数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Elements of the Computing Theory

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Genetic Algorithms - Quick Guide
数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Elements of the Computing Theory

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Elements of the Computing Theory

Since every year the complexity of scientific and applied problems is increasing, there is an uprise of the need of a large amount of process of input data with the use of computing machinery for the numerical computation, and optimization of computations by all rational methods and means is a topical and important question. As a rule, the solution of the applied problems reduces to solving the typical problems of computational mathematics. Computational mathematics is a science about the methods of numerical solving problems of applied mathematics using modern computing machinery. The subject of computational mathematics is numerical methods (NM) or, that is the same thing, the multitude of computational algorithms (CA) and the question of their substantiation: the convergence and speed of NM convergence, their stability and error, the optimality on different criterion, the implementation time on the computing machinery, the necessary memory of computing machinery, etc.

The purpose of this chapter is to explain the main concepts and some results of computational mathematics, which are repeatedly used in the monograph, and at the same time, they have an independent value. The presentation of this information, in our opinion, is necessary for a confident possession of the given material.
In the first chapter:

  • Certain supporting data in the theory of computing is given for determining the accuracy of the approximate solving problem, the quality of the used algorithm, and the comparative study of various algorithms according to some criteria.
  • The principal features of the CA are determined (accuracy, execution time, necessary memory of the computing machinery), and the methods of their estimate are provided.
  • There is a definition of optimal (inaccuracy and high speed), asymptotically optimal, and optimal in the order algorithms.
  • The questions of identifying and clarifying a priori information on the problem are considered in cases when a priori information is not incorrectly set in the order to improve the quality of the obtained approximate solutions of a problem.

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Theory of Error Computations

One of the main directions of development of modern computational mathematics is the improvement of the theory of error computations, the research of comparative study of CA, and the optimal algorithm development in the solving problems of computational and applied mathematics.

The solution of the majority of the problems with modern computing tools is based on the computational experiment (CE), which seamlessly unites the mathematical model (MM), the computational algorithm (CA), the computations on the computing machinery, and the experiment. CE is necessary for obtaining an adequate quantitative description of the studied phenomenon or process itself with the necessary accuracy for the least possible machine time. The process of observations and comparing them with the matched model of MM is conducted on the computing machinery to check the validity of MM. The implementation of MM is performed with the use of numerical methods (NM), which approximate the input model and make it suitable for practical use. The errors of this approximation, as well as the rounding errors in the implementation of NM on the computing machinery and the errors of measurement or observation of implementation of the studied process, must be considered in determining errors of MM or the adequacy of MM and in the process itself. The errors of input MM must be considered in the process of definition of the requirements for the accuracy of the solution of various problems that are solved within this model.

In this monograph, the most important computational aspects of the determination of the error of MM and constructing its optimal implementation are analyzed. The multifaceted approach is based on the analysis of the three main characteristics of the corresponding NM-accuracy, implementation time, and necessary memory on computing machinery. According to these characteristics, the comparative study and the optimization of the corresponding NM are performed.

Main Characteristics of CA Let the problem $P(I)$ is solved by the algorithm $A(X)$ on the computing machinery $C(Y)$, where $I, X, Y$ are finite multitudes (vectors) of parameters from which essentially $P, A, C$ are, respectively, dependent on. The components of the vector $I$ may include data on a priori qualities of solving a problem, for example, constant that constrains the absolute values of the order of the derivatives from the given functions, data on the accuracy of the input values, etc. A number of iterations of the algorithm, the degree of approximation, the step of the grid, etc., can be the vector $X$ components. Vector $Y$ can contain the number of cell digits of the computing machinery memory, the total volume of its RAM, the run time of the computing machinery, the quantity of the computing machinery

processors, the characteristics of the used operational systems and compiler programs, etc.

In the practice of computational solving problems on the computing machinery, the following are the characteristics of problems, algorithms, and computing machinery: $E(I, X, Y)$ is a global error of solution $E$ of the problem $P$ on the computing machinery $C$ with algorithm $A, T(I, X, Y)$ is the time that is required to obtain a solution of the problem, $M(I, X, Y)$ is a required computing machinery memory, and fef is a coefficient of technical and economic efficiency. Explain the characteristics of $T, M$, and fef..

