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金融代写|金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics代考|Parameter-Centric Analysis Grossly

金融代写|金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics代考|Over-Certainty

Suppose an observable $y \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,1)$; i.e., we characterize the uncertainty in an observable $y$ with a normal distribution with known parameters (never mind how we know them). Obviously, we do not know with exactness what any future value of $y$ will be, but we can state probabilities (of intervals) for future observables using this model.

It might seem an odd way of stating it, but in a very real sense we are infinitely more certain about the value of the model parameters than we are about values of the observable. We are certain of the parameters’ values, but we have uncertainty in the observable. In other words, we know what the parameters are, but we don’t know what values the observable will take. If the amount of uncertainty has any kind of measure, it would be 0 for the value of the parameters in this model, and something

positive for the value of the observable. The ratio of these uncertainties, observable to parameters, would be infinite.

That trivial deduction is the proof that, at least for this model, certainty in model parameters is not equivalent to certainty in values of the observable. It would be an obvious gaff, not even worth mentioning, were somebody to report uncertainty in the parameters $a$ if it were the same as the uncertainty in the observable.

Alas, this is what is routinely done in probability models, see Chap. 10 of Briggs (2016). Open the journal of almost any sociology or economics journal, and you will find the mistake being made everywhere. If predictive analysis were used instead of parameteric or testing-based analysis, this mistake would disappear; see e.g. Ando (2007), Arjas and Andreev (2000), Berkhof and van Mechelen (2000), Clarke and Clarke (2018). And then some measure of sanity would return to those fields which are used to broadcasting “novel” results based on statistical model parameters.
The techniques to be described do not work for all probability models; only those models where the parameters are “like” the observables in a sense to be described.

金融代写|金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics代考|Theory

There are several candidates for a measure of total uncertainty in a proposition. Since all probability is conditional, this measure will be, too. A common measure is variance; another is the length of the highest (credible) density interval. And there are more, such as entropy, which although attractive has a limitation described in the final section. I prefer here the length of credible intervals because they are stated in predictive terms in many models in units of the observable, made using plainlanguage probability statements. Example: “There is a $90 \%$ chance $y$ is in $(a, b) . “$
In the $y \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,1)$ example, the variance of the uncertainty of either parameter is 0 , as is the length of any kind of probability interval around them. The variance of the observable is 1 , and the length of the $1-\alpha$ density interval around the observable $y$ is well known to be $2 z_{\alpha / 2}$, where $z_{\alpha / 2} \approx 2$. The ratio of variances, parameter to observable, is $0 / 1=0$. The ratio of the length of confidence intervals, here observable to parameter, is $4 / 0=\infty$.

We pick the ratio of the length of the $1-\alpha$ credible intervals as observable to parameter to indicate the amount of over-certainty. If not otherwise indicated, I let $\alpha$ equal the magic number.

In the simple Normal example, as said in the beginning, if somebody were to make the mistake of claiming the uncertainty in the observable was identical to the uncertainty of the parameters, he would be making the worst possible mistake. Naturally, in situations like this, few or none would this blunder.

Things change, though, and for no good reason, when there exists or enters uncertainty in the parameter. In these cases, the mistake of confusing kinds of uncertainty happens frequently, almost to the point of exclusively.
The simplest models with parameter uncertainty follow this schema:

p(y \mid \mathrm{DB})=\int_{\theta} p(y \mid \theta, \mathrm{DB}) p(\theta \mid \mathrm{DB}) d \theta,
where $\mathrm{D}=y_{1}, \ldots, y_{n}$ represents old measured or assumed values of the observable, and $B$ represents the background information that insisted on the model formulation used. D need not be present. B must always be; it will contain the reasoning for the model form $p(y \mid \theta \mathbf{D B})$, the form of the model of the uncertainty in the parameters $p(\theta \mid D B)$, and the values of hyperparameters, if any. Obviously, if there are two (or more) contenders $i$ and $j$ for priors on the parameters, then in general $p\left(y \mid \mathrm{DB}{k}\right) \neq p\left(y \mid \mathrm{DB}{l}\right)$. And if there are two (or more) sets of $\mathrm{D}, k$ and $l$, then in general $p\left(y \mid \mathrm{D}{i} \mathrm{~B}\right) \neq p\left(y \mid \mathrm{D}{j} \mathrm{~B}\right)$. Both $\mathrm{D}$ and $\mathrm{B}$ may differ simultaneously, too.
It is worth repeating that unless one can deduce from B the form of the model (from the first principles of B), observables do not “have” probabilities. All probability is conditional: change the conditions, change the probability. All probability models are conditional on some $\mathrm{D}$ (even if null) and $\mathrm{B}$. Change either, change the probability. Thus all measures of over-certainty are also conditional on D and B.
If $\mathrm{D}$ is not null, i.e. past observations exist, then of course
p(\theta \mid \mathrm{DB})=\frac{p(y \mid \theta \mathrm{DB}) p(\theta \mid \mathrm{DB})}{\int_{\theta} p(y \mid \theta \mathrm{DB}) p(\theta \mid \mathrm{DB}) d \theta}
The variances of $p(y \mid \mathrm{DB})$ or $p(\theta \mid \mathrm{DB})$ can be looked up if the model forms are common, or estimated if not.

