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经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|Macro-Dynamics Rising to the Challenge of Instability

The idea that instability in the capitalist system of production was so severe that it could lead to a complete collapse of the economic system reflected a series of circumstances specific to the early 1930s. How influential was Tinbergen on other econometricians in proposing in his models this radical interpretation of instability?
Tinbergen was not alone to work on that issue. In 1934, Frisch also seriously considered the possibility of collapse, quite paradoxically because he is often thought of as the apostle of stable linear models (see Chap. 4). In 1935, discussions arising around nonlinear models at the Namur meeting of the Econometric Society showed however that Frisch sought to reinforce the idea that self-stabilizing mechanisms may fail to kick in, which meant that an appropriate political response was necessary.
A first illustration of this is found in Frisch’s 1934 work published in Econometrica in the form of a long monograph on “circulation planning” in which Frisch argued that besides “technical features” related to production, there exists other features related to the “circulation and exchange activity.” These features of a capitalistic economy may be responsible for other movements of the economy and the maladjustments between wants and production. ${ }^{26}$ As the Great Depression continued to have a lasting impact in Europe, Frisch thought that this type of approach was more appropriate to account for the ongoing situation and in particular the possibility that the groups composing the economy could involuntarily undermine each other’s position with the risk of pushing the economy into a never ending recession, due to a lack of information.

In several respects, the model used by Frisch was close to the model that Tinbergen developed in his 1932 pre-advice (Tinbergen, 1932). In both cases, the analysis highlighted the interdependencies between two firms (or two groups in Frisch’s case), but while Tinbergen was interested in emphasizing the possibility of two stable equilibria, a low and a high one, Frisch wanted to show the possibility that the economy may have two opposite “intrinsic tendencies towards contraction and expansion” (Frisch, 1934: 261).

Frisch developed a model in which the two groups which composed the economy exchanged at regular intervals of time, the purchasing power of each group depending on the volume of its sales to the other group in the previous period (each group being assumed to buy the goods he does not produce at constant prices). In the simplest case, Frisch assumed that the amount bought by a group is proportional to the amount of goods the other group managed to sell in the previous period, as expressed by these two equations:
& a_t=\alpha b_{t-1}, \
& b_t=\beta a_{t-1},
where $a_t$ and $b_t$ are the amounts bought by the two groups respectively at time $t$ and $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are constants representing the sensitivity of the amount of goods produced. Frisch related those coefficients to the degree of optimism or pessimism of both groups depending on the situation. For given initial conditions, the development over time of the production of each group is made up of two components: a cycle of two time periods superimposed on a positive or negative exponential trend depending on the value of $\gamma=\sqrt{\alpha \beta}$. If $\gamma>1$, the cycle is superimposed on a rising trend. If $\gamma<1$, the trend is transient and the economy collapses. Thus the trajectory of the economy depends upon the coefficients representing the mood of both groups. If they are on average in a “spending mood,” meaning that $\gamma$ is higher than one, then the system will expand. If, on the contrary, they are on average in a “saving mood,” i.e. if $\gamma$ is lower than one, “the whole system will gradually dwindle down to nothing” (Frisch, 1934: 263, original emphasis).

经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|Tinbergen’s Analysis of the Multiplier

The problem of economic policies formed a central part of Tinbergen’s analysis from the onset of his interest in economic questions, as we have already underlined in Chap. 6. Tinbergen had applied his first models to a wide range of questions from wage policies to raw goods and tried to elucidate the mechanisms deemed the most important. After 1935, he began to build and estimate larger models that culminated in the publication of his two-volume study for the League of Nations Tinbergen (1939a, b). Discussions of the best economic policies formed a central part of those larger models, and the importance of these works for the development of economic analysis has been underlined many times. ${ }^2$

While these models had a profound impact on the discipline, we will not treat them in this book because they provide little information on the question of the stability of the economy. Instead, we would like to pay attention to other models developed at the same time by Tinbergen, which he used to answer topical questions and to bring a new perspective on problems often marred by the lack of complete formalisations. A case in point is the treatment by Tinbergen of the multiplier, which he developed in a 1937 paper published in the Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv (Tinbergen, 1937c). The meaningfulness of this paper lies in his theoretical conclusions for economic policies and the light it threw on the possibility of “pump-priming,” which was a subject of important debates in the USA at the same time.

