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数学代写|离散数学作业代写discrete mathematics代考|Finite Sums

数学代写|离散数学作业代写discrete mathematics代考|Arnautov-Folkman-Rado-Sanders’ Theorem

The result named in this subsection is a mouthful. This stems from the independent, and distinct, proofs used to prove the result that all occurred around the same time. From historical research done by Soifer [191] we find that Arnautov in [9], Folkman via personal communication, and Sanders in [178], all proved the same result, which is a generalization of Schur’s Theorem. As noted in [84], the result also follows directly from Rado’s Theorem (hence the inclusion of Rado’s name). We will offer two different proofs in this subsection: one based on van der Waerden’s Theorem (due to Folkman) and one based on Rado’s Theorem. A third proof will be given in Section 3.3.2 as it appeals to a result presented in the next chapter. Other (different) proofs can be found in $[152,199]$.

Theorem 2.55 (Arnautov-Folkman-Rado-Sanders’ Theorem). Let $k, r \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$. There exists a minimal positive integer $n=n(k ; r)$ such that every $r$-coloring of $[1, n]$ admits $S \subseteq[1, n]$ with $|S|=k$ such that $F S(S)$ is monochromatic.
Proof based on van der Waerden’s Theorem. We start by defining the auxiliary function $a=a(k ; r)$ as the minimal positive integer such that every $r$-coloring of $[1, a]$ admits $B=\left{b_{1}<b_{2}<\cdots<b_{k}\right}$ with $F S(B) \subseteq[1, a]$ such that
for any $j \in[1, k]$ with $i_{1}<i_{2}<\cdots<i_{j}$.
Assume for the moment that $a(k ; r)$ exists for all $k, r \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$. Then, by considering $a(r(k-1)+1 ; r)$, we have $B=\left{b_{1}<b_{2}<\cdots<b_{r(k-1)+1}\right}$. By the pigeonhole principle, there must be at least $k$ elements of $B$ of the same color. Say $S=\left{b_{i_{1}}, b_{i_{2}}, \cdots, b_{i_{k}}\right}$ is monochromatic. Since $F S(S) \subseteq F S(B)$ we see that every element of $F S(S)$ is colored by the largest element of the sum. Since this largest element is necessarily in $S$, and since $S$ is monochromatic, we see that $F S(S)$ is monochromatic.

So, we will be done once we establish the existence of $a(k ; r)$. We proceed by induction on $k$, with $k=1$ being trivial. Hence, let $\ell=a(k-1 ; r)$ and let

$m=w(\ell+1 ; r)$. We will show that $a(k ; r) \leq 2 m$. To this end, consider any $r$-coloring of $[1,2 m]$. By van der Waerden’s Theorem, there exist
c, c+d, \ldots, c+\ell d \in[m+1,2 m]
all the same color. Note that $c>m$.
Since sumsets are closed under dilation, we can apply the inductive assumption to $d[1, \ell]$ to obtain
B=\left{d b_{1}m$. Let $b_{k}=c$ and notice that $d b_{k-1}<b_{k}$. As every element of $F S(B)$ is a multiple of $d$, with largest possible multiple $d \ell$ (the sum of all elements of $B$ must remain in $d[1, \ell]$ by definition of $a(k-1 ; r)$; otherwise elements larger than $a(k-1 ; r)$ would not be assigned a color $)$. Hence, if $s \in F S(B)$ we see that $s+b_{k}=c+j d$ for some $j \in[1, \ell]$. Since all members of $c+d, \ldots, c+\ell d$ are the same color as $c=b_{k}$, we have $a(k ; r) \leq 2 m$.

Proof based on Rado’s Theorem. Consider the following system of linear homogeneous equations:
\left{\sum_{i \in I} x_{i}=y_{I}: 0 \neq I \subseteq[1, k]\right},
where we index the $y$ ‘s by the subset over which we are summing. By showing a monochromatic solution to this system exists we will have values of the variables for which $F S\left(x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{k}\right)$ is monochromatic. By Rado’s Theorem we will be done once we show that the associated coefficient matrix satisfies the columns condition.

