统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Empirical experiments

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统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Empirical experiments

统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Data description

The empirical experiments are conducted with six stocks and two ETFs. The six individual stocks, which include the Boeing Company (BA), Exxon Mobile Corporation (XOM), Johnson \& Johnson (JNJ), JPMorgan Chase \& Co. (JPM), Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), and Walmart Inc.(WMT), have the highest weight in their corresponding SPDR market sector ETFs such as XLI (industrial sector), XLE (energy sector), XLV (healthcare sector), XLF (finance sector), XLK (technology sector), and XLP (consumer staples sector). The two SPDR sector ETFs chosen are the energy and technology sector ETFs and XLE $\&$ XLK. The dataset is obtained from the Trade and Quote Database (TAQ) of Wharton Research Data Service (WRDS) and it covers the period from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2013 for a total of 2013 days. We select trade data ranging from 9:30 am to $4 \mathrm{pm}$ on regular trading days. Overnight transactions are excluded from our dataset. We mainly use a 5 -min sampling frequency to eradicate the effect of market microstructure noise in the data which yields 78 total observations per day. We also use a 1-min sampling frequency in specific cases which yields 390 observations per day. It should be noted that all empirical experiments are carried out on the logarithmic values of the stock and ETF prices.

统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Methodology

Our empirical experiment consists of three sections: (i) integrated volatility measures, (ii) jump tests, and (iii) co-jump tests. For each of the different parts, we conduct analysis involving the most widely used measures and tests, respectively. A detailed description of the different measures and tests used and the empirical methodologies thereof is given as follows.

First, we use six different measures to estimate Integrated Volatility for all the stocks and ETFs: (1) RV (Section 3.1), (2) BPV (Section 3.2), (3) TPV (Section 3.3), (4) TRV (Section 3.7), (5) MedRV, and (6) MinRV (Section 3.11). Second, to test for price jumps in the data three different jump tests are used: (1) ASJ jump test (Section 4.4), (2) BNS jump test (Section 4.1), and (3) LM jump test (Section 4.2). Lastly, co-jump tests are carried out using (1) JT co-jump test (Section 5.2), (2) BLT co-jump test (Section 5.1), and (3) GST co-exceedance rule (Section 5.4).

Estimation of integrated volatility, BNS and LM jump tests as well as all the co-jump tests are carried out using 5 -min data where $\Delta$ is set to $\frac{1}{78}$. However, for the ASJ jump test, both $1-\left(\Delta=\frac{1}{390}\right)$ and 5 -min frequencies are used as a basis for comparative study.

When conducting analysis using jump tests, we calculate the percentage of days identified as having jumps. For both the BNS and ASJ tests, it can be given as:
Percentage of jump days $=\frac{100 \sum_{i=1}^{T} I\left(Z_{i}>c_{\alpha}\right)}{T} \%$
where $I(\cdot)$ is the jump indicator function, $c_{\alpha}$ is the critical value at $\alpha$ significance level and $Z_{i}$ is the BNS or ASJ jump test statistics. For the LM jump test on the other hand it can be derived as:
\text { Percentage of jump days }=\frac{100 \sum_{i=0}^{T} I\left(\exists t \in i,\left|L_{t}\right|>c_{\alpha}\right)}{T} \%
where $L_{t}$ is the LM jump test statistic at the intra-day level within a particular day, $t$ refers to the 78 intra-day intervals and $c_{\alpha}$ is the critical value at $\alpha$ significance level.

Once jumps are detected, we follow Andersen et al. (2007) and Duong and Swanson (2011) to construct risk measures by separating out the variation due to daily jump component and the continuous components. This is done by using volatility measures $R V$ and $T P V$. It can be given as:

Variation due to jump component $=J V_{t}=\max \left[R V_{t}-T P V_{t}, 0\right] * I_{j u m p, t}$
Consequently the ratio of jump to total variation for all three jump tests can be calculated as:
Ratio of jump variation to total variation $=\frac{J V_{t}}{R V_{t}}$
For BLT co-jump test, the percentage of days identified as having co-jumps is calculated using:

Percentage of co – jump days $=\frac{100 \sum_{i=0}^{T} I\left(\exists j, z_{m c p, i, j}c_{m c p, \alpha, r}\right)}{T} \%$
where $c_{m c p, \alpha, l}$ and $c_{m c p, \alpha, r}$ are left and right tail critical values derived from bootstrapping the null distribution. $\alpha$ is the significance level. For the JT co-jump test, the percentage of days identified as having co-jumps is calculated as:
\text { Percentage of co }-\text { jump days }=\frac{100 \sum_{i-0}^{T} I\left(\Phi_{n}^{(d)} \geq c_{n}^{(d)}\right)}{T} \%
In the co-exceedance rule proposed by Gilder et al. (2014), we use the BNS jump test and the LM jump test to identify co-jumps. The percentage of days identified as having co-jumps can be given as:

Percentage of co -jump days $=\frac{100 \sum_{i=0}^{T} I\left(\left|Z_{i}\right| \geq \Phi_{\alpha}\right) * I\left(\exists t \in i,\left|L_{t}\right|>c_{\alpha}\right)}{T} \%$
where $Z_{i}$ is the BNS jump test statistic and $L_{t}$ is the LM jump test statistic.
In addition to reporting the findings of our empirical experiment on the entire sample, we also conduct analysis after splitting the data set into two periods. The first sample consists of the period from January 2006 to June 2009 and the second sample consists of the period from July 2009 to December 2012. This is done to inspect whether the jump activity in the stocks and the ETFs changes considerably over time. The break date of our sample (June 2009) roughly corresponds to the end of the business cycle contraction after the financial crisis as given by NBER.

