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经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECON 7001

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Analysis of prosperity index in the first half of 2016

It is indicated by the leading index and concordance index that the first half of 2016 greeted a slow pickup trend of prosperity from a low level. In January and February 2016 , the prosperity of leading index fell into the range of negative values under the influence of sluggish prosperity in 2015 but assumed a constant pickup trend, and it further recovered above zero in March 2016 . The concordance index presented a trend ascending year over year and descending month over month. In Fig. 2.1, the prosperity of concordance index ascended for a time to about $0.4$ of that in January and descended afterwards to almost zero, but it picked up in March 2016, generally higher than the prosperity in the same period last year, regardless of a descending

trend that took place later. The lagging index (mainly including export information and price information) indicated some risks in such growth. In 2016, exclusive of March and June, the prosperity of lagging index remained below zero with a greater degree of fluctuation. For some time in the future, there will be increasing uncertainties about growth of industrial economics.

According to prosperity indicators, (1) the fringe market improved greatly; the PMI of American manufacturing industry bounced back over the threshold; the PMI of Eurozone manufacturing industry maintained above the threshold and assumed an uptrend. The economic situation of developed countries would eventually have effect on China’s export trade; despite a substantial decline in China’s general trade export volume in the first quarter of 2016 , the export volume grew $20 \%$ year on year in March; but there had been no substantial growth in the export volume of general trade as the domestic market of China remained in adjustment; (2) the real estate market witnessed brisk trades. In the first half of 2016 , the area sold of real estate grew rapidly. From January to June 2016, it reached $643.02$ million square meters, growing $27.9 \%$ year on year; the sales of real estate amounted to RMB $4.8682$ trillion, growing $42.1 \%$. The investment scale of real estate development maintained a moderate-rapid rate of growth; from January to June 2016, it grew $6.1 \%$ year on year, indicating a limited role of real estate market in driving industrial growth; (3) there was a slowdown in growth of fixed asset investment and a notable decline in industrial fixed asset investment. From January to June 2016 , the fixed asset investment in China amounted to RMB $25.836$ trillion (excluding peasant households), with nominal year-on-year growth of $9 \%$ (it was actually $11 \%$ after adjusting for inflation). The investment in the secondary industry amounted to RMB $10.1702$ trillion, growing $4.4 \%, 16.7$ and $7.7$ percentage points lower than the primary industry the tertiary industry respectively, where the industrial investment amounted to RMB $9.9594$ trillion, growing $4.2 \%$ year on year, and the manufacturing investment amounted to RMB $8.2261$ trillion, growing $3.3 \%$ only; (4) under the influence of overcapacity and inventory adjustment, the outputs of industrial products saw an uneven year-on-year growth, e.g. the outputs of cast iron, crude steel and coke kept sagging while those of ethylene and aluminum products kept growing; and (5) the money supply M1 grew rapidly while M2 slowed down. In response to the downturn risks of industrial economics, Chinese government exercised proactive monetary policy, resulting in a significant growth in money supply; nevertheless, the growth rate of money supply M2 tended to slow down due to the risk of the rising non-performing loan ratio (Table 2.1).

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|The steady rise in leading indexes predicted

The steady rise in leading indexes predicted a quarter-long slow growth of the industrial economics for some time in the future, but the industrial economics would be under big downward pressure as it remained in growing pains of rebalance. Specifically, firstly, the ex-factory price index of industrial products remained within a negative range, the industrial overcapacity failed to improve in real sense, and the main industrial products trading market was not as active as expected; secondly, this round of growth of industrial economics was still dependent heavily on pickup of real estate market, and there would be limited space for growth in the future as the real estate market entered the period of adjustment; thirdly, the fixed asset investment remained a main force in supporting this round of slow growth of industrial economics, and the main sectors that could drive growth of fixed asset investment were infrastructure investment and real estate market investment while the manufacturing fixed asset investment remained at a low level; and fourthly, the loose monetary policy played a positive role in promoting pickup of real estate market, but the exit of the loose monetary policy would inevitably restrain the growing trend of the real estate market and further compromise demands of industrial products. Generally, this round of industrial economics growth as a continuity of the old investment-driven development pattern failed to result in any new growth points. Considering the transition of China’s economic development from the industry-driven pattem to the service-driven pattern, there would be an irresistible trend of rapid growth of the service industry and slowdown of industrial growth.