Total time $T$ – The period of time from setting the problem $P(I)$ to its solution of CA $A(X)$ on computing machinery $C(Y)$ can be estimated as follows:
where $T_{1}$ is the time to set the problem and develop or select CA $A$ and computing machinery $C ; T_{2}$ is the programming time, transmission motion, and debugging $\mathrm{CA}$ $A ; T_{3}$ is the implementation time of $\mathrm{CA}, A$ on the computing machinery $C$; and $T_{4}$ is the time of interpretation of the obtained solution and its comprehension. Practically when estimating $T_{3}$, only the essential operators are often considered to the number and time of the operation performing of the computing machinery. In further detail, the given characteristic Tis described below and in the works $[2,85,97,114]$.

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Problem Statement of Optimization of Computation

Optimization of computations lies in the optimization of one of the introduced characteristics (in a general way on $I, X, Y$ ) in accordance with certain constraints on others $[118,111]$.

The first primary problem is to minimize time $T(I, X, Y)$ while upholding the real (Re) constraints on $M, E$, and $f e f$ :
T(I, X, Y)=\min {I, X, Y} \ M(I, X, Y) \leq M{\mathrm{Re}}, E(I, X, Y) \leq E_{\mathrm{Re}}, f e f(I, X, Y) \leq f e f_{\mathrm{Re}} .

The second primal problem is to minimize the global error $E(I, X, Y)$ with constraints on $M, T$, and $f e f$.
E(I, X, Y)=\min {l, X, Y} \ M(I, X, Y) \leq M{\mathrm{Re},} \quad T(I, X, Y) \leq T_{\mathrm{Re}}, \quad f e f(I, X, Y) \leq f e f_{\mathrm{Re}}
The third primal problem is to maximize a coefficient of the technical and economic effectiveness $f e f(I, X, Y)$ :
f e f(I, X, Y)=\max {I, X, Y} \ M(I, X, Y) \leq M{\mathrm{Re}}, \quad T(I, X, Y) \leq T_{\mathrm{Re}}, \quad E(I, X, Y) \leq E_{\mathrm{Re}}
We make some remarks on the mentioned statements of the primal problems. Let the computing machinery $C(Y)$ be fixed. Then $T, M, E$, and fef depend only on $I, X$. It is convenient to consider $I$ to be a random value and consider the probabilistic characteristics of the values $T, M, E$, and $f e f$, which will also be the characteristics of CA $A$ and will depend only on $X$. We designate each of the characteristics $T, M, E$, and fef through $H(I, X)$ and designate the frequency distribution accordingly to $H, I$ through $P(H), P(I)$. The essential characteristics of $\mathrm{CA} A(X)$ is the mathematical expectation $M_{H}(X)$ and the dispersion $D_{H}(X)$ :
&M_{H}(X)=\int_{G} H P(I) d I=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} H P(H) d H \
&D_{H}(X)=\int_{G}\left(H-M_{H}\right)^{2} P(I) d I=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\left(H-M_{H}\right)^{2} P(H) d H
where $G$ is a domain of possible values of $I$.

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数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Elements of the Computing Theory


数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Elements of the Computing Theory

由于每年科学和应用问题的复杂性都在增加,因此需要使用计算机器进行大量输入数据处理以进行数值计算,并通过各种合理的方法和手段优化计算是一个热门且重要的问题。通常,应用问题的解决方案归结为解决计算数学的典型问题。计算数学是一门关于利用现代计算机机器解决应用数学问题的数值方法的科学。计算数学的主题是数值方法(NM),或者说是同一件事,大量的计算算法(CA)和它们的证实问题:NM 收敛的收敛性和速度,它们的稳定性和误差,


  • 给出了计算理论中的一定支持数据,用于确定近似求解问题的准确性、所用算法的质量,以及按一定标准对各种算法进行比较研究。
  • 确定了 CA 的主要特征(准确性、执行时间、计算机的必要内存),并提供了它们的估计方法。
  • 在顺序算法中有最优(不准确和高速)、渐近最优和最优的定义。
  • 在没有错误设置先验信息的情况下,考虑识别和澄清有关问题的先验信息的问题,以提高获得的问题近似解的质量。