数学代写|离散数学作业代写discrete mathematics代考|Hindman’s Theorem

We are still investigating finite sums $F S(S)$; however, we will now be considering the situation when $S$ is infinite. In particular, does the conclusion of Theorem $2.55$ hold when $S$ is infinite? As you may suspect if you read the title of this subsection, an answer was achieved by Hindman [109].

Theorem $2.56$ (Hindman’s Theorem). Let $r \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$. Every $r$-coloring of $\mathbb{Z}^{+}$ admits an infinite set $A \subseteq \mathbb{Z}^{+}$such that $F S(A)$ is monochromatic.

The proof of this must be fundamentally different than the proof when $S$ is finite. We can use neither van der Waerden’s Theorem nor Rado’s Theorem as these will only give us arbitrarily large – not infinite – sets, since both are results about finite structures.

The proof of Hindman’s Theorem is quite involved, so we will break it up into several lemmas before putting the pieces together. We will follow the proof given by Baumgartner [11]. But first, a definition is in order.

Definition $2.57$ (Disjoint sumset of $S$ ). Let $S, T \subseteq \mathbb{Z}^{+}$be infinite sets. We say $T \subseteq F S(S)$ is a disjoint sumset of $S$, and write $T \in \mathcal{D S}(S)$, if every element of $S$ is contained in at most one sum/element in $T$, where $\mathcal{D} S(S)$ is the class of all disjoint sumsets of $S$.

The benefit of this class of finite sums is that if $t_{1}, t_{2} \in T \in \mathcal{D S}(S)$ then $t_{1}+t_{2} \in F S(S)$ since the elements from $S$ used in $t_{1}$ are distinct from those used in $t_{2}$. Using this idea, we immediately have the following lemma, the proof of which is left to the reader as Exercise 2.17.

Lemma 2.58. Let $S, T, U \subseteq \mathbb{Z}^{+}$be infinite sets with $T \in \mathcal{D S}(S)$ and $U \in$ $\mathcal{D} S(T)$. Then
(i) $F S(T) \subseteq F S(S)$; and
(ii) $U \in \mathcal{D S}(S)$.
Before the next lemma, we require another definition.
Definition $2.59$ (Intersective for $S$ ). Let $S \subseteq \mathbb{Z}^{+}$be infinite. We say that a set $X$ is intersective for $S$ if for all $T \in \mathcal{D S}(S)$ we have $F S(T) \cap X \neq \emptyset$.
A crucial observation here is that any intersective set must be infinite. This can be confirmed by part (ii) of the next lemma.
Lemma 2.60. Let $X, S$ be subsets of $\mathbb{Z}^{+}$. The following hold:
(i) Let $n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$and assume $X=\bigsqcup_{i=1}^{n} X_{i} .$ If $X$ is intersective for $S$, then there exists $T \in \mathcal{D S}(S)$ and $i \in{1,2, \ldots, n}$ such that $X_{i}$ is intersective for $T$.
(ii) If $F$ is a finite subset of $\mathbb{Z}^{+}$and $X$ is intersective for $S$, then $X \backslash F$ is intersective for $S$.

数学代写|离散数学作业代写discrete mathematics代考|Density Results

We end this chapter by presenting some analytic approaches to integer Ramsey theory. We will mainly be considering arithmetic progressions. The standard notation used for density results concerning van der Waerden’s Theorem is given next.

Notation. For $k, n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$denote by $r_{k}(n)$ the maximal size of a subset of $[1, n]$ with no $k$-term arithmetic progression.

We start with a result due to Behrend $[14]$ that seems to have been overlooked. This was communicated to the author by Tom Brown. Behrend’s result appeared just a year after Erdös and Turán [71] defined $r_{3}(n)$ and showed that