Computing the highest density regions or intervals (HDI) of a probability distribution is only slightly more difficult, because multi-modal distributions may not have contiguous regions. We adopt the definition of Hyndman (2012). The $1-\alpha$ highestdensity region $R$ is the subset $R\left(p_{\alpha}\right)$ of $y$ such that $R\left(p_{\alpha}\right)=\left{y: p(y) \geq p_{\alpha}\right}$ where $p_{\alpha}$ is the largest constant such that $\operatorname{Pr}\left(y \in R\left(p_{\alpha}\right) \mid \mathrm{DB}\right) \geq 1-\alpha$. For unimodal distributions, this boils down to taking the shortest continuous interval containing $1-\alpha$ probability. These, too, are computed for many packaged distributions. For the sake of brevity, all HDI will be called here “credible intervals.”

It will turn out that comparing parameters to observables cannot always be done. This is when the parameters is not “like” the observable; when they are not measured in the same units, for example. This limitation will be detailed in the final section.

金融代写|金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics代考|Analytic Examples

Let $y \sim \operatorname{Poisson}(\lambda)$, with conjugate prior $\lambda \sim \operatorname{Gamma}(\alpha, \beta)$. The posterior on $\lambda$ is distributed $\operatorname{Gamma}\left(\sum y+\alpha, n+\beta\right)$ (shape and scale parameters). The predictive posterior distribution is Negative Binomial, with parameters $\left(\sum y+\alpha, \frac{1}{n+\beta+1}\right)$. The mean of both the parameter posterior and predictive posterior are $\frac{\sum y+\alpha}{n+\beta}$. The variance of the parameter posterior is $\frac{\sum y+\alpha}{(n+\beta)^{2}}$, while the variance of the predictive posterior is $\frac{\sum y+\alpha}{(n+\beta)^{2}}(n+\beta+1)$. The ratio of the means, independent of both $\alpha$ and $\beta$, is 1 . The ratio of the parameter to predictive variance, independent of $\alpha$, is $1 /(n+\beta+1)$.
It is obvious, for finite $\beta$, that this ratio tends to 0 at the limit. This recapitulates the point that eventually the value of the parameter becomes certain, i.e. with a variance tending toward 0 , while the uncertainty in the observable $y$ remains at some finite level. One quantification of the exaggeration of certainty is thus equal to $(n+\beta+1)$.
Although credible intervals for both parameter and predictive posteriors can be computed easily in this case, it is sometimes an advantage to use normal approximations. Both the Gamma and Negative Binomial admit normal approximations for large $n$. The normal approximation for a $\operatorname{Gamma}\left(\sum y+\alpha, n+\beta\right)$ is $\operatorname{Normal}\left(\left(\sum y+\alpha\right) /(n+\beta),\left(\sum y+\alpha\right) /(n+\beta)^{2}\right)$. The normal approximation for a Negative $\operatorname{Binomial}\left(\sum y+\alpha, \frac{1}{n+\beta+1}\right)$ is $\operatorname{Normal}\left(\left(\sum y+\alpha\right) /(n+\beta),(n+\beta\right.$ $\left.+1) *\left(\sum y+\alpha\right) /(n+\beta)^{2}\right)$.

The length of the $1-\tau$ credible interval, equivalently the $z_{\tau / 2}$ interval, for any normal distribution is $2 z_{\tau / 2} \sigma$. Thus the ratio of predictive to parameter posterior interval lengths is independent of $\tau$ and to first approximation equal to $\sqrt{n+\beta+1}$. Stated another way, the predictive posterior interval will be about $\sqrt{n+\beta+1}$ times higher than the parameter posterior interval. Most pick a $\beta$ of around or equal to 1 , thus for large $n$ the over-certainty grows as $\sqrt{n}$. That is large over-certainty by any definition.

Also to a first approximation, the ratio of length of credible intervals also tends to 0 with $n$. Stated another way, the length of the credible interval for the parameter tends to 0 , while the length of the credible interval for the observable tends to a fixed finite number.