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Theory of Error Computations


现代计算工具的大多数问题的解决都基于计算实验(CE),它将数学模型(MM)、计算算法(CA)、计算机器上的计算和实验无缝地结合在一起。CE 对于获得对所研究现象或过程本身的充分定量描述是必要的,并且在尽可能少的机器时间内具有必要的准确性。在计算机上进行观察并将它们与MM的匹配模型进行比较的过程,以检查MM的有效性。MM 的实现是使用数值方法 (NM) 执行的,该方法逼近输入模型并使其适合实际使用。这种近似的误差,以及在计算机器上执行 NM 时的舍入误差和所研究过程的测量或观察误差,在确定 MM 的误差或 MM 的充分性和过程本身时必须考虑。在定义该模型内解决的各种问题的精度要求的过程中,必须考虑输入 MM 的误差。

在本专着中,分析了确定 MM 误差和构建其最佳实现的最重要的计算方面。多方面的方法是基于对相应 NM 精度、实现时间和计算机上必要内存的三个主要特征的分析。根据这些特点,对相应的NM进行对比研究和优化。

CA的主要特点让问题磷(一世)由算法解决一种(X)在计算机器上C(是), 在哪里一世,X,是是有限数量的参数(向量),它们本质上是磷,一种,C分别依赖于。向量的组成部分一世可能包括有关解决问题的先验质量的数据,例如,约束给定函数的导数阶的绝对值的常数、有关输入值准确性的数据等。 算法的多次迭代,逼近的程度,网格的步长等,可以是向量X组件。向量是可以包含计算机内存的单元位数,其RAM的总容量,计算机的运行时间,计算机的数量



总时间吨– 从设置问题开始的时间段磷(一世)对其 CA 的解决方案一种(X)在计算机器上C(是)可以估计如下:
在哪里吨1是时候设置问题并开发或选择 CA一种和计算机C;吨2是编程时间、传动运动和调试C一种 一种;吨3是执行时间C一种,一种在计算机器上C; 和吨4是获得的解决方案的解释及其理解的时间。实际估算时吨3,对于计算机执行操作的次数和时间,往往只考虑必要的算子。更详细地,给定的特性 Ti 将在下面描述和在工作中[2,85,97,114].

数学代写|优化算法代写optimization algorithms代考|Problem Statement of Optimization of Computation

计算的优化在于优化引入的特征之一(通常在一世,X,是) 根据对他人的某些约束[118,111].

第一个主要问题是最小化时间吨(一世,X,是)同时坚持真正的(重新)约束米,和, 和F和F :
吨(一世,X,是)=分钟一世,X,是 米(一世,X,是)≤米R和,和(一世,X,是)≤和R和,F和F(一世,X,是)≤F和FR和.

第二个主要问题是最小化全局误差和(一世,X,是)有限制米,吨, 和F和F.
和(一世,X,是)=分钟l,X,是 米(一世,X,是)≤米R和,吨(一世,X,是)≤吨R和,F和F(一世,X,是)≤F和FR和
F和F(一世,X,是)=最大限度一世,X,是 米(一世,X,是)≤米R和,吨(一世,X,是)≤吨R和,和(一世,X,是)≤和R和
我们对上面提到的基本问题的陈述做一些评论。让计算机C(是)被固定。然后吨,米,和, fef 只依赖于一世,X. 方便考虑一世是一个随机值并考虑值的概率特征吨,米,和, 和F和F,这也将是 CA 的特征一种并且将仅取决于X. 我们指定每个特征吨,米,和,并且通过H(一世,X)并相应地指定频率分布H,一世通过磷(H),磷(一世). 的基本特征C一种一种(X)是数学期望米H(X)和分散DH(X) :
米H(X)=∫GH磷(一世)d一世=∫−∞∞H磷(H)dH DH(X)=∫G(H−米H)2磷(一世)d一世=∫−∞∞(H−米H)2磷(H)dH

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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