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经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Covariance Matrix Estimation

In previous sections, we mentioned the difficulties that can arise in estimating covariance matrices in the GMM context. In fact, problems occur at two distinct points: once for the choice of the weighting matrix to be used in constructing a criterion function and again for estimating the asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimates. Fortunately, similar considerations apply to both problems, and so we can consider them together.

Recall from (17.31) that the asymptotic covariance matrix of a GMM estimator computed using a weighting matrix $\boldsymbol{A}0$ is $$ \left(\boldsymbol{D}^{\top} A_0 \boldsymbol{D}\right)^{-1} \boldsymbol{D}^{\top} \boldsymbol{A}_0 \boldsymbol{\Phi} \boldsymbol{A}_0 \boldsymbol{D}\left(\boldsymbol{D}^{\top} \boldsymbol{A}_0 \boldsymbol{D}\right)^{-1} $$ in the notation of Section 17.2. If the necessary condition for efficiency of $l \times l$ asymptotic covariance matrix of the empirical moments $n^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{F}^{\top}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \iota$ with typical element $$ n^{-1 / 2} \sum{t=1}^n f_{t i}\left(y_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}\right)

Thus the problem is to find a consistent estimator $\hat{\boldsymbol{\Phi}}$ of $\boldsymbol{\Phi}$. If we can do so, we can minimize the criterion function
\iota^{\top} \boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \hat{\Phi}^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}^{\top}(\theta) \iota
If a typical element of $\hat{\boldsymbol{D}}$ is defined by (17.32), the asymptotic covariance matrix of $\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}$ may then he eatimated by
\frac{1}{n}\left(\hat{\boldsymbol{D}}^{\top} \hat{\boldsymbol{\Phi}}^{-1} \hat{\boldsymbol{D}}\right)^{-1}
It is clear that we must proceed in at least two steps, because $\hat{\boldsymbol{\Phi}}$ is to be an estimate of the covariance matrix of the empirical moments evaluated at the true parameter values. Thus before $\hat{\Phi}$ can be calculated, it is necessary to have a preliminary consistent estimator of the parameters $\boldsymbol{\theta}$. Since one can use an arbitrary weighting matrix $\boldsymbol{A}_0$ without losing consistency, there are many ways to find this preliminary estimate. Then $\hat{\Phi}$ can be computed, and subsequently, by minimizing (17.54), a new set of parameter estimates can be obtained. If it seems desirable, one may repeat these steps one or more times. In theory, one iteration is enough for asymptotic efficiency but, in practice, the original estimates may be bad enough for several iterations to be advisable.

Our previous definition of $\Phi,(17.29)$, was based on the assumption that the empirical moments $f_{t i}$ were serially independent. Since we wish to relax that assumption in this section, it is necessary to make a new definition of $\Phi$, in order that it should still be the asymptotic covariance matrix of the empirical moments. We therefore make the definition:
\boldsymbol{\Phi} \equiv \lim {n \rightarrow \infty}\left(\frac{1}{n} \sum{t=1}^n \sum_{s=1}^n E_\mu\left(\boldsymbol{F}_t^{\top}\left(y_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}_0\right) \boldsymbol{F}_s\left(y_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}_0\right)\right)\right),
where $\boldsymbol{F}_t$ is the $t^{\text {th }}$ row of the $n \times l$ matrix $\boldsymbol{F}$. Since the DGP $\mu$ will remain fixed for what follows, we will drop it from our notation. (17.56) differs from (17.29) in that it allows for any pattern of correlation of the contributions $\boldsymbol{F}_t$ to the empirical moments and remains valid even if no central limit theorem does. It is necessary, of course, to assume that the limit in (17.56) exists. Our task now is to find a consistent estimator of (17.56).

经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Inference with GMM Models

In this section, we undertake an investigation of how hypotheses may be tested in the context of GMM models. We begin by looking at tests of overidentifying restrictions and then move on to develop procedures akin to the classical tests studied in Chapter 13 for models estimated by maximum likelihood. The similarities to procedures we have already studied are striking. There is one important difference, however: We will not be able to make any great use of artificial linear regressions in order to implement the tests we discuss. The reason is simply that such artificial regressions have not yet been adequately developed. They exist only for some special cases, and their finite-sample properties are almost entirely unknown. However, there is every reason to hope and expect that in a few years it will be possible to perform inference on GMM models by means of artificial regressions still to be invented.