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Factors Influencing the Trend Variation of Industrial Economics

The decline of fixed asset investment in industrial sectors would inevitably lead to a slowing growth rate of capital stock and usher in a falling trend of industrial sectors. The innovative development strategy and global technological revolution initiated by Chinese Government would be a strong support for growth of industrial economics.
(1) Lower and lower investment return of industrial enterprises and continuous downsizing of the fixed asset investment

Since reform and opening up in 1979 , the profit scale of Chinese industrial sectors had expanded constantly; especially since the year of 2002 , it grew at a rate up to $20 \%$ and made it possible for industrial investment return to maintain a high level. Since the year of 2011 , however, the profit growth rate of industrial sectors slowed down even to a negative rate. As the profit growth rate remained low, the

investment return receded gradually. Bai Chong’en and Zhang Qiong (2014) ${ }^{1}$ pointed out that since the year 2011 China’s return on invested capital presented a constantly declining trend, i.e. $21.1,16.6$ and $14.7 \%$ respectively from 2011 to 2013. The return on invested capital of industrial sectors stayed basically consistent with that of the whole society. The former’s decline would result in transfer of investment into other industries and into overseas market. Data showed that from 2005 to 2013 , the fixed asset investment of industrial sectors took up all the time over $40 \%$ of the total fixed assets investment; however, since the year of 2014 , the fixed asset fell back to $39.9 \%$ and presented a trend of continuous decline (Fig. 2.2).

The growth of private fixed asset investment ushered in this round of the declining trend in fixed asset investment. Over years, the growth of private fixed asset investment in the secondary industry has all the time outnumbered the growth of total fixed asset investment and thus become the main force of fixed asset investment in the secondary industry. In March 2016 , however, the private fixed asset investment in the secondary industry began to present a declining trend and became a leading force to bring down the growth of fixed asset investment (Fig. 2.3).

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|ECON 7001


经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Analysis of prosperity index in the first half of 2016

领先指数和和谐指数显示,2016年上半年景气度由低位缓慢回升。2016年1、2月,领先指数景气度在2015年景气度低迷的影响下跌入负值区间,但呈现持续回升趋势,2016年3月进一步回升至零上方。一致性指数呈现逐年上升、逐月下降的趋势。在图 2.1 中,一致性指数的繁荣度一度上升到大约0.41 月后回落至几乎为零,但 2016 年 3 月有所回升,总体高于去年同期景气度,无论跌至多少


从景气指标看,(1)边缘市场明显好转;美国制造业采购经理人指数反弹突破门槛;欧元区制造业PMI维持在关口上方并呈上升趋势。发达国家的经济形势最终会对中国的出口贸易产生影响;尽管2016年一季度我国一般贸易出口量大幅下降,但出口量增长20%3月同比;但中国国内市场仍在调整中,一般贸易出口额没有大幅增长;(二)房地产市场交易活跃。2016年上半年,房地产销售面积快速增长。2016 年 1 月至 6 月,达到643.02万平方米,不断增长27.9%比去年同期; 房地产销售额达人民币4.8682万亿,增长中42.1%. 房地产开发投资规模保持中速增长;2016 年 1 月至 6 月,增长6.1%同比,表明房地产市场对工业增长的拉动作用有限;(三)固定资产投资增速放缓,工业固定资产投资下降明显。2016年1-6月,我国固定资产投资额为人民币25.836万亿元(不含农户),名义同比增长9%(实际上是11%通货膨胀调整后)。第二产业投资达人民币10.1702万亿,增长中4.4%,16.7和7.7分别低于第一产业和第三产业,其中工业投资达人民币9.9594万亿,增长中4.2%同比,制造业投资达人民币8.2261万亿,增长中3.3%只要; (四)受产能过剩和库存调整影响,工业产品产量同比增长不均衡,如铸铁、粗钢、焦炭产量持续低迷,乙烯、铝制品产量持续增长。(5)货币供应量M1快速增长,M2放缓。为应对产业经济下行风险,中国政府实施积极的货币政策,货币供应量大幅增长;然而,由于不良贷款率上升的风险,货币供应量 M2 的增速趋于放缓(表 2.1)。

经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|The steady rise in leading indexes predicted


经济代写|产业经济学代写Industrial Economics代考|Factors Influencing the Trend Variation of Industrial Economics



投资回报逐渐回落。白崇恩、张琼 (2014)1指出,2011年以来我国投资资本回报率呈现持续下降趋势,即21.1,16.6和14.7%2011年至2013年,各行业投资资本回报率与全社会基本持平。前者的下降将导致投资转移到其他行业和海外市场。数据显示,从2005年到2013年,工业部门固定资产投资占比一直居高不下。40%占固定资产投资总额;但自 2014 年以来,固定资产回落至39.9%并呈现持续下降的趋势(图2.2)。


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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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