统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Findings

Table 1 gives the summary statistics for integrated volatility which is estimated using six volatility measures $R V, B P V, T P V$, MedRV, MinRV, and $T R V$. The sample period considered for the six stocks and the two ETFs is January 2006-December 2013 . The mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values are all in terms of $10^{-4}$. Among all the stocks and ETFs, JPMorgan seems to have undergone maximum price fluctuations across the sample period as it displays the highest mean and max values across all the volatility measures. On the other hand Johnson \& Johnson and XLK appear to be tied in terms of having undergone least amount of price fluctuations as they display the lowest mean and max volatility estimates. Among all the volatility measures, $B P V$ reports the lowest mean volatility estimate while $R V$ reports the highest mean volatility estimate for any given stock or ETF. This can be explained by the fact that in the presence of frequent jumps, $R V$ overestimates integrated volatility. To get a clearer idea of how volatility differs across the stocks and ETFs, we turn to Figs. 1 and 2 which display the estimated volatility for the stocks Boeing and Exxon with respect to the six aforementioned volatility measures. Similar figures for four other stocks and two ETFs have not been given for the purpose of brevity and can be provided upon request. In general stocks and ETFs achieve their highest volatility in the

fourth quarter of 2008 during the financial crisis with a few exceptions. For XLE, in case of all four volatility measures apart from $T P V$ and $T R V$, volatility reaches its peak in the second quarter of 2009. For XLK on the other hand, only in case $R V$ the volatility peak is reached in the first quarter of 2008 while for the other measures it is the fourth quarter of 2008 .

We now look at Tables $2-5$ which display the descriptive statistics of the three jump tests. For the ASJ jump test we consider both 5- and 1-min frequencies while for the BNS and the LM jump tests we only consider 5 -min frequency. Panel A in the tables refers to the prefinancial crisis sample period, January 2006-June 2009 and panel B refers to the postcrisis period July 2009December 2012. In case of the ASJ jump tests, we find noticeable differences between 5- (Table 2) and 1-min (Table 3) frequencies. Overall the mean value of the statistics is higher for the 1-min data compared to the $5-\mathrm{min}$ frequency suggesting that more jumps would be identified in the 1-min case. The skewness values are all negative irrespective of the sample period, type of stock and frequency of sampling suggesting that the ASJ test statistics are leftskewed. Panel A for both frequencies appear to have overall higher mean and max values again suggesting more jump activity in the financial crises period.

统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Empirical experiments


统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Data description

实证实验是用六只股票和两只 ETF 进行的。这六只个股包括波音公司(BA)、埃克森移动公司(XOM)、强生公司(JNJ)、摩根大通公司(JPM)、微软公司(MSFT)和沃尔玛公司( WMT),在其相应的 SPDR 市场板块 ETF 中权重最高,例如 XLI(工业板块)、XLE(能源板块)、XLV(医疗保健板块)、XLF(金融板块)、XLK(科技板块)和 XLP(消费板块)主食部门)。选择的两个 SPDR 行业 ETF 是能源和技术行业 ETF 和 XLE&XLK。该数据集来自沃顿研究数据服务公司(WRDS)的贸易和报价数据库(TAQ),涵盖了从 2006 年 1 月 1 日到 2013 年 12 月 31 日的时间段,共计 2013 天。我们选择从上午 9:30 到4p米在正常交易日。隔夜交易不包括在我们的数据集中。我们主要使用 5 分钟的采样频率来消除数据中市场微观结构噪声的影响,每天总共产生 78 次观察。我们还在特定情况下使用 1 分钟的采样频率,每天产生 390 次观察。需要注意的是,所有的实证实验都是在股票和 ETF 价格的对数值上进行的。

统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Methodology


首先,我们使用六种不同的方法来估计所有股票和 ETF 的综合波动率:(1) RV(第 3.1 节),(2)BPV(第 3.2 节),(3)TPV(第 3.3 节),(4)TRV(第 3.7 节)、(5) MedRV 和 (6) MinRV(第 3.11 节)。其次,为了测试数据中的价格跳跃,使用了三种不同的跳跃测试:(1)ASJ 跳跃测试(第 4.4 节),(2)BNS 跳跃测试(第 4.1 节)和(3)LM 跳跃测试(第 4.2 节) . 最后,使用 (1) JT 同跳测试(第 5.2 节)、(2) BLT 同跳测试(第 5.1 节)和 (3) GST 共超越规则(第 5.4 节)进行同跳测试。

