-policy learning method called $S A R S A$. This will be followed by a powerful off-policy technique called $Q$-learning. We will study some foundational aspects of Q-learning in this chapter, and in the next chapter we will

integrate deep learning with Q-learning, giving us a powerful approach called Deep Q Networks (DQN). Using DQN, you will be able to train game-playing agents on an Atari simulator. In this chapter, we will also cover a variant of Q-learning called expected SARSA, another off-policy learning algorithm. We will then talk about the issue of maximization bias in Q-learning, taking us to double Q-learning. All the variants of Q-learning become very powerful when combined with deep learning to represent the state space, which will form the bulk of next chapter. Toward the end of this chapter, we will cover additional concepts such as experience replay, which make off-learning algorithms efficient with respect to the number of samples needed to learn an optimal policy. We will then talk about a powerful and a bit involved approach called $\operatorname{TD}(\lambda)$ that tries to combine $\mathrm{MC}$ and TD methods on a continuum. Finally, we will look at an environment that has continuous state space and how we can binarize the state values and apply the previously mentioned TD methods. The exercise will demonstrate the need for the approaches that we will take up in the next chapter, covering functional approximation and deep learning for state representation. After Chapters 5 and 6 on deep learning and DQN, we will show another approach called policy optimization that revolve around directly learning the policy without needing to find the optimal state/action values.

We have been using the $4 \times 4$ grid world so far. We will now look at a few more environments that will be used in the rest of the chapter. We will write the agents in an encapsulated way so that the same agent/algorithm could be applied in various environments without any changes.
The first environment we will use is a variant of the grid world; it is part of the Gym library called the cliff-walking environment. In this environment, we have a $4 \times 12$ grid world, with the bottom-left cell being the start state $S$ and the bottom-right state being the goal state $G$. The rest of the bottom row forms a cliff; stepping on it earns a reward of $-100$, and the agent is put back to start state again. Each time a step earns a reward of $-1$ until the agent reaches the goal state. Similar to the $4 \times 4$ grid world, the agent can take a step in any direction [UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT]. The episode terminates when the agent reaches the goal state. Figure 4-10 depicts the setup.

统计代写|强化学习作业代写Reinforcement Learning代考|Off-Policy MC Control


统计代写|强化学习作业代写Reinforcement Learning代考|Off-Policy MC Control

在 GLIE 中,我们看到要进行足够的探索,我们需要使用e- 贪婪策略,以便在有限的情况下经常访问所有状态操作。在循环结束时学习的策略用于为循环的下一次迭代生成情节。我们正在使用与最大化的策略相同的策略进行探索。这种方法称为 onpolicy,其中样本是从正在优化的同一策略生成的。
还有另一种方法,其中使用更具探索性的策略生成样本e,而正在优化的策略可能具有较低的e甚至可以是完全确定的。这种使用与优化策略不同的策略进行学习的方法称为离策略学习。用于生成样本的策略称为行为策略,正在学习(最大化)的策略称为目标策略。我们来看图4−7为off-policy MC控制算法的伪代码。

统计代写|强化学习作业代写Reinforcement Learning代考|Temporal Difference Learning Methods

参考图 4-1 学习 DP 和 MC 方法的备份图。在 DP 中,我们使用来自后继状态的值来估计当前状态值,只备份一个步骤中的值。我们还根据所遵循的政策对行动概率进行预期,然后从(s,一种)与所有可能的奖励和后续状态配对。
一个国家的价值在圆周率(s)是根据继承国的当前估计来估计的在圆周率(s). 这称为自举。该估计基于另一组估计。这两个总和是在图 4-1 中的 DP 备份图中表示为分支节点的总和。与 DP 相比,MC 是基于从一个状态开始并根据代理遵循的当前策略对结果进行采样。价值估计是多次运行的平均值。换句话说,模型转移概率的总和被平均值取代,因此 MC 的备份图是从一个状态到终端状态的一条长路径。这米C方法使我们能够构建可扩展的学习方法,同时无需了解确切的模型动态。但是,它产生了两个问题:MC 方法仅适用于情节环境,并且更新仅在情节终止时发生。DP 的优势在于使用对后继状态的估计来更新当前状态值,而无需等待情节结束。

时间差异学习是一种结合了 DP 和米C,使用 DP 的引导和基于样本的方法米C. TD 的更新方程如下:
当前对 state 总回报的估计小号=s, IE,Gb, 现在通过从对后继状态的当前估计进行引导给出(s)在示例运行中显示。换句话说,G吨在等式(4.2)中被替换为R+C∗在(s),一个估计。与此相比,在 MC 方法中,G吨是样本运行的贴现总回报。

统计代写|强化学习作业代写Reinforcement Learning代考|Temporal Difference Control

本节将开始带您进入 RL 世界中使用的真实算法领域。在本章的其余部分中,我们将研究 TD 学习中使用的各种方法。我们将从一个简单的一步策略学习方法开始,称为小号一种R小号一种. 紧随其后的是一种强大的离策略技术,称为问-学习。我们将在本章中研究 Q 学习的一些基础方面,在下一章中我们将

将深度学习与 Q 学习相结合,为我们提供了一种称为深度 Q 网络 (DQN) 的强大方法。使用 DQN,您将能够在 Atari 模拟器上训练游戏代理。在本章中,我们还将介绍一种称为预期 SARSA 的 Q 学习变体,这是另一种离策略学习算法。然后,我们将讨论 Q-learning 中的最大化偏差问题,带我们进行双重 Q-learning。当与深度学习相结合来表示状态空间时,Q-learning 的所有变体都变得非常强大,这将构成下一章的大部分内容。在本章的最后,我们将介绍经验回放等其他概念,这些概念使离学习算法在学习最优策略所需的样本数量方面有效。然后我们将讨论一种强大且有点复杂的方法,称为运输署⁡(λ)试图结合米C和连续统一体上的 TD 方法。最后,我们将研究一个具有连续状态空间的环境,以及我们如何对状态值进行二值化并应用前面提到的 TD 方法。该练习将展示我们将在下一章中采用的方法的必要性,涵盖状态表示的函数逼近和深度学习。在关于深度学习和 DQN 的第 5 章和第 6 章之后,我们将展示另一种称为策略优化的方法,它围绕直接学习策略而无需找到最佳状态/动作值。

我们将使用的第一个环境是网格世界的变体;它是健身房图书馆的一部分,称为悬崖步行环境。在这种环境下,我们有一个4×12网格世界,左下角的单元格是开始状态小号右下角的状态是目标状态G. 底行的其余部分形成悬崖;踩到它可以获得奖励−100,并且代理再次回到启动状态。每走一步就能获得奖励−1直到代理达到目标状态。类似于4×4在网格世界中,智能体可以向任何方向 [UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT] 迈出一步。当代理达到目标状态时,情节终止。图 4-10 描述了设置。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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