金融代写|金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics代考|Parameter-Centric Analysis Grossly


金融代写|金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics代考|Over-Certainty

假设一个可观察的是∼普通的⁡(0,1); 即,我们描述了一个可观测的不确定性是具有已知参数的正态分布(别管我们如何知道它们)。显然,我们不能准确地知道未来的价值是多少是将是,但我们可以使用这个模型来说明未来可观察的概率(间隔)。

这似乎是一种奇怪的表述方式,但在非常真实的意义上,我们对模型参数的值比对可观察值的值更加确定。我们确定了参数的值,但我们对可观察的值有不确定性。换句话说,我们知道参数是什么,但我们不知道 observable 将采用什么值。如果不确定性的数量有任何衡量标准,那么这个模型中的参数值将是 0,还有一些



唉,这是概率模型中经常做的事情,见第 1 章。10 布里格斯 (2016)。打开几乎所有社会学或经济学期刊的期刊,你会发现错误无处不在。如果使用预测分析而不是参数分析或基于测试的分析,这个错误就会消失;参见例如 Ando (2007)、Arjas 和 Andreev (2000)、Berkhof 和 van Mechelen (2000)、Clarke 和 Clarke (2018)。然后一些理智的衡量标准将返回到那些用于基于统计模型参数广播“新”结果的领域。

金融代写|金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics代考|Theory

在里面是∼普通的⁡(0,1)例如,任何一个参数的不确定性的方差都是 0 ,它们周围的任何概率区间的长度也是如此。observable 的方差为 1 ,而1−一个可观测物周围的密度区间是众所周知2和一个/2, 在哪里和一个/2≈2. 方差的比率,参数与可观察的,是0/1=0. 置信区间长度的比值,这里可观察到的参数,是4/0=∞.


在简单的 Normal 示例中,如开头所述,如果有人错误地声称可观测量的不确定性与参数的不确定性相同,那么他将犯下最严重的错误。自然,在这种情况下,很少有人或根本不会犯这种错误。


在哪里D=是1,…,是n表示可观察的旧测量值或假设值,并且乙表示坚持使用的模型公式的背景信息。D 不需要出现。B 必须始终是;它将包含模型形式的推理p(是∣θD乙), 参数不确定性模型的形式p(θ∣D乙),以及超参数的值(如果有)。显然,如果有两个(或更多)竞争者一世和j对于参数的先验,然后通常p(是∣D乙ķ)≠p(是∣D乙l). 如果有两组(或更多组)D,ķ和l, 那么一般来说p(是∣D一世 乙)≠p(是∣Dj 乙). 两个都D和乙也可能同时不同。
值得重申的是,除非可以从 B 中推断出模型的形式(从 B 的第一原理),否则可观察量并不“具有”概率。所有的概率都是有条件的:改变条件,改变概率。所有概率模型都以某些为条件D(即使为空)和乙. 改变任何一个,改变概率。因此,所有过度确定性的度量也以 D 和 B 为条件。


计算概率分布的最高密度区域或区间 (HDI) 仅稍微困难一些,因为多模态分布可能没有连续区域。我们采用 Hyndman (2012) 的定义。这1−一个最高密度区R是子集R(p一个)的是这样R\left(p_{\alpha}\right)=\left{y: p(y) \geq p_{\alpha}\right}R\left(p_{\alpha}\right)=\left{y: p(y) \geq p_{\alpha}\right}在哪里p一个是最大的常数,使得公关⁡(是∈R(p一个)∣D乙)≥1−一个. 对于单峰分布,这归结为采用包含1−一个可能性。这些也是为许多打包发行版计算的。为简洁起见,此处将所有 HDI 称为“可信区间”。


金融代写|金融计量经济学Financial Econometrics代考|Analytic Examples

让是∼泊松⁡(λ), 共轭先验λ∼伽玛⁡(一个,b). 后面在λ是分布式的伽玛⁡(∑是+一个,n+b)(形状和比例参数)。预测后验分布是负二项式,带有参数(∑是+一个,1n+b+1). 参数后验和预测后验的均值是∑是+一个n+b. 参数后验的方差为∑是+一个(n+b)2,而预测后验的方差是∑是+一个(n+b)2(n+b+1). 均值的比率,独立于两者一个和b, 为 1。参数与预测方差的比率,独立于一个, 是1/(n+b+1).
很明显,对于有限b, 这个比率在极限处趋于 0。这概括了参数值最终变得确定的观点,即方差趋向于 0,而可观察到的不确定性是保持在某个有限的水平。因此,对确定性夸大的一种量化等于(n+b+1).
尽管在这种情况下可以轻松计算参数和预测后验的可信区间,但有时使用正态近似是一个优势。Gamma 和负二项式都承认大的正态近似n. a 的正态近似伽玛⁡(∑是+一个,n+b)是普通的⁡((∑是+一个)/(n+b),(∑是+一个)/(n+b)2). 负数的正态近似二项式⁡(∑是+一个,1n+b+1)是普通的⁡((∑是+一个)/(n+b),(n+b +1)∗(∑是+一个)/(n+b)2).

的长度1−τ可信区间,相当于和τ/2区间,对于任何正态分布2和τ/2σ. 因此,预测与参数后验间隔长度的比率独立于τ和第一近似等于n+b+1. 换句话说,预测的后验间隔约为n+b+1倍于参数后验区间。大多数选择一个b大约或等于 1 ,因此对于大n过度确定性随着n. 从任何定义来看,这都是很大的过度确定性。

同样对于第一个近似值,可信区间长度的比率也趋于 0n. 换句话说,参数的可信区间的长度趋向于 0,而可观察的可信区间的长度趋向于一个固定的有限数。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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