In the meantime, there are several testing procedures for GMM models that are not difficult to perform. The most important of these is a test of the overidentifying restrictions that are usually imposed. Suppose that we have estimated a vector $\theta$ of $k$ parameters by minimizing the criterion function
\iota^{\top} \boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \hat{\Phi}^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}^{\top}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \iota
in which the empirical moment matrix $\boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{\theta})$ has $l>k$ columns. Observe that

we have used a weighting matrix $\hat{\boldsymbol{\Phi}}^{-1}$ that satisfies the necessary condition of Theorem 17.3 for the efficiency of the GMM estimator. Only $k$ moment conditions are needed to identify $k$ parameters, and so there are $l-k$ overidentifying restrictions implicit in the estimation we have performed. As we emphasized in Chapter 7, where we first encountered overidentifying restrictions, it should be a routine practice always to test these restrictions before making any use of the estimation results.

One way of doing so, suggested by Hansen (1982), is to use as a test statistic the minimized value of the criterion function. The test statistic is simply (17.67) evaluated at $\boldsymbol{\theta}=\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}$ and divided by the sample size $n$ :
\frac{1}{n} \iota^{\top} \hat{\boldsymbol{F}} \hat{\Phi}^{-1} \hat{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\top} \boldsymbol{\iota}
where, as usual, we write $\hat{\boldsymbol{F}}$ for $\boldsymbol{F}(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}})$. The factor of $n^{-1}$ is necessary to offset the factor of $n$ in $\hat{\Phi}^{-1}$, which arises from the fact that $\Phi$ is defined in (17.29) as the covariance matrix of $n^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{F}_0^{\top} \iota$. The definition (17.29) therefore implies that if the overidentifying restrictions are correct, the asymptotic distribution of $n^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{F}_0^{\top} \iota$ is $N(\mathbf{0}, \boldsymbol{\Phi})$.



经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Covariance Matrix Estimation

在前面的部分中,我们提到了在 GMM 上下文中估计协方差矩阵时可能出现的困难。事实上,问题出现 在两个不同的点: 一次是选择用于构建标准函数的加权矩阵,一次是估计估计的渐近协方差矩阵。幸运 的是,类似的考虑适用于这两个问题,因此我们可以一起考虑它们。
回想一下 (17.31) 中使用加权矩阵计算的 GMM 估计量的渐近协方差矩阵 $\boldsymbol{A}$ 是
\left(\boldsymbol{D}^{\top} A_0 \boldsymbol{D}\right)^{-1} \boldsymbol{D}^{\top} \boldsymbol{A}0 \boldsymbol{\Phi} \boldsymbol{A}_0 \boldsymbol{D}\left(\boldsymbol{D}^{\top} \boldsymbol{A}_0 \boldsymbol{D}\right)^{-1} $$ 在第 17.2 节的符号中。如果效率的必要条件 $l \times l$ 经验矩的渐近协方差矩阵 $n^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{F}^{\top}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \iota$ 具有典型元素 $$ n^{-1 / 2} \sum t=1^n f{t i}\left(y_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}\right)
因此问题是找到一个一致的估计量 $\hat{\Phi}$ 的 $\Phi$. 如果我们可以这样做,我们可以最小化标准函数
\iota^{\top} \boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \hat{\Phi}^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}^{\top}(\theta) \iota
如果一个典型的元素 $\hat{\boldsymbol{D}}$ 由 (17.32) 定义,渐近协方差矩阵为 $\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}$ 那么他可能会吃掉
\frac{1}{n}\left(\hat{\boldsymbol{D}}^{\top} \hat{\boldsymbol{\Phi}}^{-1} \hat{\boldsymbol{D}}\right)^{-1}
很明显,我们必须至少分两步进行,因为 $\hat{\Phi}$ 是在真实参数值下评估的经验矩的协方差矩阵的估计。因此 之前 $\hat{\Phi}$ 可以计算出来,需要对参数有一个初步的一致估计 $\boldsymbol{\theta}$. 由于可以使用任意加权矩阵 $\boldsymbol{A}0$ 在不失一致 性的情况下,有很多方法可以找到这个初步估计。然后 $\hat{\Phi}$ 可以计算,随后,通过最小化 (17.54),可以获 得一组新的参数估计值。如果需要,可以重复这些步㡜一次或多次。理论上,一次迭代足以提高渐近效 率,但在实践中,原始估计可能很糟糕,建议进行多次迭代。 我们之前的定义 $\Phi,(17.29)$, 是基于经验矩的假设 $f{t i}$ 是连续独立的。由于我们希望在本节中放宽该假 设,因此有必要对 $\Phi$ ,因此它仍然是经验矩的渐近协方差矩阵。因此我们做出定义:
\boldsymbol{\Phi} \equiv \lim n \rightarrow \infty\left(\frac{1}{n} \sum t=1^n \sum_{s=1}^n E_\mu\left(\boldsymbol{F}_t^{\top}\left(y_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}_0\right) \boldsymbol{F}_s\left(y_t, \boldsymbol{\theta}_0\right)\right)\right)
在哪里 $\boldsymbol{F}_t$ 是个 $t^{\text {th }}$ 排的 $n \times l$ 矩阵 $\boldsymbol{F}$. 由于 DGP $\mu$ 将在接下来的内容中保持不变,我们将从我们的符号中 删除它。(17.56) 与 (17.29) 的不同之处在于它允许贡献的任何相关模式 $\boldsymbol{F}_t$ 到经验矩并且即使没有中心极 限定理也仍然有效。当然,有必要假设 (17.56) 中的极限存在。我们现在的任务是找到 (17.56) 的一致估 计量。