使用 5 分钟数据进行综合波动率、BNS 和 LM 跳跃测试以及所有共跳测试的估计,其中Δ设定为178. 然而,对于 ASJ 跳跃测试,两者1−(Δ=1390)和 5 分钟频率用作比较研究的基础。

在使用跳跃测试进行分析时,我们会计算被确定为跳跃的天数的百分比。对于 BNS 和 ASJ 测试,它可以给出为:
在哪里一世(⋅)是跳跃指标函数,C一种是临界值一种显着性水平和从一世是 BNS 或 ASJ 跳跃测试统计。另一方面,对于 LM 跳跃测试,它可以推导出为:
 跳跃天数百分比 =100∑一世=0吨一世(∃吨∈一世,|大号吨|>C一种)吨%
在哪里大号吨是特定日期内日内水平的 LM 跳跃测试统计量,吨指 78 个日内间隔和C一种是临界值一种显着性水平。

一旦检测到跳跃,我们就会跟随 Andersen 等人。(2007 年)和 Duong 和 Swanson(2011 年)通过分离每日跳跃分量和连续分量引起的变化来构建风险度量。这是通过使用波动率措施来完成的R在和吨磷在. 可以这样给出:

对于 BLT 同跳测试,被确定为同跳的天数百分比使用以下公式计算:

在哪里C米Cp,一种,l和C米Cp,一种,r是从引导零分布导出的左右尾临界值。一种是显着性水平。对于 JT 同跳测试,被确定为同跳的天数百分比计算如下:
 百分比 − 跳天 =100∑一世−0吨一世(披n(d)≥Cn(d))吨%
在 Gilder 等人提出的共同超越规则中。(2014),我们使用 BNS 跳跃测试和 LM 跳跃测试来识别共同跳跃。被确定为有共同跳跃的天数百分比可以表示为:

在哪里从一世是 BNS 跳跃测试统计量和大号吨是 LM 跳跃检验统计量。
除了报告我们对整个样本的实证实验结果外,我们还将数据集分成两个时期后进行分析。第一个样本包含 2006 年 1 月至 2009 年 6 月期间,第二个样本包含 2009 年 7 月至 2012 年 12 月期间。这样做是为了检查股票和 ETF 的跳跃活动是否随时间发生显着变化。我们样本的中断日期(2009 年 6 月)大致对应于 NBER 给出的金融危机后商业周期收缩的结束。

统计代写|金融统计代写financial statistics代考|Findings

表 1 给出了综合波动率的汇总统计数据,该统计数据使用六种波动率指标进行估计R在,乙磷在,吨磷在、MedRV、MinRV 和吨R在. 六只股票和两只 ETF 的样本期为 2006 年 1 月至 2013 年 12 月。均值、标准差、最小值和最大值均以10−4. 在所有股票和 ETF 中,摩根大通似乎在整个样本期间经历了最大的价格波动,因为它在所有波动性指标中显示出最高的平均值和最大值。另一方面,Johnson \& Johnson 和 XLK 似乎在经历了最少的价格波动方面并列,因为它们显示出最低的平均和最大波动率估计。在所有波动性指标中,乙磷在报告最低的平均波动率估计,而R在报告任何给定股票或 ETF 的最高平均波动率估计。这可以通过以下事实来解释:在频繁跳跃的情况下,R在高估综合波动率。为了更清楚地了解股票和 ETF 之间的波动性有何不同,我们转向图 1。图 1 和 2 显示了波音和埃克森美孚股票相对于上述六种波动率指标的估计波动率。为简洁起见,未提供其他四只股票和两只 ETF 的类似数据,可应要求提供。一般而言,股票和 ETF 在

2008 年第四季度在金融危机期间,除了少数例外。对于 XLE,在所有四种波动性措施的情况下,除了吨磷在和吨R在,波动性在 2009 年第二季度达到顶峰。另一方面,对于 XLK,只有以防万一R在波动性峰值在 2008 年第一季度达到,而其他指标则是在 2008 年第四季度。

我们现在看一下表格2−5它显示了三个跳跃测试的描述性统计数据。对于 ASJ 跳跃测试,我们考虑 5 分钟和 1 分钟频率,而对于 BNS 和 LM 跳跃测试,我们只考虑 5 分钟频率。表中的面板 A 指的是金融危机前的样本期,即 2006 年 1 月至 2009 年 6 月,面板 B 指的是 2009 年 7 月至 2012 年 12 月的危机后时期。在 ASJ 跳跃测试的情况下,我们发现 5-(表 2)和1 分钟(表 3)频率。总体而言,与 1 分钟数据相比,统计数据的平均值更高5−米一世n频率表明在 1 分钟的情况下会发现更多的跳跃。无论样本周期、股票类型和抽样频率如何,偏度值都是负数,这表明 ASJ 测试统计数据是左偏的。两个频率的面板 A 似乎总体上具有更高的平均值和最大值,这再次表明金融危机期间有更多的跳跃活动。

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