The multiplier had been developed by Keynes and Kahn in the early 1930 s (Kahn, 1931, Keynes, 1933). ${ }^3$ In its simplest form, the idea was that a certain expenditure in the economy can lead to primary effects arising from the spending of the initial expenditure, but also to secondary effects when the workers receiving the primary wave spend their new income in the economy. Kahn’s approach, summarized by Tinbergen, was to argue that when a portion $k$ of the new income $I$ is spent, at a period $n$ after the initial expenditure, the new portion is equal to $k^n$. The addition of each additional income $k I+k^2 I+\cdots+k^n I$ formed a geometric series $\frac{I}{1-k}$, where $\frac{1}{1-k}$ is the Keynesian multiplier. For Tinbergen, this analysis was particularly interesting because it brought forward dynamic considerations, but this remained too crude to really inform economic policies.

Tinbergen believed that this neglected some important influences which he had accounted for in larger models, and that it was also possible to deal with those influences on the basis of smaller models. While there are ten variables in the model, it can be reduced to four main equations, as Tinbergen did himself in another paper (Tinbergen, 1937b). It is then always possible to find the aggregate level of employment from these equations and the employment in both sectors, with a relation given by Tinbergen between the level of employment in the two sectors and profits. All the variables are measured as deviations from their equilibrium value, and the unit of time is assumed to be four months.



经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|Macro-Dynamics Rising to the Challenge of Instability

资本主义生产体系的不稳定性如此严重以至于可能导致经济体系彻底崩溃的想法反映了 20 世纪 30 年代初 期的一系列特定情况。丁伯根在他的模型中提出这种对不稳定性的激进解释,对其他计量经济学家有多大 影响?
廷伯根并不是唯一一个致力于解决这个问题的人。1934 年,Frisch 也认真考虑了崩溃的可能性,这很矛 盾,因为他通常被认为是稳定线性模型的倡导者 (见第 4 章)。1935 年,计量经济学会在那慕尔会议上 围绕非线性模型展开的讨论表明,弗里施试图强化自稳定机制可能无法发挥作用的观点,这意味着需要采 取适当的政治回应。
Frisch 1934 年在 Econometrica 上以长篇专着的形式发表了这方面的第一个例证,其中 Frisch 认为除了 与生产相关的“技术特征”外,还存在与“流通和交流活动。”资本主义经济的这些特征可能会导致经济的其 他运动以及需求与生产之间的失调。 ${ }^{26}$ 随着大萧条继续对欧洲产生持久影响,Frisch 认为这种方法更适合 解释当前的情况,特别是构成经济的群体可能不由自主地破坏彼此地位的风险由于缺乏信息,将经济推向 永无止境的衰退。
在几个方面,Frisch 使用的模型接近于 Tinbergen 在他 1932 年的预先建议中开发的模型 (Tinbergen, 1932)。在这两种情况下,分析都强调了两家公司 (或 Frisch 案例中的两个集团) 之间的相互依存关系, 但是虽然 Tinbergen 有兴趣强调两个稳定均衡的可能性,一个低均衡和一个高均衡,但 Frisch 想表明这 种可能性经济可能有两种相反的“收缩和扩张的内在趋势” (Frisch,1934:261)。

Frisch 开发了一个模型,其中构成经济的两个群体定期交换,每个群体的购买力取决于其在前一时期对另 一群体的销售量 (假设每个群体购买商品他不以不变的价格生产) 。在最简单的情况下,Frisch 假设一组 人购买的数量与另一组人在前一时期设法出售的商品数量成正比,如以下两个方程式所示:
a_t=\alpha b_{t-1}, \quad b_t=\beta a_{t-1}
在哪里 $a_t$ 和 $b_t$ 分别是两组在某时刻购买的数量 $t$ 和 $\alpha$ 和 $\beta$ 是代表商品生产量敏感性的常数。弗里施根据情况 将这些系数与两组人的乐观或悲观程度联系起来。对于给定的初始条件,每个组的生产随时间的发展由两 个部分组成: 两个时间段的循环叠加在正指数趋势或负指数趋势上,具体取决于 $\gamma=\sqrt{\alpha \beta}$. 如果 $\gamma>1$ ,周期叠加在上升趋势上。如果 $\gamma<1$ ,趋势是短暂的,经济崩溃。因此,经济的轨迹取决于代表两组情 “储葍情绪”,即如果 $\gamma$ 低于一,“整个系统将逐渐缩小为无” (Frisch,1934:263,原文强调) 。