经济代写|计量经济学代写Econometrics代考|Inference with GMM Models

在本节中,我们将研究如何在 GMM 模型的背景下检验假设。我们首先查看过度识别限制的测试,然后 继续开发类似于第 13 章中研究的用于最大似然估计模型的经典测试的程序。与我们已经研究过的程序 的相似之处是惊人的。然而,有一个重要的区别:我们将无法充分利用人工线性回归来实施我们讨论的 测试。原因很简单,这种人工回归还没有得到充分发展。它们仅在某些特殊情况下存在,并且它们的有 限样本属性几乎完全末知。然而,
同时,有几个不难执行的 GMM 模型测试程序。其中最重要的是对通常施加的过度识别限制的测试。假 设我们估计了一个向量 $\theta$ 的 $k$ 通过最小化标准函数的参数
\iota^{\top} \boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \hat{\Phi}^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}^{\top}(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \iota
其中经验矩矩阵 $\boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{\theta})$ 有 $l>k$ 列。观察那个
我们使用了一个加权矩阵 $\hat{\Phi}^{-1}$ 满足 GMM 估计器效率的定理 17.3 的必要条件。仅有的 $k$ 需要时刻条件来 识别 $k$ 参数,所以有 $l-k$ 我们所做的估计中隐含的过度识别限制。正如我们在第 7 章中所强调的那样, 我们首先遇到了过度识别的限制,因此在使用任何估计结果之前始终测试这些限制应该是一种常规做 法。

Hansen (1982) 建议的一种方法是使用标准函数的最小值作为检验统计量。测试统计量只是 (17.67) 在 $\boldsymbol{\theta}=\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}$ 并除以样本量 $n:$
\frac{1}{n} \iota \iota^{\top} \hat{\boldsymbol{F}} \hat{\Phi}^{-1} \hat{\boldsymbol{F}}^{\top} \iota
像往常一样,我们写的地方 $\hat{\boldsymbol{F}}$ 为了 $\boldsymbol{F}(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}})$. 的因素 $n^{-1}$ 有必要抵消的因素 $n$ 在 $\hat{\Phi}^{-1}$ ,这是因为 $\Phi$ 在 (17.29) 中定义为协方差矩阵 $n^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{F}_0^{\top} \iota$. 因此,定义 (17.29) 意味着如果过度识别限制是正确的,则渐近分布 $n^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{F}_0^{\top} \iota$ 是 $N(\mathbf{0}, \boldsymbol{\Phi})$.

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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