Behrend’s result is more sweeping.
Theorem 2.67. For each $k \in Z^{+}$we have that
L_{k}=\lim {n \rightarrow \infty} \frac{r{k}(n)}{n}
exists and, more importantly,
L=\lim {k \rightarrow \infty} L{k} \in{0,1}
Proof. The fact that $L_{k}$ exists is standard and left to the reader as Exercise 2.22. The fact that $L$ exists follows from $0 \leq L_{1} \leq L_{2} \leq \cdots \leq L_{k} \leq \cdots \leq 1$, which is a monotonic infinite sequence on a closed interval. Thus, we need only show that $L$ is either 0 or 1 .
We will first show that, for every $n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$, we have
Assume, for a contradiction, that there exists $m \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$such that Inequality $(2.3)$ is false for $m$. We may assume that for all $n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$we have
\frac{r_{k}(m)}{m} \leq \frac{r_{k}(n)}{n}
We next note that $r_{k}(m n) \leq n r_{k}(m)$ since if $S \subseteq[1, m n]$ avoids $k$-term arithmetic progressions, then it is necessary (but not sufficient) that each of the intervals $[1, m],[m+1,2 m], \ldots,[(n-1) m+1, n m]$ contains at most $r_{k}(m)$ integers from $S$. From Inequality $(2.4)$ and this observation, we have
\frac{r_{k}(m)}{m} \leq \frac{r_{k}(m n)}{m n} \leq \frac{n r_{k}(m)}{m n}=\frac{r_{k}(m)}{m}
and we conclude that $r_{k}(m n)=n r_{k}(m)$ for all $n \in \mathbb{Z}+$.
Define the intervals
A_{i}=[(i-1) m+1, i m], \quad i=1,2, \ldots, w\left(k ; 2^{m}\right)
where $w\left(k ; 2^{m}\right)$ is the van der Waerden number. Consider
n=w\left(k ; 2^{m}\right)

数学代写|离散数学作业代写discrete mathematics代考|Finite Sums


数学代写|离散数学作业代写discrete mathematics代考|Arnautov-Folkman-Rado-Sanders’ Theorem

本小节中命名的结果是满口的。这源于用于证明所有结果几乎同时发生的独立且独特的证据。从 Soifer [191] 所做的历史研究中,我们发现 [9] 中的 Arnautov、通过个人交流的 Folkman 和 [178] 中的 Sanders 都证明了相同的结果,这是 Schur 定理的推广。如 [84] 中所述,结果也直接来自 Rado 定理(因此包含 Rado 的名称)。我们将在本小节中提供两种不同的证明:一种基于 van der Waerden 定理(由于 Folkman),另一种基于 Rado 定理。第 3.3.2 节将给出第三个证明,因为它与下一章中提出的结果相呼应。其他(不同的)证明可以在[152,199].

定理 2.55(Arnautov-Folkman-Rado-Sanders 定理)。让ķ,r∈从+. 存在一个最小正整数n=n(ķ;r)这样每一个r- 着色[1,n]承认小号⊆[1,n]和|小号|=ķ这样F小号(小号)是单色的。
基于范德瓦尔登定理的证明。我们从定义辅助函数开始一种=一种(ķ;r)作为最小正整数,使得每个r- 着色[1,一种]承认B=\left{b_{1}<b_{2}<\cdots<b_{k}\right}B=\left{b_{1}<b_{2}<\cdots<b_{k}\right}和F小号(乙)⊆[1,一种]这样
暂时假设一种(ķ;r)为所有人而存在ķ,r∈从+. 然后,通过考虑一种(r(ķ−1)+1;r), 我们有B=\left{b_{1}<b_{2}<\cdots<b_{r(k-1)+1}\right}B=\left{b_{1}<b_{2}<\cdots<b_{r(k-1)+1}\right}. 根据鸽巢原理,至少有ķ要点乙相同的颜色。说S=\left{b_{i_{1}}, b_{i_{2}}, \cdots, b_{i_{k}}\right}S=\left{b_{i_{1}}, b_{i_{2}}, \cdots, b_{i_{k}}\right}是单色的。自从F小号(小号)⊆F小号(乙)我们看到,每一个元素F小号(小号)由总和的最大元素着色。因为这个最大的元素必然在小号,并且由于小号是单色的,我们看到F小号(小号)是单色的。