经济代写|宏观经济学代写Macroeconomics代考|Tinbergen’s Analysis of the Multiplier

正如我们在第 1 章中强调的那样,从丁伯根对经济问题产生兴趣开始,经济政策问题就构成了他分析的核 心部分。6. 丁伯根将他的第一个模型应用于从工资政策到原材料的广泛问题,并试图阐明被认为最重要的 机制。1935 年之后,他开始构建和估计更大的模型,最终出版了他为国际联盟丁伯根 $(1939 a , b)$ 所做的 两卷本研究。对最佳经济政策的讨论构成了这些较大模型的核心部分,这些著作对经济分析发展的重要性 已被多次强调。2
虽然这些模型对该学科产生了深远的影响,但我们不会在本书中讨论它们,因为它们提供的关于经济稳定 性问题的信息很少。相反,我们想关注 Tinbergen 同时开发的其他模型,他用这些模型来回答热门问题, 并为经常因缺乏完整形式化而受到损害的问题带来新的视角。一个典型的例子是 Tinbergen 对乘数的处 理,他在 1937 年发表于 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 的一篇论文 (Tinbergen,1937c) 中发展了这一 点。这篇论文的意义在于他对经济政策的理论结论,以及它对“刺激经济”可能性的启示,这同时也是美国 重要辩论的主题。
乘数是由凯恩斯和卡恩在 1930 年代早期开发的(卡恩, 1931 年,凯恩斯, 1933 年)。 ${ }^3$ 在最简单的形 式中,这个想法是,经济中的一定支出可以导致初始支出的支出产生的初级效应,但当接受初级波的工人 在经济中花费他们的新收入时,也会产生次级效应。卡恩的方法,由丁伯根总结,是认为当一部分 $k$ 的新 收入 $I$ 在一段时间内花费 $n$ 初始支出后,新部分等于 $k^n$. 每增加一笔收入 $k I+k^2 I+\cdots+k^n I$ 形成了一 个几何级数 $\frac{I}{1-k}$ ,在哪里 $\frac{1}{1-k}$ 是凯恩斯乘数。对 Tinbergen 来说,这种分析特别有趣,因为它提出了动 态考虑因素,但这仍然过于粗䊁,无法真正为经济政策提供信息。

Tinbergen 认为这忽略了他在较大模型中考虑的一些重要影响,并且也可以在较小模型的基础上处理这些 影响。虽然模型中有十个变量,但它可以简化为四个主要方程,正如 Tinbergen 在另一篇论文中所做的那 样 (Tinbergen, 1937b)。然后,总是可以从这些方程式和两个部门的就业率中找到总的就业水平,以及 Tinbergen 给出的两个部门的就业水平与利润之间的关系。所有变量均以其均衡值的偏差来衡量,时间单 位假定为四个月。

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术语 广义线性模型(GLM)通常是指给定连续和/或分类预测因素的连续响应变量的常规线性回归模型。它包括多元线性回归,以及方差分析和方差分析(仅含固定效应)。



有限元是一种通用的数值方法,用于解决两个或三个空间变量的偏微分方程(即一些边界值问题)。为了解决一个问题,有限元将一个大系统细分为更小、更简单的部分,称为有限元。这是通过在空间维度上的特定空间离散化来实现的,它是通过构建对象的网格来实现的:用于求解的数值域,它有有限数量的点。边界值问题的有限元方法表述最终导致一个代数方程组。该方法在域上对未知函数进行逼近。[1] 然后将模拟这些有限元的简单方程组合成一个更大的方程系统,以模拟整个问题。然后,有限元通过变化微积分使相关的误差函数最小化来逼近一个解决方案。





随机过程,是依赖于参数的一组随机变量的全体,参数通常是时间。 随机变量是随机现象的数量表现,其时间序列是一组按照时间发生先后顺序进行排列的数据点序列。通常一组时间序列的时间间隔为一恒定值(如1秒,5分钟,12小时,7天,1年),因此时间序列可以作为离散时间数据进行分析处理。研究时间序列数据的意义在于现实中,往往需要研究某个事物其随时间发展变化的规律。这就需要通过研究该事物过去发展的历史记录,以得到其自身发展的规律。


多元回归分析渐进(Multiple Regression Analysis Asymptotics)属于计量经济学领域,主要是一种数学上的统计分析方法,可以分析复杂情况下各影响因素的数学关系,在自然科学、社会和经济学等多个领域内应用广泛。


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