所以,一旦我们确定存在一种(ķ;r). 我们通过归纳继续ķ, 和ķ=1是微不足道的。因此,让ℓ=一种(ķ−1;r)然后让

米=在(ℓ+1;r). 我们将证明一种(ķ;r)≤2米. 为此,考虑任何r- 着色[1,2米]. 根据范德瓦尔登定理,存在
B=\left{db_{1}m.大号和吨b_{k}=c一种ndn这吨一世C和吨H一种吨d b_{k-1}<b_{k}.一种s和在和r是和l和米和n吨这F前卫(乙)一世s一种米在l吨一世pl和这Fd,在一世吨Hl一种rG和s吨p这ss一世bl和米在l吨一世pl和d \ ell(吨H和s在米这F一种ll和l和米和n吨s这F乙米在s吨r和米一种一世n一世nd [1, \ell]b是d和F一世n一世吨一世这n这Fa(k-1 ; r);这吨H和r在一世s和和l和米和n吨sl一种rG和r吨H一种na(k-1 ; r)在这在ldn这吨b和一种ss一世Gn和d一种C这l这r).H和nC和,一世Fs \in FS(B)在和s和和吨H一种吨s+b_{k}=c+jdF这rs这米和j \in[1, \ell].小号一世nC和一种ll米和米b和rs这Fc+d, \ldots, c+\ell d一种r和吨H和s一种米和C这l这r一种sc=b_{k},在和H一种在和a(k ; r) \leq 2 m$。

\left{\sum_{i \in I} x_{i}=y_{I}: 0 \neq I \subseteq[1, k]\right},\left{\sum_{i \in I} x_{i}=y_{I}: 0 \neq I \subseteq[1, k]\right},

数学代写|离散数学作业代写discrete mathematics代考|Hindman’s Theorem

我们仍在研究有限和F小号(小号); 然而,我们现在要考虑的情况是小号是无限的。特别是,定理的结论2.55持有时小号是无限的吗?如果您阅读本小节的标题,您可能会怀疑,Hindman [109] 给出了答案。

定理2.56(欣德曼定理)。让r∈从+. 每一个r- 着色从+承认一个无限集一种⊆从+这样F小号(一种)是单色的。


Hindman 定理的证明非常复杂,所以我们将把它分解成几个引理,然后再把它们放在一起。我们将遵循 Baumgartner [11] 给出的证明。但首先,定义是有序的。

定义2.57(不相交的总和小号)。让小号,吨⊆从+是无限集。我们说吨⊆F小号(小号)是一个不相交的和集小号, 和写吨∈D小号(小号), 如果每个元素小号最多包含在一个总和/元素中吨, 在哪里D小号(小号)是所有不相交和集的类小号.

这类有限和的好处是,如果吨1,吨2∈吨∈D小号(小号)然后吨1+吨2∈F小号(小号)因为元素来自小号用于吨1不同于那些用于吨2. 使用这个想法,我们立即得到以下引理,其证明留给读者作为练习 2.17。

引理 2.58。让小号,吨,在⊆从+是无限集吨∈D小号(小号)和在∈ D小号(吨). 那么
(一)F小号(吨)⊆F小号(小号); (
引理 2.60。让X,小号是的子集从+. 以下成立:
(i) 让n∈从+并假设X=⨆一世=1nX一世.如果X是相交的小号, 那么存在吨∈D小号(小号)和一世∈1,2,…,n这样X一世是相交的吨.
(ii) 如果F是的有限子集从+和X是相交的小号, 然后X∖F是相交的小号.

数学代写|离散数学作业代写discrete mathematics代考|Density Results



我们从 Behrend 的结果开始[14]这似乎被忽略了。这是由汤姆布朗传达给作者的。Behrend 的结果出现在 Erdös 和 Turán [71] 定义后仅一年r3(n)并表明

定理 2.67。对于每个ķ∈从+我们有
证明。事实是大号ķ存在是标准的,留给读者作为练习 2.22。事实是大号存在于0≤大号1≤大号2≤⋯≤大号ķ≤⋯≤1,它是闭区间上的单调无穷序列。因此,我们只需要证明大号是 0 或 1 。
我们将首先证明,对于每个n∈从+, 我们有
假设,对于一个矛盾,存在米∈从+这样不等式(2.3)是错误的米. 我们可以假设对于所有n∈从+我们有
我们接下来注意到rķ(米n)≤nrķ(米)因为如果小号⊆[1,米n]避免ķ项算术级数,则有必要(但不充分)每个区间[1,米],[米+1,2米],…,[(n−1)米+1,n米]最多包含rķ(米)来自的整数小号. 从不平等(2.4)而这个观察,我们有

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有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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